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Hating on Hillary: Republican convention down and dirty


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I don't know how you watch that cluster eff and conclude Trump and the wingnuts have a prayer. It was a mess from get go and concluded with a disastrous speech by the orange man.*

I guess when you're as divorced from reality as far as the wingnuts are you just...nope, I got nothing.

The Republican party died in Cleveland. Som nom na

*I don't really know that. I have a life so didn't watch it. I just assume it was a disaster, like everything else his little hands touch.

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The Clintons have made $20m from the education industry education since 2010.


And Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has claimed that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.I'm sure they will be delighted if she wins the electionsmile.png (I wonder what the payback will begiggle.gif )


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The Clintons have made $20m from the education industry education since 2010.


And Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has claimed that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.I'm sure they will be delighted if she wins the electionsmile.png (I wonder what the payback will begiggle.gif )

Yeah, sure. Whatever. coffee1.gif

Where do they get this stuff? Never mind...I know.

Donald Trump, let me repeat that, Donald <deleted> Trump is the Republican nominee. cheesy.gif

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and expect more and continuing bad behaviour from the banksters if Hillary winsbah.gif

Hillary Clinton's Top VP Pick Lets Big Banks Know He's in Their Corner

How Tim Kaine is signaling that he'll be 'an asset with banking interests on the fundraising trail'


Edited by Asiantravel
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The Clintons have made $20m from the education industry education since 2010.


And Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has claimed that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.I'm sure they will be delighted if she wins the electionsmile.png (I wonder what the payback will begiggle.gif )

Yeah, sure. Whatever. coffee1.gif

Where do they get this stuff? Never mind...I know.

Donald Trump, let me repeat that, Donald <deleted> Trump is the Republican nominee. cheesy.gif

" Apparently there is a close relationship between the Saudi royal family and the Clintons. The Latin American television Telesurtv reported that the Clinton family and the Saudi royal family are no “strangers in exchange of favors”.gigglem.gif


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Nothing unusual about that.

Prince Bandar had so much sway over the Bush family, they used to call him "Bandar Bush".

It goes back a long way. Bush Senior was always in Saudi sticking his hand out for the family business.

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The false narrative claim is the result of the right wing echo chamber. Lots of numbers in the link to a right wing hit piece. Got an opinion of your own? Tell us then, just how many black people gunned down by police does it take to justify a BLM movement? Clearly the 90 unarmed people gunned down in 2015 are not enough for you, whatever the proportion of African Americans. How many do you want? 500. A thousand enough for you.

One is enough for me. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/07/485066807/police-stop-ends-in-black-mans-death-aftermath-is-livestreamed-online-video These incidents happen due to systemic and institutionalized racism. This kind of racism has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes. it is an expression of those who are in control.

The real narrative:


Question for you:

Why do so many black men resist arrest?

Question for you:

Why is the Black Lives Matter movement not at all interested in the black lives lost each day in Chicago at the hands of other blacks?


Anytime a discussion arises on the issue of BLM the same sort of people come out of the woodwork. Throwing out statistics without context and diverting the issue to the completely unrelated and unconnected issue of black on black homicide. Your questions are not questions. They are signals of your disrespect. And some of your best friends are black? Yeah right.

The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

And true to form you simply play off any questions with the typical BLM diversionary tactics. On the one hand you call it a discussion but you steadfastly refuse to discuss at all--you simply repeat tslking points. But I have to hand it to you, this "Language of the Oppressor" is a new one on me. Do you just break that one out every time you are at a loss for words? How am I the "Opressor"? I am in my late 70's and I have had 1,000's of discussions in my life with people in professional, private, social, personal and every other manner and no one I know has ever made such an accusation to me nor had such an accusation leveled at them before.

Try answering the questions presented to you rather than make the personal attacks on whether zi have black friends or not...my personal life is not any of your business and is irrelevent to the topic...but you know you can't answer the questions without your glaring failures becoming apparent.

The fact is the BLM movement is not interested in ALL black lives lost to violence--it is interested in a very SMALL minority of those lives--basically any life taken by a white and then complete indifference and disregard for any black life, no matter how young, taken by a black member of the community.

You are racists and your movement is motivated by racism.

Why isn't Obama and why aren't you concerned about the black on black violence if ALL Black Lives Matter?

Simple question.

