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Thai sex industry under fire from tourism minister, police

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Fascinating ! Those that express an opinion contrary to that of those who are desperately in denial of their real motivations resort to insult and abuse.

Face fact. A 20 year old prostitute initially takes on an aged fat balding ugly prick for.....money.

The chances she will ever find love for the person is much less likely than love for the wallet. But for those customers who find any level of satisfaction in that scenario and believe they have found genuine love can hardly expect surprise, even in repeated occasions. But the chances of those who follow the social norms in pursuit of true love have no lifetime guarantee either.

The sad difference is in the high levels of criminal abuses from all directions that many prostitutes suffer as well as the health dangers.

Any moral considerations remain the property of the participants.

Those that decline to be particants are not moral objectionists in the main. They simply have more personal social skills which averts that need.tongue.png

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Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...


People think that the HIV virus is no longer a problem in Thailand. Young girls from poor villages have unprotected sex with the village boys from 14 year and up and they will catch diseases and bring with them to Pattaya . And then you have the stupid farangs that ask for sex without using condoms every day of the week . Sure you can catch HIV today and live a good life on expensive drugs for the rest of your life but it will not help your immune system .

Stay healthy and use protection, you are responsible for many lifes if you do not play safe.

Bar girls have to be tested every few months for HIV so I can't see young girls here having it,,

more likely to catch it if you're into ladyboys ... ( good pun there, uh? )

Huh ???

Bar girls get tested every few months . And you are 100% sure of that every girl in the industry is tested and that the papers are legit ? You have not lived long enough in Thailand my friend .

I personally know a few people who do have HIV , and that is not near the Tourist places . I have known 1 girl who has died from HIV , and by known i really mean known the girl as she was the GF of a friend back then .

HIV does excist and you will NOT see on a person if he/she is infected or not, unless he/she is allready full blown Aids . Thailand has got a pretty large number of HIV cases , and LB have nothing to do with it . They are only likely to contract it faster because of the way they perform the act , if you understand what i mean . If you perform the same kind with girls , the rate of contracting it is excactly the same .


Let not forget that prostitution is not widely available here because of foreigners. Thais are using that all the time. Any Karaoke bar in most remote area of the country the Thai customer can take out the waitress or waiter. It is part of their culture. Husband play on the side is Thai typical. Foreigner using bars or prostitution services are a very small percentage compare to Thai people.

Let's not forget that we're discussing the tourist minister here, so foreigners are most likely her main concern.

You are completely incorrect. What you said could not possibly be further from the truth. She has no concern for foreigners. Her only concerns are for politics, appearances, keeping the tourist trade moving forward (a very convoluted affair, in her own mind, without the required experience in the tourism industry) promoting Thailand overseas, etc. No concern for tourists that are already here. If she had any concern there are dozens of ways she could express that concern, with policies that benefitted tourists. Such as:

1. Public safety improvements.

2. Traffic safety improvements.

3. Setting up tourist information kiosks, that were not manned by someone selling a product, but rather an employee of the government, like you see in so many other countries that care, ready, willing, and able to provide useful information for tourists.

4. Abolishing the two tier pricing system at the National Parks, which many of us will not visit, due to the extortioner practices on admission fees.

5. Working on abolishing the scams that affect the industry.

I could go on and on and on. There is so much that could be done, if she cared one iota.

That seems to sum it up pretty well.


Yeah, that 2 pricing system sucks,, make a foreigner pay 200B and a Thai 50B.. your forget the foreigner makes three times that amount in an hour for an average wage.. where a Thai makes 50B for 2 hours work,, and if your retired you probably collect a good pension, what to Thais get ??

stop moaning,, and it goes on everywhere, in Auckland NZ, you can get in free to some things if you live in the city where as everyone else pays....

get over it !!


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Chiang Mai has a large quiet gay scene, with a lot of trafficked

Burmese boys involved. Although the epicenter of AIDS is in

fact Chiang Rai. No one is sure why, as you will rarely meet

a Chiang Rai girl in the bar scene. It may have something to

do with the high of amount of truck traffic that passes through,

and the usage of the local knock shops by the truckers....


