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Trump says America in crisis - and he'll fix it 'fast'


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Good grief, I am glad that's over with. I tried to watch Trump's whole speech but after about 40 minutes of vapid yelling with little substance I couldn't take it anymore. I can't see how people think he is a great speaker. If I paid to listen to that drivel I would have asked for a refund. As it is, that is 40 minutes of my life lost that almost made me ill to watch. That smug look on his face while saying "only he" can fix things really displays his sociopath tendencies of self delusion and blaming others.

FYI - traits of a sociopath listed below...see how many hit the mark with Trump.

The following traits may be common among sociopaths…

-Unconcern for the feelings of others.

-Incapacity to experience guilt.

-Incapable of love and entirely self-serving.

-Lack of remorse.

-Sociopaths never apologize. ‘They are never wrong’.

-Deceitful, as indicated by repeated lying.

-Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression.

-Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the conflicting behavior.

-A sociopath is a master of deception, influence, and sounding believable – regardless of the real facts and reality.

-Sociopaths are charming and charismatic, spontaneous.

-Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them.

-Attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.

-A ‘high functioning’ sociopath (highly intelligent) are meticulous planners, and their lack of empathy, lack of remorse, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, etc. makes it very difficult for “normal” people to compete with them.

-A sociopath essentially has no soul.

Didn't think I'd ever recognize myself in Donald Trump, but there your go. Oh well.

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Those are very thorough and impressive studies and statistics as to why just one of Trump's grandiose, simplistic ideas won't work. But you forget two key points:

1. Trump can fix anything by himself, and will have absolute power as a dictator to do anything, and doesn't need or want any experts giving him advice.

2. Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall with advanced negotiation and sales techniques learned from master Real Estate sales Trainer Tom Hopkins, and from motivational speaker Tony Robbins, both of whom will be appointed to top cabinet positions in his White House.


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By now we should all have realised that globalisation wasn't meant to make us all come together and bask in the warm glow of humanity, diversity and whatever other crap the politicians fed us.

Globalisation was set up for companies to move large sums of capital unhindered…move it to where the returns are the best…leech and suck the life out of that population in the name of creating a better life….and keep doing it wherever the returns are ensured…it's a sweet little set up for the politicians and their corporate buddies.

Now Mr. Trump is pulling back from this madness and of course those who wield the power have got their knickers in a twist…because this impacts their livelihood and the scam they have set up.

America First is a great initiative….and I wish it good luck….let's not be poking our noses in other peoples biz and causing chaos all over the world.

“The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better.” Ron Paul..

Edited by jeffreysearch
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By now we should all have realised that globalisation wasn't meant to make us all come together and bask in the warm glow of humanity, diversity and whatever other crap the politicians fed us.

Globalisation was set up for companies to move large sums of capital unhindered…move it to where the returns are the best…leech and suck the life out of that population in the name of creating a better life….and keep doing it wherever the returns are ensured…it's a sweet little set up for the politicians and their corporate buddies.

Now Mr. Trump is pulling back from this madness and of course those who wield the power have got their knickers in a twist…because this impacts their livelihood and the scam they have set up.

America First is a great initiative….and I wish it good luck….let's not be poking our noses in other peoples biz and causing chaos all over the world.

“The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better.” Ron Paul..

If you want to read and understand what `Trump is taking about.. with his -the billionaire businessman declared the nation's problems too staggering to be fixed within the confines of traditional politics. maybe you should read this Link to understand what is coming... for your Economy and Pensions etc. interesting for other Nationalities to read too....


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By now we should all have realised that globalisation wasn't meant to make us all come together and bask in the warm glow of humanity, diversity and whatever other crap the politicians fed us.

Globalisation was set up for companies to move large sums of capital unhindered…move it to where the returns are the best…leech and suck the life out of that population in the name of creating a better life….and keep doing it wherever the returns are ensured…it's a sweet little set up for the politicians and their corporate buddies.

Now Mr. Trump is pulling back from this madness and of course those who wield the power have got their knickers in a twist…because this impacts their livelihood and the scam they have set up.

America First is a great initiative….and I wish it good luck….let's not be poking our noses in other peoples biz and causing chaos all over the world.

