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3 Baton Rouge officers killed in shooting; suspect dead


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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

Edited by Alive
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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.
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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.

In case you have any interest in reality, Long was not a practicing Muslim and didn't kill in its name. He was a practicing loon as this shows:

Long officially filed paperwork in Jackson County, Missouri, last year declaring himself Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, a "sovereign citizen" of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur nation, a loosely affiliated network of mostly African Americans who claim to be Native American and don't believe the U.S. government has jurisdiction over them.

On July 8, he sent a foreboding email to several people, including online radio show host Lance Scurvin, saying he acted alone in everything he did. "I just want everyone to know that if anything may happen to me or with me, I am NOT affiliated with anybody, any group, nationality, association, religion, corporation, business, etc.," he wrote.


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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.

In case you have any interest in reality, Long was not a practicing Muslim and didn't kill in its name. He was a practicing loon as this shows:

Long officially filed paperwork in Jackson County, Missouri, last year declaring himself Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, a "sovereign citizen" of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur nation, a loosely affiliated network of mostly African Americans who claim to be Native American and don't believe the U.S. government has jurisdiction over them.

On July 8, he sent a foreboding email to several people, including online radio show host Lance Scurvin, saying he acted alone in everything he did. "I just want everyone to know that if anything may happen to me or with me, I am NOT affiliated with anybody, any group, nationality, association, religion, corporation, business, etc.," he wrote.


Being a loon and being Islamic are not mutually exclusive, conversely they are positively complementary. The Nation of Islam is indeed its own crazy cult, but no doubt will be approved of by Islamists worldwide because of its actions. Edited by Steely Dan
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One of the central problems is the Left Wing Press. Here's a perfect example:

MSNBC Characterizes Baton Rouge Shooter As Member Of Right-Wing Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizen" Militia Group


Now if y'all get your 'News' soley from these flacks, you're brainwashed into believing up is down, right is wrong and Obama isn't responsible for the race relations becoming worse.

Believe it was Sherriff Clarke in Dallas who stated after Obama America will have to go through a period of Reconstruction.

Got that right...facepalm.gif

It is called main stream media for a reason. If you want to call 'main stream' 'left' that says a lot more about you than the msm.

Sure, it says he is not ignorant of reality or history like those who deny the MSM leans left.

[a lot of off-topic post voluntarily & temporarily deleted]

It proves they and you have a limited reality and outlook.

You are out of your depth talking about American media. Stick to unicorns and rainbows.

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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.

In case you have any interest in reality, Long was not a practicing Muslim and didn't kill in its name. He was a practicing loon as this shows:

Long officially filed paperwork in Jackson County, Missouri, last year declaring himself Cosmo Ausar Setepenra, a "sovereign citizen" of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur nation, a loosely affiliated network of mostly African Americans who claim to be Native American and don't believe the U.S. government has jurisdiction over them.

On July 8, he sent a foreboding email to several people, including online radio show host Lance Scurvin, saying he acted alone in everything he did. "I just want everyone to know that if anything may happen to me or with me, I am NOT affiliated with anybody, any group, nationality, association, religion, corporation, business, etc.," he wrote.


Being a loon and being Islamic are not mutually exclusive, conversely they are positively complementary.

Apart from the obvious stupidity of that statement - there are 1.6 billion moslems in the world - you completely ignored the fact that the shooter explicitly stated that he wasn't doing it in the name of any religion. Is this typical of the statements that people who kill in the name of Islam make? On your part, willful, dishonest ignorance. Which unfortunately is typical of people who share your view of Islam.

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It is called main stream media for a reason. If you want to call 'main stream' 'left' that says a lot more about you than the msm.

Sure, it says he is not ignorant of reality or history like those who deny the MSM leans left.

[a lot of off-topic post voluntarily & temporarily deleted]

It proves they and you have a limited reality and outlook.

You are out of your depth talking about American media. Stick to unicorns and rainbows.

So far you're the one who has shown not have a clue what main stream means. The further you move to the right, the more anything seems extreme left to you.

And stop flaming please, give arguments. I have not heard any though.

Edited by stevenl
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Pretty unequivocal but that doesn't matter to morons.

""I condemn, in the strongest sense of the word, the attack on law enforcement in Baton Rouge. For the second time in two weeks, police officers who put their lives on the line for ours every day were doing their job when they were killed in a cowardly and reprehensible assault. These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop.

"I’ve offered my full support, and the full support of the federal government, to Governor Edwards, Mayor Holden, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Baton Rouge Police Department. And make no mistake – justice will be done."

It is a pity you don't show the same outrage when African Americans civilians are executed and assaulted by racist white police officers.

I cannot believe how subservient African Americans are in tolerating the racism they face each and every day.

