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Happy ending health massage shut down in Silom - expect more to go the same way, say health ministry


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It is in the nature of things that people resent comments they feel reflect upon themselves personally. In other words, comments they feel associated with to the detriment of their self-esteem.

If people don't agree, then they don't agree, I'm not their family or friends so I don't have to tolerate them, so I don't really care if they agree or not.

People who share my view or who are sympathetic to it or even who can understand it, don't have the same response. Psychology is logical and there is always a direct connection between stimulus and response, it's usually just a case of discovering what it is - mostly that isn't hard..

Other posters must judge for themselves whether my comments apply to them or not. NMP.

It wasn't a diatribe anyway, it was an opinion. People will feel offended by it if they feel it referred to them, and that's an internal problem they have, nothing to do with me.

As for puritanical... that's what laissez-faire people say while believing it shows enlightenment. It doesn't, it shows a lack of concern for propriety and morality, and a willingness to accept all behaviours for just as long as it doesn't affect them. As I hinted at with another poster, a certain percentage of these sex-addicts are paedophiles or HIV-positive. If one of them assaulted or infected someone you care for, we would very quickly see who is puritanical.

And I don't have any tears or fears, disproportionate or otherwise. That's what sometimes happens after a professional lifetime of listening to and resolving other peoples' tars and fears. If you're a mechanic, then comment on my car. If you're a historian, then comment on history. If you're a psychologist or psychotherapist, then comment on psychology, but otherwise don't comment on what you don't understand. Except to ask for help.


No retort given...not worthy of a retort.

That's fine friend, use any excuse you like. Everyone is entitled to feel good about themselves, even those who have trouble finding a reason to.


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"...then the sad desperate old Farlangs will move on to what they call VIP happy ending spas..."

I confess that, reading this thread from start to finish after receiving an entirely unacceptable personal insult in one of the posts, has been something of a wake-up call. Even though there's plenty of evidence everywhere you look in Thailand, I don't think I fully appreciated the squalor of it all. That so many young and (especially) old, fat and unhealthy Europeans, Americans and Australians should come to a Third World country for the sole purpose of getting a hand-job from a young girl under 20 years of age, has shocked, saddened, and shamed me. I don't think I had appreciated the full awfulness of the dissolute life some of these people must lead, and I suppose it's inevitable that a news article such as this would attract them like moths to a flame, with their vulgar innuendo and their uncontrolled and primitive sexual urges.

In among the quality posters on TV, it is something of a revelation to find so many posts from dissolute characters, most of whom seem to find plenty of similar company. It just went on and on. I am brutally reminded of why it is that I have learned not to like people very much, and even though I had heard rumours about the Bangkok and Pattaya sex-addict scene, I don't think I expected to find it quite so much in my face, or so abhorrent.

Congratulations guys, you've added a whole new dimension to my understanding about why Thais commonly look down their noses at foreigners. I had assumed it was because the doctrine of Thai exceptionalism is ubiquitous and reinforced cradle-to-the-grave, but there's no doubt that a large number of foreigners deserve to be looked down the nose at. A sobering thought, that Thais ought to think but won't, is that Thais themselves have created the Thailand which dissolute old lowlife find so attractive, they've done it to themselves.

Some years ago I met the owner of one of the TEFL training schools in Bangkok. In the course of a discussion with him, he voiced the opinion that Thailand is pretty much full to the brim of the dregs of European, American, and Australasian Society. I heard his comments in silence at the time, but later learned to have some sympathy with this rather bleak view. I don't think I ever really appreciated how dire that situation is and how true his comments might well have been.

To think that one of these muppets had the temerity to call me at Thai-basher... The reality seems to me to be that he demeans Thailand and Thais much more than I ever have or could could, just by coming here for his regular hand-job from the poor young daughters of Thai people.

Many of you who have posted in this thread should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves for being part of the Bangkok and Pattaya sex-addict scene and beyond that, what you've turned into as adult human beings You should probably contemplate suicide in some particularly ghastly way. But of course you won't because many of you have no pride either. I frankly wonder whether your mothers or sisters or children would be proud of what you have become either, but their opinions of you are, no doubt, part of the reason you're here in the first place.