Perhaps your movement should more accurately be called, "Black Lives Taken by Whites Matter".

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The false narrative claim is the result of the right wing echo chamber. Lots of numbers in the link to a right wing hit piece. Got an opinion of your own? Tell us then, just how many black people gunned down by police does it take to justify a BLM movement? Clearly the 90 unarmed people gunned down in 2015 are not enough for you, whatever the proportion of African Americans. How many do you want? 500. A thousand enough for you.

One is enough for me. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/07/485066807/police-stop-ends-in-black-mans-death-aftermath-is-livestreamed-online-video These incidents happen due to systemic and institutionalized racism. This kind of racism has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes. it is an expression of those who are in control.

The real narrative:


Question for you:

Why do so many black men resist arrest?

Question for you:

Why is the Black Lives Matter movement not at all interested in the black lives lost each day in Chicago at the hands of other blacks?


Anytime a discussion arises on the issue of BLM the same sort of people come out of the woodwork. Throwing out statistics without context and diverting the issue to the completely unrelated and unconnected issue of black on black homicide. Your questions are not questions. They are signals of your disrespect. And some of your best friends are black? Yeah right.

The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

And true to form you simply play off any questions with the typical BLM diversionary tactics. On the one hand you call it a discussion but you steadfastly refuse to discuss at all--you simply repeat tslking points. But I have to hand it to you, this "Language of the Oppressor" is a new one on me. Do you just break that one out every time you are at a loss for words? How am I the "Opressor"? I am in my late 70's and I have had 1,000's of discussions in my life with people in professional, private, social, personal and every other manner and no one I know has ever made such an accusation to me nor had such an accusation leveled at them before.

Try answering the questions presented to you rather than make the personal attacks on whether zi have black friends or not...my personal life is not any of your business and is irrelevent to the topic...but you know you can't answer the questions without your glaring failures becoming apparent.

The fact is the BLM movement is not interested in ALL black lives lost to violence--it is interested in a very SMALL minority of those lives--basically any life taken by a white and then complete indifference and disregard for any black life, no matter how young, taken by a black member of the community.

You are racists and your movement is motivated by racism.

Why isn't Obama and why aren't you concerned about the black on black violence if ALL Black Lives Matter?

Simple question.

Perhaps your movement should more accurately be called, "Black Lives Taken by Whites Matter".

What do I or anyone else care what you may or may not have heard in your numerous conversations in your life? It is entirely irrelevant to anything.

You still maintain the illusion that you can define BLM. You extend that delusion to thinking that you can define me. Call me whatever you want. Sticks and stones and all that. Your delusion continues to lead you to believe that I or anyone am required to respond to your questions in any way or in any form. Just because you pose a question obliges nobody to respond.

Your question on Obama demonstrates not only astounding ignorance but reinforces all that I have said about your agenda. You willfully employ the language of the oppressors to force your definition of a minority group. You want to promote a cause on Black Lives Taken by Whites Matter then go for it but you have no authority to dictate the agenda of BLM or define what they are about.

You connect me with Obama? Thank you. I am honored.

Edited by Sheryl
vulgarity/flame reoved by Moderator
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Anytime a discussion arises on the issue of BLM the same sort of people come out of the woodwork. Throwing out statistics without context and diverting the issue to the completely unrelated and unconnected issue of black on black homicide. Your questions are not questions. They are signals of your disrespect. And some of your best friends are black? Yeah right.

The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

And true to form you simply play off any questions with the typical BLM diversionary tactics. On the one hand you call it a discussion but you steadfastly refuse to discuss at all--you simply repeat tslking points. But I have to hand it to you, this "Language of the Oppressor" is a new one on me. Do you just break that one out every time you are at a loss for words? How am I the "Opressor"? I am in my late 70's and I have had 1,000's of discussions in my life with people in professional, private, social, personal and every other manner and no one I know has ever made such an accusation to me nor had such an accusation leveled at them before.

Try answering the questions presented to you rather than make the personal attacks on whether zi have black friends or not...my personal life is not any of your business and is irrelevent to the topic...but you know you can't answer the questions without your glaring failures becoming apparent.

The fact is the BLM movement is not interested in ALL black lives lost to violence--it is interested in a very SMALL minority of those lives--basically any life taken by a white and then complete indifference and disregard for any black life, no matter how young, taken by a black member of the community.

