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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police


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Prostitution exists worldwide, even in the most puritanical of countries ( or should I say especially ). Sex tourism exists where the sex is cheap. It's that simple.

I'm not sure how the Minister proposes to make sex more expensive in Thailand. Perhaps she has a cure for poverty, or the Thai male penchant for leaving their women literally holding the baby.

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I can't say much about Pattaya, having never set foot in the place. I'm sure I'm just one of many deterred from visiting by its reputation as a den of sex tourism.

Perhaps if they cleaned the place up, more people would visit. It would be a good thing for the Thai tourism industry to have a pleasant, family friendly seaside resort a short drive from Bangkok.

Remember that even on this forum, some still have their vital functions in working order...


Not sure what you're getting at here.

If they kicked out all the gogo and beer bars Pattaya would like even worse than it does now. The only reason to visit that rubble heap is the sex industry If that was taken away a good portion of everybody's favorite restaurants would die. They would pretty much have to bulldoze Pattaya and start over if they got rid of the current offerings.

Pattaya would become much less attractive with loads of empty bars and former gogos and you will find the selection of restaurants would shrink. So if you want less options of things to see and do eliminating the sex industry is a good way to achieve that. What bars remain will raise their prices. Not because they are stupid and greedy but because there would be no choice. There would be that many fewer customers and lowering prices wouldn't lure customers in who don't exist. Prices would have to go up to pay staff and rents.

All the backroom Thai style places with little girls chained to the bed in a broom closet would all be business as usual anyway. So the question to me is getting rid of the gogo bars and beer bars would accomplish exactly what? Thailand is synonymous with it's night life and people that deny this must be living on another planet.

I think even the families I see in Thailand at least walk through the red light areas because they are visually interesting places. They also have much more to offer than just sex. So almost every single business catering to tourists that is on the edge of these areas would suffer immensely. Ghost towns can be interesting places to take photos of as well but red light districts make a bit more money.

I get the feeling that some of the more enthusiastic proponents of razing the red lights districts to the ground here, are simply this way because it would annoy others. The mere title of this thread is a delight as they can seize their chance to come in and take shots at everybody and look down from their puritanical soapbox on all of the sinners.

I don't think anybody thinks this idea would be beneficial to Thailand's economy and most discussions seem to center about how much would Thailand lose?

The red light areas are pretty contained and if you don't like them or the type of person that goes there easily avoided. Your average tourist to Thailand isn't bothered by these places. Why kill the goose that laid the golden egg for no apparent reason? The only answer I can think of to that question is, that for some their high sense of morals get in the way of clear judgement and is contrary to the fun of Thailand that is "live and let live."

I didn't care for people imposing their morality upon my back home and don't think it is called for here.

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I can't say much about Pattaya, having never set foot in the place. I'm sure I'm just one of many deterred from visiting by its reputation as a den of sex tourism.

Perhaps if they cleaned the place up, more people would visit. It would be a good thing for the Thai tourism industry to have a pleasant, family friendly seaside resort a short drive from Bangkok.

Remember that even on this forum, some still have their vital functions in working order...


Not sure what you're getting at here.

Think he's referring to vital functions as the testosterone still flows, along with urine unimpeded by prostatic enlargement. Otherwise known as taking the piss.

Ah. Assuming anyone that isn't interested in paying for sex is past it.

Makes a change from religious, gay, or any of the other nonsense people come out with rather than face the fact that not all men share their hobby.

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Interesting that not a single one of these theme parks lists a bordello or ping pong show as an attraction.

Yet, the top 45 parks total up to 306 Million visitors. And not a Cheap Charlie among them, judging by the entrance fees.

Disney alone gets over 130 Million, and they don't let you touch Snow White. Imagine the drop in family visits if they did...


Edit: My guess is that for every guy who comes for the cheap sex, there's 5 wives that absolutely refuse to take the family to Thailand for a holiday. It's just a guess, but I suspect Disney's on to something. Another 30 or 40 years and we'll know if their clean, wholesome business model will work out.

