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Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'


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Trump’s RNC address: Fact or fiction?

"The GOP nominee rolled out a series of frightening statistics about the state of the nation."

"They ranged from accurate to incomplete to outright false."


AP FACT CHECK: Trump resurfaces Debunked Claims in speech

"Despite promising "the truth, and nothing else" in his convention speech, Donald Trump presented the nation with a series of previously debunked claims,

and some new ones Thursday night, about the U.S. tax burden, the perils facing police, Hillary Clinton's record and more."

"A look at some of the Republican presidential candidate's claims and how they compare with the facts:"


Read many more falsehoods by The Bloviator and other speakers here:


And the ignorant Lemmings cheer...

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Buddha help us if Trump gets elected. It ain't gonna happen. The Republican convention was a disaster.

I suppose if the American electorate stays home assuming Trump is going to get slaughtered, he has a prayer, but I think the word is getting out there. Complacency is Trump's only prayer.

There is so much to gain by beating this pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope people will get out and vote. Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think they will.

What do I know? I live at a beach in Thailand.

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Trump’s RNC address: Fact or fiction?

"The GOP nominee rolled out a series of frightening statistics about the state of the nation."

"They ranged from accurate to incomplete to outright false."


AP FACT CHECK: Trump resurfaces Debunked Claims in speech

"Despite promising "the truth, and nothing else" in his convention speech, Donald Trump presented the nation with a series of previously debunked claims,

and some new ones Thursday night, about the U.S. tax burden, the perils facing police, Hillary Clinton's record and more."

"A look at some of the Republican presidential candidate's claims and how they compare with the facts:"


Read many more falsehoods by The Bloviator and other speakers here:


And the ignorant Lemmings cheer...

" And the ignorant Lemmings cheer... "

Oh no the ignorant lemmings as you put it are Hillary’s supporters who see nothing wrong with her earning millions of dollars by giving speeches to Wall Street banks and investment firms. No one else was paid $675,000 for speeches to Goldman Sachs and no one else in the race to the White House is claiming despite their financial ties to Wall Street they are the best choice for America to hold the banking industry accountable for its bad practices. giggle.gif

Hillary’s supporters only need to think back to 2007 and ask themselves did the likes of Goldman Sachs make decisions in the best interest of the ordinary guy in the street then? and will they and the rest of the Wall Street bankers even give a hoot about the ordinary guy in the street (who Hillary is meant to be representing)when the next financial crisis happens?

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Buddha help us if Trump gets elected. It ain't gonna happen. The Republican convention was a disaster.

I suppose if the American electorate stays home assuming Trump is going to get slaughtered, he has a prayer, but I think the word is getting out there. Complacency is Trump's only prayer.

There is so much to gain by beating this pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope people will get out and vote. Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think they will.

What do I know? I live at a beach in Thailand.

Unfortunately as in Britain do not underestimate the levels of manipulated fear + bigotry + low-information reactionaries. Trump has a good shot as he'll continue to foment and stoke hate and fear and only has to fool a few rust-belters into believing he'll bring back 'Coal Mine' jobs and the NE states will put him over the top. Regardless, can't see the Koch Bros, Murdoch et al letting Trump go too far down the road before their real pick for pres Mike Pence is in the drivers seat...

On another note, if Freddie Mercury heard his 'We Are The Champions' being played for Trump at the RNC he'd roll over in his grave...

Note the finale was 'You Cant Always Get What You Want' (despite Keith Richards threatened Trump in the past). If Trump is going to pigheadedly play the Rolling Stones music anyways after they've asked him to stop, he should have gone all out and used the correct tune for the big finale:

-'Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste...

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name, oh yeah...

But what's confusin' you is just the nature of my game...'

Anyways, surprised anyone was still in the hall at all after Trump's long, dark, apocalyptic, 'Colonel Kurtz live from Mordor' type speech, afterall the GNC / FOX faithful probably all 'got their buggin out bags' packed and ready to go...

Meanwhile, a bit of much needed levity:


'"Cohl told Trump to leave; he initially obliged, only to return five minutes later. When Richards got wind of Trumps actions, he pulls out his knife and slams it on the table and says, What the hell do I have you for? Do I have to go over there and fire him myself? One of us is leaving the building either him, or us."'


Get off my song! Stones to Trump​:


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Both liberal Salon.com and ultra liberal Michael Moore (on Bill Maher) predicted that Trump might very well win the election. Wonder if China and Japan are thinking of selling their massive holdings of US Treasury securities? I wonder if I should do that? The US might be going in the tank soon. sad.png

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Trump's handlers did 'focus groups' among rednecks (their core supporters). They found that the #1 concern was safety, particularly after recent mass killings.