I apologise if any of the people whose posts I generally agree with, and whose intellects and acuity I generally admire feel insulted, demeaned, or offended by my comments; please be assured that my disgust is not directed at you, but it is a deep disgust.


"you've added a whole new dimension to my understanding about why Thais commonly look down their noses at foreigners."

Winnie, if they do look down their noses at "us" it won't be for our foreign sexual urges. If you think the tourist sex trade sickens you, then I recommend you extend your research into the Thai sex trade for Thais. If you were shocked by what you learned today. then you will be overcome with remorse when you find out about the local trade. The tourist trade pales into insignificance beside it, plus all the underage girls trafficked into it by family and sham "princesses" (Lady Kai etc). The massage parlours in tourist Thailand are the visible (to you, now) 10% tip of the iceberg. The invisible (to you until now), is the 90% local trade. It involves every small town and is right through the countryside. I live in the country & 2km down the highway from me there is a big sign saying "Massage, convenient location open 24 hours." But it is in Thai so you would drive right past & never know!!!!!! But turn off the highway, drive down the country road and there it is, rice fields all around. Two km away on another intersecting highway there, right among the rice fields, is a love hotel, complete with carpark curtains. I doubt if they get one non Thai customer a year. One km from my house there is a "resort" renting rooms by the hour. A friend of my wife's is the cleaner -receptionist. Wake up and smell the coffee. You shock way too easily to be a tourist or resident here.

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"you've added a whole new dimension to my understanding about why Thais commonly look down their noses at foreigners."

Winnie, if you think the tourist sex trade sickens you, then I recommend you extend your research into the Thai sex trade for Thais. If you were shocked by what you learned today. then you will be overcome with remorse when you find out about the local trade. The tourist trade pales into insignificance beside it, plus all the underage girls trafficked into it by family and sham "princesses" (Lady Kai etc). The massage parlours in tourist Thailand are the visible (to you, now) 10% tip of the iceberg. The invisible (to you until now), is the 90% local trade. It involves every small town and is right through the countryside. I live in the country & 2km down the highway from me there is a big sign saying "Massage, convenient location open 24 hours." But it is in Thai so you would drive right past & never know!!!!!! But turn off the highway, drive down the country road and there it is, rice fields all around. Two km away on another intersecting highway there, right among the rice fields, is a love hotel, complete with carpark curtains. I doubt if they get one non Thai customer a year. One km from my house there is a "resort" renting rooms by the hour. A friend of my wife's is the cleaner -receptionist. Wake up and smell the coffee. You shock way too easily to be a tourist or resident here.

A good post, and it has the ring of authenticity, so thank you, that distinguishes your comment from a lot of the others.

I have never believed that something can be regarded as acceptable or even good, just because something else is worse. I have no doubt that the sex trade which acts such a magnet for many foreigners is a consequence of the Thai acceptance of primitive instinctive behaviours in general, illustrated by a constant violent competition, an obsession with 'face' and self-esteem, the ubiquitous practice of lying cheating and stealing, and (in a Thai man's case) a constant need to demonstrate masculinity by copulating is often and with as many women as possible, much of which is more about assertion, control and domination than it is about sexual attraction. And so on and so forth. All of which behaviours, by the way, I can recognise in my dog and the local buffaloes.

But let's be honest, 'Thainess' is not a particularly well evolved basis for society, Thai culture is not a particularly well evolved culture, in fact in many respects, Thais can fairly be regarded as having only recently emerged blinking into the daylight from the Stone Age, hence their categorisation as 'Third World' or 'developing' or 'underdeveloped' or whatever other euphemism one cares to use. This is not 'Thai-bashing', it's about honest observation combined with refusing to allow political correctness to overwhelm what is (or should be) glaringly obvious to all

So what you say doesn't shock me, though I have no experience of it. I'm perfectly happy to accept that what you say is right, but in my view it is still animalistic behaviour motivated by two things: on the giving side, by the excessive love of money at the direct expense of ones natural instincts, and on the receiving side, by testosterone and a need to feel powerful. Both are problematic in my view.

I really don't believe there is any sensible argument against this view.


