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Clinton airing thousands of positive ads while Trump silent


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Clinton airing thousands of positive ads while Trump silent
CHAD DAY, Associated Press
JULIE BYKOWICZ, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — It would take almost 14 days of eyes glued to the television to watch all the feel-good Hillary Clinton ads that have aired since the general election campaign began last month.

Meanwhile, anyone flipping through the channels looking for positive ads about Donald Trump would be disappointed: He hasn't yet put up a spot appealing to November voters, and groups supporting him have been similarly silent.

The lopsided commercial airwaves show the presidential candidates have drastically different views of the importance of traditional political campaigning. Trump says he sees little need for advertising at this stage. Instead, he has been banking on free media coverage propelled by his celebrity appeal.

As a consequence, Trump has largely ceded control over what the voting public is hearing about him. Clinton's large batch of biographical ads has given her an opportunity to directly influence views about her image.

Up next is what amounts to an hour-long infomercial Thursday night in Cleveland, as Trump accepts his party's nomination during a speech that will be televised widely in prime time. Clinton has the same perk the following week from the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

After that, Trump's campaign has said he may begin advertising. That would be a dramatic change.

While Trump has aired zero ads, Clinton has been piping thousands of commercials into the homes of swing-state voters in places like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia. Specific Florida markets such as Orlando, Tampa and Fort Myers have been favored targets, as well as Denver, for Clinton's ads.

Since June 8, the day after she claimed the Democratic nomination, Clinton has put at least 30,700 commercials on broadcast TV, an Associated Press review of Kantar Media's campaign advertising data shows.

The majority highlight her work as first lady to expand health care for children.

"For Hillary, it's always been about kids," a narrator says in an ad called "Quiet Moments," which has run more than any other, some 11,400 times as of this week.

A 60-second spot called "Always" seems to spell out the reason for her ads. "She would grow up to be one of the most recognizable women in the world," a narrator says. "But less well-known are the causes that have been at the center of her life."

The commercial rolls through milestones in her life, beginning with black-and-white footage of her toddling down steps.

The few ads paid for by Trump supporters bash Clinton rather than make the case for him. For example, a National Rifle Association ad urges people to vote for Trump by flashing his name for four seconds at the end of a 30-second spot. But the narrator says nothing about him — and doesn't even utter his name.

Clinton's campaign released a new ad this week that shows children watching television as Trump makes some of his most inflammatory comments, including him saying, "And you can tell them to go (bleep) themselves." The commercial asks, "Our children are watching. What example will we set for them?"

That follows two Clinton campaign ads that mock him for watching TV shows for military advice and consulting with himself for policy strategy. The pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA is also airing thousands of spots calling Trump "too dangerous for America."

Political advertising strategists are torn over whether the lack of positive Trump ads matters.

"You never want to be in the position of being outshouted by your opponent," said Russ Schriefer, a senior adviser to Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. He and others said the crush of unanswered summertime Democratic advertising hardened voters' opinions of Romney as an uncaring businessman.

Both Trump and Clinton are historically disliked by voters, according to recent AP-GfK surveys, making upbeat, biographical ads particularly important, Schriefer said. "Someone needs to inject favorability into the bloodstream of the electorate," he said. "Since she is doing that in a vacuum, her ads will work better."

Yet Fred Davis, a Republican ad-maker not involved in the 2016 campaign, argues this race has unique features that dampen the impact of ads.

"They are perhaps the best-known presidential final contenders in our lifetime," he said. "So the value of bio ads suddenly drops. This would imply Hillary wasting her moolah; Trump playing it smart."

Trump's team was similarly dismissive of ads early in the primaries. He eventually did put up ads — including some traditional "who I am" ones similar in tone to those from Clinton and previous presidential contenders.

Those offer clues of what Trump might say in his general election ads. In one of his softest commercials, his son Donald Trump Jr. speaks to the camera with a row of family photos behind him.

"Growing up, my brother, sister and I had to really know what we were talking about before bringing him any kind of a proposal," he says. The elder Trump is shown kissing and hugging kids, as his son adds, "He may be a little less tough on his grandchildren right now, but it's that toughness that I want renegotiating trade deals with China and Mexico."

He concludes: "My father will make an incredible president."


Follow Chad Day and Julie Bykowicz on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChadSDay and https://twitter.com/bykowicz


Keep track on how much Clinton and Trump are spending on television advertising, and where they're spending it, via AP's interactive ad tracker. http://elections.ap.org/content/ad-spending

-- 2016-07-15

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She'll need those ads just to avoid slipping further in the polls after the verbal, public indictment given as to her behavior with email. How many ads will it take to get people to forget being described as extremely careless (= gross negligence, the actual term needed to press charges) in using non-secure communications to name field agents or discuss SAP (which she did not even have "need-to-know" reason for being aware of?) As further stated, "less secure than Gmail." She circumvented her own agency, disregarded orders issued to others over her signature, so as to hide some of her dealings from public inspection. She did not keep separate systems for public and private communications and by co-mingling the hardware usage, she gave up rights she now tries to still demand.

