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congratulations brexit voters

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Considering the guy she's put in charge of brexit doesn't understand EU law and thinks the republic of Ireland is part of the UK, I find it hard to be so optimistic.

But you have a feeling. So that's ok.

You have admit SB, not everyone is as clever as you, were you out that day when the government jobs were on offer, a sad loss for the country losing somebody as possitive as you.

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Another callous post from a bremoaner.

Nope. Wrong. Check my previous postings and you'll see I'm really rather keen for the UK to throw of its European shackles. However, I am rather skeptical (or realistic) that the Tories will deliver a satisfactory outcome for the British people in this respect.

As for "callous", my callousness in no way matches the callous way in which the Tories have treated the British (and other) people for generations. They serve only their wealthy and their aristocratic masters. Vilest of the vile.

I have always had fears about the ability of any UK politicians to steer us out properly. That said, the decision to leave was right and I woould rather start from that point.

I think a centre Conservative leadership is probably just about the best recipe we have available.

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This is all a bit boring now.

Nobody is going to change their minds, and it's just the usual crew putting people who don't agree with them down.

The mods should close all the Brexit threads down, or just leave one open.

Edited by MissAndry
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This is all a bit boring now.

Nobody is going to change their minds, and it's just the usual crew putting people who don't agree with them down.

The mods should close all the Brexit threads down, or just leave one open.

I'd much rather the threads were left running, there's been a lot of unequivocal statements on both sides of the argument - it is going to make interesting reading coming back to these in a year or two's time.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

You are entirely correct, you are entitled to your view and to exercise it.

By the way I am looking for somewhere to stay for few nights on my return to the UK how much do you charge a night inc breakfast?

You seem to be under the misunderstanding that I work in the hospitality business, I do not, nor am I Humphrey Bogart.

But I am in the UK at the moment, my third trip in as many months.

B&B is widely available, and I'm pleased to say the levels of service have improved dramatically - though you'll not meet any 'English' service staff 'service' being one of those areas of work they feel beneath themselves.

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The EU,as it started out as a Common Market,was O.K. good for all,

now look at what it has grown into today,meddling in other countries

National laws,what people can and cannot do,how straight the Cucumbers

and Bananas should be,the size a Strawberry must be.

Letting poor countries like Bulgaria and Romania join,with the right to

travel for employment within the EU,that was a huge mistake,and they

have many more ideas up their sleeve,that were put on hold,before

the referendum,for fear people would vote Brexit.just glad the U.K.

will now not be part of it,good job we did not join the Euro too,that

would have made it harder to untangle ourselves from it all.

We will still trade with Europe as they need us more than we need

them,it's just now we will not have to be told what we must do.just

wait and see if the Germans and French are happy bailing out Greece,

and later Italy,Spain and Portugal.

regards Worgeordie

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The options are quite stark because I can assure you... that in Prime Minister Theresa May -


So, May isn't interested in creating wooden objects on a lathe. Not really sure why that's relevant, or the need to shout.

Incidentally, the original spouter of that (slight mis-)quote (she didn't invent it - that was playwright Ronald Millar) didn't recognise the reference to Christopher Fry's work. But then she always was an ignorant philistine. It seems any halfwit could graduate from Oxford in those days, even if it did take her a year longer of study than most. She used it at a time when the UK was in crisis, with 2 million unemployed thanks to her heartless, brutal and utterly incompetent policies. Perhaps May will be equally heartless, brutal and incompetent. Or maybe this time the woman will go to an hotel in Brighton and someone will do a proper job. One can but hope.

Another callous post from a bremoaner.

Nope. Wrong. Check my previous postings and you'll see I'm really rather keen for the UK to throw of its European shackles. However, I am rather skeptical (or realistic) that the Tories will deliver a satisfactory outcome for the British people in this respect.

As for "callous", my callousness in no way matches the callous way in which the Tories have treated the British (and other) people for generations. They serve only their wealthy and their aristocratic masters. Vilest of the vile.

Meanwhile, those sterling Labour chaps that led Britain between 1997 and 2010.... ?

Anyone else ready for a healthy dose of Corbynite recidivism??

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

You are right ,you do have the right to keep on moaning and complaining ,so why dont you and soi biker go off and form a complainers club and start a petition , but sorry to say you lost ,just like Labour lost the last election and if Corbyn stays in charge will lose the next . so do us a favour go away ,you lost ya sucks coffee1.gif

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

It is a bit delusional to think that anyone actually won anything, the whole of the United Kingdom will lose in one way or another.

