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The US Democratic National Convention: Buried hatchets and party unity


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The US Democratic National Convention: Buried hatchets and party unity


Preparations are underway for the National Democratic convention in Philadelphia which kicks off on the 25th July.

The event is expected to host 4769 delegates who will vote to officially usher in their Presidential nominee.

The first woman nominee

Having gained the most pledged delegates, Hilary Clinton will undoubtedly be the first woman to receive the nomination from a major US party.

Speaking in New York on 7th July she announced:

“Thanks to you we have reached a milestone. The first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee for President of the United States”

Projecting unity

Unlike her rival Donald Trump, Clinton has the support of many of her party’s heavyweights, including, her husband Bill(for obvious reasons), the Obamas, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

Historical parallels

The party will play upon the parallels with Barack Obama’s nomination in August 2008 in Denver as the first Black presidential nominee of a major party. At that national convention, Obama joked:
“I realise that I am not the likeliest candidate for this office. I don’t fit the typical pedigree.”

Hug and make up

Despite their dog eat dog rivalry, Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton on 12th July in Pourtsmouth. He perhaps learnt the lesson that party unity pays off at the polls. Or maybe the looming prospect of a potential President Trump was enough to bring them together. Sanders told crowds:

“I intend to do everything that I can to make certain she will be the next President of The United States.”

An awkward hug between the two symbolically united the party and left Clinton free to go after Trump unhindered in Washington on July 14th when she quipped:

Taking on Trump

“In Cleveland they will nominate someone who thinks that Latino outreach is tweeting a picture of a Taco Bowl”

In any case the democrat’s convention promises to be a more conventional affair than the Republican’s.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-23

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Sounds like the demo convention will be a real kumbaya moment in the party noted for rigging the system against Bernie Sanders....except for the Wikileaks release of 20,000 DNC emails, that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the fix was in. Hillary and here MSM allies sure know how to spin a story.

"Other emails show DNC staff in damage control over allegations from the Sanders campaign, when a report—corroborated by a Politico—revealed the DNC’s joint fundraising committee with the Clinton campaign was laundering money to the Clinton campaign instead of fundraising for down-ticket Democrats. Regardless of the fundraising tactics, because both major campaigns didn’t agree to use the joint fundraising committee super-PAC with the DNC, the DNC should have recused itself from participating with just the Clinton campaign.


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After the Republican disaster, the Dems can do just about anything, and come out looking better.

I almost felt sorry for the Republicans. Booing their own speakers. Plagiarizing speeches of people they're supposed to hate. Emphasizing, over and over, how Americans should be terrified. ......what a bunch of angry people aimed at harming America in many ways. Even if the Dems just played 3-stooges movies back to back, they would do a better job than the Republicans mired, as they are, in fear and self-loathing.

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After the Republican disaster, the Dems can do just about anything, and come out looking better.

Let's hope the Demos continue to swim in your beliefs. I just can't wait to see how they address corruption in DC.

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Sounds like the demo convention will be a real kumbaya moment in the party noted for rigging the system against Bernie Sanders....except for the Wikileaks release of 20,000 DNC emails, that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the fix was in. Hillary and here MSM allies sure know how to spin a story.

"Other emails show DNC staff in damage control over allegations from the Sanders campaign, when a report—corroborated by a Politico—revealed the DNC’s joint fundraising committee with the Clinton campaign was laundering money to the Clinton campaign instead of fundraising for down-ticket Democrats. Regardless of the fundraising tactics, because both major campaigns didn’t agree to use the joint fundraising committee super-PAC with the DNC, the DNC should have recused itself from participating with just the Clinton campaign.


Bassman, You are correct of course, but really outside of the fact that the Philly airport employees are going to strike during the convention and the absolute (and well placed) hatred that the Sanders wing of the party has for good ole Hillary, and that was before the DNC email leaks, I think the Dems convention should be a real love festcheesy.gif

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After the Republican disaster, the Dems can do just about anything, and come out looking better.

Let's hope the Demos continue to swim in your beliefs. I just can't wait to see how they address corruption in DC.

Corruption in DC is rampant on both sides of the aisle. Take your pick. The Dems do not have a corner on the corruption market.
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The Republican Convention was horrid. Donald Trump gave a speech that was as bad as I have ever heard. He seemed to paint a dim picture of everything and everyone except himself. This man is the ultimate hypocrite who would lead America down a path of destruction. The sad thing is that the only one left is Hilary Clinton that might provide some minor relief to the poor and middle class because she will have Bernie Sanders as a formidable enemy if she does nothing. Sanders would have actually made America great again because he is no phony and had some real tangible plans to help the poor advance and put the middle class in an upward motion. Now, most of that is gone.