An African American is executed by police and it is always somehow justified a police officer is shot in retaliation and there is white hot anger. Until these two double standards are resolved it is going to become as dangerous being a police officer as it is to be an African American.

There probably are police officers who are not racist and treat African Americans with respect and equality but they are really going to pay the price for the many who are racist and disrespectful towards African Americans.

Racism is beginning to get very serious in the US.

First off, NO police officer in any of the cases under scrutiny EXECUTED anyone. This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that solves nothing and inflames this issues at hand. I don't know where you live but my bet that it is not in the inner city of any major US city. Having been an investigator at one time (1977-1978) for a federal agency and working in some areas that were not always safe, I can tell you first hand that there were times I just decided to come back another day as things did not look good. Now picture police officers that do not have that choice, stopping people for nothing more than a traffic violation and getting attitude, defiance, and downright rude behavior. No police officer is going around stopping black men or women just so he can shoot them and face loss of job or possible legal action. The problem with black lives matter and other outspoken groups (as well as the President) is the failure to recognize there are lots of scumbags out there looking for trouble. Every time a police officer stops a vehicle today he is taking his life in his hands. Unfortunately people like Philando Castile, are just some of the douchbags driving around in cars with a gun on their lap with girlfriend (if that is what you call a bitch more busy taking video than looking after her boyfriend) and child in the car. As more information comes out about this guy the more clear the picture we will have of him. No one is happy that the man died, but how stupid can you be to have a gun next to you in the car. With the fact that police are running scared when they stop someone and adding a gun to the equation, things escalate. I am not defending or blaming the officer until there is a complete investigation and I am willing to wait for that. The officer has killed a man, will probably quit the force whether or not at fault, so I am sure he didn't start his day deciding to go looking for someone to execute. Unfortunately the inner cities are full of bitter black young men many of whom are looking for trouble and associating with those that have been in trouble. It is a no win situation for police. Obama could have been the man to start telling the black community that they have a problem within the community and things can't get any better until they take up the challenge to make it better. Damn, Obama was supposedly a community organizer at one time and it should have been right up his alley.

I know every African American executed by police is always justified. From the many un edited videos I have watched they were simply executed. I don't care what these African Americans have done or might do it is not the police officers job to simply shoot people. Walking around targeting African American people is exactly what police are doing and the slightest provocation they simply pull out their gun and shoot them. Up until now I think they have been able to get away with it but African Americans are live streaming video that the police cannot erase and they are getting caught out. They have been doing this stuff for decades problem they have now is they are getting caught on video killing people.

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The so-called "Mainstream Media" in America is nothng but a bunch of Democrat operatives with bylines - full stop.thumbsup.gif

lol the fact is any media that doesn't fall into line and run the Right Wing loon agenda is labelled Left Wing media. If a media outlet isn't broadcasting Fox News / Brietbart propaganda and following the Republican Party 'talking points' for the day is labelled Left Wing.

The far Right Wing wants to hear one position only and that is a Right Wing echo chamber all singing from the one hymn sheet.

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Fox News fueled...by the loons there... just sad...

The bad seeds are on the firing lines...and get off .. with just a slap on the wrist.. insufficient evidence, just doing his job.. Life is cheap is the message..and now people are taking the same message to the police.

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Pretty unequivocal but that doesn't matter to morons.

""I condemn, in the strongest sense of the word, the attack on law enforcement in Baton Rouge. For the second time in two weeks, police officers who put their lives on the line for ours every day were doing their job when they were killed in a cowardly and reprehensible assault. These are attacks on public servants, on the rule of law, and on civilized society, and they have to stop.

"I’ve offered my full support, and the full support of the federal government, to Governor Edwards, Mayor Holden, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Baton Rouge Police Department. And make no mistake – justice will be done."

It is a pity you don't show the same outrage when African Americans civilians are executed and assaulted by racist white police officers.

I cannot believe how subservient African Americans are in tolerating the racism they face each and every day.

An African American is executed by police and it is always somehow justified a police officer is shot in retaliation and there is white hot anger. Until these two double standards are resolved it is going to become as dangerous being a police officer as it is to be an African American.

There probably are police officers who are not racist and treat African Americans with respect and equality but they are really going to pay the price for the many who are racist and disrespectful towards African Americans.

Racism is beginning to get very serious in the US.