So Trump spent about 1/4 of his time hammering on about how he would lessen danger. To do that, he had to create a belief that everyone is in grave danger. He did that. The theme of the GOP convention could be summed up as follows:

Create fear. Accentuate insecurities. Bludgeon Hillary. Convince Americans they're all in grave danger every moment. Avoid any specifics on any topics. Scare America. Convince Americans that there is only one person who can make things as safe as the 1950's. Rinse and repeat.

No mention of environment. No mention of dozens of other issues which are important to Americans (child-care, inequality, foreign relations, etc).

Just fear mongering. Republicans created Frankentrump, now they're going to have to sleep with him until he loses in November.

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Buddha help us if Trump gets elected. It ain't gonna happen.

Brexit also wasn't gonna happen, now just keep in mind that the Brexit camp won for the exact same reason Trump will be elected.


Brexit was always going to be close. In the end, misguided nationalism and racism won out sending the GBP into the toilet and virtually guaranteeing a recession. It was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

I don't see the connection between Brexit and Trump's election but if the wingnuts want to to take solace in that unrelated self inflicted disaster and the Republican National Convention disaster...

I don't believe Americans are that stupid. Then again, the wingnuts did just nominate the worst excuse for a candidate in history.

Completely unrelated, but for the low-info minions...same same.

Donald Trump President of the United States. cheesy.gif No, ain't going to happen. Trump and the Republican party will soon be nothing but a bad memory.

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I guess for Trump believers it's "Hail Caesar." This great man of God-like personal power, will single-handedly transform the nation and fix all the problems the country faces immediately. Amazing that people buy this sh*t.

In this speech, we have finally seen the answer to the perplexing question of just what political philosophy Donald Trump embraces. It is Caesarism: belief in a leader of great strength who, by force of personality, imposes order on a land plagued by danger. If you want to know why Trump laid such emphasis on “law and order”—using Richard Nixon’s 1968 rhetoric in a country where violent crime is at a 40-year low—it is because nations fall under the sway of a Caesar only when they are engulfed by fear. And the subtext of this acceptance speech was: be afraid; be very afraid.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/07/2016-donald-trump-rnc-convention-speech-reaction-214086#ixzz4F93Cso23
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Buddha help us if Trump gets elected. It ain't gonna happen.

Brexit also wasn't gonna happen, now just keep in mind that the Brexit camp won for the exact same reason Trump will be elected.


Brexit was always going to be close. In the end, misguided nationalism and racism won out sending the GBP into the toilet and virtually guaranteeing a recession. It was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

I don't see the connection between Brexit and Trump's election but if the wingnuts want to to take solace in that unrelated self inflicted disaster and the Republican National Convention disaster...

I don't believe Americans are that stupid. Then again, the wingnuts did just nominate the worst excuse for a candidate in history.

Completely unrelated, but for the low-info minions...same same.

Donald Trump President of the United States. cheesy.gif No, ain't going to happen. Trump and the Republican party will soon be nothing but a bad memory.

No not racism, but protection of sovereignty.

You don't think Americans are that stupid tom elect him, then who you think has attributed to his increased ranking, even to the point that Wall street has upped the odds? I bet it weren't the Brits.


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@Post 35


Typical Lemming response.

Completely ignore the wealth of information in the post, and deflect.

Ya got nothin'...

Except, an incompetent Bloviating Huckster.

A whole family of them actually... laugh.png

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Some poignant tweets from Bernie:

Trump: “I alone can fix this.” Is this guy running for president or dictator? #RNCwithBernie

Trump: “I alone can fix this.” Maybe he doesn’t understand that a president has to work with Congress. #RNCwithBernie

Looks like Ted Cruz was right about one thing. Trump does not understand what the Constitution is about. #RNCwithBernie

Hail Caesar!!! or...Mussolini...or...Batman...or..Ironman...

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Buddha help us if Trump gets elected. It ain't gonna happen. The Republican convention was a disaster.

I suppose if the American electorate stays home assuming Trump is going to get slaughtered, he has a prayer, but I think the word is getting out there. Complacency is Trump's only prayer.

There is so much to gain by beating this pathetic excuse for a human being. I hope people will get out and vote. Trump is such a polarizing figure, I think they will.

What do I know? I live at a beach in Thailand.

wai2.gif Help not US help the whole World!

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When Donald is inaugurated, in January next year, all of a sudden there won't be any more mass killings. Only good people will enter America. Mexicans won't be able to enter, unless they're rich (which will prove they're good people). Also; foreign leaders will be in such awe of The Donald, that they'll acquiesce to his every dictate. All American businesses will blossom, and many high-paying jobs will be created. With Donald in the Oval Office, the US will make no more mistakes with foreign policy. Indeed, Americans won't be killed overseas. Criminals will be cowed into ceasing illegal activities. Foreign terrorists will be too afeared of US retribution - to enact any terrorist acts. The Divider Donald will make all things right. All Americans will be safe. Military and Police budgets will be doubled or tripled. There will be an armed guard in every classroom. How comforting.