You are racists and your movement is motivated by racism.

Why isn't Obama and why aren't you concerned about the black on black violence if ALL Black Lives Matter?

Simple question.

Perhaps your movement should more accurately be called, "Black Lives Taken by Whites Matter".

What do I or anyone else care what you may or may not have heard in your numerous conversations in your life? It is entirely irrelevant to anything.

You still maintain the illusion that you can define BLM. You extend that delusion to thinking that you can define me. Call me whatever you want. Sticks and stones and all that. Your delusion continues to lead you to believe that I or anyone am required to respond to your questions in any way or in any form. Just because you pose a question obliges nobody to respond.

Your question on Obama demonstrates not only astounding ignorance but reinforces all that I have said about your agenda. You willfully employ the language of the oppressors to force your definition of a minority group. You want to promote a cause on Black Lives Taken by Whites Matter then go for it but you have no authority to dictate the agenda of BLM or define what they are about.

You connect me with Obama? Thank you. I am honored.

You sure are funny.

Now you credit me with an "agenda"? I just thought I had an opinion.

Now you are going on about "having Authority"...are you serious?

I just asked you to explain your BLM movement because I don't understand why you call it Black Lives Matter when you could care a less about the vast majority of black lives lost to violence.

I certainly don't think you or anyone else is required to andwer my questions but this is a forum. Do you understand what that implies?

The words and tone you use in your responses are really something.

"Authority"? "Language of the Oppressor"? "Force"? "Dictate"?

They are quite militant in nature.

Maybe I should ask someone a bit less emotional than you to explain the BLM movement and give you a chance to calm down.

I would start a cause but it has been stsrted by others long before me.

It is based on the premise that ALL LIVES MATTER.

Not just those which can be used to further a political agenda.

Edited by Sheryl
quote edited in keeping with original edit on that post
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I think it is a very fair byline. Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans; it would be 'surreal' if it did not percolate up into the representatives."Down and dirty" is ironic if not downright comedic, considering Hillary is the topic and the republicans only incidentally.

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The attempt to define BLM as something it is not is precisely the expression of the language of oppression that defines racist cultures and systems.

He is defining BLM as it actually IS - a racist movement that keeps accusing white policemen of crimes that it turns out they did not commit. Time after time, the slayings of black criminals by cops have turned out to be justified shootings.

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I think it is a very fair byline. Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans; it would be 'surreal' if it did not percolate up into the representatives."Down and dirty" is ironic if not downright comedic, considering Hillary is the topic and the republicans only incidentally.


"People are angry"

"Hillary is hated"

These are typical dishonest campaign slogans. Nothing to do with reality.

The bozos that watch FOX think it's true. Thats what they hear all day.

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I think it is a very fair byline. Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans; it would be 'surreal' if it did not percolate up into the representatives."Down and dirty" is ironic if not downright comedic, considering Hillary is the topic and the republicans only incidentally.


"People are angry"

"Hillary is hated"

These are typical dishonest campaign slogans. Nothing to do with reality.

The bozos that watch FOX think it's true. Thats what they hear all day.


I get my news from the BBC.

I do not watch FOX news.

I have a strong dislike for Hillary.

Can you please enlarge the perameters of your pigeon hole.

Thank you

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Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans.

Indeed. A majority of Americans think Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about her emails. That is a fact.

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I think it is a very fair byline. Hillary is actually hated, rightly or not. The fact is, she provokes real and palpable visceral disdain in a large population of Americans; it would be 'surreal' if it did not percolate up into the representatives."Down and dirty" is ironic if not downright comedic, considering Hillary is the topic and the republicans only incidentally.


"People are angry"

"Hillary is hated"

These are typical dishonest campaign slogans. Nothing to do with reality.

The bozos that watch FOX think it's true. Thats what they hear all day.

Except for a few things:

I support no campaign. I'm clever enough to string my own words together.

I do not make my point the better point by debasing a TV member to appear more informed.

I do not watch fox news, therefore it's me AND the bozos that watch Fox News.

If a person can boldly suggest Americans are not "angry" they evidence a "reality" that's shared by none, on the left or right (Sander's/Trump). If it's asserted Hillary is not "hated", there goes decades of the left and the Clinton's explanations for the endless Tammany Hall scandals that plague her.