Just what was it in those private email that she so desperately wanted to avoid FOIA by doing everything on her very own server? Put the FBI to investigating that question and we might truly get to the illegalities people want to uncover. No, not Benghazi. More likely cash deals with foreign entities - funneling the cash into the "Foundation" to be spent free of most analysis.

... and she wants a promotion to President? Insane. Maybe the Democrats will awaken to her plummeting value BEFORE they vote and select a nominee. Otherwise they'll reap what their party loyalists are serving up.

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Trump doesn't need to put up ads as opposed to Crooked Hillary.

His stance on illegal aliens, terrorists and free trade are already out there and the general population must like him as he's ahead of that crooked old Grandma, eh? thumbsup.gif

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Big donors staying away from Trump like the plague. If you overlook all of Trump's racist, xenophobic, sexist (add as many as wish) personality disorders, simple fact remains that he is critically lacking in knowledge of international scene, Constitution, how politics works, the bare necessities required to do anything in government.

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Big donors staying away from Trump like the plague. If you overlook all of Trump's racist, xenophobic, sexist (add as many as wish) personality disorders, simple fact remains that he is critically lacking in knowledge of international scene, Constitution, how politics works, the bare necessities required to do anything in government.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

I'm waiting till the fat lady sings in November.

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Trump doesn't need to put up ads as opposed to Crooked Hillary.

His stance on illegal aliens, terrorists and free trade are already out there and the general population must like him as he's ahead of that crooked old Grandma, eh? thumbsup.gif

Names are for the playground........the same place for racists/sexists.........

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Trump doesn't need to put up ads as opposed to Crooked Hillary.

His stance on illegal aliens, terrorists and free trade are already out there and the general population must like him as he's ahead of that crooked old Grandma, eh? thumbsup.gif

Names are for the playground........the same place for racists/sexists.........

How about that other buzz word being floated around these days with abandon - Misogynist?

Gotta lable it all or we can't difine it...smile.png

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Ya, that sure makes me feel better about Hillary Clinton -- spending all that dirty Wall Street money with what looks to be a 5-month campaign. She could have started doing her ads and spending obscene amounts of money on her campaign a year ago as the fix was always in for her to take her puppet role in the White House. She doesn't really have to bother advertising at all, but I guess she needs to pay back a lot of favours to the Wall Street advertising agencies as well, so she'll put several million into their coffers.

Trump wins and America loses -- Clinton wins and America loses -- so sad.

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I tend to judge people on initial gut instinct on watching them interviewed, historic behavior and what I read about them. Then form a valid opinion. How anyone could even consider this women to be in charge of the most powerful country on earth, have this women involved in world implicating decision processes, or even want to listen to her, is beyond human belief. Thanks to the internet we can find out a lot of information about political leaders. I have read enough to know and even seen interviews from people who used to work for her and her husband....from it all, my mind tells me and I think from valid information, analysis and deduction, that these are not good people to be running a powerful nation. Maybe okay to have dinner with, but not running a country. People have a tendency in defense of her, to then throw Trumps bad points in way of defense of liking or believing in her. He's a racist. Oh dear, how manipulative is this. A media based campaign that tells you that anyone who votes for someone else is a racist. Did we not see this same obvious tactic in the EU referendum in the UK. Anyone who was not voting to stay in, was a racist. So the majority of the UK are racists are they ? How ridiculous and immature. It is just nonsense for anyone who does not want to create a thought themselves, or is full of prejudice themselves. That is not thinking. In fact its a short cut to thinking. Trump has no relevance on her as a person, or her past career in politics. You consider a persons character based on them as a person. I am completely unbiased and have no vote. But I do have a brain and an opinion and I do genuinely think, the world would be a worse place if she is in power. Purely because she seems to lie so much, seems to have a questionable moral compass and is just not very nice in her manner or behavior. I think a child can see this. But good luck to you all if she is. Your choice and you are allowed it. But maybe before you make that important decision, one should do some research, read and learn who you are voting for. I tend to like people with a a good heart, a sensible head on their shoulders and a nice manner about them. Good background of good deeds. But I see none of this at all in her. As for Mr Trump, yes I see all the brash side of his personality, his lack of political experience and his unusual, often sometimes shocking statements. But I do not see a bad or nasty man. I see a brash businessmen who has been very successful. But I have yet to see any bad deeds or things that would make me think he was a bad person. Why not have a change, who knows, he may surprise you all. Surely no intelligent person, wants another many years of the same of what you have had ? The American people deserve better and quite frankly the world does too. Maybe Trump may be that change that is needed. But then again who I am to know. Good luck to you all in this important decision. A decision that effects not only the USA but the rest of the world.

Edited by davidcc
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..., simple fact remains that he is critically lacking in knowledge of international scene, Constitution, how politics works, the bare necessities required to do anything in government.

I understand where you are coming from, but we are where we are today ($20 trillion in debt for starters) because of people very knowledgeable in what you describe.

Not to mention, we witness a leader who lectured on the Constitution flout it on a regular basis. So knowing about it hasn't helped much.

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There is only one reason why he is not running ads. He doesn't want to spend his money ! His supporters are few and far between so in order to spend millions he will have to write a check.