“The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better.” Ron Paul..

If you want to read and understand what `Trump is taking about.. with his -the billionaire businessman declared the nation's problems too staggering to be fixed within the confines of traditional politics. maybe you should read this Link to understand what is coming... for your Economy and Pensions etc. interesting for other Nationalities to read too....


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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

An AlQueda type attack will help Trump.

They want Trump. They want WW3.

Bin Ladens plan all along.

Good work Trump. Doing what they want.

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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

An AlQueda type attack will help Trump.

They want Trump. They want WW3.

Bin Ladens plan all along.

Good work Trump. Doing what they want.

Today, Munich - earlier, Nice... The hits just keep on coming to build the kind of fear Trump needs to get elected and close the borders to Muslims and others. These kinds of things are almost driving otherwise thoughtful voters into his waiting arms.

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Trump will make America safer for gays by putting the brakes on muslim migration. Did you people not see the orlando massacre on the news? Trump has the cohones. The world needs strong leaders now. Pussyfooting around with terrorists does not work.

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Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

"DONALD J. TRUMP, until now a Republican problem, this week became a challenge the nation must confront and overcome."

"The real estate tycoon is uniquely unqualified to serve as president, in experience and temperament."

"He is mounting a campaign of snarl and sneer, not substance."


Succinctly put.

And is was on grand display at the fear-o-thon in Cleveland.

Couldn't have been a better showcase for the Bloviator's empty "pledges". thumbsup.gif

For all to see.

"I alone can fix it" facepalm.gif

Edited by iReason
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By now we should all have realised that globalisation wasn't meant to make us all come together and bask in the warm glow of humanity, diversity and whatever other crap the politicians fed us.

Globalisation was set up for companies to move large sums of capital unhindered…move it to where the returns are the best…leech and suck the life out of that population in the name of creating a better life….and keep doing it wherever the returns are ensured…it's a sweet little set up for the politicians and their corporate buddies.

Now Mr. Trump is pulling back from this madness and of course those who wield the power have got their knickers in a twist…because this impacts their livelihood and the scam they have set up.

America First is a great initiative….and I wish it good luck….let's not be poking our noses in other peoples biz and causing chaos all over the world.

“The chaos that one day will ensue from our 35-year experiment with worldwide fiat money will require a return to money of real value. We will know that day is approaching when oil-producing countries demand gold, or its equivalent, for their oil rather than dollars or euros. The sooner the better.” Ron Paul..

If you want to read and understand what `Trump is taking about.. with his -the billionaire businessman declared the nation's problems too staggering to be fixed within the confines of traditional politics. maybe you should read this Link to understand what is coming... for your Economy and Pensions etc. interesting for other Nationalities to read too....


ZeroHedge and Ron Paul are among the Mad Max Austrian school of economics fringe extremists who want to crash the USDollar to return the world to the gold standard and 19th century "pure" capitalism. They are among the handful of conspiracy wingnoids of the world.

They like that Russia and China have been stocking up on gold (but so has the USA). Almost all governments stock gold and no government possesses more gold than the United States and by far (although the paracrackpotnoids insist our secret conspirator elites of Wall Street and Washington sold it all without our knowledge).

Trump does not go this far, but he gets wildly close when he says USA can declare bankruptcy and start again after torching the nearly $20 Trillion in total debt it has. Trump would simply continue in the fiat currency the goldbugs hate so much.

This gold standard and World War III stuff is Mad Max and Road Warrior stuff drawn from too many of a green cheese sandwich made of moonbeams.

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Trump will make America safer for gays by putting the brakes on muslim migration. Did you people not see the orlando massacre on the news? Trump has the cohones. The world needs strong leaders now. Pussyfooting around with terrorists does not work.

Pussyfooting with right parawhingenoids hasn't been successful either.

Which is why in this election cycle it's time to get tough with 'em and run 'em out on election day November 8th.

All of 'em.

This side is gonna have to work hard to win this election, but we can win it big. Chop the noids right off and out for the political good of all.

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Trump is going to fix Immigration by building a wall and deport 11 million undocumented workers.

Is this a good use of resources?

