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8 dead in Munich mall shooting; police hunt up to 3 suspects


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Munich shooting: teenage German-Iranian believed to have acted alone


An 18-year-old German-Iranian is suspected to be behind a shooting rampage in Munich, opening fire in a busy shopping mall and killing at least nine people.

The suspected attacker, identified by police as a dual national, was later found dead near the Olympia shopping mall – having apparently shot himself in the head.

Police had initially said that they were looking for up to three suspects in the attack.

But officials later told the the media that they believed that the shooter was believed to have acted alone.

He is said to have opened fire at a fast food restaurant before moving to the shopping centre.

“On the basis of witness statements and after checking video material we are quite sure that this is indeed the suspect,” said Hubertus Andrä, President of Bavarian Police, referring to the body that had been found.

“We do not have any leads or evidence suggesting there were additional suspects. The motive and background, why he did it, are unknown right now.”
City in lockdown

Andrä also told reporters that sixteen people, including several children, were injured in the attack and three were in a critical condition.

As the shooting attack unfolded, authorities told the public to get off the streets of Munich, as the city went into a state of emergency.

Trams, trains and buses were stopped and highways were sealed off.

It was the third major act of violence against civilians in Western Europe in eight days.
An ‘abhorrent act’

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier confirmed that a motive for the attack was not yet clear.

“The motives for this abhorrent act have not been completely clarified. We still have contradictory clues,” he said in a statement.

Friday’s attack took place a week after a 17-year-old asylum seeker assaulted passengers on a German train with an axe. Bavarian police shot the teenager dead.

Munich Transport Authorities say they have halted service on multiple train, tram and bus lines and the German rail operator said the main railway station in Munich has been evacuated.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-24

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The Munich massacre was carried out by 18-year-old Ali Sonboly. While the murder spree had no apparent connection to Muslim ideology, the BBC didn’t take any chances. As Raheem Kassam of Breitbart News documents, the BBC doggedly referred to the killer as “David Sonboly,” David being his middle name:


The German Spiegel still refers him as David Sonboly

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Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

He yelled anti immigrant statements.

Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

Germans are greedy and stingy. It's immigrants they called once as "guest workers" when they needed cheap labour force. Now they feel they don't need them anymore, so immigrants (even in the 3rd generation get marginalized.

ISIL is greedy. The organisation known as Daesh and self-proclaimed founders of a self-proclaimed "Islamic State of Iraq and Levante" is a sponge for young men marginalized in Europe. Daesh even pay their warriors, they say the wage is about 500 EUR per month. The expectation of 70 virgins in paradise is a nice but doubtful add-on, but 500 EUR p.m. should do as a baseline for further negotiations. This amount should be paid by the Europeans that marginalized the inhabitants of Arabia, Germany being the richest of all.

But: Germany is still greedy, and it's still stingy.

I found this posting from you stunning.

Immigrants in Germany have the same rights as Germans and are protected by the German constitution.

If 3rd generations get marginalized this will have to do with their past educations but they still get Unemployed benefits or later Hartz 4 (Minimum 404 Euro).

Adult: 404 Euro

Additional Adult who lives in the same apartment/HOUSE: 364 Euro

Additional Adult who lives in another apartment/HOUSE: 320 Euro

Teenager between 15 to 18 Years: 306 Euro

Children between 7 bis 14 Years: 270 Euro

Children until the age of 6 Years: 237 Euro

So lets assume that a family of 5, Husband and wife, 2 children at age 3 and 9 and a 19 year old who lives in another home but is the son or daughter of that family they would receive the minimum as per law:

404 Euro First Adult

364 Euro 2nd Adult

270 Euro 9 year old child

237 Euro 3 year old child

320 Euro 19 year old sun or daughter

1595 Euro per month = 62,205 Baht per month

Not included is the apartment or if they have more then 2 children or take in their parents the bills per month can be over 3000 Euro per month. For a new child born they will also receive extra money.

Edited by MobileContent
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To the families of those killed, and to most people in general, does it matter whether the latest atrocity was committed by a mad muslim or a jihadi muslim?

Take a look at the european royal families and see what 1500 years of marrying your cousin can do to a gene pool.

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To the families of those killed, and to most people in general, does it matter whether the latest atrocity was committed by a mad muslim or a jihadi muslim?

Take a look at the european royal families and see what 1500 years of marrying your cousin can do to a gene pool.