Edited by impulse
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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.

And it is also the industry that is vital for the living of many a poor Isaan family with children and old folks to feed.

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And how long is getting rid of it going to take? Ha ha. IMHO there are far too many massage shops for them to be able to even minutely address the issue.

They are aiming at places without the appropriate licences, in entertainment zones.

There are many legit suburban massage joints that dont offer extras, who will be left alone.

The authorities dont have to be geniuses to pick the difference.

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Interesting that not a single one of these theme parks lists a bordello or ping pong show as an attraction.

Yet, the top 45 parks total up to 306 Million visitors. And not a Cheap Charlie among them, judging by the entrance fees.

Disney alone gets over 130 Million, and they don't let you touch Snow White. Imagine the drop in family visits if they did...


Edit: My guess is that for every guy who comes for the cheap sex, there's 5 wives that absolutely refuse to take the family to Thailand for a holiday. It's just a guess, but I suspect Disney's on to something. Another 30 or 40 years and we'll know if their clean, wholesome business model will work out.

Shouldn't take that long. 70 theme parks will open in China in the next year.

The richest man in China is pouring billions (USD) into a Disney knockoff park.

Not a soap-ie massage joint in the whole lot.

Where will all the L-O-S-E-R-S go with their "families", I mean sex workers?


Edited by SiSePuede419
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I have no issue about what goes in between 2 consenting adults whether money is involved or not, but they do need to crack down on the underaged problem. It should start with throwing the scumbag parents in jail who force their children into prostitution so they can swing lazily in the hammock all day, drink whisky and gamble away what little they have. Poverty is no excuse. If you prostitute your own child you should be thrown in a hole for the rest of your life to rot!

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This man clearly, doesn't know his job or doesn't read the incoming tourists statistics, majority of male

tourist to the kingdom has to do wit a quest for some kind of sexual gratification of some sort,

if he ever bothered to leave his ivory tower and go down and mingle with the masses, he'd soon learn

that sex tourism is a major revenues earner, and by eliminating it, he'd be putting out as many as a million

hospitality workers that otherwise will go underground and still will ply their trade,

Not the minster, nor the PM and all their army and police men can stop the sex industry from being,

legalize and control it, will be the better way to go about it.....

The minister is a woman.

I wonder if she has reached that "age" yet.

Please read post #24 and make up your own mind.

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i dont think that tourists will stop to come in europe.germany austria swiss etc prostitution is a legal trade not illegal like officialy in Thailand nobody need to come here for hookers o.ly as europe has plenty on every street corner similar america maybe it is attractive for indians and sure for locals

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I have always thought that Thailand is a great example for the rest of the world regarding sex work. Technically, as I understand, prostitution is illegal but the operation of entertainment venues (places understood to have prostitution) are legally licensed. It is a sad commentary on the way women are treated. But the result has been de facto decriminalization. In that regard it works quite well. Worldwide there is huge exaggeration about violence and it is simply not true. Abuse of of "children" is another inaccurate narrative used by those who wish to oppressive women over the oppressor's sex values. But the numbers of those under 18 is usually shown to be very small when we hear reports of raids. Those "children" are almost always 16 and 17 year olds with children of their own. They are desperate to do what their older sisters do to feed those kids. In example after example there is shown to be a struggle of those who want to attack prostitution for moralistic and idealogical reasons and those who recognize that feminism is about the right for women to do what they wish under these difficult economic times. How many people stop to ask how much those workers in 7/11 are paid and how much sometimes quite attractive women working at heavy labor on construction sights are paid? Sex work is one job that pays more than any other option and the work is easier in most cases. The narrative that sex workers are anxiously waiting to be "rescued" is silly for those of us with any first hand knowledge of this issue. The USA has been on a rampage for 15 years to market their extreme conservative sex culture and it needs to be resisted. Thailand has great potential to be a good example by decriminalizing sex work as Amnesty International, the World Health Organization and many other respected group suggest is the best way to change the narrative that powers this social panic called trafficking.