It will take a bit longer for some to realise it than others.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that many 'costs' cannot be valued so there is tendency for some mental justification over abstract costs until the reality sinks in.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

You are right ,you do have the right to keep on moaning and complaining ,so why dont you and soi biker go off and form a complainers club and start a petition , but sorry to say you lost ,just like Labour lost the last election and if Corbyn stays in charge will lose the next . so do us a favour go away ,you lost ya sucks coffee1.gif

I can't speak for Soi Biker, but I have no wish to go off and start any kind of a club, as a member here on TVF I am able (within the rules of the forum) able to express all the views I wish.

That you choose to categorize my views as 'moaning and complaining' is a matter of your own choice but rather odd that you continue to bother reading that which so clearly upsets you.

Perhaps you are not so assured of your 'victory' as you would have us believe, if you were, then surely my opinions would not matter a jot to you.

They clearly do, and I thank you for taking the time to read and respond - its what a forum is all about.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

You are entirely correct, as a pro-EU remain supporter, I am not at all happy with the result of the referendum.

But the referendum is not legally binding and while the UK remains a parliamentary democracy I still have the right to object to decisions being made by a non legally binding referendum and I shall exercise my rights in the UK democracy to protest, voice my opinion and lobby my MP against Brexit.

You may have enjoy your glorious moment of gloating the side of the referendum you support won the vote, but you cannot argue against my right to continue petitioning and arguing for the UK to remain in the EU and still call yourself a democrat.

You are right ,you do have the right to keep on moaning and complaining ,so why dont you and soi biker go off and form a complainers club and start a petition , but sorry to say you lost ,just like Labour lost the last election and if Corbyn stays in charge will lose the next . so do us a favour go away ,you lost ya sucks coffee1.gif

I can't speak for Soi Biker, but I have no wish to go off and start any kind of a club, as a member here on TVF I am able (within the rules of the forum) able to express all the views I wish.

That you choose to categorize my views as 'moaning and complaining' is a matter of your own choice but rather odd that you continue to bother reading that which so clearly upsets you.

Perhaps you are not so assured of your 'victory' as you would have us believe, if you were, then surely my opinions would not matter a jot to you.

They clearly do, and I thank you for taking the time to read and respond - its what a forum is all about.

Sorry ,but you lost ,just live with it,end of

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All the predictions of doom haven't exactly come true, have they?

Really ,? GBP @ under 45 bht , the new norm .

If you are getting under 45 you are being shafted.

I do wish you Remoaners would stop posting spurious figures. Here are a few REAL figures:-

Government Savings Bank

Thailand 2016-07-21 01:40 1 GBP THB 45.884 45.884 0.021794 Chart Krung Thai Bank Thailand 2016-07-21 09:05 GBP THB 45.80875 45.809 0.02183 Chart Bangkok Bank Thailand 2016-07-21 08:40 2 GBP THB 45.7925 45.792 0.021838 Chart TMB Thailand 2016-07-21 08:48 2 GBP THB 45.74375 45.744 0.021861 Chart UOB Thailand 2016-07-20 17:00 3 GBP THB 45.727 45.727 0.021869 Chart CIMB Thai Thailand 2016-07-21 08:53 2 GBP THB 45.6685 45.668 0.021897 Chart Bank of Ayudhya Thailand 2016-07-21 08:50 3 GBP THB 45.64742 45.647 0.021907 Chart Siam Commercial Bank Thailand 2016-07-21 08:49 GBP THB 45.63 45.63 0.021915 Chart Kasikorn Bank Thailand 2016-07-21 08:49 3 GBP THB 45.38313


I recall the Remain crowd predicting Armageddon and saying that the sky would fall in. I know posters on here were talking about a 20% drop in the currency and a "collapse" of the stock markets.

Let's look at the reality:-

Sterling is less than 10% down on normal trading levels pre Brexit and the FTSE250 is getting back to where it was. The FTSE 100 index continues to steam well ahead.

Te BoE have not taken rates negative - they have remained unchanged.

In a virtual bloodless coup Theresa May has slipped into the PM without fuss or fighting and looks made for the role. She has been well received by all including her European counterparts.

Oh yes, without doubt, the future is bright - the future is BREXIT.

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In any game or vote there will be winners and losers, if you decide to take that challenge up there is by definition a risk, you might win and you might lose and you have to be prepared for the result.

