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British PM May: Willing to listen to Scotland's EU proposals


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Seriously though, Scotland and England both dislike each other intensely. I was just wondering if there was any quickie type divorce settlement that might apply to countries, with their share of national debt converted to some form of assets we could own like the nearest oil field to England. And then Hadrians Wall back up. No special trade deals. No need to get in each other's way.

I think that you have already been corrected about how the national debt is actually serviced but the arrogance of your, admittedly flippant, comment about some sort of asset transfer to cover our share of the national debt is, sadly, commonplace. The empire is long dead and the days of plundering sovereign nations is over.

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The next time the Scots vote to leave the UK the English and welsh should have a vote to ensure haggis exit.

Well if your elected government didn't spend so much effort weaving a barrage of lies and distortions last time round, and if the Queen actually followed her constitutional remit of neutrality, we quite possibly wouldn't be in this very unsatisfactory situation.

Next time round, please tell your third rate celebrities to stay out of it and we might all end up happier.

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Give the truculent Scots their bloody independence, then bring the Trident base south of the border along with the thousands of jobs.

Please allow me to correct you on a couple of things.

Firstly, independence is ours to take, but nobody else's to give.

Secondly, Trident renewal is going ahead so the jobs are already secured. The thousands you refer to are for the renewal, and not associated with Faslane, where only 520 jobs are reliant on it. Think how many more jobs an independent Scotland can create with the billions we will save from abandoning Trident.

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Give the truculent Scots their bloody independence, then bring the Trident base south of the border along with the thousands of jobs.

Please allow me to correct you on a couple of things.

Firstly, independence is ours to take, but nobody else's to give.

Secondly, Trident renewal is going ahead so the jobs are already secured. The thousands you refer to are for the renewal, and not associated with Faslane, where only 520 jobs are reliant on it. Think how many more jobs an independent Scotland can create with the billions we will save from abandoning Trident.

90 percent of Scottish trade is with England and that will be subject to EU tariffs.

Good luck Bootlegging through Berwick

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Give the truculent Scots their bloody independence, then bring the Trident base south of the border along with the thousands of jobs.

Please allow me to correct you on a couple of things.

Firstly, independence is ours to take, but nobody else's to give.

Secondly, Trident renewal is going ahead so the jobs are already secured. The thousands you refer to are for the renewal, and not associated with Faslane, where only 520 jobs are reliant on it. Think how many more jobs an independent Scotland can create with the billions we will save from abandoning Trident.

90 percent of Scottish trade is with England and that will be subject to EU tariffs.

Good luck Bootlegging through Berwick

Because trade between Scotland and England is a one way thing?

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If article 50 is not invoked and there is too much delay in leaving the EU, the will of the majority of the UK population is ignored, then the conservative party will be wiped out at the next election. The UK needs to offer free trade agreements to USA,Australia, India, Canada, New Zealand and all European countries. Where tariffs or quotas are imposed the we should reciprocate in like terms. EU citizens with proven 3 years of EU citizenship should be allowed free movement into and out of the UK. Australian,Canadian, US citizens should be allowed 90 days visa on entry (extendible), providing they have adequate funds to support themselves. Why negotiate with the EU , nobody loses except the economic migrants from the cess pits of the world. Too simple??

Sadly, the referendum demonstrated that the majority of Brits are, hmm, er, not the brightest.

Will probably get UKIP taking labour votes.

It's just awful....

"the conservative party will be wiped out at the next election"

Not necessarily. Given a) the general ignorance of what was involved, B) the lies spread by the Brexiteers that have now been revealed, c) the gradual realization of what it really means and d) the likely economic fallout becoming apparent, I suspect "the will of the majority of the UK population" will evolve quite a bit over the next few months.

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How do we get parliament to have a vote on expelling Scotland from the union ?

You hold a referendum to succeed from the union then reform it without Scotland.

Surely if England left the union that would leave Scotland, Wales and Northan Ireland in the union

And may they live happy ever after.

It would not surprise me if England were to want that (except maybe London).

I am sure the rest could find their way.... Though Wales seems to have lost it's uniqueness so they might come crawling back to little England.

It would definitely work out since the remaining Union would void the referendum results and stay in the EU.

That would probably be the best solution. I think it is not do-able though.

It would probably be best for all parties to agree to scrap the Union.

And it would probably be best to map this out before any referendum is taken so everybody knows where they stand.

It wouldn't be the end of of the world for anyone.

It is clear that England and Scotland simply do not get along.

Please read the history!

And before you ask "what did the Scots ever do for us", read this:

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