Lets take a look at the logistics and expenses.

The wall? Trump says 50' high. How much?

Engineers had estimated a 20' wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam & cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 30' higher so costs may be 100% to 150%.


21,000 employees built the Hoover Dam. The wall may need around 126,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $39 billion in labor.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams.

Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

400-600 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills should be built along the route with 15,000 employees (with housing) just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Before building the wall, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes... The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Destroying business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a big government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50 billion every 7 years is the estimate.

Real costs.

Economist have estimated agricultural products & construction may increase by 20%.

Employers currently withhold & deposit $13 billion per year into Social Security from undocumented workers.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Deporting 11 million Mexicans. How much?

A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

I don't usually quote something this large but let's take a better look at it, shall we? By the way, who or what is "AAF" because when you google it it's an acronym for french air lines and clean air filter companies.

Anyway, first, there will be absolutely no need for 90% of the personnel nor cost increases in this dem biased report you posted. Why? you may ask, because of the military. The US military contains absolutely 100% of the trained personnel your report lists as non-existent and are already being paid.

Illegals that truly want to stay in the US and become citizens through the legal route could be given the option of participating in the building of the wall as well.

Your roadway to "handle 52 million trips by heavy trucks" can be entirely replaced by a single rail line and 2 locomotives pulling 40-60 flatbed cars. This can also be converted after completion into rolling patrol stations.

2 or 3 cement factories at the beginning end of the wall and rail line can satisfy the concrete needs. Restarting America's steel industry in the rustbelt and shipping by rail would be all that is needed to supply rebar as well as creating 100,000+ jobs and breathing life back into those communities.

The wall would only cross 3 1/2 states as it would only include the west 1/2 of Texas.

The military could also immediately beef up both the land Immigration Bureau AND the Coast Guard along the Gulf of Mexico to effectively help deter the "coyotes" as well as making it harder for drug smugglers.

This is just a start at debunking this false cost report you've posted before. Nice try though. rolleyes.gifthumbsup.gif

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Trump will make America safer for gays by putting the brakes on muslim migration. Did you people not see the orlando massacre on the news? Trump has the cohones. The world needs strong leaders now. Pussyfooting around with terrorists does not work.

Any U.S. president will fight Jihadists for the purpose of American foreign policy for ALL American citizens.

Gay Americans are not buying the B.S. narrative you suggest.

In reality, the trump convention platform is the most anti-gay civil rights platform in American history and his V.P. pence is the most anti-gay V.P. pick in American history.

Gay voters aren't so stupid as to not see that.


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"Last night at the Republican National Convention, Ivanka Trump opened for her father, promising that “a Trump Presidency will turn the economy”

while wearing a bland sheath dress that was almost certainly more of a boon to the economy of Ivanka Trump than the economy of America."

"Like any competent businessperson, Ivanka used the huge stage of last night’s convention as an opportunity to shill for her own brand,

wearing a $138 dress from the Ivanka Trump collection."

"In a show of basic social media acumen, the next morning she tweeted a link to buy the dress from Macys.com."


Ivanka Trump markets her look after RNC speech

"Looking to model yourself after the daughter of the Republican nominee for president?"

"Ivanka Trump is here to help -- marketing her "look" on Twitter the day after delivering a speech at the GOP convention."

"Trump, known for her business savvy, tweeted, "Shop Ivanka's look from her #RNC speech",
likely the first time the daughter of a major party nominee has promoted a clothing line in conjunction with her father's presidential campaign."
The shameless Huckstering spawned from Trump Tower knows no bounds.
Everyone is in on the act of making a buck, hawking their second-rate wares from cheap labor exploiting countries.
From the Bloviator on down.
And in Ivanka's case, 800 items. 354 of them made in China.
Dunning Kruger.
Edited by iReason
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Trump is going to fix Immigration by building a wall and deport 11 million undocumented workers.

Is this a good use of resources?

Lets take a look at the logistics and expenses.

The wall? Trump says 50' high. How much?

Engineers had estimated a 20' wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam & cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 30' higher so costs may be 100% to 150%.


21,000 employees built the Hoover Dam. The wall may need around 126,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $39 billion in labor.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams.

Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

400-600 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills should be built along the route with 15,000 employees (with housing) just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Before building the wall, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes... The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Destroying business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a big government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50 billion every 7 years is the estimate.

Real costs.

Economist have estimated agricultural products & construction may increase by 20%.

Employers currently withhold & deposit $13 billion per year into Social Security from undocumented workers.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Deporting 11 million Mexicans. How much?

A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

I don't usually quote something this large but let's take a better look at it, shall we? By the way, who or what is "AAF" because when you google it it's an acronym for french air lines and clean air filter companies.

Anyway, first, there will be absolutely no need for 90% of the personnel nor cost increases in this dem biased report you posted. Why? you may ask, because of the military. The US military contains absolutely 100% of the trained personnel your report lists as non-existent and are already being paid.

Illegals that truly want to stay in the US and become citizens through the legal route could be given the option of participating in the building of the wall as well.

Your roadway to "handle 52 million trips by heavy trucks" can be entirely replaced by a single rail line and 2 locomotives pulling 40-60 flatbed cars. This can also be converted after completion into rolling patrol stations.

2 or 3 cement factories at the beginning end of the wall and rail line can satisfy the concrete needs. Restarting America's steel industry in the rustbelt and shipping by rail would be all that is needed to supply rebar as well as creating 100,000+ jobs and breathing life back into those communities.

The wall would only cross 3 1/2 states as it would only include the west 1/2 of Texas.

The military could also immediately beef up both the land Immigration Bureau AND the Coast Guard along the Gulf of Mexico to effectively help deter the "coyotes" as well as making it harder for drug smugglers.

This is just a start at debunking this false cost report you've posted before. Nice try though. rolleyes.gifthumbsup.gif

Excellent rebuttal. So how much will it actually cost to build and maintain? For some reason you left that out.

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"Last night at the Republican National Convention, Ivanka Trump opened for her father, promising that “a Trump Presidency will turn the economy”

while wearing a bland sheath dress that was almost certainly more of a boon to the economy of Ivanka Trump than the economy of America."

"Like any competent businessperson, Ivanka used the huge stage of last night’s convention as an opportunity to shill for her own brand,

wearing a $138 dress from the Ivanka Trump collection."

"In a show of basic social media acumen, the next morning she tweeted a link to buy the dress from Macys.com."


Ivanka Trump markets her look after RNC speech

"Looking to model yourself after the daughter of the Republican nominee for president?"

"Ivanka Trump is here to help -- marketing her "look" on Twitter the day after delivering a speech at the GOP convention."

"Trump, known for her business savvy, tweeted, "Shop Ivanka's look from her #RNC speech",
likely the first time the daughter of a major party nominee has promoted a clothing line in conjunction with her father's presidential campaign."
The shameless Huckstering spawned from Trump Tower knows no bounds.
Everyone is in on the act of making a buck, hawking their second-rate wares from cheap labor exploiting countries.
From the Bloviator on down.
And in Ivanka's case, 800 items. 354 of them in China.
Dunning Kruger.

I'd like to buy her (used) underwear.

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So far, the shameless Bloviator has brazenly committed Copyright Infringement multiple times,

by using songs unauthorized by these recording artists.

And in fact, ignoring several requests to desist by continuing to do so:

The Rolling Stones

The Beatles/George Harrison

Bruce Springsteen


Neil young





The O'Jays








Edited by iReason
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So far, the shameless Bloviator has brazenly committed Copyright Infringement multiple times,

by using songs unauthorized by these recording artists.

And in fact, ignoring several requests to desist by continuing to do so:

The Rolling Stones

The Beatles/George Harrison

Bruce Springsteen


Neil young





The O'Jays






I think you will find that the Bloviator chooses venues with a music licence. All the artists can do is ask him not to use their music. Trump being Trump gives not a s@#t.

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Trump is going to fix Immigration by building a wall and deport 11 million undocumented workers.

Is this a good use of resources?

Lets take a look at the logistics and expenses.

The wall? Trump says 50' high. How much?

Engineers had estimated a 20' wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam & cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 30' higher so costs may be 100% to 150%.


