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Boris Johnson shrugs off Europe’s shock at top diplomatic job


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Boris Johnson shrugs off Europe’s shock at top diplomatic job
By Alasdair Sandford | With REUTERS


"It is inevitable there is going to be a certain amount of plaster coming off the ceiling in the chancelleries of Europe... clearly they are making their views known in a frank and free way"

LONDON: -- Boris Johnson’s appointment as the United Kingdom’s foreign minister has brought gasps of shock in diplomatic circles at home and abroad – especially in Europe.

His notoriously undiplomatic, sometimes insulting comments about other countries and their leaders have prompted some senior diplomats to respond in – for them – uncharacteristically undiplomatic language.

Johnson campaigned vociferously for Britain’s departure from the European Union in the run-up to the referendum. In France, a founding EU member, he is seen as having had a decisive influence in a vote which many feel will have negative effects across the continent and on the process of European integration.

‘Irresponsible’…‘a liar’
His new French counterpart was particularly outspoken, accusing Johnson of lying during the EU referendum campaign.

“I am not at all worried about Boris Johnson, but you know his style, his method during the campaign. He lied a lot to the British people and now it is he who has his back against the wall, his back against the wall to defend his country but also with his back against the wall to make this relationship with Europe should be clear,” the French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told Europe 1 radio.

Germany is bound to play a crucial role in the UK’s eventual dealings with the EU over Brexit, although Boris Johnson’s precise role in the future negotiations is not yet clear given the setting up of a new government department separate from the Foreign Office.

After the referendum result Spiegel magazine described Johnson as a “talented populist” who would “end up costing the British a lot of money”.

Speaking less than two hours before Johnson’s appointment, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called the former London mayor “irresponsible”.

“It is bitter for Great Britain. People there are experiencing a rude awakening after irresponsible politicians first lured the country into a Brexit to then, once the decision was made, bolt and not take responsibility. Instead they went to play cricket. To be honest, I find this outrageous. But it’s not just bitter for Britain. It’s also bitter for the European Union,” Steinmeier told a meeting of students.

“Astonishing” was how one MEP from Angela Merkel’s CDU party, Kai Whittaker, described Johnson’s appointment.

Speaking on BBC Radio, he said he thought Johnson’s role would be to reach out to other parts of the world as well as Europe, adding that he thought recent “strong messages” by Chancellor Merkel had not been fully understood by the British government.

“There will be no talks whatsoever before Article 50 (of the Lisbon Treaty) is triggered. Secondly there is no cherry picking, so if Britain wants access to the (single) market, it has to agree to EU immigration. And the third thing is it must make a difference whether you are a member of the European Union or not. You can’t have the cake and eat it,” Whittaker said.

‘Plaster off the ceiling’
The man at the centre of the storm said on Thursday that given the referendum result, it was inevitable that there would be “plaster coming off the ceiling in the chancelleries of Europe”.

“It wasn’t the result they were expecting. Clearly they are making their views known in a frank and free way,” Boris Johnson said.

The foreign secretary added that he had received a “charming” note from the French foreign minister, saying that he was looking forward to working together and deepening Anglo-French cooperation.

He also said that Britain could play an even greater role in Europe despite voting to leave the EU, arguing that the United States shared his view.

Putting on a straight face
After congratulating Johnson on his new post, the US Secretary of State John Kerry called for a “sensible and measured” approach to Brexit.

Earlier, US State Department spokesman Mark Toner broke out into a smile when told the identity of Britain’s new chief diplomat, before abruptly reverting to a straight face and suitably diplomatic language in saying that America’s special relationship with the UK went “beyond personalities”.

Sir Christopher Meyer, a former UK ambassador to the US, told Sky News he thought the appointment was “‘bold, imaginative, risky”, but that it could be a “shot of adrenalin” through the British diplomatic system which after Brexit would need to “raise its game around the world”.

He added that Boris Johnson had “cultivated a caricature view of himself” which now presented a challenge that he and the British Foreign Office would “have to deal with”.

Britain’s new chief diplomat has famously described US President Barack Obama as “part Kenyan” who had an “ancestral dislike of the British Empire”, while once likening Hillary Clinton to a “sadistic nurse in a mental hospital”.

Toning it down
Johnson is not alone in having ridiculed Turkey’s President Erdogan, but given his new position he may find himself engaging in some damage limitation – especially following the claim by the “Vote Leave” campaign that “Turkey is joining the EU”, castigated for being negative, inflammatory and plain wrong.

“His negative comments on Erdogan and Turkey are unacceptable,” a senior Turkish official said. “With his new responsibilities we are expecting a more positive attitude from Mr Johnson.”

The new foreign secretary’s supporters argue that as mayor of London he succeeded in raising much investment for the city when travelling the world and singing its praises. Some commentators have felt compelled to defend him against “spiteful attacks”, well before the latest torrent of criticism since he landed his new job.

Sir Christopher Meyer said it was inevitable that commentators worldwide would be “compiling a book of Boris’ gaffes”.