What we have left is a narcissist meglomaniac on the Republican side and a person on the Democratic side who is an acute feminist that actually hates everyone and who wakes in the morning and tells staff to Go F*** themselves. And this is the choice we have to make on election day?? OMG!!!!

Edited by Thaidream
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The Republican Convention was horrid. Donald Trump gave a speech that was as bad as I have ever heard. He seemed to paint a dim picture of everything and everyone except himself. This man is the ultimate hypocrite who would lead America down a path of destruction. The sad thing is that the only one left is Hilary Clinton that might provide some minor relief to the poor and middle class because she will have Bernie Sanders as a formidable enemy if she does nothing. Sanders would have actually made America great again because he is no phony and had some real tangible plans to help the poor advance and put the middle class in an upward motion. Now, most of that is gone.

What we have left is a narcissist meglomaniac on the Republican side and a person on the Democratic side who is an acute feminist that actually hates everyone and who wakes in the morning and tells staff to Go F*** themselves. And this is the choice we have to make on election day?? OMG!!!!

Bernie Sanders is not going to be best pleased when he understands the full extent of the duplicity of the DNC...and Clinton's complicity in the dirty tricks....

Something less than a ringing endorsement to be expected at the convention . Might not be Chicago in '68 but won't be a smooth ride for Hilary.

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After the Republican disaster, the Dems can do just about anything, and come out looking better.

I almost felt sorry for the Republicans. Booing their own speakers. Plagiarizing speeches of people they're supposed to hate. Emphasizing, over and over, how Americans should be terrified. ......what a bunch of angry people aimed at harming America in many ways. Even if the Dems just played 3-stooges movies back to back, they would do a better job than the Republicans mired, as they are, in fear and self-loathing.

Don't get carried away.

Hillary Clinton has a REAL fight on her hands.

Yes, she has the better odds but trump could still win.

We've learned from his history already not to underestimate his political appeal.

Also, his campaign manager, Manafort, has specialized in electing strong man authoritarian dictators internationally. He's a real pro.

The Clinton team is a WORLD CLASS operation.

Get ready for a battle royale!

Edited by Jingthing
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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- He bought the best but his worst enemy is himself. He comes across as an arrogant rich guy who doesn't like women, blacks, hispanics or anyone that is not wealthy. He has angered the American base and he plays to the fringe. Clinton is well schooled and well spoken and she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base. The campaign will be filled with dirt and personal attacks. I will hold my nose and vote for Clinton- simply because Trump would destroy all American credibility (what little we have) and cause a depression to include a real fall in the value of the dollar that is swift and dramatic.

If there is anything positive about this election is that it demonstrates just how angry Americans are towards the standard politician and America's failing business model of Capitalist Democracy which continues to reward the 1% while sucking the blood life out of the other 99%.

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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base.

Oh yea, like when he told the Sanders supporters to basically go <deleted> themselves and get over it because they lost. This should be entertaining.

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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base.

Oh yea, like when he told the Sanders supporters to basically go <deleted> themselves and get over it because they lost. This should be entertaining.

It's a binary choice now. Sander's people won't go for trump.

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After the Republican disaster, the Dems can do just about anything, and come out looking better.

Let's hope the Demos continue to swim in your beliefs. I just can't wait to see how they address corruption in DC.

Corruption in DC is rampant on both sides of the aisle. Take your pick. The Dems do not have a corner on the corruption market.

Elgordo38, you're correct. There's corruption on both sides of the aisle. However, one big difference, is Republicans eternally drag their feet. That's why many things don't get passed in Congress. Reps shouldn't even get their pay checks, because they do as little as Thai bureaucrats - both groups waste time and suck up oxygen, while sucking up taxpayers money for doing nothing useful.

Reps are also ill-informed, corrupt, hypocritical, immoral and mean-spirited fear-mongers, but that's grist for the next 10,000 tell-all books.

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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base.

Oh yea, like when he told the Sanders supporters to basically go F&^%$ themselves and get over it because they lost. This should be entertaining.

It's a binary choice now. Sander's people won't go for trump.

Bernie's movement, which has been so humiliating crapped on by a process that was far less than democratic, does not have to vote for Trump. All they have to do is not vote for Hillary and she is toast.

It may well beyond Bernie's ability to deliver his folks to the alter of Clinton (if he chooses to), the movement and its enthusiasm could well be bigger than one person.

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Yea the hatchets just might get buried alright. Wouldn't be a bit surprised by a sit down strike or a walk out by real Democrats. Any that supported Bernie, including Bernie will be buried on the minefield of blue dawg corporate Democrats, the DNC and Clinton the vengeful. Like the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is imploding. YES!