Trump made a statement years ago, as I remember reading, that he could make money running for President. Trump got into this to do exactly that but as it turns out he was able to bully his way into being the nominee. But just like many of the businesses he set up his idea about making money was wrong.

If the news channels don't give him air time by November everyone will forget there are two people running and vote for Hillary or a third party.

It's all about the money !

Edited by ttthailand
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All of the above is also apparent to many in the USA. This might be the year the 3rd and 4th party nominees bump the usual party nominees out of anyone getting to a majority of the Electoral College. If that happens, the House will pick the President from the top 3, and the Senate will pick the VP from the top 3. Won't that make for an interesting Christmas season. Electoral college is NOT bound to the people's vote so there might be some cash floating around before the House gets to pick.

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trump is a bad person. He regularly stiffs his workers and he's a sleazy con artist evidenced by trump fake university.

All good points. He is also a buffoon who loves the limelight.

But Hillary Clinton is far worse in almost every way. Another Clinton family presidency would likely be an international disaster to complement the domestic bedroom farce that dominated the first one.

Bill Clinton turned a 19th century telegraphic codeword - POTUS - into a term of lewd derision.

Neither one of the candidates are fit to be president.

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When the dust settles following revelations of the 28 pages of Saudi involvement in 9/11 and Crooked Hillary's knowledge of their support of terrorism - these 28 pages will sink her faster than Swimmer Ted's car that sank in the waters of Chappaquiddick.smile.png

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She is a crooked shyster but voting for Trump would be a leap in the dark.

The way the democrats operate..I would not be surprised of an attempt (by a democrat) on Trump's life.

The V.P. stands a very good chance of replacing trump....should that happen. I sure hope Trump beefs up his security...and takes care.

Another scenario is a Nationwide Democratic Protest.....should Trump make it. Obama would then implement "Emergency Powers", and get a 3rd term.

Interesting...all the way around

Edited by slipperylobster
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I tend to judge people on initial gut instinct on watching them interviewed, historic behavior and what I read about them. Then form a valid opinion. How anyone could even consider this women to be in charge of the most powerful country on earth, have this women involved in world implicating decision processes, or even want to listen to her, is beyond human belief. Thanks to the internet we can find out a lot of information about political leaders. I have read enough to know and even seen interviews from people who used to work for her and her husband....from it all, my mind tells me and I think from valid information, analysis and deduction, that these are not good people to be running a powerful nation. Maybe okay to have dinner with, but not running a country. People have a tendency in defense of her, to then throw Trumps bad points in way of defense of liking or believing in her. He's a racist. Oh dear, how manipulative is this. A media based campaign that tells you that anyone who votes for someone else is a racist. Did we not see this same obvious tactic in the EU referendum in the UK. Anyone who was not voting to stay in, was a racist. So the majority of the UK are racists are they ? How ridiculous and immature. It is just nonsense for anyone who does not want to create a thought themselves, or is full of prejudice themselves. That is not thinking. In fact its a short cut to thinking. Trump has no relevance on her as a person, or her past career in politics. You consider a persons character based on them as a person. I am completely unbiased and have no vote. But I do have a brain and an opinion and I do genuinely think, the world would be a worse place if she is in power. Purely because she seems to lie so much, seems to have a questionable moral compass and is just not very nice in her manner or behavior. I think a child can see this. But good luck to you all if she is. Your choice and you are allowed it. But maybe before you make that important decision, one should do some research, read and learn who you are voting for. I tend to like people with a a good heart, a sensible head on their shoulders and a nice manner about them. Good background of good deeds. But I see none of this at all in her. As for Mr Trump, yes I see all the brash side of his personality, his lack of political experience and his unusual, often sometimes shocking statements. But I do not see a bad or nasty man. I see a brash businessmen who has been very successful. But I have yet to see any bad deeds or things that would make me think he was a bad person. Why not have a change, who knows, he may surprise you all. Surely no intelligent person, wants another many years of the same of what you have had ? The American people deserve better and quite frankly the world does too. Maybe Trump may be that change that is needed. But then again who I am to know. Good luck to you all in this important decision. A decision that effects not only the USA but the rest of the world.

"But I see none of this at all in her." Nor would I expect you to.

"Why not have a change, who knows, he may surprise you all." This could be the campaign slogan the Trump campaign should run with. At least level with the voting public. What have you got to lose?

Everyone has heard his stream of conscious hatred and nonsense by this time. He's an incredibly bad candidate appealing to wingnut racists, otherwise known as the Republican base. This isn't a real candidate. It's Donald Trump. It's a real life reality show.

Mike Pence. Six months from now everyone will be saying, "What was Trump thinking?"

It's a dumpster fire of a campaign so far. Nothing is going right because he's incapable of running a campaign and he won't accept deeply needed help. Or is it, no one wants to help him? Great guy to work for...get the money up front.

The big issue is money. Even Republicans are smart enough to realize throwing money at this guy is a lost cause. Democrats are fat. They're going to spend. They're going to call out this guy. We know the Republican platform and it's horrifying.

The Republican party is falling apart. I don't think they'll be a Republican party after November. Fox News...yeah, but the GOP will be just a fading memory. violin.gif

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