Edited by John Kane
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The vast amounts of tourists that come here for the said purpose.. BUT 90% of the industry provides for Thai men it is said.

OK, A customer pays 1,000 bht to the bar boy-girl. they send 500 bht home, 1,000 goes on food and room---room rent and street stalls is normally where this money goes. The bar collects a take off fee-----the bar pays to--whoever collects a % from local gov employees ( ha ha).

Breaking all this down- the bar thrives the corrupt receiver thrives, the government tax collects, the parents in ISSAN spend locally, the street vendor thrives the room renter thrives. Add on normally the bar person has a motor cycle, rented---and uses petrol.

All the alcohol bought at these bars is revenue to tax--and company AND i HAVE MISSED MANY SPIN OFFS.

NOW Tourist minister where do you put the redundant people ??? if you close the industry---OUT TO GRASS.??

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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.

And it is also the industry that is vital for the living of many a poor Isaan family with children and old folks to feed.

Don't you mean to buy their smartphones, cars, big screens and all the other things they lived happily without for the 100 generations before their daughter went to work as a bank teller in Pattaya? Trappings that end up putting them under a soul crushing debt anyway?

You could say the same about the guys shipping yaba and heroin to Bangkok.

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I think that there will always be a sex trade in Bangkok. What I think may in fact be happening is they are trying to get rid of the ones that are going to cause problems like underage or foriegn un registered workers.

The other thing I think they are trying to do is regulate where it happens and what is advertised.

Let's face it if the parlour is advertising therapeutic massage and your mom and sister went in for a massage there would be issues.

I look at the fact that Patpong which has one of the oldest Soapie parlours has not been touched. Also I have not heard of many clubs in NANA getting hit.

Walking Street and Patpong will stay for a long time as will cowboy. The only thing that I see hurting them is the lack of thought that goes into some of the shows.

Imagine if they brought a true American Gentlemans club here.

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I have always thought that Thailand is a great example for the rest of the world regarding sex work. Technically, as I understand, prostitution is illegal but the operation of entertainment venues (places understood to have prostitution) are legally licensed. It is a sad commentary on the way women are treated. But the result has been de facto decriminalization. In that regard it works quite well. Worldwide there is huge exaggeration about violence and it is simply not true. Abuse of of "children" is another inaccurate narrative used by those who wish to oppressive women over the oppressor's sex values. But the numbers of those under 18 is usually shown to be very small when we hear reports of raids. Those "children" are almost always 16 and 17 year olds with children of their own. They are desperate to do what their older sisters do to feed those kids. In example after example there is shown to be a struggle of those who want to attack prostitution for moralistic and idealogical reasons and those who recognize that feminism is about the right for women to do what they wish under these difficult economic times. How many people stop to ask how much those workers in 7/11 are paid and how much sometimes quite attractive women working at heavy labor on construction sights are paid? Sex work is one job that pays more than any other option and the work is easier in most cases. The narrative that sex workers are anxiously waiting to be "rescued" is silly for those of us with any first hand knowledge of this issue. The USA has been on a rampage for 15 years to market their extreme conservative sex culture and it needs to be resisted. Thailand has great potential to be a good example by decriminalizing sex work as Amnesty International, the World Health Organization and many other respected group suggest is the best way to change the narrative that powers this social panic called trafficking.

i think you underestimate the insight people have in the sex industry. Of course people understand that prostitution probably pays considerably more then a job at 7 Eleven, and there is the problem. The education system is not good enough to give women choice, this is nothing about feminism either.

Women who feel that the one way they can earn money is to sell their bodies, after which is it almost impossible to get out of easily as how do they replace that income? This is especially true if they are supporting family back home, therefore they become trapped.

This topic has been done to death, but the answer is the Government needs to find a way of improving opportunities for these women and improving the education system and education availability to the poorer areas of the country to give women real choice. If they have real choice i believe that the industry would decline quickly because unlike popular belief I don't believe most women would chose selling themselves as sex objects over and alternative way to earn a living.