21,000 employees built the Hoover Dam. The wall may need around 126,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $39 billion in labor.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams.

Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

400-600 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills should be built along the route with 15,000 employees (with housing) just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Before building the wall, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes... The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Destroying business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a big government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50 billion every 7 years is the estimate.

Real costs.

Economist have estimated agricultural products & construction may increase by 20%.

Employers currently withhold & deposit $13 billion per year into Social Security from undocumented workers.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Deporting 11 million Mexicans. How much?

A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

I don't usually quote something this large but let's take a better look at it, shall we? By the way, who or what is "AAF" because when you google it it's an acronym for french air lines and clean air filter companies.

Anyway, first, there will be absolutely no need for 90% of the personnel nor cost increases in this dem biased report you posted. Why? you may ask, because of the military. The US military contains absolutely 100% of the trained personnel your report lists as non-existent and are already being paid.

Illegals that truly want to stay in the US and become citizens through the legal route could be given the option of participating in the building of the wall as well.

Your roadway to "handle 52 million trips by heavy trucks" can be entirely replaced by a single rail line and 2 locomotives pulling 40-60 flatbed cars. This can also be converted after completion into rolling patrol stations.

2 or 3 cement factories at the beginning end of the wall and rail line can satisfy the concrete needs. Restarting America's steel industry in the rustbelt and shipping by rail would be all that is needed to supply rebar as well as creating 100,000+ jobs and breathing life back into those communities.

The wall would only cross 3 1/2 states as it would only include the west 1/2 of Texas.

The military could also immediately beef up both the land Immigration Bureau AND the Coast Guard along the Gulf of Mexico to effectively help deter the "coyotes" as well as making it harder for drug smugglers.

This is just a start at debunking this false cost report you've posted before. Nice try though. rolleyes.gifthumbsup.gif

Excellent rebuttal. So how much will it actually cost to build and maintain? For some reason you left that out.

lol - I left that out because I hate math, but just using the figures from the post I quoted, I'd estimate it to be around $50 billion over 2-3 years. (could actually be done in 1/2 that with the military building it) The cost of maintaining it would also be covered under the military budget after President Trump closes a few bases around Europe. The US military budget is spent at the rate of 30-35% at home and 65-70% overseas. The last budget was $614 billion so even moving 5% of that back to the US would cover it nicely.

The "fleet of INS helicopters" could simply be salvaged and refurbished from the numerous military "boneyards" throughout the US at a mere 5-10% of the cost of new ones. They could also be unmanned drones similar to the old F-16s they're refurbishing now as unmanned drones.

The possibilities of doing it effectively and efficiently without needing to be costly are incredible.

Environmentalists worrying about the adverse affects to the Rio Grande need only go look at it and they'll see it's little more than a sewer from the Mexico side.

I'd dredge it down another 50-100' and pile all the dirt on the US side as a secondary deterrent.

Another way to offset some of the cost to all Americans would be to go through the broken welfare system and offer every able bodied recipient between the ages of 17-30 an enlistment package of 6 years military service or be disqualified from welfare.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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Trump is going to fix Immigration by building a wall and deport 11 million undocumented workers.

Is this a good use of resources?

Lets take a look at the logistics and expenses.

The wall? Trump says 50' high. How much?

Engineers had estimated a 20' wall would contain over three times the amount of concrete used to build the Hoover Dam & cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 30' higher so costs may be 100% to 150%.


21,000 employees built the Hoover Dam. The wall may need around 126,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $39 billion in labor.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams.

Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

400-600 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills should be built along the route with 15,000 employees (with housing) just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Before building the wall, engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes... The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Destroying business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a big government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's about 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a huge main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff might be a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles sounds about right. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50 billion every 7 years is the estimate.

Real costs.

Economist have estimated agricultural products & construction may increase by 20%.

Employers currently withhold & deposit $13 billion per year into Social Security from undocumented workers.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

Deporting 11 million Mexicans. How much?

A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.

I don't usually quote something this large but let's take a better look at it, shall we? By the way, who or what is "AAF" because when you google it it's an acronym for french air lines and clean air filter companies.