People think that the HIV virus is no longer a problem in Thailand. Young girls from poor villages have unprotected sex with the village boys from 14 year and up and they will catch diseases and bring with them to Pattaya . And then you have the stupid farangs that ask for sex without using condoms every day of the week . Sure you can catch HIV today and live a good life on expensive drugs for the rest of your life but it will not help your immune system .

Stay healthy and use protection, you are responsible for many lifes if you do not play safe.

Bar girls have to be tested every few months for HIV so I can't see young girls here having it,,

more likely to catch it if you're into ladyboys ... ( good pun there, uh? )

Huh ???

Bar girls get tested every few months . And you are 100% sure of that every girl in the industry is tested and that the papers are legit ? You have not lived long enough in Thailand my friend .

I personally know a few people who do have HIV , and that is not near the Tourist places . I have known 1 girl who has died from HIV , and by known i really mean known the girl as she was the GF of a friend back then .

HIV does excist and you will NOT see on a person if he/she is infected or not, unless he/she is allready full blown Aids . Thailand has got a pretty large number of HIV cases , and LB have nothing to do with it . They are only likely to contract it faster because of the way they perform the act , if you understand what i mean . If you perform the same kind with girls , the rate of contracting it is excactly the same .

I have lived here a couple of years, and I would not believe anything I'm told 100%, not by any woman !!

But my point exactly,, you say the people you know with HIV are not near the tourist places, so it's not the bar girls spreading HIV...

I wondering was the girl friend of your friend that died, a bar girl or prostitute before he met her ?

and I understand why you're more likely to catch it from LB's or if you do the same with girls.

A girl that works at a bar, told me that they all have to get a blood test for HIV every 3 months,

but I guess the girls on the street don't get tested so often, if at all ?


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Chiang Mai has a large quiet gay scene, with a lot of trafficked

Burmese boys involved. Although the epicenter of AIDS is in

fact Chiang Rai. No one is sure why, as you will rarely meet

a Chiang Rai girl in the bar scene. It may have something to

do with the high of amount of truck traffic that passes through,

and the usage of the local knock shops by the truckers....

Thanks, Interesting, but as I said before, it goes to show it is not the bar girls from Pattaya or Patong that are spreading HIV. It's LB's and gays.


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Doesn't show any such thing at all...



Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Chiang Mai has a large quiet gay scene, with a lot of trafficked

Burmese boys involved. Although the epicenter of AIDS is in

fact Chiang Rai. No one is sure why, as you will rarely meet

a Chiang Rai girl in the bar scene. It may have something to

do with the high of amount of truck traffic that passes through,

and the usage of the local knock shops by the truckers....

Thanks, Interesting, but as I said before, it goes to show it is not the bar girls from Pattaya or Patong that are spreading HIV. It's LB's and gays.

I don't think it shows that at all, but you may be right in the mode of transmission.

I was in Australia when the AIDS epidemic hit. The government swore blind that it was mainly spread by intravenous drug users. Some years ago, I don't recall how many years but not more than 10, the Australian Government admitted that the main reason for the epidemic was in fact gay men and not drug users at all, but they didn't want to blame gay men at the time for fear of appearing politically incorrect. Outrageous, incompetent and supremely hypocritical.

It is quite reasonable to apply the Australian model widely, and conclude that the major spread of AIDS was in fact the gay community and their cultural rejection of condoms and other techniques of safe sex. To say otherwise is frankly just not in touch with reality. So you may well be right, though for slightly different reasons than you offer.


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Chiang Mai has a large quiet gay scene, with a lot of trafficked

Burmese boys involved. Although the epicenter of AIDS is in

fact Chiang Rai. No one is sure why, as you will rarely meet

a Chiang Rai girl in the bar scene. It may have something to

do with the high of amount of truck traffic that passes through,

and the usage of the local knock shops by the truckers....

Thanks, Interesting, but as I said before, it goes to show it is not the bar girls from Pattaya or Patong that are spreading HIV. It's LB's and gays.

I don't think it shows that at all, but you may be right in the mode of transmission.

I was in Australia when the AIDS epidemic hit. The government swore blind that it was mainly spread by intravenous drug users. Some years ago, I don't recall how many years but not more than 10, the Australian Government admitted that the main reason for the epidemic was in fact gay men and not drug users at all, but they didn't want to blame gay men at the time for fear of appearing politically incorrect. Outrageous, incompetent and supremely hypocritical.