This country does not in my opinion have an enviable model, it has a terrible reputation as the sex trade country. It doesn't matter what your views are on prostitution or not, that is not a desirable label to have if you want people to take you seriously for high end tourism or even investment in certain areas.

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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.

And it is also the industry that is vital for the living of many a poor Isaan family with children and old folks to feed.

Don't you mean to buy their smartphones, cars, big screens and all the other things they lived happily without for the 100 generations before their daughter went to work as a bank teller in Pattaya? Trappings that end up putting them under a soul crushing debt anyway?

No one had any of those things 100 or so years ago.. And why shouldn't they have the trappings of modern life ?

You think they should not be able to talk to their daughters by phone? should still be getting around by a buffalo cart ? and have no entertainment, TV's ?

I bet you have them all, at the very least you have a computer or smart phone to post on here... stupid comments !!

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This will have a huge domino effect in Thailand. Example : Pattaya. Huge sex industry with hundreds of thousands of male visitors per year. The majority of these visitors are obviously are there for one thing as Pattaya does not have much else going for it apart from walking street. Less visitors to Pattaya will then have an effect on the hotel/apartment industry as well as the restaurant industry. So what will the Thai people who will eventually either be released from work or have to close their business going to do? Maybe go back to their families to work on the farm? I expect more than likely an increase in crime of Thai on Thai and obviously on foreigners who actually live in Pattaya area.

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I'd love to hang out at the Sihanoukville airport just to watch the freak show.

Cockroachs do run when you switch on The Light.


I realize you're trying to make a point, but really, hanging out at a Cambodian airport to watch sex tourists arrive?

I am sure there's a better freak show on Pattaya's beach road at 0200 most nights.

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As ever, many people vastly overestimate the impact of sex tourism on the Thai economy.

You will get no where with Thai Visa members, whose entire life seems to revolve around bars and the availability of poor farming girls. ( or they watch rice growing)

I always stick to my guns- and have said many times- when did prostitution / exploitation become socially acceptable.

Can you imagine the life the sex workers lead- just think about it for a minute.

Bangkok gives you world class restaurants, bars , clubs etc, there are still a few stunning provinces in Thailand.

Tourism does NOT have to revolve around the sex industry.

Major problem is almost no social mobility - with decent education- the choice of job for many boys and girls should not have to service some ghastly sweating over weight pond life .

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I have always thought that Thailand is a great example for the rest of the world regarding sex work. Technically, as I understand, prostitution is illegal but the operation of entertainment venues (places understood to have prostitution) are legally licensed. It is a sad commentary on the way women are treated. But the result has been de facto decriminalization. In that regard it works quite well. Worldwide there is huge exaggeration about violence and it is simply not true. Abuse of of "children" is another inaccurate narrative used by those who wish to oppressive women over the oppressor's sex values. But the numbers of those under 18 is usually shown to be very small when we hear reports of raids. Those "children" are almost always 16 and 17 year olds with children of their own. They are desperate to do what their older sisters do to feed those kids. In example after example there is shown to be a struggle of those who want to attack prostitution for moralistic and idealogical reasons and those who recognize that feminism is about the right for women to do what they wish under these difficult economic times. How many people stop to ask how much those workers in 7/11 are paid and how much sometimes quite attractive women working at heavy labor on construction sights are paid? Sex work is one job that pays more than any other option and the work is easier in most cases. The narrative that sex workers are anxiously waiting to be "rescued" is silly for those of us with any first hand knowledge of this issue. The USA has been on a rampage for 15 years to market their extreme conservative sex culture and it needs to be resisted. Thailand has great potential to be a good example by decriminalizing sex work as Amnesty International, the World Health Organization and many other respected group suggest is the best way to change the narrative that powers this social panic called trafficking.

i think you underestimate the insight people have in the sex industry. Of course people understand that prostitution probably pays considerably more then a job at 7 Eleven, and there is the problem. The education system is not good enough to give women choice, this is nothing about feminism either.