Anyway, first, there will be absolutely no need for 90% of the personnel nor cost increases in this dem biased report you posted. Why? you may ask, because of the military. The US military contains absolutely 100% of the trained personnel your report lists as non-existent and are already being paid.

Illegals that truly want to stay in the US and become citizens through the legal route could be given the option of participating in the building of the wall as well.

Your roadway to "handle 52 million trips by heavy trucks" can be entirely replaced by a single rail line and 2 locomotives pulling 40-60 flatbed cars. This can also be converted after completion into rolling patrol stations.

2 or 3 cement factories at the beginning end of the wall and rail line can satisfy the concrete needs. Restarting America's steel industry in the rustbelt and shipping by rail would be all that is needed to supply rebar as well as creating 100,000+ jobs and breathing life back into those communities.

The wall would only cross 3 1/2 states as it would only include the west 1/2 of Texas.

The military could also immediately beef up both the land Immigration Bureau AND the Coast Guard along the Gulf of Mexico to effectively help deter the "coyotes" as well as making it harder for drug smugglers.

This is just a start at debunking this false cost report you've posted before. Nice try though. rolleyes.gifthumbsup.gif

Excellent rebuttal. So how much will it actually cost to build and maintain? For some reason you left that out.

lol - I left that out because I hate math, but just using the figures from the post I quoted, I'd estimate it to be around $50 billion over 2-3 years. (could actually be done in 1/2 that with the military building it) The cost of maintaining it would also be covered under the military budget after President Trump closes a few bases around Europe. The US military budget is spent at the rate of 30-35% at home and 65-70% overseas. The last budget was $614 billion so even moving 5% of that back to the US would cover it nicely.

The "fleet of INS helicopters" could simply be salvaged and refurbished from the numerous military "boneyards" throughout the US at a mere 5-10% of the cost of new ones. They could also be unmanned drones similar to the old F-16s they're refurbishing now as unmanned drones.

The possibilities of doing it effectively and efficiently without needing to be costly are incredible.

Environmentalists worrying about the adverse affects to the Rio Grande need only go look at it and they'll see it's little more than a sewer from the Mexico side.

I will accept your figures. Just for petty bickering why did the Donald state that it would cost 4 billion and anyone who said it would cost more was an idiot? He knows construction apparently. Since he said that I will admit the dimensions of the proposed wall have changed. When do you think he will actually clarify his proposal?

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@Post 81


"I think you will find that the Bloviator chooses venues with a music licence. All the artists can do is ask him not to use their music."

Not true at all. It's all up to the Copyright holder.

"Music is protected by copyright law, which provides exclusive rights to copyright owners to perform or play their songs."

"If someone plays music without permission, they are infringing on the copyright, and copyright law allows the owner to recover damages,

ranging from $750 per violation, to $150,000 if a court decides the infringement was willful."




If a venue such as sport has a license, an artist can still tell a campaign to desist under:

The Right of Publicity, the Lanham and the False Endorsment Acts.


The campaign needs to contact the artist for permission.

Which they didn't in the cases of the list I provided.

But you're right.

The arrogant Bloviator just doesn't give a s##t.

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@Post 81


"I think you will find that the Bloviator chooses venues with a music licence. All the artists can do is ask him not to use their music."

Not true at all. It's all up to the Copyright holder.

"Music is protected by copyright law, which provides exclusive rights to copyright owners to perform or play their songs."

"If someone plays music without permission, they are infringing on the copyright, and copyright law allows the owner to recover damages,

ranging from $750 per violation, to $150,000 if a court decides the infringement was willful."




If a venue such as sport has a license, an artist can still tell a campaign to desist under:

The Right of Publicity, the Lanham and the False Endorsment Acts.


The campaign needs to contact the artist for permission.

Which they didn't in the cases of the list I provided.

But you're right.

The arrogant Bloviator just doesn't give a s##t.

I stand corrected. Thank you.

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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

I don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?

