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Isis confirms death of hugely popular 'minister of war' Omar al-Shishani


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Isis confirms death of hugely popular 'minister of war' Omar al-Shishani
The militant leader was hugely popular within the group and his loss is expected to be a significant blow
Will Worley

LONDON: -- Abu Omar al-Shishani, a high ranking Isis commander, has been confirmed as dead by pro-Isis propaganda outlets.

The Chechen-born, hugely popular 'minister of war' was killed in fighting close the the beleaguered Iraqi city of Mosul.

His death - purportedly at the hands of the US - was falsely reported in the past but the claim is now being supported by a number of analysts and pro-Isis social media accounts. However, The Independent has not been able to verify the information.

Full story: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-confirms-death-of-hugely-popular-minister-of-war-omar-al-shishani-a7135446.html

-- INDEPENDENT 2016-07-14

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-After finishing high school, Batirashvili joined the Georgian Army

-Batirashvili was never decorated for his military service.[2] He was due to be promoted to become an officer, but in 2010 he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. After spending several months in a military hospital, he was discharged on medical grounds. He tried and failed to re-enlist.[3][18] Upon returning home, he was unable to secure work in the local police force. Around this time, his mother also died of cancer. According to his father, he became "very disillusioned"

-By 2016, Batirashvili led special battalions of the Islamic State, in particular a unit named "the group of the central directorate", which appears to be the primary special forces strike force of the group

-U.S. officials reported that Batirashvili died from injuries several days after being the target of a 4 March 2016 U.S. airstrike, near the Al-Shaddadah district in Northern Syri



So basically just another wacko loser misfit nutter with an axe to grind. Instead of simply 'going postal' as many disillusioned vengeful losers did in years gone by, nowadays it's in vogue to 'justify' cowardly massacres and cold blooded murder in the name of religion. NONE of these nutter/loser/murderers are religious in ANY way and if we tar ALL Muslims with the same brush we only fuel on others (and in doing so actually aid ISIS and their ilk in their recruitment and in their strategy to fracture or own societies with division and fear). Personally, I REFUSE to assist ISIS etc in achieving their sick and twisted objectives.

Glad the guy is now carbon but he should have just shot himself ages ago when he became resigned to being a disgruntled vengeful loser.

Edited by sujoop
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ISIS is back by the west anyway !!!

You think more people would wake up, wouldn't you?

Israeli Intel Chief (General Herzi Halevy): We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria, says ISIS Faces Difficulty, loss Would Put Israel in 'Hard Position', ISIS is not different from Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (aka. Carlos), a private firm offering services to Govs.

Wahhabi were encouraged by the US - Allies, ISIS is backed by Israel, ISIS is a chess pawn, a substitute for the UN resolution that has not yet issued by the UN Security Council.

Edited by marcofunny
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