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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- He bought the best but his worst enemy is himself. He comes across as an arrogant rich guy who doesn't like women, blacks, hispanics or anyone that is not wealthy. He has angered the American base and he plays to the fringe. Clinton is well schooled and well spoken and she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base. The campaign will be filled with dirt and personal attacks. I will hold my nose and vote for Clinton- simply because Trump would destroy all American credibility (what little we have) and cause a depression to include a real fall in the value of the dollar that is swift and dramatic.

If there is anything positive about this election is that it demonstrates just how angry Americans are towards the standard politician and America's failing business model of Capitalist Democracy which continues to reward the 1% while sucking the blood life out of the other 99%.

His team wife is first class- He bought the best...

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You cannot rule Trump out. His team is first class- He bought the best but his worst enemy is himself. He comes across as an arrogant rich guy who doesn't like women, blacks, hispanics or anyone that is not wealthy. He has angered the American base and he plays to the fringe. Clinton is well schooled and well spoken and she has Bill Clinton in her corner who can still give a speech that will rally Americans and the Clinton political Base. The campaign will be filled with dirt and personal attacks. I will hold my nose and vote for Clinton- simply because Trump would destroy all American credibility (what little we have) and cause a depression to include a real fall in the value of the dollar that is swift and dramatic.

If there is anything positive about this election is that it demonstrates just how angry Americans are towards the standard politician and America's failing business model of Capitalist Democracy which continues to reward the 1% while sucking the blood life out of the other 99%.

"If there is anything positive about this election is that it demonstrates just how angry Americans are towards the standard politician and America's failing business model of Capitalist Democracy which continues to reward the 1% while sucking the blood life out of the other 99%."

You should cut back on your following the vampires and do a little research on the topic:

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget - The War on Poverty: 50 Years Later

"There are at least 92 federal programs designed to help lower-income Americans. For instance, there are dozens of education and job-training programs, 17 different food-aid programs, and over 20 housing programs. The federal government spent $799 billion on these programs in fiscal year 2012."

(emphasis mine)

The total amount since inception is commonly quoted as $22 trillion. Do you doubt that given the, above 2012 figures alone?

Even if the $22 trillion is unbelievable, It is quite believable that the 2012-2016 total is at least $4 trillion:

5 Years X $800 billion = $4 trillion (assuming a constant yearly cost - probably a safe one)

Since the highest income earners pay the largest proportion of taxes, whom do you think paid the most for the fabulous "War on Poverty"? BTW, the middle class also footed a substantial portion - I know I did.

How much of it has been financed with national debt?

Will Hillary adopt Sanders' "free" college tuition social program or will she get the hatchet in the back from his supporters, as did DWS getting chopped by the DNC after the email exposure?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Blame it on Putin.

No ... REALLY!

"There's evidence Russian state actors broke into the DNC, stole those emails, and there are experts saying they are releasing these emails for the purpose of helping Donald Trump," Mook told CNN's Jake Tapper in an interview that aired Sunday on "State of the Union." "I don't think it's coincidental these emails were released on the eve of our convention here."

Mook said the idea that Russia leaked Democrats' emails to possibly help Trump was "disturbing."

Just when you thought this election year couldn't possibly get any stranger!


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Send in the clowns. As expected the DNC is a total bust, even before it started.

These jokers were expecting the RNC to be chaotic, but the foolery has just started. Stay tuned for complete chaos.

Ok, we get it; you want the DNC to be bad. Sorry to disappoint, but only Trump fans (17% of the general public) will see it as bad.

As for your closing sentence; "....expecting the RNC to be chaotic, but the foolery has just started. Stay tuned for complete chaos." .....it sounds like the Chinese, when they completely discounted the International tribunal's findings (on the SCS problem) months before the findings got published. Chinese knew they wouldn't like the truth, similar to how Republicans don't want to hear truths emanating from the Democratic convention.

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DNC and their hilarious email scandals. One after another. Now they are blaming Russians. Lol

When will it all end? What is it with this party.....one scandal after another!

Why do they have all these security problems with email? Incompetence at it's worst.

Freak show outside, as well.

Lordy, Lordy......one must just shake the head and wince.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Send in the clowns. As expected the DNC is a total bust, even before it started.

These jokers were expecting the RNC to be chaotic, but the foolery has just started. Stay tuned for complete chaos.

Ok, we get it; you want the DNC to be bad. Sorry to disappoint, but only Trump fans (17% of the general public) will see it as bad.

As for your closing sentence; "....expecting the RNC to be chaotic, but the foolery has just started. Stay tuned for complete chaos." .....it sounds like the Chinese, when they completely discounted the International tribunal's findings (on the SCS problem) months before the findings got published. Chinese knew they wouldn't like the truth, similar to how Republicans don't want to hear truths emanating from the Democratic convention.

I am rolling on the floor! You are quite the comic. Since when has Hillary told a single truth?

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