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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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She was rickrolled:


The Mole will be outed. The Donald don't take prisioners...smile.png

Well one of Donald's big fans has come up with an explanation. Since he is/was a Grand Wizard, it must be true.

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, who has enthusiastically endorsed Trump, offered a novel explanation: the Jewish agenda.

After Melania’s speech, Duke concluded in a blog post that there was “inescapable logic that this was intentional sabotage and treachery” by Trump’s speechwriter, who Duke assumes must be Jewish.


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Au contraire - there were mountians of evidence comfirming Crooked Hillary's guilt but the FBI chose not to prosecute due to Politics.

Laws are for the Little Peeps, remember? facepalm.gif

The same charges could have been brought against Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice in the Bush era. I don't recall anyone getting their knickers in a knot about their breaches of security rules.

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Donald Trump is a Grand Wizard of the KKK? clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Hey, Boon Mee, any comment?

"This must put a knife in Bloviator and Melanie fans:

“We discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people,” McIver wrote. “A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama.


Take a deep breath, Boon Mee and the rest of you Bloviator fans!

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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"He will never, ever, give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever, let you down."

Unless of course you are one of his previous wives or unpaid building contractor.......

Or Rick Astley. Take it away Ricky!!!

Just too funny! Seriously, and once again for the slow folks amongst us, Hollywoods best scriptwriters couldn't come up with this! cheesy.gifgigglem.gifgiggle.gif

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Not only is Melania a liar but she is cheating on her US Tax Returns. Thats why Trump wont release them.

Trump and his wife, Crooked Melania the Liar filed NY State taxes claiming a tax exemption as they claim they make under $500,000/ year.

A multi billionaire makes over $500,000 a day in simple interest.

Imagine that. Trumps imported wife is shirking paying US tax!

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Simple: All Melania had to do, after the speech, was say something like, "I liked Michelle's speech. I took some passages from it. I should have acknowledged it in my speech. Sorry, but thanks to Michelle for inspiring me."

There. Done.

Unfortunately, Melania can barely brush here pretty hair without Trump and his handlers trying to control her every utterance. If she had known she was marrying into micro-managed Control City, would she have still taken the vows and signed the pre-nup? Well, with so much riches and jewelry available......

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The phrases used by Melania are pretty generic phrases used by many Americans.


By The Way. Just in:

Trump Org. writer takes blame for Melania Trump's speech; asserts she offered resignation but was rejected.


And, per usual, you don't acknowledge your errors. Your contention of a conspiracy was ridiculous.

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Your point is to try to pretend that Hillary did nothing wrong, but the American people know better. Melania Trump's speech is a tempest in a teapot in comparison.

More than half of Americans think the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee broke the law by using a private email account and server at the State Department and nearly 4 in 10 think she did so intentionally, according to the poll.


Of course HRC used the email server intentionally. Just like other Secretary's of State did. Some survey showing that more than half Americans think she broke the law merely demonstrates the thick-headedness of those who do not accept that if she broke the law, then she would have been charged. Which she has not. So this 'opinion' is not based on legal realities, just typical right wing partisan crap.

Hoons yelling 'send her to jail' at the RNC. A new low for a once proud party now reduced to base nativism through a misogynist, self absorbed billionaire whose lying is congenital.

Listen to Bernie. Real people don't give a toss about those damn emails.


I am a real person and I give a damn about Hillary using the private email account. And I am an Independent who voted for Bill Clinton (before you attempt to pigeon hole me).

Why did Hillary use a private email account?

So that the content of her emails could be kept from public scrutiny. Quite simple. It was an attempt to keep her communications from the public record. If a republican had done it I would be equally angry...it was an injustive against the American people and it risked American Security Interestes in the name of personal Clinton gain.

Was a law broken? Apparently not.

Was the act a disgrace and a means to subvert public scrutiny for personal gain? Absolutely.

You mean you actually voted twice for George W. Bush?

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Yup, she should be charged for lying to the American people and then her immigration records should be checked to see if she is a communist sympathizer and whether she claimed to have a degree. They should take a lot of time and spend a lot of money on the investigation as well. And if they don't find enough to send her to jail or deport her then they should keep digging.

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Five pages about a politician's wife.....

Isn't it bad enough that we try to work out the way actual politicians' minds work (as they may well affect our lives) - without wondering about their wives???

Granted, the wives give a clue as to the politician - but even so, 5 pages about something as relatively unimportant as plagiarism by an obviously unimportant wife and her script writers?

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And next they need to investigate those 5 languages she speaks fluently. I bet one is Croatian, another is Serbian, another is Bosnia, and then there is Montenegran. Oh those 4 are almost the same. I wouldn't count English.

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Five pages about a politician's wife.....

Isn't it bad enough that we try to work out the way actual politicians' minds work (as they may well affect our lives) - without wondering about their wives???

Granted, the wives give a clue as to the politician - but even so, 5 pages about something as relatively unimportant as plagiarism by an obviously unimportant wife and her script writers?

Trump has a bad habit of attacking everyone and their spouse too. Now, family members are fair game. Rip her to shreds I say.

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Yup, she should be charged for lying to the American people and then her immigration records should be checked to see if she is a communist sympathizer and whether she claimed to have a degree. They should take a lot of time and spend a lot of money on the investigation as well. And if they don't find enough to send her to jail or deport her then they should keep digging.