In the referendum issue, it seems, that remainers cannot abide with the loss, they seem to somehow taken it very personally and cannot come to terms with the result, which was I remind you that the UK voted to leave the EU.

It would be really very sporting if you could all just accept that you lost.

I dont accept you ever will though it grates with you all doesn't it?

For better or for worse and today Mark Carney has said (express for those who must have the source)that the BOE has not detected any slowdown in the UK economy. Despite what the doom makers and scaremongers have said the UK is doing ok.

Most losers accept defeat with good grace, unless of course you are an armchair warrior, perhaps you should get out more.

It is a bit delusional to think that anyone actually won anything, the whole of the United Kingdom will lose in one way or another.

It will take a bit longer for some to realise it than others.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that many 'costs' cannot be valued so there is tendency for some mental justification over abstract costs until the reality sinks in.

I think you are exceedingly foolish to keep beating yourself up, at your stage of life, over something you have lost and can do nothing about.

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Really ,? GBP @ under 45 bht , the new norm .

If you are getting under 45 you are being shafted.

I do wish you Remoaners would stop posting spurious figures. Here are a few REAL figures:-

Government Savings Bank


Thank you , so mush . @ 45.383 , i can now live a quality life , expected of a ex Brit,, existing in LOS .

Edited by elliss
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Really ,? GBP @ under 45 bht , the new norm .

If you are getting under 45 you are being shafted.

I do wish you Remoaners would stop posting spurious figures. Here are a few REAL figures:-

Government Savings Bank


Thank you , so mush . @ 45.383 , i can now live a quality life , expected of a ex Brit,, existing in LOS .

Yes indeed - fortunate and grateful that you and your fellow remainers were totally wrong in your forecasts for the collapse of Sterling.

I would agree that if you cannot live here on that rate, then perhaps you should be considering an alternative location.

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When I voted for Britain to get its democracy back from the dictatorship EU, I was aware that we would have a little down turn but we have political stability with Prime Minister May, She is proving to be a good one, Stands her ground and put Sturgeon in her place. I believe she will deliver on the Brexit.

We have many countries rushing to do trade agreements with us, It will take time but Britain will be a better place for our EU exit.

The pound will gain strength again but even before the Brexit the Bank of England was calling for a weaker pound.

As for Europe they have to get rid of the shackles of the EU.

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When I voted for Britain to get its democracy back from the dictatorship EU, I was aware that we would have a little down turn but we have political stability with Prime Minister May, She is proving to be a good one, Stands her ground and put Sturgeon in her place. I believe she will deliver on the Brexit.

We have many countries rushing to do trade agreements with us, It will take time but Britain will be a better place for our EU exit.

The pound will gain strength again but even before the Brexit the Bank of England was calling for a weaker pound.

As for Europe they have to get rid of the shackles of the EU.

Koun Tommy ,

Madam May , states she is not going to push any red button this year ,, if ever .??

Monsieur Hollande . will demand the UK are thrown out of the EU .

There by giving the british electorate , what they voted for .

Sooner than expected . facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

Mr Mannering we are doomed . gbp @ 45,383333

Edited by elliss
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Thank you , so mush . @ 45.383 , i can now live a quality life , expected of a ex Brit,, existing in LOS .

The EU referendum was exactly fours weeks ago today. If your disposable income can't withstand 28 days of f/x volatility then you're doomed.

I recall when voting in the referendum that I didn't factor you in to my decision to vote out. Why should I?

Edited by wooloomooloo
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IMF 'clowns' forced to admit Britain’s economy is GROWING despite predicting Brexit doom BUNGLING International Monetary Fund officials have claimed Britain’s economy will grow faster than Germany’s and France’s just weeks after warning Brexit would have a “severe” impact on the economy.


Sorry, OP. They got it wrong. More scaremongering.

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I have said it before and I will say it again . . . . .

I voted to leave - not because I am a moron (unlike the Remainers, who it seems got the greatest majority of their predictions wrong - morons that they turned out to be) but because I no longer (if ever) want to be controlled by un-elected representatives telling us when to shit, fart and do everything else.

I voted out for a brighter and better future for myself and my children.

Immigration played a part. More so, being TOLD we have to take in economic migrants or be fined for not doing so.

Plus a host of other reasons.

And from the news I read and hear, we got out just in time biggrin.png

The future is bright, the future is BREXIT clap2.gif

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