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It is in the nature of things that people resent comments they feel reflect upon themselves personally. In other words, comments they feel associated with to the detriment of their self-esteem.

If people don't agree, then they don't agree, I'm not their family or friends so I don't have to tolerate them, so I don't really care if they agree or not.

People who share my view or who are sympathetic to it or even who can understand it, don't have the same response. Psychology is logical and there is always a direct connection between stimulus and response, it's usually just a case of discovering what it is - mostly that isn't hard..

Other posters must judge for themselves whether my comments apply to them or not. NMP.

It wasn't a diatribe anyway, it was an opinion. People will feel offended by it if they feel it referred to them, and that's an internal problem they have, nothing to do with me.

As for puritanical... that's what laissez-faire people say while believing it shows enlightenment. It doesn't, it shows a lack of concern for propriety and morality, and a willingness to accept all behaviours for just as long as it doesn't affect them. As I hinted at with another poster, a certain percentage of these sex-addicts are paedophiles or HIV-positive. If one of them assaulted or infected someone you care for, we would very quickly see who is puritanical.

And I don't have any tears or fears, disproportionate or otherwise. That's what sometimes happens after a professional lifetime of listening to and resolving other peoples' tars and fears. If you're a mechanic, then comment on my car. If you're a historian, then comment on history. If you're a psychologist or psychotherapist, then comment on psychology, but otherwise don't comment on what you don't understand. Except to ask for help.


No retort given...not worthy of a retort.

That's fine friend, use any excuse you like. Everyone is entitled to feel good about themselves, even those who have trouble finding a reason to.


You are turning out to be quite the preacher and soul saver as of late...lol

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No retort given...not worthy of a retort.

That's fine friend, use any excuse you like. Everyone is entitled to feel good about themselves, even those who have trouble finding a reason to.


You are turning out to be quite the preacher and soul saver as of late...lol

Not intentional, I'm not interested in preaching and the only soul I'm interested in saving is mine (If I've got one), the rest of you will have to fight your own battles. Life as an individual effort not a team game (though some folk can only feel secure if they're part of a crowd - another primitive behaviour observable among insects, football hooligans and many quadrupeds).

I'm just expressing an opinion, which (the last time I checked) was the principal function of a forum such as this. You're entitled to disagree of course, but if you hope to influence my opinion (and I fully accept that you probably don't), you'll need to present a good argument and not do as some have done, which is to just present dumb insults, that just demonstrates a lack of education (and is a fairly reliable sign that they identify closely with the opinion stated, so I suppose it's a vindication of sorts).

Still, I'm glad that you've taken the time to consider what I've written, and to examine how closely it fits with your core beliefs or acquired perceptions. That's what we normally do with comments we don't immediately agree with. That's how we decide whether we definitively do agree with them or not. Setting aside those who allow their instinctive/automatic responses to prevail, and I'm not really interested in them.


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I mean " happy ending " gosh, who doesn't like a bit of a happy ending in this, hard at times and unbearable life?

where is the harm here? it's a win, win and more win all around, and the pious and righties, prudish moral

guardians of this country stands on the hind legs, and they expect us to believe that those so moral defenders

don't have a mia noi or gik on the side?,,,,,

When will any of you get it into your thick heads that it's those of us who don't use prostitution have very in the way of recreational outlets here for the simple fact that laying on one's back for 5 minutes for all and sundry is a gift to the inherently lazy bloody Thai. Nothing to do with piety and 'rightyness', whatever the hell that is.

Well if you're not a big fan of prostitution you could be in the wrong country it was going on waaaaaaaay before any falang got here champ. Don't think an end to prostitution would help Thai productivity much either to be honest, but whatever

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Congratulations boys on cracking down on yet another victimless crime and putting poor people with families to feed out of work, while allowing all kinds of corruption by government officials to flourish like never before, including just about the most corrupt and murderous police force in Asia which you claimed you were going to reform as a priority when you took power.

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Congratulations boys on cracking down on yet another victimless crime and putting poor people with families to feed out of work, while allowing all kinds of corruption by government officials to flourish like never before, including just about the most corrupt and murderous police force in Asia which you claimed you were going to reform as a priority when you took power.