It is quite reasonable to apply the Australian model widely, and conclude that the major spread of AIDS was in fact the gay community and their cultural rejection of condoms and other techniques of safe sex. To say otherwise is frankly just not in touch with reality. So you may well be right, though for slightly different reasons than you offer.




Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

Why don't you tell them the truth?


Look beyond the surface and the status quo. A country or empire built on or having slipped into corruption and depravity has never prospered in the long run. Normalization of a sex industry negatively impacts a country in many ways.

How has it negatively impacted the Netherlands or Spain ? ?


​have you ever wondered why they give people taking test for a blood borne illness a behavioral questionnaire?

oral fluid hiv test = rapid tests, which are a joke

They used to say blood testing was a joke and that HIV was a myth, oral testing is actually very acurate

Blood testing is no joke. It's really quite accurate....


How does does the Tourism Minister get to call the shots with regard to any industry other than tourism?

The sex industry does attract some tourists, but nowhere near the majority. And most of it's customers are "domestic".

The Ministry of Tourism can have no more influence over the sex industry than it does over the Electronics or Automobile industry can it?

if the Justice Minister or the Police were to say that they have finally decided to treat prostitution as the crime that it (allegedly) is, and shut it down, that would make some sense.

It is after all their responsibility, not hers.

But the reported comments of the Police give no indication of that intention.

You do convey the impression of holier-than-thou. That's what people like me find objectionable.

Perhaps if you were able to admit someone else's opinion had the same value as yours, you might not attract the criticism you currently get.

I have no problem with the opinion of others, and do not seek to pass judgement on how others spend their time. You seem to be projecting this idea of holiness on to me because for some reason you read the fact that I choose to live my life differently as a criticism of how you live yours, but this is not the case.

Try actually reading my posts with an open mind, rather than just assuming a moral condemnation that really isn't present in them, and you might just get a more accurate impression of what I'm saying. We don't have to agree, but I'd prefer you disagreed with what I'm actually saying, rather than what you assume I stand for.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The proposition I should try reading your posts with an open mind infers I have a closed mind.

You do constantly belittle others on this forum, so it should not surprise you when they return the compliment.


​have you ever wondered why they give people taking test for a blood borne illness a behavioral questionnaire?

oral fluid hiv test = rapid tests, which are a joke

They used to say blood testing was a joke and that HIV was a myth, oral testing is actually very acurate

Blood testing is no joke. It's really quite accurate....

Especially the ones done for the girls... once they become HIV positive -- the cost of living goes up... they have to pay more for a clean bill of health :P


​have you ever wondered why they give people taking test for a blood borne illness a behavioral questionnaire?

oral fluid hiv test = rapid tests, which are a joke

They used to say blood testing was a joke and that HIV was a myth, oral testing is actually very acurate

Blood testing is no joke. It's really quite accurate....

Especially the ones done for the girls... once they become HIV positive -- the cost of living goes up... they have to pay more for a clean bill of health tongue.png

I guess your right, money buys anything, but even a negative HIV test ? Is HIV really a problem for bar girls ? what % have it ?

I read on a couple of posts that most cases are from gay guys and LB's, anywhere in the world .... Not bar girls, I think most a pretty wise to Aids now, not like 20 years ago.


Let not forget that prostitution is not widely available here because of foreigners. Thais are using that all the time. Any Karaoke bar in most remote area of the country the Thai customer can take out the waitress or waiter. It is part of their culture. Husband play on the side is Thai typical. Foreigner using bars or prostitution services are a very small percentage compare to Thai people.

Let's not forget that we're discussing the tourist minister here, so foreigners are most likely her main concern.

You are completely incorrect. What you said could not possibly be further from the truth. She has no concern for foreigners. Her only concerns are for politics, appearances, keeping the tourist trade moving forward (a very convoluted affair, in her own mind, without the required experience in the tourism industry) promoting Thailand overseas, etc. No concern for tourists that are already here. If she had any concern there are dozens of ways she could express that concern, with policies that benefitted tourists. Such as:

1. Public safety improvements.

2. Traffic safety improvements.

3. Setting up tourist information kiosks, that were not manned by someone selling a product, but rather an employee of the government, like you see in so many other countries that care, ready, willing, and able to provide useful information for tourists.

4. Abolishing the two tier pricing system at the National Parks, which many of us will not visit, due to the extortioner practices on admission fees.

