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8 dead in Munich mall shooting; police hunt up to 3 suspects


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Reports of 1 killed, 2 wounded after a man attacked a group of people with machete in Reutlingen, Germany


QED my last post. Another aryan supremacist madman from a Shiite nation no doubt.
Ad nauseum ad infinitum. The apologists will really be burning the midnight oil now.


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As the Churchlady would say: Well, ins't that special!

Whenever there is a shooting and some...maybe...can remotely be linked to "Islam" in the broadest possible meaning (background in Iraniraqsyriaafghanistan...although living in Europe since birth...) is involved in a shooting, some people are ready to brush 1.6 billion Muslims with one brush, have "the best" "solutions" for "the problem" and want to be very tough on "terror"!

What do some of the very same people do, when there is ANY shooting in the USA (as in: statistically 1 per day!)?

"2nd amendement! Nothing we can do! Right to bare arms! Move on- nothing to see here!"

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Whatever the motive turns out to be some things need clarification. First, what of the other two gunmen, have they now vanished? If there were more than one it suggests shared ideology not the madness of a lone wolf lead by his own insanity.

The 'German-Iranian' arrived just two years ago, another triumph for Merkel's immigration policy. The Iranians do have a history of working with Sunni terrorists by the way so don't assume the murderer was automatically Shia.

What stands out most though is the utter incompetence and panic shown by the German government.


What are you talking about ? Did you read the latest news updates at all ? He was born in Germany, and he acted alone. Read the latest articles before you post stupid comments.

I'll have a go, I thought... Read some updates... Avoid ridicule and all that jazz.

This attack came up third in my search "terror attack in Germany"

So.... I discovered..... Fact checking is somewhat difficult with at least three terror attacks in the headlines at one blurry time... It's insane... Absolutely insane... And I personally excuse anyone for referencing the wrong attack in a forum

everyone suspected this would be a consequence of the masses of refugees fleeing their Muslim homelands.

(The cargo container of guns labeled as refugee supplies, aside)..... A lot cried foul, when they tried to put up a wire fence to contain/ control the middle eastern exodus.

But now we see what Merkle has wrought.

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"2nd amendement! Nothing we can do! Right to bare arms! "

I am fairly certain the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with ones right to wear short-sleeve shirts.

...ah...a spelling- Nazi!

As dumb as uncalled for as condescending!

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The news is getting redundant. Perhaps we can get some sort of statistical table for the daily Islamist attacks. Something like they do for sports stats.

Right now France is ahead but Germany is showing signs of moving up.

London bookies have the next terror attack within 48 hours at even money. Sounds like a sure thing

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Given what is currently known about the attack on a woman in a kebab shop it seems extremely unlikely that this is a jihadist attack.

But I will, of course, reserve judgement until more facts are known.

Facts being something the Ministry of Truth aren't keen on.

The three in one wise monkey wouldn't see jihad if a bearded Arab dressed in black and shouting Allahu Akbar tried to run him through with a sword.

See my post in the relevant topic.

I also refer you to Mathew 7:5

Edited by 7by7
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Given what is currently known about the attack on a woman in a kebab shop it seems extremely unlikely that this is a jihadist attack.

But I will, of course, reserve judgement until more facts are known.

Facts being something the Ministry of Truth aren't keen on.

The three in one wise monkey wouldn't see jihad if a bearded Arab dressed in black and shouting Allahu Akbar tried to run him through with a sword.

See my post in the relevant topic.

I also refer you to Mathew 7:5

Is that the Koran or some other book of myths?

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If you want to take your own life, and nobody is there to stop you, then Fine, Good Bye, and Good Luck! What gets my Goat is someone who wants to do this, but also take a bunch of innocent lives with him.

Maybe this all goes back to that old Inca belief that if you takes someones life, he becomes your slave in the Afterlife? Makes about as much sense, or even more sense, then wanting to take your own life, but others with you first.

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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

Definitely not more recent.

I would have gone for 630CE... Which was around the time that the prophet Mohamed returned to Mecca and triumphed "through terrorism" in establishing Islam, as we now know it

Or perhaps 50 CE.... When the Christian terrorists were running amuck, assassinating their own, who allied themselves with Rome (ironically the protector of the Christian faith)

But as to the 1960s and 70's.... Well played... Here we see a time where the terrorists realize that the social media of the day will spread the good news for them, where ever the act might occur (lessons of Vietnam)

But... As to the destabilizing of Africa, the Far East (and Asia proper)... Well this was a period lacking in peace, as so many countries fought to gain independence after (sometimes) hundreds of years of colonial dominance, in a world still recovering from World War Two.... So everything was fair game, back then

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If a murderer is Christian, Jew, Hindu or Sikh he is a "[deranged] attacker or shooter." But however remote a murderer's Muslim background be it Shia or Sunni, he suddenly becomes a terrorist or jihadist. Because it fits the redneck Islamophobic agenda.

I saw a commentator struggling with this hypocrisy on a news report this weekend. He was saying authorities don't yet know whether this was a "terrorist attack". Well, of course it is a terrorist attack when someone shoots 8 innocent people. What he was trying to say was we're not sure yet which label to pin on the murderer, because we reserve a special label for Muslims, but a different one for non Muslims.

Interesting item from the Independent on the same subject.

We love to talk of terror – but after the Munich shooting, this hypocritical catch-all term has finally caught us out

Edited by dexterm
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Not everyone cares how attacks are reported just don't leave out the ' M ' or ' I ' word if that's who they are.