Yeah sure.

I say build a wall around her happy place and make the Slovenian college dropouts pay for it!


She does seem like a perfectly adequate trophy wife ... but getting kind of past her use by date based on trump's history, eh?

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Trump's campaign defies any semblance of intelligence. Did the campaign managers really think repeating Michelle Obama's speech would go unnoticed? Trump's campaign isn't just America's embarrassment it has become the laughing stock of the entire western world.

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Trump's campaign defies any semblance of intelligence. Did the campaign managers really think repeating Michelle Obama's speech would go unnoticed? Trump's campaign isn't just America's embarrassment it has become the laughing stock of the entire western world.

Trump has been too cheap to hire proper staff. He has his kids doing it free. He knows he is a loser and is not going to waste any more of his money.

Campaign donations are going into his pocket too, renting rooms in his hotels, leasing his jet. Like he said, he may make a profit. That is the way he saves face. "I really didn't want to be president anyway but hey, I made a few million. That's a win."

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Trump's campaign defies any semblance of intelligence. Did the campaign managers really think repeating Michelle Obama's speech would go unnoticed? Trump's campaign isn't just America's embarrassment it has become the laughing stock of the entire western world.

Of course they didn't think anyone would notice. Most of the people there wouldn't be caught dead listening to anything Michelle Obama said. Apparently, they didn't think anyone else listened either.

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The entire convention has mostly been about a huge ADVERT for the trump BUSINESS empire. So incredibly narcissistic. He can't get very many credible speakers, he can't get any former republican presidents or nominees, but he can put all his kiddies (from a grab bag of trophy wives) on display. Not to mention the D-list "celebrities" and odious homophobes like Duck Man. Nothing embarrasses him. His ego is so shameless. But the republicans should be very ashamed for nominating this HOT SMELLY MESS.

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Trump's campaign defies any semblance of intelligence. Did the campaign managers really think repeating Michelle Obama's speech would go unnoticed? Trump's campaign isn't just America's embarrassment it has become the laughing stock of the entire western world.

I don't believe it was intentional. Just an amateur hour error.

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Trump's campaign defies any semblance of intelligence. Did the campaign managers really think repeating Michelle Obama's speech would go unnoticed? Trump's campaign isn't just America's embarrassment it has become the laughing stock of the entire western world.

I don't believe it was intentional. Just an amateur hour error.

That is indeed the most likely scenario although, the dirty tricks Democrats pull e.g. dead voters and stuffing ballot boxes, it's not beyond the realm of reason it was a sinister plot! blink.png

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How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Caused an Uproar

"The speechwriters, Matthew Scully and John McConnell, sent Ms. Trump a draft last month, eager for her approval."

"Weeks went by. They heard nothing."

"Inside Trump Tower, it turned out,

Ms. Trump had decided she was uncomfortable with the text, and began tearing it apart, leaving a small fraction of the original."


WATCH: Melania Trump Said She Mostly Wrote RNC Speech Herself

Melania Trump telling NBC’s Matt Lauer of her RNC speech: “I read once over it and that’s all because I wrote it with as little help as possible.”

Video here:


Now, for the incompetent Bloviator to save face, they have thrown Meredith Mclver (ghostwriter of multiple Trump books) under the bus:

Meredith McIver said it “was my mistake.”


Thereby, admitting to plagriarism.

While directly contradicting Mrs. Bloviator who says: “I read once over it and that’s all because I wrote it with as little help as possible.”

In doing so, proving she lied in the interview with Matt Lauer.

Ya got nothin' Lemmings.

Except a family of lying Hucksters.

And adolescent deflection.

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The entire convention has mostly been about a huge ADVERT for the trump BUSINESS empire. So incredibly narcissistic. He can't get very many credible speakers, he can't get any former republican presidents or nominees, but he can put all his kiddies (from a grab bag of trophy wives) on display. Not to mention the D-list "celebrities" and odious homophobes like Duck Man. Nothing embarrasses him. His ego is so shameless. But the republicans should be very ashamed for nominating this HOT SMELLY MESS.

The "high powered speakers" Trump said he had lined up never materialized. Trump was desperate to find anybody. "Chachi"/Scott Biao said he ran into Trump last Thursday and Trump invited him to speak. He thought Trump was joking. Chachi? LOL Chachi is a conspiracy nut that thinks Obama is a muslim double agent. Chachi is a rabid right wing media consumer.

It must really be disappointing for Trump to have all his 'friends' abandon him.

He thinks they are friends but they certainly don't want to be associated with him now. Take a look at his wedding guest list. Impressive...but they didn't show up when he invited them to his convention.

Reality must be setting in.

Never thought he would get this far. You can tell by his speeches, he doesn't know anything about governing, economics or world affairs. Admits to not reading a book in 20 years. He already said the VP will be doing the heavy lifting.

The guy is a NY shyster, wheeler dealer, non stop, in your face bullshitter with no friends.

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Not only does Trump and his wife use foreign sweat shops to produce their fashion products, Trumps daughter has 838 products advertised as Imported with about half made in China.

Trump talks tough about outsourcing......The NY shyster that will say anything. A blabbermouth.

By the way, the daughter Ivanka "Collection" just removed the link she had on the Trump Organization website...LOL.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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