5. Working on abolishing the scams that affect the industry.

I could go on and on and on. There is so much that could be done, if she cared one iota.

That seems to sum it up pretty well.


Yeah, that 2 pricing system sucks,, make a foreigner pay 200B and a Thai 50B.. your forget the foreigner makes three times that amount in an hour for an average wage.. where a Thai makes 50B for 2 hours work,, and if your retired you probably collect a good pension, what to Thais get ??

stop moaning,, and it goes on everywhere, in Auckland NZ, you can get in free to some things if you live in the city where as everyone else pays....

get over it !!

Remember the Thai minimum wage is 300 THB a day. How many Farangs would be able to live on this?


Let not forget that prostitution is not widely available here because of foreigners. Thais are using that all the time. Any Karaoke bar in most remote area of the country the Thai customer can take out the waitress or waiter. It is part of their culture. Husband play on the side is Thai typical. Foreigner using bars or prostitution services are a very small percentage compare to Thai people.

Let's not forget that we're discussing the tourist minister here, so foreigners are most likely her main concern.

You are completely incorrect. What you said could not possibly be further from the truth. She has no concern for foreigners. Her only concerns are for politics, appearances, keeping the tourist trade moving forward (a very convoluted affair, in her own mind, without the required experience in the tourism industry) promoting Thailand overseas, etc. No concern for tourists that are already here. If she had any concern there are dozens of ways she could express that concern, with policies that benefitted tourists. Such as:

1. Public safety improvements.

2. Traffic safety improvements.

3. Setting up tourist information kiosks, that were not manned by someone selling a product, but rather an employee of the government, like you see in so many other countries that care, ready, willing, and able to provide useful information for tourists.

4. Abolishing the two tier pricing system at the National Parks, which many of us will not visit, due to the extortioner practices on admission fees.

5. Working on abolishing the scams that affect the industry.

I could go on and on and on. There is so much that could be done, if she cared one iota.

That seems to sum it up pretty well.


Yeah, that 2 pricing system sucks,, make a foreigner pay 200B and a Thai 50B.. your forget the foreigner makes three times that amount in an hour for an average wage.. where a Thai makes 50B for 2 hours work,, and if your retired you probably collect a good pension, what to Thais get ??

stop moaning,, and it goes on everywhere, in Auckland NZ, you can get in free to some things if you live in the city where as everyone else pays....

get over it !!

Remember the Thai minimum wage is 300 THB a day. How many Farangs would be able to live on this?

there are 2 pricing systems on many things.. females get into discos free plus a free drink, males don't..... there's sexisim, alive and well.

young and elderly get many things cheaper or free, where anyone in between pays more..... ageisim, is that a word ?

Thais get in some places and buy stuff cheaper then Farangs do ...... raceisim

Mostly woman get paid for sex, where men have to pay for it......... sexisim again.. 55555


After working in the hospitality industry here in Thailand for years, it seems to me that many people in this forum are sadly mistaken about the state of the tourism industry over here.

In all of the hotels I've worked at (4-5 stars), 90% of the clientele are couples and families. Only 10% are single male travelers. Those 90% also tend to spend a lot more on average than the other 10%, at least within the confines of the hotel (spa, food and beverage, excursions, etc...).

The same is true on the other end of the spectrum, in very cheap guesthouses. Those tend to cater mostly to groups of young people or young singles who typically can find sex without having to pay for it and mostly tend to hookup with other foreign travelers anyway.

That leaves the 2-3stars hotels, which are where most single males stay. In such hotels located in tourist destinations, it's about a 50%/50% ratio, with 50% groups and families and 50% single 30y+ men. I sincerely doubt, however, that travelers who can't spend more than 1,500 to 2,000 baht/night for accommodation spend a considerable amount of money while they are outside their hotel.

Edit: Those ratios apply to places where I actually have hands-on experience (BKK, Phuket and Samui). Pattaya, on the other hand, probably has a much higher single men ratio, but that's only one town out of about ten major tourist hotspots in Thailand.

Your analysis is good but it needs some numbers. I assume 4-5 star hotel tourist amount for a tiny fraction of the total. Maybe 2% or 5% or 6%. Where is the rest of the tourist dollar supposed to come from?

