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Brit dies in Bangkok hospital after being stranded for 2 month while family struggled to pay bill


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Why not sell mandatory travel insurance with plane tickets for travelers with a tourist visa.

And at a shop next to immigration for everybody that enters Thailand by land with a tourist visa.

Problem solved

I think it's a fair point that basic insurance should be mandatory if a country doesn't not have an NHS as Britain does

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Thailand aren't to blame. They have costs to recoup just like we all do. Insurance should have been purchased, it happens all to often, people need think before going away, of its worth paying the extra £££ or risking your life. It's not even a British embassy issue, it happens so often, we would be forever bailing out holiday makers.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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Why not sell mandatory travel insurance with plane tickets for travelers with a tourist visa.

And at a shop next to immigration for everybody that enters Thailand by land with a tourist visa.

Problem solved

I think it's a fair point that basic insurance should be mandatory if a country doesn't not have an NHS as Britain does

Public health insurance is for British people in Britain. Travel is a luxury and the general public -- many of only dream of a vacation to Thailand should not be forced to subsidize people who travel.

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Maybe this be a lesson to people trying to save a few ££££'s by not having travel insurance.

Why should Thailand have to "foot this bill" ?

would Britain have to "foot this bill" if a Thai had this issue there? the answer is YES

No, we get it back from their government. However, they have to have specific travel documents when entering the UK

RIP . Don't blame Thailand for this.

Who's blaming Thailand? Let's not be silly and go on the defensive. We don't know if she had insurance or not, but some Thai hospitals do have a habit of needlessly running up bills to make a buck.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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Rip , I don't know if the lady had insurance or adequate insurance but maybe the way forward would be to make insurance compulsory when entering the country. When checking passports on arrival check if the visitor has insurance from their home country if not make it compulsory to buy it here before being allowed to enter the country. That could save a visitors life and also save Thailand money

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Why not sell mandatory travel insurance with plane tickets for travelers with a tourist visa.

And at a shop next to immigration for everybody that enters Thailand by land with a tourist visa.

Problem solved

I think it's a fair point that basic insurance should be mandatory if a country doesn't not have an NHS as Britain does

Public health insurance is for British people in Britain. Travel is a luxury and the general public -- many of only dream of a vacation to Thailand should not be forced to subsidize people who travel.
No, we don't have public health insurance. If on holiday wherever in the world we take out insurance for this exact purpose [emoji53]
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Rip , I don't know if the lady had insurance or adequate insurance but maybe the way forward would be to make insurance compulsory when entering the country. When checking passports on arrival check if the visitor has insurance from their home country if not make it compulsory to buy it here before being allowed to enter the country. That could save a visitors life and also save Thailand money

I am sorry, but Thailand should not become a nanny state to foreigners who irresponsibly travel without health insurance -- then expect Thailand to subsidize or take care of you. If you cannot afford or cannot get travel insurance and cannot or will not take responsibility for yourself -- don't travel -- stay at home in your own nanny state.

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interesting thread. going by what I read about the woman's condition . I can see why she did not have any insurance as who would give any with her health problems. I also think she should not have left the uk. would I travel if I had the same problem's ?. yes I would and if I had serious problems . it would be my problem not anyone else's

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There really needs to be an international investigation into foreigners treatment in Thai hospitals.

Basically how much does their ability to pay affect their chances of survival?

I agree but if you read a bit of history it seems she has been on life support and although the family requested life support to be removed the Bangkok Hospital refused sighting Thai beliefs. To me it looks like a cruel over servicing scam.

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Maybe this be a lesson to people trying to save a few ££££'s by not having travel insurance.

Why should Thailand have to "foot this bill" ?

Don't know her situation but most insurance doesn't cover existing conditions. Many people get the shaft due to this.

Not to mention that most insurance companies are not prepared to cover anyone over 50, or with any sort of preexisting health problems. Those of us in these circumstances hope for a healthy life and a swift (and cheap) death.

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interesting thread. going by what I read about the woman's condition . I can see why she did not have any insurance as who would give any with her health problems. I also think she should not have left the uk. would I travel if I had the same problem's ?. yes I would and if I had serious problems . it would be my problem not anyone else's

I have standing instructions with two of my sisters. If I die, make sure I am dealt with in the cheapest way possible... no dragging my body all over the word.... I have no wish to travel after I am dead and I am not the lightest person and they would probably drag me around by my feet :o I also told them where to find the money to pay for it.

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There really needs to be an international investigation into foreigners treatment in Thai hospitals.

Basically how much does their ability to pay affect their chances of survival?

I agree but if you read a bit of history it seems she has been on life support and although the family requested life support to be removed the Bangkok Hospital refused sighting Thai beliefs. To me it looks like a cruel over servicing scam.