Whatever way its reported or worded attacks in Germany or anywhere causes terror among the population.

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Don't know if this has been posted yet.

"Muslim turns up at Munich shooting memorial and starts shouting Allahu Akbar"

As that slogan has become the immediate precursor of a terrorist attack, would shooting him be considered self-defense?

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Don't know if this has been posted yet.

"Muslim turns up at Munich shooting memorial and starts shouting Allahu Akbar"


As that slogan has become the immediate precursor of a terrorist attack, would shooting him be considered self-defense?

Should be considered as self defence. You do not need to yell your fairy tale chants in public. It's a nuisance anyways.

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If a murderer is Christian, Jew, Hindu or Sikh he is a "[deranged] attacker or shooter." But however remote a murderer's Muslim background be it Shia or Sunni, he suddenly becomes a terrorist or jihadist. Because it fits the redneck Islamophobic agenda.
I saw a commentator struggling with this hypocrisy on a news report this weekend. He was saying authorities don't yet know whether this was a "terrorist attack". Well, of course it is a terrorist attack when someone shoots 8 innocent people. What he was trying to say was we're not sure yet which label to pin on the murderer, because we reserve a special label for Muslims, but a different one for non Muslims.
Interesting item from the Independent on the same subject.
We love to talk of terror – but after the Munich shooting, this hypocritical catch-all term has finally caught us out

Non-islamaphobes OTOH would rather discuss how atrocities are reported rather than admit that too many innocent people are being attacked by muslims. Whether they be mad muslims or bad muslims is irrelevant.

Just how many Christians, Jews, Hindus or Sikhs are killing people in the name of their religion TODAY? How long will we have to wait before a muslim kills somebody, somewhere in the name of HIS religion - hours or minutes?

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The 18 year old German attack on young people is nothing different than a school massacre in the US. It could have happened in a school but they were all closed for the summer.

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The 18 year old German attack on young people is nothing different than a school massacre in the US. It could have happened in a school but they were all closed for the summer.

It does appear so. Agreed. But it is also reasonable that in today's Europe when a young man with a Muslim background starts mass murdering innocent people that the question of Jihadist motivation is considered and investigated. That is NOT Islamophobia. That is keeping it REAL.

If it had been the very same event and the young man was not Muslim, then other motivations would have been looked into. Some of these events are ideologically motivated (not only Jihad) and some are not. For example if it had been a more stereotypical native white German man and he had attacked immigrants, a right wing ideological motivation would have been looked into.

No reason to run away from the truth, whatever that turns out to be,

Edited by Jingthing
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There is strong rumours going around that the shooter is not Iranian but Syrian and a Turkey sympathiser.

On his Facebook he had a Turkish flag and lived in Turkish community.

Sounds like one big cover up if true.

Also if you see a close up of the shooter he not looks like a 18 year old boy.

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"You're going to reap just what you sew".......True words from Lou Reed...

Isn't that the James Taylor version?

Nooooo, Lou Reeds song absolutely encompasses what Merkel has created..But folk must listen to the full song...

I was joking - it should be sow not sew.

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If a murderer is Christian, Jew, Hindu or Sikh he is a "[deranged] attacker or shooter." But however remote a murderer's Muslim background be it Shia or Sunni, he suddenly becomes a terrorist or jihadist. Because it fits the redneck Islamophobic agenda.
I saw a commentator struggling with this hypocrisy on a news report this weekend. He was saying authorities don't yet know whether this was a "terrorist attack". Well, of course it is a terrorist attack when someone shoots 8 innocent people. What he was trying to say was we're not sure yet which label to pin on the murderer, because we reserve a special label for Muslims, but a different one for non Muslims.
Interesting item from the Independent on the same subject.
We love to talk of terror – but after the Munich shooting, this hypocritical catch-all term has finally caught us out

Non-islamaphobes OTOH would rather discuss how atrocities are reported rather than admit that too many innocent people are being attacked by muslims. Whether they be mad muslims or bad muslims is irrelevant.

Just how many Christians, Jews, Hindus or Sikhs are killing people in the name of their religion TODAY? How long will we have to wait before a muslim kills somebody, somewhere in the name of HIS religion - hours or minutes?

The answer appears to be less than 5 hours, not counting all those attacks not worthy of international press coverage.

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Where I come from a Sow is a pig, to Sew is to 'needle and thread'...smile.png

Sow, to plant a seed (hence reap) or a female pig that has already had piglets.

If no piglets, she would be a gilt.

If we were to move on to cattle, I could type more off topic bullocks!

Edited by MissAndry
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Where do you come from then?

In English sow also means to plant seeds or to disseminate!

Well thank you for that...thumbsup.gif

But my song may mean all, sure the song sends a message....."You reap what you sew (sow)"...I sing it as sew, same as Lou....thumbsup.gif

They are homophones both pronounced "so". The pig and the seed planting are homographs, written the same but with different pronunciation and meaning.

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Berlin gets the good news

German police have said shots have been fired at a university clinic in the Steglitz district of Berlin.

The gunfire erupted at around 1pm on Tuesday in the neighbourhood in the southwest of the German capital.

German newspaper Bild said on Twitter that a doctor had been shot and reported that the gunman had killed himself.


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Where do you come from then?

In English sow also means to plant seeds or to disseminate!

49 Trans is English and correct so don't try to be clever see the English dictionary meaning and read it fully.

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