I think WaffleIron was spot on. I often stay at a 4 star hotel on Sukhumvit Road and a room goes for around 3000 Baht and they have 400 rooms and have an occupancy rate of 92%. Those 3 star hotels on the same Soi have only around 70 rooms on average and often the hotel has just an occupancy rate of 35%.

The hotel has over 150 staffs and boost the economy of the whole Soi but the smaller hotels have an average of 20-30 staffs plus hire a lot of illegals which means their are no taxes paid for it.

Even the restaurants on that Soi are surviving because the hotel is always fully booked.

I would highly suggest that four and give stars hotels are contributing at least 25-35% at any day to the Thai tourism industry.

Just make a simple calculation:

3000 Baht x 400 rooms x 30 days x 12 months = 432 Million Baht in revenues plus all the revenues it generates for that Soi. In addition their are daily functions and MICE meetings plus they run 4 restaurants on site. Single males are maybe 20% of total revenues and they are not spending much inside the property but do support the local restaurants in the Soi, also the mini marts and of course the massage shops.


You do convey the impression of holier-than-thou. That's what people like me find objectionable.

Perhaps if you were able to admit someone else's opinion had the same value as yours, you might not attract the criticism you currently get.

I have no problem with the opinion of others, and do not seek to pass judgement on how others spend their time. You seem to be projecting this idea of holiness on to me because for some reason you read the fact that I choose to live my life differently as a criticism of how you live yours, but this is not the case.

Try actually reading my posts with an open mind, rather than just assuming a moral condemnation that really isn't present in them, and you might just get a more accurate impression of what I'm saying. We don't have to agree, but I'd prefer you disagreed with what I'm actually saying, rather than what you assume I stand for.

Thank you for confirming what I said. The proposition I should try reading your posts with an open mind infers I have a closed mind.

You do constantly belittle others on this forum, so it should not surprise you when they return the compliment.

I said read them, not scan them for anything you can use for yet another desperate attack.


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants

Does your wife go with 4-5 people a night----regardless of age.....as long as she achieves what she wants ....???.....coffee1.gif


Foreigners often get a bad name for going to Thailand and being labeled as sex tourists, but the Thai official in the article says the industry caters mostly to Thai men.

When someone asks me why I live in Thailand, I have a great reply. I am a student of ancient architecture and design. I am especially interested in the Sukhothai portico designs, and travel the region studying them.

Man, does this shut them up, in a hurry!

Why don't you tell them the truth?

Because most of them come from western countries, where they are completely under the spell of a feminist doctrine of emasculation. If I were to tell them the truth, they could not handle it. Well, my wife and I think Thailand is really bad. All the women there are sex slaves. And the ones who are not slaves are submissive. Not like us. We are powerful. We own our men. We control them. Nobody gets over on us.

So, by telling this lovely little story about ancient archaeology, it bypasses all of the nonsense. It cuts them off at the pass. It eliminates the drivel. They literally do not know what to say. I just do not need to hear their prudish, judgmental, ignorant opinions of Thailand.


Just to add, I think perhaps you (and some others here) are mistakenly assuming that my reason for not using prostitutes is down to some moral objection. This is not the case at all - the idea simply holds no appeal for me whatsoever.

You seem to use the pejorative term prostitute in many of your posts. Telling me that term has no puritanical overtones in your mindset is coming the raw prawn.

Many bar girls do not think of themselves as prostitutes. Personally, I can't see the difference between a bar girl, and a wife who manipulates her husband by withholding sex to achieve what she wants. Except the bar girls are more honest.

I am reminded of the philosopher who approached a beautiful woman at a party, and offered her a million pounds if she would sleep with him. When she accepted, he then asked if she would sleep with him for sixpence. " Certainly not - do you think I'm a whore?" she said. The philosopher replied " We've already established that; now I'm trying to determine the price".

thought GBS was an author?


Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

Where did you get that interesting fact about Chang Mai.. If ture, as there is not the big bar girl scene there, so goes to show that bar girls aren't the ones to blame on spreading HIV ...

Doesn't show any such thing at all...


Some people believe they've walked through magic dust when disembarking their flight to Thailand. How else to explain the reckless behaviours from riding a bike without a helmet to drinking beer/whisky for breakfast and not using condoms when using prostitutes? None of these things they we do 'back 'ome'. Amazing.

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