The left is always emotional and always personal. We're it not so the above post would have been reasoned.

Indeed, fewer have evidenced "nothing to do with reality" in so small a space as above. "Silly" even.

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Don't forget. People were REALLY angry in 2008.
Much better now.

In 2007-2008 American retirees saw their retirement accounts and pension funds get crushed by 65%.
Their houses were were worth less than they had paid.
20 million had lost their jobs.
2 wars and GWBushs irresponsible acts took a budget surplus and went over budget by $1.3 trillion per year.
People were leaping off heir roofs. It was that bad.
How soon the republicans forget.

Here is a 10 year look at the average persons retirement fund performance.
Did you notice?
Retirees have a 216% gain in their account since March 2009.

That is an incredible rebound from the 2008 Republican economic fiasco.
Now you know.


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I don't think Americans have forgotten.

I don't think Republicans have forgotten and that is why many of them supported a candidate like Trump in the Primary...a non-career politician.

Republicans still hold their Values dear but want new leadership.

That is a reasonable solution.

Changing party loyalty and sacrificing a Value System as you have suggested is not reasonable.

Some of the points you have brought up are valid and I will be the first to admit the GWB presidency cost this country plenty.

Thats a difference between a Republican voter and a modern Democrat.

Republicans can identify and admit failings within their leadership while Democrats look at their leader as a Saviour...above any reproach. (This was not true the case as recently as Bill Clinton but is today).

Perhaps Republicans are more cerebral while Democrats are often quite emotionally driven?

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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

He is uniquely unqualified to be POTUS. But the RNC convention, and all Trump supporters are only about one thing: stop Hilary Clinton...so, that means - install Trump, the most flawed candidate in the history of the USA.

That would be like me hating my heart surgeon for some reason, and telling the hospital - oh, hell, just grab any intern for my open heart surgery. And, try to get one with bad temperament.

I don't like Hilary at all. But I know she has the experience, Bill Clinton, and most importantly, the all-star A team to do the job. She can and will attract the top tier, best and brightest from every field for every position. This is a fact. Trump can attract uneducated underwear models, college drop-outs, and others, no or few top tier people at all. Anyone top tier in the GOP is scared to death of ruining their careers by joining him.

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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

I have heard and agree with some of the points you have made.

Others sound a bit far-fetched.

While you last one about redneck and bigot demographic actually sounds like a very bigotted remark on your part.

But what you may not realize is many of us are not voting for Trump.

We are voting for the Value System and Priorities of fellow Republican voters (not its leadership).

We are also voting against continued obama policies under Hillary and against a Democratic Party agenda which no longer represents working class, tax paying Americans compared to its pro-labor position it held for most of the past 50 years.

You need to understand that us "rednecks" work for a living and regardless of the character weaknesses of Trump, which there are many, he is the only candidate concerned about bringing jobs back and making America strong. Your party has made its priorities demonizing law enforcement and turning street thugs into heroes simply because they are black and fighting to let boys who identify as girls be allowed to pee in the little girls bathroom.

These issues just are not important to me.

Edited by ClutchClark
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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

I have heard and agree with some of the points you have made.

Others sound a bit far-fetched.

While you last one about redneck and bigot demographic actually sounds like a very bigotted remark on your part.

But what you may not realize is many of us are not voting for Trump.

We are voting for the Value System and Priorities of fellow Republican voters (not its leadership).

We are also voting against continued obama policies under Hillary and against a Democratic Party agenda which no longer represents working class, tax paying Americans compared to its pro-labor position it held for most of the past 50 years.

You need to understand that us "rednecks" work for a living and regardless of the character weaknesses of Trump, which there are many, he is the only candidate concerned about bringing jobs back and making America strong. Your party has made its priorities demonizing law enforcement and turning street thugs into heroes simply because they are black and fighting to let boys who identify as girls be allowed to pee in the little girls bathroom.

These issues just are not important to me.

I do know not all republicans are dumb rednecks but if you are a dumb redneck or bigot, the republican party is the place to be.

In Trumps speech yesterday he played the "law and order" card, which is racially loaded code for 'rampant black crime' pandering to fearful suburban whites.

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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

I have heard and agree with some of the points you have made.

Others sound a bit far-fetched.