"Congratulations boys on cracking down on yet another victimless crime..."

In my opinion and experience, there is no such thing as a 'victim-less crime', though many people guilty of it like to say there is because they don't want to think of themselves as causing people to be 'victims'.

A crime is a crime precisely because there are victims, in one way of another, and that applies the world over.


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"The Angel Aroma Pretty Spa @ Silom"

What a name.

Yes - because the girls employed were what is known as "pretties" - you know the Singha, Heineken girls you see in regular bars or the girls you see at the Motor show - it's that level of female.

Sort of girls you'd find in the catalog/upstairs at high end soapy Poseidon.

Good description of the 'Pretty' industry here: http://travel.cnn.com/bangkok/play/gallery-beneath-gliz-bangkoks-pretty-industry-356351/

There are many such places around Bangkok. Pretty spas.

The bottom line is you get an attractive woman that actually went through school, giving your schlong a massage and doing well - what you normally do but for a higher price.

It shall be missed - it was a classy place. Lovely rooms, free candy whilst you perused the menu. Nice teak flooring and unhurried service.

Not that I ever went or anything....

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who was the whistle blower?

close one down in silom. no impact on the industry unless a

concerted effort effort is made to clean up and regulate.

will "happy ending" places be licensed as such.

such services will go further underground.how many can you check.

In my experience, they were all whistle blowers there....

But number 32 was especially good at whistle blowing.

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I mean " happy ending " gosh, who doesn't like a bit of a happy ending in this, hard at times and unbearable life?

where is the harm here? it's a win, win and more win all around, and the pious and righties, prudish moral

guardians of this country stands on the hind legs, and they expect us to believe that those so moral defenders

don't have a mia noi or gik on the side?,,,,,

When will any of you get it into your thick heads that it's those of us who don't use prostitution have very in the way of recreational outlets here for the simple fact that laying on one's back for 5 minutes for all and sundry is a gift to the inherently lazy bloody Thai. Nothing to do with piety and 'rightyness', whatever the hell that is.

5 minutes?! You've been ripped off! 1 You should get two hours of highly skilled stimulation of erogenous zones leading to climatic pleasurable heaven. Worth every baht.

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Congratulations boys on cracking down on yet another victimless crime and putting poor people with families to feed out of work, while allowing all kinds of corruption by government officials to flourish like never before, including just about the most corrupt and murderous police force in Asia which you claimed you were going to reform as a priority when you took power.

"Congratulations boys on cracking down on yet another victimless crime..."

In my opinion and experience, there is no such thing as a 'victim-less crime', though many people guilty of it like to say there is because they don't want to think of themselves as causing people to be 'victims'.

A crime is a crime precisely because there are victims, in one way of another, and that applies the world over.


Does "the world over" include countries with LM and/or blasphemy laws?

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Guys.... Girls?... This is descending into the ridiculouse

Per my byline... The purpose of debate, is progress... I see no progress, just vitriolic attacks

Said continual attacks on Winnie is pointless.... He has made clear his views, and some may commend him for that... But seemingly, most wish to condemn his views (hopefully none of these are American, who continually refer to amendment rights such as the right to bear arms... And the attendant freedom of speech... Don't cherry pick now, it's not fair and equitable)

He has the right to his views, and attacking these, verses debating logically, is folly... As Winnie appears to me to be better equipped to debate logically, verses emotionally (big head v little head... Unless your a Scott, in which case the reverse may apply)

That's not at all to say that I haven't "dabbled", but generally, the missus doesn't approve (unless she gets to pick the fruit)

People with moral beliefs / views on society, aren't nessesarily puritanical... Or naive... Or blinkered... Just guided by a developed conscience.... Again... Commendable... Especially so when they don't force them on others, which is not the case herein.

Equate this to the condemnation of all Muslims, due to the acts of the few, if you will.