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lol - I left that out because I hate math, but just using the figures from the post I quoted, I'd estimate it to be around $50 billion over 2-3 years. (could actually be done in 1/2 that with the military building it) The cost of maintaining it would also be covered under the military budget after President Trump closes a few bases around Europe. The US military budget is spent at the rate of 30-35% at home and 65-70% overseas. The last budget was $614 billion so even moving 5% of that back to the US would cover it nicely.

The "fleet of INS helicopters" could simply be salvaged and refurbished from the numerous military "boneyards" throughout the US at a mere 5-10% of the cost of new ones. They could also be unmanned drones similar to the old F-16s they're refurbishing now as unmanned drones.

The possibilities of doing it effectively and efficiently without needing to be costly are incredible.

Environmentalists worrying about the adverse affects to the Rio Grande need only go look at it and they'll see it's little more than a sewer from the Mexico side.

I will accept your figures. Just for petty bickering why did the Donald state that it would cost 4 billion and anyone who said it would cost more was an idiot? He knows construction apparently. Since he said that I will admit the dimensions of the proposed wall have changed. When do you think he will actually clarify his proposal?

My wall estimate was $50 - $100 Billion.

You trash my plan and your scaled down version is $50 Billion.blink.png

It's a Government project and will be double your estimate. Lets say around $100 Billion.

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Trump will make America safer for gays by putting the brakes on muslim migration. Did you people not see the orlando massacre on the news? Trump has the cohones. The world needs strong leaders now. Pussyfooting around with terrorists does not work.

Firstly, there are millions of Muslims already in America. Secondly, there are even more Christians in America who hate gays as much as Muslims. Care to try again?

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Trump needs to have a crisis

one that starts in August and goes through November. Conventional wisdom says he just needs a crisis during the last two weeks of the contest. I think he needs one longer than that otherwise the ugly reality of what he is seeps out. Once out there is no going back for most voters

Do you really think Republican voters are going to vote for Hillary because Trump is an *^>!££ ?

Not a chance.

I don't think Republicans will vote for Hillary because Trump is an a hole. But apparently you are willing to vote for the a hole. You state the Republican platform. Care to give some facts that show Trump gives a s%×t about your supposed Republican platform? Start with an easy one, tax. Hedge fund managers get away with murder, (so does Trump), but he will give them more?

Trumps platform?

What does it matter? Trump can promise all he likes that he is going to be a one man army controlling Washington but we all know that isn't the way politics works. Compromises, backroom deals, smoke & mirrors--at the end of the day its going to be the Party platform business-as-usual that wins out.

Trump makes campaign promises--thats all this talk is about Iran and the Wall with Mexico, etc..

The only people who seem to buy into it are the angry American wingnuts which consist of Liberals (based on the many anger-filled posts here at TVF disecting the costs of the Wall) and a small percentage of the Conservative movement--basically those who were TeaPartiers a few years ago and who have not yet passed away.

But sll of this is puting the cart before the horse--there is alot of time between now and November.

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lol - I left that out because I hate math, but just using the figures from the post I quoted, I'd estimate it to be around $50 billion over 2-3 years. (could actually be done in 1/2 that with the military building it) The cost of maintaining it would also be covered under the military budget after President Trump closes a few bases around Europe. The US military budget is spent at the rate of 30-35% at home and 65-70% overseas. The last budget was $614 billion so even moving 5% of that back to the US would cover it nicely.

The "fleet of INS helicopters" could simply be salvaged and refurbished from the numerous military "boneyards" throughout the US at a mere 5-10% of the cost of new ones. They could also be unmanned drones similar to the old F-16s they're refurbishing now as unmanned drones.

The possibilities of doing it effectively and efficiently without needing to be costly are incredible.

Environmentalists worrying about the adverse affects to the Rio Grande need only go look at it and they'll see it's little more than a sewer from the Mexico side.

I will accept your figures. Just for petty bickering why did the Donald state that it would cost 4 billion and anyone who said it would cost more was an idiot? He knows construction apparently. Since he said that I will admit the dimensions of the proposed wall have changed. When do you think he will actually clarify his proposal?

My wall estimate was $50 - $100 Billion.

You trash my plan and your scaled down version is $50 Billion.blink.png

It's a Government project and will be double your estimate. Lets say around $100 Billion.

You miss quote me. No problem.

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