First off, NO police officer in any of the cases under scrutiny EXECUTED anyone. This is exactly the kind of rhetoric that solves nothing and inflames this issues at hand. I don't know where you live but my bet that it is not in the inner city of any major US city. Having been an investigator at one time (1977-1978) for a federal agency and working in some areas that were not always safe, I can tell you first hand that there were times I just decided to come back another day as things did not look good. Now picture police officers that do not have that choice, stopping people for nothing more than a traffic violation and getting attitude, defiance, and downright rude behavior. No police officer is going around stopping black men or women just so he can shoot them and face loss of job or possible legal action. The problem with black lives matter and other outspoken groups (as well as the President) is the failure to recognize there are lots of scumbags out there looking for trouble. Every time a police officer stops a vehicle today he is taking his life in his hands. Unfortunately people like Philando Castile, are just some of the douchbags driving around in cars with a gun on their lap with girlfriend (if that is what you call a bitch more busy taking video than looking after her boyfriend) and child in the car. As more information comes out about this guy the more clear the picture we will have of him. No one is happy that the man died, but how stupid can you be to have a gun next to you in the car. With the fact that police are running scared when they stop someone and adding a gun to the equation, things escalate. I am not defending or blaming the officer until there is a complete investigation and I am willing to wait for that. The officer has killed a man, will probably quit the force whether or not at fault, so I am sure he didn't start his day deciding to go looking for someone to execute. Unfortunately the inner cities are full of bitter black young men many of whom are looking for trouble and associating with those that have been in trouble. It is a no win situation for police. Obama could have been the man to start telling the black community that they have a problem within the community and things can't get any better until they take up the challenge to make it better. Damn, Obama was supposedly a community organizer at one time and it should have been right up his alley.

So is Senator Tim Scott, a Republican conservative Senator from South Carolina, clearly one of those douchebags? He said he was stopped 7 times by the police in the past year. 7 times. He said those stops have been happening all his life. And you say that police don't single out black americans for stops? Really?

In addition to which. Castle he was legally carrying a concealed weapon. It wasn't in the open. The police officer asked to see his id and permit. He was reaching for them when he was shot. And because he was young and black, therefore he was bitter? Prejudiced much? This guy had a full time job as a cafeteria worker. His criminal record, if that's what you wanted to call it, was entirely about minor traffic violations. Nothing in his record indicates violence.

Well, at any rate there's one good piece of news in all this. Namely, that you are no longer an investigator.

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One of the central problems is the Left Wing Press. Here's a perfect example:

MSNBC Characterizes Baton Rouge Shooter As Member Of Right-Wing Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizen" Militia Group


Now if y'all get your 'News' soley from these flacks, you're brainwashed into believing up is down, right is wrong and Obama isn't responsible for the race relations becoming worse.

Believe it was Sherriff Clarke in Dallas who stated after Obama America will have to go through a period of Reconstruction.

Got that right...facepalm.gif

It is called main stream media for a reason. If you want to call 'main stream' 'left' that says a lot more about you than the msm.

If you do not know that the 'main stream news media' in America has gone off the Leftist cliff from their mere Liberal stance of 40 years and more duration - then you live in the cave of ignorance and denial. Most so called journalists are registered Democrats and contribute to liberal - leftist - progressive candidates like Obama and Hillary - and every other Liberal and Leftist political candidate. Journalistic ethics were near completely abandoned in America beginning some 15 years ago. "Journalists" today are products of universities where the faculty are 98% liberal / leftist / socialist. But in your self imposed naivete you refuse to google and read the studies and even if stumbled across you would not believe them or more likely even read them. Main Stream Media in America does not mean balanced, fair, ethical or any other word other than built in liberal / leftist / progressive / socialist bias. The reason for the bias is that liberals / leftist believe that they are the 'Right Thinkers' and that anyone who thinks contrary to their beliefs are wacko loons and that Conservative thinking, theory and words should be deleted, removed and abolished. The prime example of this is the religious zeal of Global Warming // Human induced climate change... This slanted Leftist Zealotry when reporting on human induced climate change approaches that of a religious cult - attempting to ban all other thought.

Now we are in the middle of an extraordinary SLANTED Leftist Media campaign relative to the proven terrorist acts of Black Lives Matter. The American news media of today obscures and ignores facts that are contrary to their biased narrative to prove cops are always in the wrong and that rioting thugs are innocent people - all automatically done in the Leftist Media's zealotry to invent social memes contrary to authority.

It's terrible the way the media exaggerates anthropogenic climate change and that ridiculous claim that 97% of climate scientists endorse it as real. Actually it's 98.4%.

Your claim is simply not true -- nothing but the leftist inventions and told again and again as truth - but it is just propaganda. This week the British Parliament voted to abolish the government's Climate Change / Global Warming Department ... times change and truth comes to the surface..

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One of the central problems is the Left Wing Press. Here's a perfect example:

MSNBC Characterizes Baton Rouge Shooter As Member Of Right-Wing Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizen" Militia Group


Now if y'all get your 'News' soley from these flacks, you're brainwashed into believing up is down, right is wrong and Obama isn't responsible for the race relations becoming worse.

Believe it was Sherriff Clarke in Dallas who stated after Obama America will have to go through a period of Reconstruction.

