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Is this a competitive package?

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Hello everyone,

I was offered the opportunity to get relocated from Shanghai to Bangkok by my current employer. Of course I did some research on the salaries being paid for my position/job scope but only managed to find local salaries for Thai employees; my HR department keeps telling me that I am paid above market rate which I guess is right but I would like to know from you guys here if the following package is appropriate based on your experiences:

- early thirties, 4 years work experience, IT management role with regional responsibility

- gross salary ~THB 160K (13 months)

- global health insurance by leading insurance company, full dental and medical coverage for myself, the missus and future kid

- return flight back home to Europe once every service year

- mobile phone bill paid

The missus (thai), mid-thirties, went back to BKK a few weeks ago and just got a position as a Finance Manager in a UK company and gets THB110K. House near Rama2 is fully paid and our car as well.

I think overall we can live a pretty decent live on these conditions. What I am wondering though is if this is a competitive package for a 'local expat'. Salary guides on the internet are mainly showing local salaries.

Any feedback will be highly appreciated.



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13th month salary is basically one additional month salary at the end of the year.. see it as a christmas present from the employer smile.png

Wouldnt be a Dutch company by any chance? They pay a 13th month in the year

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13th month salary is basically one additional month salary at the end of the year.. see it as a christmas present from the employer :)

Wouldnt be a Dutch company by any chance? They pay a 13th month in the year

Not a Dutch company ;-)

What's the industry? How many headcounts under you and how many end users supported?

Automotive industry... Total of 4 subordinates - we're a very lean organization... A total number of ~ 200 business partners within the region to support.

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Is your proposed salary before or after deductions?

Is this a long term position? If it is the one thing that will kill you will be education costs. A decent international school in Bangkok (such as Bangkok Patana) will be 500k to something like 1m baht a year with everything included (depending on the particular age of your child).

If the wife isn't working you will find things tough.

To be fair their are less expensive schools however.

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Is your proposed salary before or after deductions?

Is this a long term position? If it is the one thing that will kill you will be education costs. A decent international school in Bangkok (such as Bangkok Patana) will be 500k to something like 1m baht a year with everything included (depending on the particular age of your child).

If the wife isn't working you will find things tough.

To be fair their are less expensive schools however.

This is the salary before tax deductions. The assignment will be for two years at least, but obviously I am trying to stay here longer :)

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- Housing and transport allowance?

- Education for the kids, if any?

- Relocation fee?

If these are paid in addition to the 160k per month; then the package is decent (not great). If these are not paid, than the package does definitely not sound like a good deal.

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Are you the one asking for relocation, or is it the company asking?

I asked for it.. after 5 years living in Shanghai we felt it was time for some live quality...

When you say your house and car is fully paid for, do you mean you own this already, or it is supplied as part of your wife's package?

We own this already.

- Housing and transport allowance?

- Education for the kids, if any?

- Relocation fee?

If these are paid in addition to the 160k per month; then the package is decent (not great). If these are not paid, than the package does definitely not sound like a good deal.

No housing or transportation allowance. Education for kids not applicable yet as we do not have any (yet). But this will be clearly discussed when the time is right.

Relocation Fee was being paid for.

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Some companies have a 13 "month" year. To them a month is 4 weeks, (13x4=52). This smooths out the differences between 31/30/28 day months.

Also many companies in China (and Hong Kong) pay a bonus at Chinese New Year equal to one month's salary.

I used to love getting paid double at CNY.

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I don't think the salary is anything special, but that is judging by European standards. It's ok for your company to say they are paying over the market rate, but this is a developing country, so market rates are low.

On the other hand you do not have a senior management position, so there is less room to negotiate.

Overall I think it's a good move. Work on your Thai, make contacts and see what comes of it. Everything here is about connections. I'm sure the wife will be happy.

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If they offered me only that amount for 13 months; I would only work half the year.

Thailand is nice ; but they should pay you a decent salary. I suggest you try to get alot more money.

This is a joke salary. What about health insurance, food allowance, gas card, and I bet it doesn't include any 6-8 week holiday/year.

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I would say it isnt bad considering you only have a few years experience and Thailand is not known as being a country that pays big salaries. About 50% more than my Filipino technicians get but that isnt in Bangkok.

Reasonable I would say

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I would say grab it as fast as you can. Your combined income is 270,000 baht per month. You should be able to live very comfortably on 100,000 baht/month, which means you could potentially save 170,000 baht/month. Even well-paid Thais are only making 30 - 50K/month.

I'd recommend saving as much as you can, because IT employment in many countries is shrinking faster than an ice-cube on a hot plate.

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The main difference is you requested the move rather than your company head hunting you for the position. This will reflect in the salary being offered.

Having said that, it is still a decent enough package and well above what a local hire would get in the same position.

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From an "Only You" lens, your package is very reasonable, based on your experience etc.

From a "Your Family" perspective, you & your wife will not easily get more perfect deals. Usually when one person moves, the partner would find it hard to get good employment.

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If they offered me only that amount for 13 months; I would only work half the year.

Thailand is nice ; but they should pay you a decent salary. I suggest you try to get alot more money.

This is a joke salary. What about health insurance, food allowance, gas card, and I bet it doesn't include any 6-8 week holiday/year.

Health Insurance is in the package... full medical and dental coverage for myself, my fiancee and future children. It has direct billing with Bumrungrad Hospital and such and pretty high benefit limits. It covers practically everything you can ask for.

The main difference is you requested the move rather than your company head hunting you for the position. This will reflect in the salary being offered.

Having said that, it is still a decent enough package and well above what a local hire would get in the same position.

That is unfortunately true. However, I am just waiting for the company to say "time to move on" and I say "yeah sure, what you're offering?" I won't make it easy for them next time around that's for sure. But clearly I need to have alternatives so I have to work on my professional network.

From an "Only You" lens, your package is very reasonable, based on your experience etc.

From a "Your Family" perspective, you & your wife will not easily get more perfect deals. Usually when one person moves, the partner would find it hard to get good employment.

Yes right. If the company wants me to work e.g. back in Europe then I say "so you are going to compensate for the loss of a second income?" It's a cheapskate company, they'd rather let me work here for that money that pay me more back in Europe.

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Often times, you will find quality of life more important... Your wife is Thai, surely the experience of living here and having her be happy to be home, is worth a good bit in your calculations...

Good luck and welcome. I think you will decide in favor of the move.

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13th month salary is basically one additional month salary at the end of the year.. see it as a christmas present from the employer smile.png

Wouldnt be a Dutch company by any chance? They pay a 13th month in the year

a 13th (sometimes even a 14th) salary is the done thing in nearly all continental European countries, and that these ages.

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Hope the OP has realized he will be paying some 30% in Thai income tax on that salary. That's going to hit the take home pretty hard.

A decent expat package, even a "local" expat one will have a tax equalization clause that pays the local income tax.


Edited by thaihome
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Hope the OP has realized he will be paying some 30% in Thai income tax on that salary. That's going to hit the take home pretty hard.

A decent expat package, even a "local" expat one will have a tax equalization clause that pays the local income tax.


Rubbish! Total income of just under 2 mill baht, less personal allowances less deductions, estimate 18% tax as worst case.

Tax tables are here: http://www.rd.go.th/publish/6045.0.html

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