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@Post 41


Well, after all, the chief architect of the Bloviator's fear and muck campaign is: Roger Stone.

Well known as The Chief Dirty Trickster for... Tricky Dick Nixon.

And he prefers the moniker: "The Prince of Darkness."


What a surprise...

Truly a contemptible opportunist.

Just like his current boss.

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By now we should all have realised that globalisation wasn't meant to make us all come together and bask in the warm glow of humanity, diversity and whatever other crap the politicians fed us.

Globalisation was set up for companies to move large sums of capital unhindered…move it to where the returns are the best…leech and suck the life out of that population in the name of creating a better life….and keep doing it wherever the returns are ensured…it's a sweet little set up for the politicians and their corporate buddies.

Now Mr. Trump is pulling back from this madness and of course those who wield the power have got their knickers in a twist…because this impacts their livelihood and the scam they have set up.

America First is a great initiative….and I wish it good luck….let's not be poking our noses in other peoples biz and causing chaos all over the world.

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When Donald is inaugurated, in January next year, all of a sudden there won't be any more mass killings. Only good people will enter America. Mexicans won't be able to enter, unless they're rich (which will prove they're good people). Also; foreign leaders will be in such awe of The Donald, that they'll acquiesce to his every dictate. All American businesses will blossom, and many high-paying jobs will be created. With Donald in the Oval Office, the US will make no more mistakes with foreign policy. Indeed, Americans won't be killed overseas. Criminals will be cowed into ceasing illegal activities. Foreign terrorists will be too afeared of US retribution - to enact any terrorist acts. The Divider Donald will make all things right. All Americans will be safe. Military and Police budgets will be doubled or tripled. There will be an armed guard in every classroom. How comforting.

I know you're being facetious/sarcastic, but there are Trump supporters stupid enough to believe this.

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Nothing in the election campaign for Potus begins to take a meaningful shape until after each party has had its own particular convention. Each party and nominee puts itself on display, we see 'em and hear what they say. Each party gets a "bounce" in polling after its own convention.

Trump presently is maxed out. He won't be getting any more voters than he has now...only a dribble of voters here or there that amounts to nothing significant. Conversely, because the party out of the WH has its convention first, HRC is not yet maxed out despite her own negatives driven by rightwingers and Republicans for two decades and more. (Yet we've seen enough of both HRC and The Donald to know that what we see is what we get.)

At the D convention beginning Monday through to Thursday evening, speakers will be Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen Elizabeth Warren, former Potus Bill Clinton, President Obama, the veep nominee and of course Hillary Clinton herself. Interspersed will be several other up and coming talent in the D party. The rules debates and discussions are already settled, there won't be any floor fights to be anticipated, the unity will be unmistakable.

From the present immediate aftermath of the R convention which can be seen as the premature peak of the R campaign, to this time next week after the Democratic party has completed its convention, the future is gonna look so bright we're gonna have to wear shades.

In the fall/autumn there'll be three debates between Clinton and Trump and one for the veeps...if Trump can be found to show up for any one of the three debates. He skipped a R primary debate or two, John McCain tried to call off or delay indefinitely a debate during the R 2008 campaign debacle as Wall Street imploded, so Trump could try to seize on anything as a pretext to avoid debating. Because during a debate Trump won't have a teleprompter so Trump will be Trump...which he always is anyway.

Trump could be elected Potus, yes -- because it's down to two: Trump or HR Clinton. However, he won't be. Hillary Clinton is gonna beat all 17 of 'em from over there in the R party. It's a long grinding campaign for a reason and HRC is a survivor.

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So bottom line.

trump has finally totally come out of the closet.

Many of us saw this all along but now he isn't even trying to hide it.

He's running clearly and openly to be Big Daddy, strong man fascist dictator.

Many Americans want that. A majority? I certainly hope not.

If the USA votes trump, well then we'll know for sure how America slid into fascism. It's happened to so many other nations. We were never immune.



You could be forgiven for wanting to pop a valium at the end of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech last night. Trump essentially used the most important speech of his campaign — and perhaps political career — to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.
Edited by Jingthing
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The World Wakes Up to Trump

"Donald Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention drew largely negative reactions from much of the rest of the world on Friday,

with some labeling it "apocalyptic," "dystopian" and a "horror story."

"One writer for Britain's The Guardian wrote that "the ability of this demagogue to play the crowd, switching its anger on and off like a tap,

carries too many echoes of the past century to ignore."

"The Republican presidential nominee went into the speech having already bewildered much of Europe,

by suggesting that the United States should ignore its NATO obligations and not always automatically aid a fellow alliance member under attack."