Live and let live... (And I'm sure Winnie agrees with that sentiment.... Although I will accept a slamming if this reasonable ascertain is incorrect, which I doubt, having followed the thread)... And please bear in mind, that this all started because someone (can't remember who) decided to insult Winnie by suggesting that the only Thais he associated with were bar girls, which he clearly found offensive (although I do enjoy this pass time, over a beer or three.... Great entertainment that doesn't nessesarily have to lead to engaging in prostition)

And... Amazing Thailand is more that bars, bargirls, drug stores, scams and..... Etc.... This country has many wonderful things to offer, that aren't available back home, such as a colourful and vibrant lifestyle, fantastic food, healthy lifestyle choices, aggressive martial arts, adrenalin fueled daily battles for survival, the calm of meditation, chaotic yet colorful songkran, candle fueled balloons and fireworks, wreaking havoc on air traffic.... And most importantly, no traffic cops conducting random breath tests (bloody Australians!)

Perhaps the naivety is with those who only associate Thailand with sex, drugs and alcohol.

Personally... I embrace it all (sorry Winnie, but that also includes the sleaze...) but y'all must accept that a persons motivation to live here, may be due to only one simple reason, not all reasons... So condemnation is pure stupidity, if it doesn't follow another's blinkered view.

Please excuse me... I recently switched from vodka to whisky... Unfortunately it's not made my cock bigger, as a Scott may wish you to believe would happen ( but then... Maybe I'm not drinking a true Scottish whisky)

And whiskey aside... The ability to distingush right from wrong, and control our emotions (and actions/ reactions) is what distinguishes us from animals.

"Live and let live... (And I'm sure Winnie agrees with that sentiment...."

He does.

"Perhaps the naivety is with those who only associate Thailand with sex, drugs and alcohol."

He doesn't.

"Personally... I embrace it all (sorry Winnie, but that also includes the sleaze...) but y'all must accept that a persons motivation to live here, may be due to only one simple reason, not all reasons..."

Personal choices are always fine, whatever they are. The important thing, in my view, is that choices are made with due thought and consideration, not just blundered into as a result of a temporary flood of testosterone.

"The ability to distingush right from wrong, and control our emotions (and actions/ reactions) is what distinguishes us from animals."

Indeed. And decision-making at the level of brain and not automatic responses, even my dog and a butterfly in the garden can do automatic responses. It's ridiculously easy to probe the psychology of some folk with just a very few prompts and a collection of responses. Everything tells a story.

Thanks for the generally well-thought-out comments.


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I don't see this activity as anti-social behaviour as it harms nobody else. Why don't they do something about the advertising trucks and pickups blasting out music. This will do down better with the public. Ah yes, I forgot, they can't get any tea money from these people!

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I use the term Sodom and Gomorah with somewhat of a humorous comparison.if you know your bible,you will know that Lot and his wife decided to travel to Sodom upon leaving Abraham. The idea was that money was to be made there.It was was rife with prostitution and murder and robbery of all kinds.In fact God said that if 10 moral men could be found within the city,his angels would spare it.Prostituion,robbery,murder,and all other heinous activities were found in Sodom.is this not similar to the goings on in Pattaya? Along with rape,child abuse and corruption,i dont really see the difference. I dont think that Pattaya will be burned to the ground,through devine revenge,or intervention,but i think that the majority of criminals,sexual devients,child molesters,and other cretins(some posing as teachers),find their way there.When i first came to Thailand(16 years ago,i loved Bangkok for its sleaziness and and the ease with which i could find the things i wanted.After 5 years i ventured south to Pattaya where i found the same thing.I owned and ran two bars in Pattaya,and you cannot believe the depths some men will sink to to gratify themselves,knowing that money can buy practically any kind of satisfaction whilst abusing the people.

We all know that sex is readily available with the right amount of money as reward.And that fact is well,taken advantage of.

The Bible portrays Sodom as a place where people drink in the streets,dance in the streets,fight in the streets and generally misbehave.Is Walking street not a modern version of this?.Is robbery not committed in the streets.I of hand as a non serious crimes the desire for other peoples gold not evident,especially on beach road.Is the crime of rape not often dismissed out of hand by the very people that are placed there to stop it and protect the innocent.

Yes! instick by my comparisonof the two cities,one biblical and the other,modern day.

I will not pretend to be any different to the inhabitants of both such places,to do so would be a lie.

i am married and happy now,and have been for some years.But it took me 10 years to get it right.I have to admit to having been weak of mind and body in the past and i sank into the depravities that men do.