Women who feel that the one way they can earn money is to sell their bodies, after which is it almost impossible to get out of easily as how do they replace that income? This is especially true if they are supporting family back home, therefore they become trapped.

This topic has been done to death, but the answer is the Government needs to find a way of improving opportunities for these women and improving the education system and education availability to the poorer areas of the country to give women real choice. If they have real choice i believe that the industry would decline quickly because unlike popular belief I don't believe most women would chose selling themselves as sex objects over and alternative way to earn a living.

This country does not in my opinion have an enviable model, it has a terrible reputation as the sex trade country. It doesn't matter what your views are on prostitution or not, that is not a desirable label to have if you want people to take you seriously for high end tourism or even investment in certain areas.

Don't worry about Thailand's tourism, it is increasing year on year ! If the sex industry is not wanted by tourists it would die out naturally,

but my guess is, it will still be going strong for years to come...

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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.

And it is also the industry that is vital for the living of many a poor Isaan family with children and old folks to feed.
Don't you mean to buy their smartphones, cars, big screens and all the other things they lived happily without for the 100 generations before their daughter went to work as a bank teller in Pattaya? Trappings that end up putting them under a soul crushing debt anyway?

No one had any of those things 100 or so years ago.. And why shouldn't they have the trappings of modern life ?

You think they should not be able to talk to their daughters by phone? should still be getting around by a buffalo cart ? and have no entertainment, TV's ?

I bet you have them all, at the very least you have a computer or smart phone to post on here... stupid comments !!

So, you'd sell your daughter into prostitution if it meant you could have a bigger TV?

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

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If tourists from Western countries stopped coming to Thailand entirely, there would be a slight, but noticeable decrease in tourism numbers and revenue. However, the idea that the country would be abandoned entirely is obviously false.

Not going to argue with your graph at all, however.

How many average Thais in and around the tourists spots benefit from the largest group, China? Very few, their money goes to the Sino/Thai corporations that own the major hotels souvenir shops etc etc. Talking to my friends around Jomtien/Pattaya they insist the Chinese spend no money or very little and are more of a problem than a gain as they just force all the other hotels and venues to reduce prices.

How many of the Malaysian/Singaporean tourists head off to the south for cheap sex? Huge numbers, don't forget them.

If the sex industry was to be closed, which will never happen, the amount of tourists lost would never be replaced by families as others have put it, Thailand to a large extent has had it's day.

Also what will all the sex workers do and what will all the all the peripheral businesses do, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants etc do when this closes? It will put probably put hundreds of thousands if not millions out of work.

Finally Thailand has promoted this lifestyle as long as I can remember and I have been coming here a long time. Theycan hardly shut it down as far too many of the establishment benefit enormously from it.

Interesting graph.

Would be interesting to have the spendings as well. All Chinese i saw where only jogging behind a flag so even if there are 10 times more Chinese than French they may actually represent the same ammount of spending

if one ajusts each figure according to spending.

Its a surprise to me that France and USA have the same order of magnitued then the USA which are 5 times more populated.

Also Russian tourist number is similar to France which prooves Thailand is far from beeing invaded by Russian. ( Given 3 times the population of France and that Thailand is not a main destination for French ( far from it ))

Those figures are probably polluted with non tourist data. See that indonesia 'tourists' represent 30% of Chinese tourists. I guess foreigns workers are captured in the Radar.

Edited by bodymassagemyfriend
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Oldest Profession in the World !

Second Oldest, Corrupt Politician and Law Enforcement feeding off those working in the Oldest !!

10% of Thailand GDP due to the Oldest Profession, not including Airfare, Hotels, Food, Bars, Taxis, Hospitals; etc !

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Good luck to her, it's an industry riddled with crime, disease, drugs and despair. The country might start to be a decent place with less of it, although you cannot get rid of it completely, filth is best swept away as much as possible.


Absolutely it can survive without been a brothel well spoken Thai3 ?????

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