Quite valid points all.

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Not surprising that the scummy UK 'press' invented/fabricated large parts of the story ( or in the most generous interpretation, grossly exaggerated it). For example, they published significant stories, with detail, saying that multiple gunmen with rifles were firing at Marienplatz ( miles from the scene but known to everyone who has ever been to Munich as a main tourist attraction). When it became apparent that there was no truth in the story, what did they do? Retract it? Delete it? Of course not....it doesn't suit their duplicitous agenda, so the fake story just sat there, de facto truth.

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To the families of those killed, and to most people in general, does it matter whether the latest atrocity was committed by a mad muslim or a jihadi muslim?

Take a look at the european royal families and see what 1500 years of marrying your cousin can do to a gene pool.

No, it wouldn't make any difference to the families: any more than it would have to the families at Dunblane, Port Arthur, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech and the dozens of other places where deranged people with access to weapons have gone beserk.

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Not surprising that the scummy UK 'press' invented/fabricated large parts of the story ( or in the most generous interpretation, grossly exaggerated it). For example, they published significant stories, with detail, saying that multiple gunmen with rifles were firing at Marienplatz ( miles from the scene but known to everyone who has ever been to Munich as a main tourist attraction). When it became apparent that there was no truth in the story, what did they do? Retract it? Delete it? Of course not....it doesn't suit their duplicitous agenda, so the fake story just sat there, de facto truth.

Conversely the BBC managed an entire article on the massacre without mentioning the words 'Muslim' or 'Islam', they also omitted publishing the name of the killer even though it was already public domain.

P.s I do kind of agree with your point but it works both ways. We are now living in a post-news age where agendas govern the content not the facts.

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Conversely the BBC managed an entire article on the massacre without mentioning the words 'Muslim' or 'Islam', they also omitted publishing the name of the killer even though it was already public domain.

P.s I do kind of agree with your point but it works both ways. We are now living in a post-news age where agendas govern the content not the facts.

True that the BBC's bias has become so blatant it's subtly Orwellian - not lies, but endless manipulation (see for example Lyse Doucet's coverage of Syria). And the BBC is so uniquely trusted it has the power of brainwash. We can now see that has single-handedly imposed political correctness as a form of social engineering.

Newspapers have always taken a political position, but they've always made it quite clear. I grew up trusting the BBC but now I just look at every report askance.

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Whatever the motive turns out to be some things need clarification. First, what of the other two gunmen, have they now vanished? If there were more than one it suggests shared ideology not the madness of a lone wolf lead by his own insanity.

The 'German-Iranian' arrived just two years ago, another triumph for Merkel's immigration policy. The Iranians do have a history of working with Sunni terrorists by the way so don't assume the murderer was automatically Shia.

What stands out most though is the utter incompetence and panic shown by the German government.


What a jumble of crap.
1 He was born in Munich
2 His model is Andreas Breivik.
3 Among the 8 victims there are 3 Turkish, 3 Kosovars and a Greek. A choice for tanned people so...
4 This boy was suffering from depression and out of psychiatric hospital care.
In summary, your speculations are totally irrelevant.
All information on Huffington Post. Choose the German edition for details.

Was he Muslim or are we not allowed to say that.

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Whatever the motive turns out to be some things need clarification. First, what of the other two gunmen, have they now vanished? If there were more than one it suggests shared ideology not the madness of a lone wolf lead by his own insanity.

The 'German-Iranian' arrived just two years ago, another triumph for Merkel's immigration policy. The Iranians do have a history of working with Sunni terrorists by the way so don't assume the murderer was automatically Shia.

What stands out most though is the utter incompetence and panic shown by the German government.


Interesting https://voat.co/v/politics/comments/1187654

Annnd http://archive.is/TeuMs

Edited by dageurreotype
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High time to think about how to prevent/stop these wackos before they act or during the act:

Prevention : All forms of surveillance.

Security : All branches of the military services need to start being rotated,as well armed/trained security personnel, into all malls,schools, densely populated areas and events, and so on.

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You stand a better chance of being g killed in an vehicle accident on your way to a "malls,schools, densely populated areas and events, and so on" then being killed by a mentally deranged killer while there in every western country.

It is very important to keep these acts in perspective. Statistically, you are in virtually no increased danger from a mass murderer of any religious persuasion at the mall then you have been in at any time in past.