Move her to a public hospital, someone will trip over the cord for you.

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Maybe this be a lesson to people trying to save a few ££££'s by not having travel insurance.

Why should Thailand have to "foot this bill" ?

Even worse, why is it three fifty-something western women don't have the wherewithal to even borrow the money to get their sister out of hospital and back home?

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I agree with some users and No. 71;

Thailand does not have to subsituer to those who come without money or insurance

And even the country where they come not to help them.

everyone takes responsibility.


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I wonder if the hospital will hang onto the body until the bill is paid? At least bringing the ashes home will be cheaper than an air ambulance.

If this lady was on life-support, it seems there wasn't anything that could be done for her in the UK or Thailand. Again shows that people should be able to self-insure or buy travel insurance...Go Fund MEs after the fact are rarely successful (especially for middle-aged women). Another case that militates in favor of tourists/expatriates to show proof of insurance or ability to self-insure before being allowed to travel or reside in The Kingdom.

If they can pay the hospital charges, they can ship the cremated remains by EMS in a box for about 1000 baht...cheap as chips.

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IF you going to make a joke, look in the mirror first!!!! Did you help this man pay his bills? Oh, not your concern? A human life lost and you have no compassion? In a Buddhist country?

trust me, helping others feel really good...... I wish I knew about this guy before it was too late.

yes, i help as much as i possibly can....

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Bloody stupid to travel without Insurance.

Make it compulsory as is the Visa.

Insurance is a business. The insurance companies make a fortune from it.

If compulsory, they will have your money, but will they pay? How often do they find reasons not to pay?

As a rule here you do not get service at a hospital here without proving you can pay. People should be able to decide for themselves.

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even with travel insurance the company doesnt want to pay out.....my friend was taken ill in pattaya last year....taken to Bangkok Hospital they wanted 27,000 baht before he was put into a bed....his brother paid this via his visa card....he was in for 6 days given test that he didnt need ?....first 3 days he couldnt move and the staff left his food on the other side of the room so he couldnt eat it.....final bill 6000 English pounds which his brother paid and they couldnt find out what the problem was ?....his brother had contacted his own doctor in the UK and the Insurance company.....on returning to the UK the insurance company asked for his medical history, they discovered he was given some tablets off his GP 15 years before for an Anxiety Attack...the insurance compnay decided he had another Anxiety Attack in Pattaya ? and refused to pay the 6000 pounds bill as it was a pre exsiting condition.......so good luck with your travel insurance...and PS...dont even think of have a beer on holiday as this will void any claim .....

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to be fair if she had travel insurance then no problem.no one donated enough to get her home,i don,t blame anyone for not donating to they cause.also the hospital wanted payment too.don,t blame Thailand blame the lady who did not take out travel insurance

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There really needs to be an international investigation into foreigners treatment in Thai hospitals.

Basically how much does their ability to pay affect their chances of survival?

So, basically they are treated as if they were Thai nationality.... by god they are being discriminated against!

oh wait.... sorry, no discrimination and now people are upset because they are treated like Thais.

Why don't they treat us like superior human beings that we are? :P

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I think you should research a little more into how travel insurance works.

It is ok for the short time tourist on holiday but it does nothing for a traveler.

I knew they covered VD, but why exclude gypsies?

You can get insurance for 1 year and then renew it.

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dcnx, on 20 Jul 2016 - 06:13, said:
Pattaya28, on 20 Jul 2016 - 04:57, said:

Maybe this be a lesson to people trying to save a few ££££'s by not having travel insurance.

Why should Thailand have to "foot this bill" ?

Don't know her situation but most insurance doesn't cover existing conditions. Many people get the shaft due to this.

“Kathryn had been ill for a long time and suffers from arthritis,”

You don't die from arthritis, if she had a pre existing serious conditions the sister would have said so,

where were the UK embassy in this story and they did to help the situation?

I'm sure if this lady was well connected she would have alive today, sadly, she was a no body

just enough not to really try harder or donate money for the repatriating back to the UK,

This woman could have been saved easily, .... Shame on the UK people and government......

The British Embassy will not lift a finger to help you. Anyone who thinks they will give assistance is fooling them self

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Actually, no. My experience is that the private hospitals on Samui go out of their way to void insurance for faster payment,

Well you'd be wrong.

I had a motorcycle rental business here for a long time, and spoke to quite a few customers who have a different opinion to yours. Alcohol blood tests were regularly carried out and insurance denied - even for pillion passengers. Passports were demanded and held until full payment.

well...Now you've changed you argument haven't you? - Insurance companies of course don't want to pay out - the hospitals do as it is a licence to print money.

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