While you last one about redneck and bigot demographic actually sounds like a very bigotted remark on your part.

But what you may not realize is many of us are not voting for Trump.

We are voting for the Value System and Priorities of fellow Republican voters (not its leadership).

We are also voting against continued obama policies under Hillary and against a Democratic Party agenda which no longer represents working class, tax paying Americans compared to its pro-labor position it held for most of the past 50 years.

You need to understand that us "rednecks" work for a living and regardless of the character weaknesses of Trump, which there are many, he is the only candidate concerned about bringing jobs back and making America strong. Your party has made its priorities demonizing law enforcement and turning street thugs into heroes simply because they are black and fighting to let boys who identify as girls be allowed to pee in the little girls bathroom.

These issues just are not important to me.

I do know not all republicans are dumb rednecks but if you are a dumb redneck or bigot, the republican party is the place to be.

In Trumps speech yesterday he played the "law and order" card, which is racially loaded code for 'rampant black crime' pandering to fearful suburban whites.

That was code he was talking?

Son of a gun, I left my de-coder ring back in my grade school class 70 years ago.

I thought when Trump references Law & Order, he was just reassuring law abiding citizens that he will not be demonizing the members of our Law Enforcement community who go out and do a great job and place their lives at rsk every day for thosethat support them and equally those who call them names and have a strong dislike for them.

You see, I like Laws. I like the fact that no one breaks into my home and I like the fact my great grandkids are safe and zi like the fact traffic laws areenforced and the roadways are not like those in Russia (have you seen those dash cam videos?). I thank the police for enforcing the Laws of our society.

Now I would love to have a rational discussion with you or any member of this forum where we discuss each and every police shooting case that has made the headlines in the past couple years and lets start with the Harvard Prof and the Canbridge Sergeant even though it was not a shooting.

Then I would like to discuss why the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks is of no importance to the Liberal movement or this Administration. Look at Obamas home city of Chicago. The safety of inner city black children is of greater concern to me and the mebers of my Church than it is to Obama BLM supporters based on the fact none of them have once protested the nightly shootings.

As for rednecks finding a home in the GOP well that is not rocket science. Again it has to do with shared values. I suppoe its like people on welfare being attracted to the democrats.

Again, the invitation is there for any BLM supporter to have a rational discussion about these "victims"...but I will have to make one caveat that they promise to keep their emotions in check and do their best to avoid the personal attacks they seem to so quickly fall back on.

Edited by ClutchClark
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A large majority of people don't like Trump and for good reason.

Trump hasn't yet been cleared in the rape case of a 14 years old. The case is filed and scheduled.

His University was a scam.

He and his wife report a $500,000 income to take tax refunds. Thats his 3Rd wife. Half his age.

Trump, his wife and daughter run sweat shops in the 3rd world creating fashion items while denigrating others doing the same.

Trump has insulted POWs, handicapped, minorities and the wives and family members of his competitors.

Trump lied about the money USA is "giving' Iran.

Trump doesn't pay his contractors and has 3,500 lawsuits.

Studies of his speeches say he lies 58 times per hour.

Trump represents the rednecks and bigot demographic.

Trump hasn't read a book in 20 years, knows nothing about domestic or foreign policy as evidenced by his really stupid remarks.

I have heard and agree with some of the points you have made.

Others sound a bit far-fetched.

While you last one about redneck and bigot demographic actually sounds like a very bigotted remark on your part.

But what you may not realize is many of us are not voting for Trump.

We are voting for the Value System and Priorities of fellow Republican voters (not its leadership).

We are also voting against continued obama policies under Hillary and against a Democratic Party agenda which no longer represents working class, tax paying Americans compared to its pro-labor position it held for most of the past 50 years.

You need to understand that us "rednecks" work for a living and regardless of the character weaknesses of Trump, which there are many, he is the only candidate concerned about bringing jobs back and making America strong. Your party has made its priorities demonizing law enforcement and turning street thugs into heroes simply because they are black and fighting to let boys who identify as girls be allowed to pee in the little girls bathroom.

These issues just are not important to me.

I do know not all republicans are dumb rednecks but if you are a dumb redneck or bigot, the republican party is the place to be.

In Trumps speech yesterday he played the "law and order" card, which is racially loaded code for 'rampant black crime' pandering to fearful suburban whites.

