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Ex-KKK leader David Duke runs for Senate: 'My time has come'


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Ex-KKK leader David Duke runs for Senate: 'My time has come'

MELINDA DESLATTE, Associated Press

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Declaring "the climate of this country has moved in my direction," white supremacist David Duke registered Friday for Louisiana's U.S. Senate race, saying he was partially spurred by the recent shooting deaths of three law enforcement officers by a black man.

"I believe my time has come," the former Ku Klux Klan leader said after submitting his paperwork for the ballot. He added: "The people of this country, the patriotic, decent, God-fearing people of this country are now right with me."

Duke's candidacy comes one day after Donald Trump accepted the GOP nomination for president, and Duke said he's espoused principles for years that are similar to the themes Republicans are now supporting in Trump's campaign, on issues such as immigration and trade.

He said Americans are "embracing the core issues I have fought for my entire life."

Duke, 66, is registered with the GOP, but Republicans at the state and federal level quickly denounced his Senate bid.

Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."

Trump faced criticism from some GOP leaders for failing during the primary season to immediately denounce the tacit endorsement of Duke, who once told his radio show audience that a vote for any other candidate "is really treason to your heritage." Trump eventually did disavow Duke. Trump's campaign didn't release any statement on Duke Friday.

The launch of Duke's campaign comes as Louisiana is grappling with deep racial tensions after the shooting death of a black man by white police officers and the killing of three law enforcement officers. Duke said he was "shattered" by the slayings of police.

In a lengthy speech, Duke talked of the "massive racial discrimination going on right now against European Americans," and what he called a biased media working against him. He called the Black Lives Matter movement a "terrorist organization" and said he wanted equal rights for everyone.

"You don't come together by a narrative in the controlled media that white people are evil and black people are faultless. You come together on the idea that every people in this country have a right to respect, every people have a right to fairness," he said.

Duke is among two dozen candidates on the Nov. 8 ballot seeking the open Senate seat. Republican David Vitter is not running for re-election. Republican and Democrat opponents sought to distance themselves from Duke's campaign, with many offering critical statements of his candidacy.

In Metairie, a predominantly white and Republican stronghold in the New Orleans area where Duke once was elected to the state House of Representatives, voters expressed mixed feelings about Duke's interest in returning into politics.

Maria Fox, a 68-year-old housewife who came to the United States from Nicaragua, was pleased that Duke is running.

"Many, many years ago he woke up the consciousness of this country and this state just like Trump is doing to the country," she said.

Chuck Diesel, a 46-year-old Republican and bass player, shook his head at the news that Duke was running, calling him a "Nazi." But he gave Duke no chance of winning.

"Every time he's tipped his toe back in, it's zero chance," he said.

Duke reacted angrily to a question about whether he remained involved with the KKK. He said he was active with the organization for four years in the mid-1970s. He described it "four decades ago in a nonviolent group."

Duke's last tenure in elected office was more than two decades ago, in the state legislature. He's run unsuccessfully for Congress. His failed bid for governor in the 1991 race against former Gov. Edwin Edwards — who was later convicted of corruption — was one of Louisiana's most high-profile elections, with Duke opponents proudly showing bumper stickers supporting Edwards that read "Vote for the crook. It's important."

Edwards said Duke would have a "hard row to hoe" in the upcoming election but there might be a "niche" for him.

"There's a great deal of racial unrest in the country, and he may capitalize on it," Edwards said.

Duke also starts with name recognition that other candidates don't have, Edwards said.

Raymond Jetson, an African-American pastor in Baton Rouge who was a state lawmaker during Duke's tenure, said Duke can potentially thrive with the national political scene currently so divided.

"You have a climate that ... highlights and stresses the divisions within us, a climate that in so many ways has a strong racial overtone and challenge to it," Jetson said.

A convicted felon, Duke pleaded guilty in 2002 to bilking his supporters and cheating on his taxes. He spent a year in federal prison, but later denied any wrongdoing.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-23

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Here we go again with the blind lefties, who believe the mass bought and paid for media, instead of the facts.

I'll take Trumps honesty over Hillary's lying mouth anytime.

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He added: "The people of this country, the patriotic, decent, God-fearing people of this country are now right with me."

So, all the American atheists are not patriotic or decent? Even jihadists believe themselves to be "God-fearing."

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Jeez. Trump does not agree with David Duke's views . There is no common ground, ok. David Duke is a deceitful, bigoted scumbag. Donald Trump may not offer positions I agree with, but he is not anywhere near Duke's hate.

Hillary Clinton is not a crook, nor the "liar" Trump supporters say. She didn't sup[port a bogus fake "university" etc. She hasn't played the financial system with multiple bankruptcies screwing people. She doesn't share David Duke's views either.

The fact is, Duke is scum. The GOP is right to tell him to bugger off. Hopefully the voters tell him to sod off as well.

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A convicted felon, Duke pleaded guilty in 2002 to bilking his supporters and cheating on his taxes. He spent a year in federal prison, but later denied any wrongdoing.