If anything happened to my wife,i could not guarantee that in my despair i would not return to my previous ways.But,at least i have the courage to admit it.

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Ah yes, Prayuth's crusade against corruption and immorality in Thailand is forced to take more visible action against some of the small fish.

It's a credibility issue you understand.

And right now, Prayuth, and his podgy little mate, and all the other hangers-on don't have very much. Expect more, and more frequent desperate thrashing about in an attempt to create the illusion that they actually give a damn about something other than their own unusual wealth.


But when they clean up all the Vice and shonky Bars will even the Chinese want to come to Thailand?

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Ah yes, Prayuth's crusade against corruption and immorality in Thailand is forced to take more visible action against some of the small fish.

It's a credibility issue you understand.

And right now, Prayuth, and his podgy little mate, and all the other hangers-on don't have very much. Expect more, and more frequent desperate thrashing about in an attempt to create the illusion that they actually give a damn about something other than their own unusual wealth.


But when they clean up all the Vice and shonky Bars will even the Chinese want to come to Thailand?

Good question.... To answer this, Whats needed is for some brave soul to get out and about, visiting as many shonky bars as possible, in an attempt to discover what percentage of their clientele are Chinese.

Now there's an entertaining way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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Ah yes, Prayuth's crusade against corruption and immorality in Thailand is forced to take more visible action against some of the small fish.

It's a credibility issue you understand.

And right now, Prayuth, and his podgy little mate, and all the other hangers-on don't have very much. Expect more, and more frequent desperate thrashing about in an attempt to create the illusion that they actually give a damn about something other than their own unusual wealth.


But when they clean up all the Vice and shonky Bars will even the Chinese want to come to Thailand?

Good question.... To answer this, Whats needed is for some brave soul to get out and about, visiting as many shonky bars as possible, in an attempt to discover what percentage of their clientele are Chinese.

Now there's an entertaining way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Now if I limit myself to one Leo per bar how many in a day? Maybe you better start the other end. But I mean many of the Tourists in general. If no Bars, No massage, No go go clubs. How many will come ? I probably will but then I like Temples and Historical ruins. But most I see as I pass through BKK do not seem to be here for these sights

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"The Angel Aroma Pretty Spa @ Silom"

What a name.

Yes - because the girls employed were what is known as "pretties" - you know the Singha, Heineken girls you see in regular bars or the girls you see at the Motor show - it's that level of female.

Sort of girls you'd find in the catalog/upstairs at high end soapy Poseidon.

Good description of the 'Pretty' industry here: http://travel.cnn.com/bangkok/play/gallery-beneath-gliz-bangkoks-pretty-industry-356351/

There are many such places around Bangkok. Pretty spas.

The bottom line is you get an attractive woman that actually went through school, giving your schlong a massage and doing well - what you normally do but for a higher price.

It shall be missed - it was a classy place. Lovely rooms, free candy whilst you perused the menu. Nice teak flooring and unhurried service.

Not that I ever went or anything....

That's right you never went. You only came. thumbsup.gif

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Ah yes, Prayuth's crusade against corruption and immorality in Thailand is forced to take more visible action against some of the small fish.

It's a credibility issue you understand.

And right now, Prayuth, and his podgy little mate, and all the other hangers-on don't have very much. Expect more, and more frequent desperate thrashing about in an attempt to create the illusion that they actually give a damn about something other than their own unusual wealth.


But when they clean up all the Vice and shonky Bars will even the Chinese want to come to Thailand?

Good question.... To answer this, Whats needed is for some brave soul to get out and about, visiting as many shonky bars as possible, in an attempt to discover what percentage of their clientele are Chinese.

Now there's an entertaining way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Now if I limit myself to one Leo per bar how many in a day? Maybe you better start the other end. But I mean many of the Tourists in general. If no Bars, No massage, No go go clubs. How many will come ? I probably will but then I like Temples and Historical ruins. But most I see as I pass through BKK do not seem to be here for these sights

Lol.... I laughed... The missus laughed... Then made it clear that I would not have a home to return too, this evening.... Should I participate in such a (scientific) survey....So unfortunately I'm forced to pass that baton on to a braver soul than I.

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