That was code he was talking?

Son of a gun, I left my de-coder ring back in my grade school class 70 years ago.

I thought when Trump references Law & Order, he was just reassuring law abiding citizens that he will not be demonizing the members of our Law Enforcement community who go out and do a great job and place their lives at rsk every day for thosethat support them and equally those who call them names and have a strong dislike for them.

You see, I like Laws. I like the fact that no one breaks into my home and I like the fact my great grandkids are safe and zi like the fact traffic laws areenforced and the roadways are not like those in Russia (have you seen those dash cam videos?). I thank the police for enforcing the Laws of our society.

Now I would love to have a rational discussion with you or any member of this forum where we discuss each and every police shooting case that has made the headlines in the past couple years and lets start with the Harvard Prof and the Canbridge Sergeant even though it wasnot a shoting.

Then I would like to discuss why the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks is of no importance to the Libersl movement. The safety of inner city black children is a greaterconcern to me and the mebers of my Church than it is to Obama BLM supporters based on the fact none of them have on e protested the nightly shootings.

As for rednecks finding a home in the GOP well that is not rocket science. Again it has to do with shared values. I suppoe its like people on welfare being attracted to the democrats.

Again, the invitation is there for any BLM supporter to have arational discussion about these "victims"...but I will have to make one caveat that they promise to keep their emotions in check and do their best to avoid the personal attacks they seem to so quickly fall bac on.

Actually Trump plagiarized the George Wallace speech with his law and order remarks.

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I have heard and agree with some of the points you have made.

Others sound a bit far-fetched.

While you last one about redneck and bigot demographic actually sounds like a very bigotted remark on your part.

But what you may not realize is many of us are not voting for Trump.

We are voting for the Value System and Priorities of fellow Republican voters (not its leadership).

We are also voting against continued obama policies under Hillary and against a Democratic Party agenda which no longer represents working class, tax paying Americans compared to its pro-labor position it held for most of the past 50 years.

You need to understand that us "rednecks" work for a living and regardless of the character weaknesses of Trump, which there are many, he is the only candidate concerned about bringing jobs back and making America strong. Your party has made its priorities demonizing law enforcement and turning street thugs into heroes simply because they are black and fighting to let boys who identify as girls be allowed to pee in the little girls bathroom.

These issues just are not important to me.

I do know not all republicans are dumb rednecks but if you are a dumb redneck or bigot, the republican party is the place to be.

In Trumps speech yesterday he played the "law and order" card, which is racially loaded code for 'rampant black crime' pandering to fearful suburban whites.

That was code he was talking?

Son of a gun, I left my de-coder ring back in my grade school class 70 years ago.

I thought when Trump references Law & Order, he was just reassuring law abiding citizens that he will not be demonizing the members of our Law Enforcement community who go out and do a great job and place their lives at rsk every day for thosethat support them and equally those who call them names and have a strong dislike for them.

You see, I like Laws. I like the fact that no one breaks into my home and I like the fact my great grandkids are safe and zi like the fact traffic laws areenforced and the roadways are not like those in Russia (have you seen those dash cam videos?). I thank the police for enforcing the Laws of our society.

Now I would love to have a rational discussion with you or any member of this forum where we discuss each and every police shooting case that has made the headlines in the past couple years and lets start with the Harvard Prof and the Canbridge Sergeant even though it wasnot a shoting.

Then I would like to discuss why the thousands of blacks killed by other blacks is of no importance to the Libersl movement. The safety of inner city black children is a greaterconcern to me and the mebers of my Church than it is to Obama BLM supporters based on the fact none of them have on e protested the nightly shootings.

As for rednecks finding a home in the GOP well that is not rocket science. Again it has to do with shared values. I suppoe its like people on welfare being attracted to the democrats.

Again, the invitation is there for any BLM supporter to have arational discussion about these "victims"...but I will have to make one caveat that they promise to keep their emotions in check and do their best to avoid the personal attacks they seem to so quickly fall bac on.

Actually Trump plagiarized the George Wallace speech with his law and order remarks.

I never much cared for Wallace but I will give him credit for wanting to get our boys out of Vietnam.

I was a Nixon supporter and I still am.

Did Trump make it a direct quote or was it just a generality like a politician promising "change"?

Edited by ClutchClark
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