Got that right...facepalm.gif

It is called main stream media for a reason. If you want to call 'main stream' 'left' that says a lot more about you than the msm.

If you do not know that the 'main stream news media' in America has gone off the Leftist cliff from their mere Liberal stance of 40 years and more duration - then you live in the cave of ignorance and denial. Most so called journalists are registered Democrats and contribute to liberal - leftist - progressive candidates like Obama and Hillary - and every other Liberal and Leftist political candidate. Journalistic ethics were near completely abandoned in America beginning some 15 years ago. "Journalists" today are products of universities where the faculty are 98% liberal / leftist / socialist. But in your self imposed naivete you refuse to google and read the studies and even if stumbled across you would not believe them or more likely even read them. Main Stream Media in America does not mean balanced, fair, ethical or any other word other than built in liberal / leftist / progressive / socialist bias. The reason for the bias is that liberals / leftist believe that they are the 'Right Thinkers' and that anyone who thinks contrary to their beliefs are wacko loons and that Conservative thinking, theory and words should be deleted, removed and abolished. The prime example of this is the religious zeal of Global Warming // Human induced climate change... This slanted Leftist Zealotry when reporting on human induced climate change approaches that of a religious cult - attempting to ban all other thought.

Now we are in the middle of an extraordinary SLANTED Leftist Media campaign relative to the proven terrorist acts of Black Lives Matter. The American news media of today obscures and ignores facts that are contrary to their biased narrative to prove cops are always in the wrong and that rioting thugs are innocent people - all automatically done in the Leftist Media's zealotry to invent social memes contrary to authority.

My giddy aunt!

If it's all the vast left wing conspiracy which you seem to be suggesting, why then have they won the last two elections?

In America Republicans have won back BOTH Houses of Congress since 2010 and now control via VOTE about 34 of 50 State Legislatures and Governor's offices ... subtle tide that brings on a Tsunami

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If you do not know that the 'main stream news media' in America has gone off the Leftist cliff from their mere Liberal stance of 40 years and more duration - then you live in the cave of ignorance and denial. Most so called journalists are registered Democrats and contribute to liberal - leftist - progressive candidates like Obama and Hillary - and every other Liberal and Leftist political candidate. Journalistic ethics were near completely abandoned in America beginning some 15 years ago. "Journalists" today are products of universities where the faculty are 98% liberal / leftist / socialist. But in your self imposed naivete you refuse to google and read the studies and even if stumbled across you would not believe them or more likely even read them. Main Stream Media in America does not mean balanced, fair, ethical or any other word other than built in liberal / leftist / progressive / socialist bias. The reason for the bias is that liberals / leftist believe that they are the 'Right Thinkers' and that anyone who thinks contrary to their beliefs are wacko loons and that Conservative thinking, theory and words should be deleted, removed and abolished. The prime example of this is the religious zeal of Global Warming // Human induced climate change... This slanted Leftist Zealotry when reporting on human induced climate change approaches that of a religious cult - attempting to ban all other thought.

Now we are in the middle of an extraordinary SLANTED Leftist Media campaign relative to the proven terrorist acts of Black Lives Matter. The American news media of today obscures and ignores facts that are contrary to their biased narrative to prove cops are always in the wrong and that rioting thugs are innocent people - all automatically done in the Leftist Media's zealotry to invent social memes contrary to authority.

My giddy aunt!

If it's all the vast left wing conspiracy which you seem to be suggesting, why then have they won the last two elections?

In America Republicans have won back BOTH Houses of Congress since 2010 and now control via VOTE about 34 of 50 State Legislatures and Governor's offices ... subtle tide that brings on a Tsunami

In America Republicans have won back BOTH Houses of Congress since 2010

Maybe that's true in alternate universe America. But in the America in this dimension Republicans won back the Senate in 2014.

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Both the shooter in Dallas and this one in Baton Rouge are military. When is the media going to call out the danger of military terrorists. You can't trust former military. Terrorism seems to be their creed. Military terrorists! Just look at the facts folks. I'm sure the apologists are going to say it isn't so. When will you wake up and admit US military are terrorizing America! Call it what it is for once.

In case you are in danger of missing the wood for the trees, both murderers converted to Islam prior to committing their crimes. They are terrorists, Islamist terrorists to be precise.

You've got some very curious ideas about Islam:

Before attack, Baton Rouge shooter shared spiritual beliefs on the road

Gavin Long spent the last weeks of his life on the road, trying to convince anyone who would listen about his strange beliefs and spiritual enlightenment.

He stopped in Dallas, crashing on the couch of a childhood friend’s mother and telling both how a visit to Africa had changed his life and how he “already knew the unknown.”

He stopped in Houston, telling strangers on a sidewalk how he had fasted for two years while abroad — as well as abstained from sex — and how it helped him shed 100 pounds and opened a third eye of wisdom.


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