He already has a "leg up" as a politician with those credentials.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Ridiculous, Trump is no more a racist than you are. People support Trump as the anti establishment

populist. Just look at his historical hiring record. Plenty of women and minorities. Yes he may be

an egomaniac with delusions of grandeur, but he is not a racist. Duke on the other hand is a racist. whistling.gif

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Ridiculous, Trump is no more a racist than you are. People support Trump as the anti establishment

populist. Just look at his historical hiring record. Plenty of women and minorities. Yes he may be

an egomaniac with delusions of grandeur, but he is not a racist. Duke on the other hand is a racist. whistling.gif

Trump is a schmuck. He will say anything. I'm sure he says racist stuff in the clubhouse with some of his racists friends.

He purposely riles up the racist rednecks at his rallies.

He might not be a genuine racist but genuine racists do like him, I know that.

Edited by Buzzz
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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

U - Do you think Trump has emboldened Dukes? Same audience. I bet they text back and forth, BBFs.

Who cares? The chances of either of these crackers getting elected is nil.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

Yeah let's build a wall to keep out the Mexicans.. Nothing racist bout that.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

Some reading to make you wake up and smell the coffee.


and not all racist but this is what you have coming if he becomes a statesman. He can NEVER change. It will be a disaster.


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Typical Huffington Post claptrap. That rag is nothing but false propaganda written by leftists. Trump has disavowed David Duke numerous times and he could not hear the question about the KKK. He was on a phone - not in the studio. You should be embarrassed promoting such dishonest crap.

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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

Yeah let's build a wall to keep out the Mexicans.. Nothing racist bout that.

Preventing people that are not legally allowed in the US is not racist.

Can you honestly not understand the distinction?

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All the black , Muslim hating followers on here will surely vote for him. He will be their hero

Are there black followers on here who hate Muslims and will vote for Duke?

Edited by Linzz
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Clearly, David Duke feels emboldened because the GOP nominee for President is someone who thinks very much the same as he does. What I find intriguing is that the Louisiana GOP is dead against him:

[Roger Villere, chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, said in a statement the party "will play an active role in opposing" him, calling Duke a "hate-filled fraud who does not embody the values of the Republican Party." Ward Baker, with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said Duke will not have the support of his organization "under any circumstance."]

The national GOP could have said the same about their Presidential nominee.

Rubbish. David Duke is a racist. Donald Trump is not. They are nothing alike.

Yeah let's build a wall to keep out the Mexicans.. Nothing racist bout that.

I thought it was to keep Mexicans out who were bringing in drugs. Nothing rascist about that.

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Duke is strategically correct.

The Republican platform is racism, bigotry, ignorance and fear mongering so perfect time for like minded people to crawl out from under their rock and bathe in the 'sunshine'.

He will fit in nicely.

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How about Daisy Duke for Senate cowboy.gifcowboy.gif


Bit more up to date Daisy . . .


How green is my $%&ing valley? smile.png

It's amazing how an entire TV series could essentially center upon a bird with long legs climbing in and out of a car window.

You mean it wasn't the constant tension of whether this weeks episode would be the one where Boss Hog finally gets the best of the Duke Boys?

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Duke is strategically correct.

The Republican platform is racism, bigotry, ignorance and fear mongering so perfect time for like minded people to crawl out from under their rock and bathe in the 'sunshine'.

He will fit in nicely.

That much is certainly true, and the Republican platform is Trump. The GOP tried hard and fruitlessly not to have it be Trump, but he is the platform. Trump may not be a racist, bigot, isolationist, hick, but he sure plays one perfectly to the masses. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he is not a racist, but happily stoking hatred to get another notch in his belt. He senses the opportunity, feeds to the discontented GOP fringe base all the want to hear, and we'll see what he actually does if elected. For sure he is part of the reason Duke feels NOW is the time to also crawl out from under his rock, he also senses opportunity that in large measure Trump has created. Wouldn't surprise me to see all kinds of these hateful creatures emerge now that Trump has opened pandora's box.

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How about Daisy Duke for Senate cowboy.gifcowboy.gif


Bit more up to date Daisy . . .


How green is my $%&ing valley? smile.png

It's amazing how an entire TV series could essentially center upon a bird with long legs climbing in and out of a car window.

Yeah... ain't it grand thumbsup.gif

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How about Daisy Duke for Senate cowboy.gifcowboy.gif


Bit more up to date Daisy . . .


How green is my $%&ing valley? smile.png

It's amazing how an entire TV series could essentially center upon a bird with long legs climbing in and out of a car window.
Yes the good old days before political correctness. Life is easier now though that we are told what is appropriate to think and say.
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I doubt that any former KKK Leader could become a Senator in any state in the United States. But I don't doubt that the Leader of the KKK can't supply a lot of votes to a candidate they feel best suites there agenda.

If I was Donald Trump I would just keep my mouth closed about this, glad I would get their votes, and move on.

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