But quite apart from his inauspicious comments in the past, Johnson’s conduct and outspoken attacks on the EU during the referendum campaign surprised diplomats.

Ahead lie months, if not years, of perhaps tortuous negotiations as the United Kingdom tries to unravel more than four decades of European legislation.

One former ambassador said Britain’s new foreign minister – a “big figure, full of showmanship” – would need to become much more disciplined in future.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-15

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Speaking less than two hours before Johnson’s appointment, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier called the former London mayor “irresponsible”.

So, Boris is irresponsible??? Hey, Steinmeier, what do you call somebody who opens the floodgates to hundreds of thousands of hostile refugees to enter your country?

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It's none of their business is it, in any case he will not be directly negotiating our exit from the EU pig trough

and not indirectly either, because he said the Brexit vote does not mean that Britain is leaving the EU in any sense



look for what you have voted. string puppets governed by muppets. lol.

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Boris should be able to get the UK moved up from the back of the line with the USA, once Obama is out and Trump is in. Good move on May's part. Would like to ask Cameron who is stupid now?

MSM just hates honest politicians that speak the truth, instead of those that get in line with globalization, unhindered immigration and minority pandering.

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It's none of their business is it, in any case he will not be directly negotiating our exit from the EU pig trough

and not indirectly either, because he said the Brexit vote does not mean that Britain is leaving the EU in any sense



look for what you have voted. string puppets governed by muppets. lol.

go back to sleep.
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Clever move by May, having the brexiters doing the brexiting. Despite many thinking he's a bumbling buffoon, he's very switched on and a shrewd operator. He's also a good salesmen and will either have folk on their toes or eating out of his hand.

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Attempts at bulling and sour grapes will last for a couple of years until the politicians in Europe are forced to wake up and find that many of their own people also want out of the EU. I am proud to be British just like a German is proud to be German and an Italian Italian etc. We all want to retain our national identity and none of us want to be lumped together as 'Europeans'

Boris will do fine and one day in the future I think he will still be Prime Minister.

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Boris should be able to get the UK moved up from the back of the line with the USA, once Obama is out and Trump is in. Good move on May's part. Would like to ask Cameron who is stupid now?

MSM just hates honest politicians that speak the truth, instead of those that get in line with globalization, unhindered immigration and minority pandering.

God help us all if Trump becomes the new president

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Attempts at bulling and sour grapes will last for a couple of years until the politicians in Europe are forced to wake up and find that many of their own people also want out of the EU. I am proud to be British just like a German is proud to be German and an Italian Italian etc. We all want to retain our national identity and none of us want to be lumped together as 'Europeans'

Boris will do fine and one day in the future I think he will still be Prime Minister.

In fact, France, Ireland an The Netherlands voted NOT for this undemocratic monster, the E bloody U.

Last polls in Holland indicate a nexit is wanted by a vast minority (45+%), the last presidential polls in France gave the anti EU party of Marie le Pena huge number of votes.

In Finland the fixit movement is getting bigger by day.

I agree with you, the idea of a United States of Europe is unacceptable for most, and impossible because of the unsurmountable differences.

Just look to Belgium, a non country.

And who in Europe wants an EU controlled by Germany?

Not me.......

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Boris was the face for the Brexit so it makes sense that he is included with a cabinet post as 52% voted to leave the EU.

As the Major he done many good things for London.

I wish that we had a referendum in Germany on so many issues but our Mutti Merkel would never go for it.

The EU is coming to an end. I give it another 10-20 years and the EU will become irrelevant.

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Wonderful Boris! To have the level of criticism and vitriol leveled at one, particularly when it comes from France and Germany, one should wear that with a badge of distinction.

You are spot on. It is really Germany and France that wants a United Europe.

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Wonderful Boris! To have the level of criticism and vitriol leveled at one, particularly when it comes from France and Germany, one should wear that with a badge of distinction.

You are spot on. It is really Germany and France that wants a United Europe.

Let's qualify that - Germany sees itself at the head of a Europe in which it is the predominant economic force, and therefore calls the shots. France sees itself as the natural leader of Europe, and rather likes (and needs) the Germans money. The UK doesn't and really never has fitted into their ideas.

What we have done, which they find unforgivable, is by deciding to leave, opening up that same possibility to the very significant Eurosceptic constituencies amongst the other 27 members.

Hence the vitriol from so many European politicians.

Whose next?

Wait till one of the big southern countries goes bust...

Edited by JAG
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It's none of their business is it, in any case he will not be directly negotiating our exit from the EU pig trough

and not indirectly either, because he said the Brexit vote does not mean that Britain is leaving the EU in any sense



look for what you have voted. string puppets governed by muppets. lol.

Whatch it again, he said that Britain was not leaving Europe just because it leaves the EU.

What he means is, (as you seem to not understand) is that Britain will be trading and still be a very influential part of Europe, which if course it will. However, it will no longer be governed by EU law. Of course compromises will be made in order to maintain access to the free market but global trade, and global negotiations will be on Britians terms, not dictated by the EU.

i have a strong feeling that sometime in the future the Brexit leave voters may be proved right.