The Bloviator, after his Epic Clown Train meltdown fiasco in Cleveland is now, and will continue henceforth to be: Dead in the Water.

The ignorant and willfully uninformed fans of the would be Mussolini Bloviator, are not going to be near enough to make a dent in the real world of savvy Politics.

And as they continually need to be reminded, there are not enough bigoted, racist, xenophobic, ill-informed, myopic, angry white folk to put their "Glorious Leader",

anywhere near the vicinity of the White House.

Echoes of the past century indeed...

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Its hardly a challenge for Trump to figure where to start in curing America's sickness, the solutions will be more troublesome, however. Where to start?

1. Look at every single issue that has been a policy/agenda of the Obama & Company train-wreck then look for their consequence in the US patient.

Invariably a cause and effect will present every time. After all, instigating crisis under the cover of "for the children" has enabled all manner of solutions=doubling down on the same.

2. Next, reverse that course and determine whether a legitimate problem actually existed.

3. Next, determine the merits of the underlying problem (if any) that Obama et al were addressing, and construct a healthy remedy.

(When they're done cataloguing the Obama injuries to America don't stop, don't pass go, and don't be silenced by the right- continue on into Bush country and clean up his crap too)!

So, its not hard to address this sickness quickly. Much of it was, in significant parts, deliberate. In the sickness that is the result of Progressive policies America is malleable to changes it would not otherwise desire; this is the formula so reverse engineering it is not complicated (though the actual changes will be). In the balkanization/fracturing of the American people Progressives derive their isolated dependent constituencies, each separate, disparate islands in America, each demanding their "special" or "protected" needs are met. This is how Progressives govern- be chaos and destruction and in that horror "remolding it nearer the heart's desire."

Summary: Trump must look at the Progressive Agenda and the laundry list of maladies as the first One Stop Shop for our problems. Cure the sickness alphabetically, if necessary- it is everywhere.

Edit: Comparing Trump, a man who has never held elected office, to a dictator really is without context. After all, a cursory image search of google shows how many mainstream pubs/mags have had Obama on the cover in the guise of Napoleon, a disctator, a savior, etc. Clearly, anything Trump might become must be juxtaposed with this standard.

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So do trump supporters have Daddy issues? coffee1.gif

Donald Trump’s creepy fascist infomercial


Say what you will about dictators, royalty, mafia dons, supervillains and Trumps, they have a well-defined aesthetic. You get an immense, Wonderful Wizard of Oz-scale picture of your head, some flags, and then you stand in front of it with your well-groomed family, and they say that if only people knew the real you, they would admit that you were great.

You love Donald Trump. He will be a dear, dear leader.


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Simple answers for Simple minds.

Hey talks, they listen.

What he says makes little sense but irregardless of that he's not capable of walking the walk.....just talking the talk.

He needs to be silenced.....permanently !

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So bottom line.

trump has finally totally come out of the closet.

Many of us saw this all along but now he isn't even trying to hide it.

He's running clearly and openly to be Big Daddy, strong man fascist dictator.

Many Americans want that. A majority? I certainly hope not.

If the USA votes trump, well then we'll know for sure how America slid into fascism. It's happened to so many other nations. We were never immune.



You could be forgiven for wanting to pop a valium at the end of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech last night. Trump essentially used the most important speech of his campaign — and perhaps political career — to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

His "law and order" remark was code to the whiteys that he's gonna be locking up the blacks.

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Where was the real Trump?

It's like a completely different person when he uses a teleprompter. Even his voice sounds different when he reads.

It's obvious they won't be letting him lose.

The debates are going to be a real problem for his new handlers. He will fail miserably when he tries to memorize the 'right things' to say.

The democratic debate strategy should be to piss him off, hope he goes off script and back to the real Trump and his natural ability to "hit hard" make his childish, stupid, ill-informed, racist, insulting & hateful remarks.

That's the Trump his base love.

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Trump is going to fix Immigration by building a wall and deport 11 million undocumented workers.

Is this a good use of resources?

Lets take a look at the logistics and expenses.

The wall? Trump says 50' high. How much?

Engineers had estimated a 20' wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam & cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 30' higher so costs may be 100% to 150%.


21,000 employees built the Hoover Dam. The wall may need around 126,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $39 billion in labor.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams.

Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

400-600 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills should be built along the route with 15,000 employees (with housing) just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Before building the wall, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes... The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Destroying business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a big government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50 billion every 7 years is the estimate.

Real costs.

Economist have estimated agricultural products & construction may increase by 20%.

Employers currently withhold & deposit $13 billion per year into Social Security from undocumented workers.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Deporting 11 million Mexicans. How much?

A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

Edited by Buzzz
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