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Online Temptation – Who needs the bars?!


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Online Temptation – Who needs the bars?!


It wasn’t long ago that affairs started at work, an office fling or a little hanky panky at the Christmas office party, but now you can play away from home without even leaving it. Today temptation exists in your hand – via your mobile or your PC every day of the week.

For all the benefits of the internet and the improved connection it has given us it also allows you to play away from home far, far easier. Think social networks, Skype and even emails. We can find old flames or meet new people and that can be dangerous territory, for online flirting can develop into something else.

Facebook is becoming the number one reason for marriage breakdowns and is increasingly being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases, according to lawyers.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/online-temptation-needs-bars/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-07-23

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My wife wrote an email to me saying she was concerned that we have communication issues.

I immediately sent an IM asking her to clarify. She messaged me on Facebook saying not to worry but that sometimes we're not as connected as she'd like. I tweeted her that I love her more than anything.

She texted me that she loves me too and was tired after a long day of work.
So I leaned over and kissed her good night.............................coffee1.gif

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Yes, Oxo1947 (just missed being a war baby?) demonstrates brilliantly how fkn absurd Facebook is.

I am happy to say that, although I do actually have a FB account, it is deactivated. The latter is the only (repeat only) positive thing about FB, the fact that you can actually "deactivate" and so escape the monumental bullsh!t whereby people substitute a "like" gesture for real discussion, debate and disagreement,

It is the most insidiously evil thing on the internet, in that it tricks people into thinking they are "communicating" when all they are doing is posting photos of their cat or dog or python. Or what they are now eating.

However, (to undermine my own rant there), the one great positive about FB is that it allows millions to warn even more millions that some government or other is about to (once more) fk up their lives.

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Yes, Oxo1947 (just missed being a war baby?) demonstrates brilliantly how fkn absurd Facebook is.

I am happy to say that, although I do actually have a FB account, it is deactivated. The latter is the only (repeat only) positive thing about FB, the fact that you can actually "deactivate" and so escape the monumental bullsh!t whereby people substitute a "like" gesture for real discussion, debate and disagreement,

It is the most insidiously evil thing on the internet, in that it tricks people into thinking they are "communicating" when all they are doing is posting photos of their cat or dog or python. Or what they are now eating.

However, (to undermine my own rant there), the one great positive about FB is that it allows millions to warn even more millions that some government or other is about to (once more) fk up their lives.

Why "deactivate" your FB account? Why not completely eliminate/delete it?

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My wife wrote an email to me saying she was concerned that we have communication issues.

I immediately sent an IM asking her to clarify. She messaged me on Facebook saying not to worry but that sometimes we're not as connected as she'd like. I tweeted her that I love her more than anything.

She texted me that she loves me too and was tired after a long day of work.


So I leaned over and kissed her good night.............................coffee1.gif

Get real,,,,dickheads,,,

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Online/ FB might be good for some,but i like the object of my desires to be about 3 feet away and having corporeal form.The fun is the chase,The great pursuit.i know it doesnt happen here because they are all dead certs (if you live in those areas)but the fun is also the pick and choose factor.We know its a game,but its a good game.And i would rather kiss a live,hot woman that a pc screen.

As for the bars,well,as said,who needs 'em.Well i do when the games afoot.A cold beer and a warm woman make the world go round.

Good luck to all you keyboard lovers,when youve said good night on screen,theres always hamster.com and a soapy hand.

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Yes you can permanently delete your Facebook account.


thanks, this is an excellent link.

However, as the link states, while you can actually delete a FB account, FB retains a certain amount of info about you, and also you can NEVER delete messages you have sent to other account holders.

So, it's only a 95% deletion.

I was interested in my own reaction when I read this link: first it was, "oh good, it can be deleted" then it was, "hmm, do I really want to cut myself off from this global phenomenon?

What if I miss something important?

So, here am I, a dedicated hater of FB, hesitating like a virgin on the verge, and suddenly realizing that to cut myself off is like a form of suicide or self-imprisonment. You can raise your eyes to the whole world, can wander where you please, and YET you are a prisoner because you are outside the jail of Facebook.

Perhaps deactivation gives me the best of both worlds.

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