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Is it me but I feel like the attitude towards Britain leaving the EU many be changing.

yes there is still fear and uncertainty but that will pass and as it does I think people are actually looking at Britain saying we want out and thinking,, "good idea".

If Britain can hold it's nerve and ride these waves for a while I can see a bright future for a Britain that retains its right to trade in the free market, maintains some EU legislation however it frees itself from the EU governing its laws.

I can actually see this becoming the unravelling of the EU itself if Britain succeed, and I am sure that they will.

And when they succeed this will be a bad day for the EU..

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I haven't really kept up but many years ago I looked into the European project, and it was definitely a Franco-German thing. The Germans thought they could control it through their money, and the French thought they could control it through bureaucracy (something they're rather good at, apparently). As for Boris, well I hope you guys are right and the buffoon thing is a front, cos at the moment, going by the press reports outside the UK, he has about as much credibility as a Thai girl with a sick buffalo.

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Clever move by May, having the brexiters doing the brexiting. Despite many thinking he's a bumbling buffoon, he's very switched on and a shrewd operator. He's also a good salesmen and will either have folk on their toes or eating out of his hand.

May is just hedging her bets. By putting Boris, Davis and Fox in charge of the Brexit team she is saying " go and do what you have been promising during the campaign ". If they succeed great y the fail as I suppose they will then she can say she gave them a chance and tell the people that a soft Brexit is the best option. All bases covered.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Clever move by May, having the brexiters doing the brexiting. Despite many thinking he's a bumbling buffoon, he's very switched on and a shrewd operator. He's also a good salesmen and will either have folk on their toes or eating out of his hand.

May is just hedging her bets. By putting Boris, Davis and Fox in charge of the Brexit team she is saying " go and do what you have been promising during the campaign ". If they succeed great y the fail as I suppose they will then she can say she gave them a chance and tell the people that a soft Brexit is the best option. All bases covered.

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I'm a cynic too, and you may well be right about May hedging her bets.

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It's none of their business is it, in any case he will not be directly negotiating our exit from the EU pig trough

Exactly, they don't like him as he told lots of truths that has and will bring about the downfall of the EU. There will no doubt countless ways they will try to discredit him. I am sure he is thick skinned enough to tell them to Foxtrot Oscar. Go Boris. Go Boris.

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Is it me but I feel like the attitude towards Britain leaving the EU many be changing.

yes there is still fear and uncertainty but that will pass and as it does I think people are actually looking at Britain saying we want out and thinking,, "good idea".

If Britain can hold it's nerve and ride these waves for a while I can see a bright future for a Britain that retains its right to trade in the free market, maintains some EU legislation however it frees itself from the EU governing its laws.

I can actually see this becoming the unravelling of the EU itself if Britain succeed, and I am sure that they will.

And when they succeed this will be a bad day for the EU..

Yes there is a change and besides Nigel Farage who really has done more than anyone in getting the UK out of the EU Boris was the official leave boss who consistently said, don't panic, it will be alright. We will be OK and he was right.

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Boris was the face for the Brexit so it makes sense that he is included with a cabinet post as 52% voted to leave the EU.

As the Major he done many good things for London.

I wish that we had a referendum in Germany on so many issues but our Mutti Merkel would never go for it.

The EU is coming to an end. I give it another 10-20 years and the EU will become irrelevant.

I don't think that the EU will last much past 2020 especially if other countries demand an exit for them selves.

In an analogy towards the Dutch I don't think that there enough EU fingers to block up all the holes in the EU dykes any more.

Nor do I believe that if another country wants an exit that the EU will be able to stop or demand that the results be changed if the vote or the decision goes against them.

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Wonderful Boris! To have the level of criticism and vitriol leveled at one, particularly when it comes from France and Germany, one should wear that with a badge of distinction.

You are spot on. It is really Germany and France that wants a United Europe.

Oh, how true.

France needs the EU to survive.

Germany needs the EU for "Lebensraum"....

Where did I read that before?

As a Dutchman I certainly do not want to live in a country governed by an undemocratic EU monopolised by Germany, with the help of France.

The EEC, good, the EU, bad!

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Clever move by May, having the brexiters doing the brexiting. Despite many thinking he's a bumbling buffoon, he's very switched on and a shrewd operator. He's also a good salesmen and will either have folk on their toes or eating out of his hand.

May is just hedging her bets. By putting Boris, Davis and Fox in charge of the Brexit team she is saying " go and do what you have been promising during the campaign ". If they succeed great y the fail as I suppose they will then she can say she gave them a chance and tell the people that a soft Brexit is the best option. All bases covered.

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Fair assumption, except that they will fail. i dont think they or Britain will fail striking a deal, neither side can afford for that to happen. The EU can play the big, hard stance as much as they want, fact is the EU is going to be considerably weaker so they at least must have Britain in a free trade agreement. if they are stupid enough to push them out or try to it will backfire from within, if they do a deal and Britain turn out ok it may motivate others to leave,, Britain has a good chance of succeeding, the EU has a no win situation in my book if it doesn't do a deal.

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