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This kid might as well been another school shooter , but in July the schools are closed so he picked another easy target like this mall. He admired other massmurderers, I see no connection to IS here. If his family has a muslim background doesn't mean a shxx.

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The usual suspects from the Ministry of Truth are obviously extremely upset that this attack has nothing to do with ISIS or any other form of Islamic terrorism.

They are posting obfuscations, even downright lies, in their feeble attempts to 'prove' this attack was motivated by Sonboly's religion; assuming he is Muslim, not all Iranians are. But whatever his religion, it is now obvious it had nothing to do with his motives.

Munich shooting: killer was bullied teen loner obsessed with mass murder

Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly 'inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik' and 'used Facebook offer of free McDonald's food to lure victims'

As for claims by the Ministry of Truth that certain media outlets tried to hide Sonboly's ethnicity and therefore probable religion; nonsense. This from the BBC

His name has not been officially released but he is being named locally as David Ali Sonboly.

He has also been referred to as Ali David Sonboly, or David S

These continued attempts by the disciples of the Ministry of Truth to use this attack to promote their twisted agenda when all the known facts prove them wrong is an insult to those innocents killed and injured in this appalling attack.

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The usual suspects from the Ministry of Truth are obviously extremely upset that this attack has nothing to do with ISIS or any other form of Islamic terrorism.

They are posting obfuscations, even downright lies, in their feeble attempts to 'prove' this attack was motivated by Sonboly's religion; assuming he is Muslim, not all Iranians are. But whatever his religion, it is now obvious it had nothing to do with his motives.

Munich shooting: killer was bullied teen loner obsessed with mass murder

Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly 'inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik' and 'used Facebook offer of free McDonald's food to lure victims'

As for claims by the Ministry of Truth that certain media outlets tried to hide Sonboly's ethnicity and therefore probable religion; nonsense. This from the BBC

His name has not been officially released but he is being named locally as David Ali Sonboly.

He has also been referred to as Ali David Sonboly, or David S

These continued attempts by the disciples of the Ministry of Truth to use this attack to promote their twisted agenda when all the known facts prove them wrong is an insult to those innocents killed and injured in this appalling attack.

WOW, you turned up AFTER investigations................

The posts by the Ministry of Truth to which I refer appeared here after the actual facts became known.

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Munich mall attack: Calls in Germany for tighter gun laws


Amazing ignorance from the German government. " Tighter Gun Laws" .....We are dealing with terrorist armies who don't buy from shops.

It might make it that little bit more difficult for lone nutjobs who are in countries not simply awash with guns to get hold of one.

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In this case we are dealing with one German citizen who has no links with any terrorist organisations, hence the German response to gun law. This obsession with every incident being part of terrorism is both inaccurate and quite boring.

There is a serious terrorist threat and the world is on high alert. Nobody is denying that. Best to just deal with the reality rather than twisting everything to fit an agenda though

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Whatever the motive turns out to be some things need clarification. First, what of the other two gunmen, have they now vanished? If there were more than one it suggests shared ideology not the madness of a lone wolf lead by his own insanity.

The 'German-Iranian' arrived just two years ago, another triumph for Merkel's immigration policy. The Iranians do have a history of working with Sunni terrorists by the way so don't assume the murderer was automatically Shia.

What stands out most though is the utter incompetence and panic shown by the German government.


That's right, there's an alliance between the Shias and the Sunni terrorists. Even though every chance they get, Sunni terrorists bomb and slaughter Shiites worldwide. This is the kind of paranoid nonsense peddled by Donald Trump's advisor, General Flynn. I remember during the Vietnam War it was taken as gospel that Russia and China were working together to support the Vietnames. We now now the truth of that. Now the new version of this is that Sunni and Shia are working together. This kind of disinformation comes from Saudi Arabia and its friends open and de facto (i.e. Israel) to try and launch hostilities against the Iranians. It's the Sunni governments of Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. and others who have spread and are still spreading their poisonous version of Sunni Islam around the world. They are the real threat.

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It seems to me all this info on the attacker is coming from the msm via official government sources, so I take it with a pinch of salt, in the belief that they want to down play islamist connections if they can, what we can reasonably belive is that he was Iranian, muslim, murderer what we haven't been told is how this 'non jihadist' came by a gun and a large amount of ammo in a gun controlled country, still sceptical.

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