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Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders


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Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders

STEPHEN BRAUN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A cache of more than 19,000 emails from Democratic party officials, leaked in advance of Hillary Clinton's nomination at the party's convention next week in Philadelphia, details the acrimonious split between the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's former rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Several emails posted by Wikileaks on its document disclosure website show DNC officials scoffing at Sanders and his supporters and in one instance, questioning his commitment to his Jewish religion. Some emails also show DNC and White House officials mulling whether to invite guests with controversial backgrounds to Democratic party events.

Although Wikileaks' posting of the emails Friday did not disclose the identity of who provided the private material, those knowledgeable about the breach said last month that Russian hackers had penetrated the DNC computer system. At the time, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the breach was a "serious incident" and a private contractor hired to sweep the organization's network had "moved as quickly as possible to kick out the intruders and secure our network."

On its web page, Wikileaks said the new cache of emails came from the accounts of "seven key figures in the DNC" and warned that the release was "part one of our new Hillary Leaks series" — an indication that more material might be published soon. Among the officials whose emails were made public were DNC spokesman Luis Miranda, national finance director Jordon Kaplan and finance chief Scott Comer, but other DNC and media figures and even some White House officials communicated with them between January 2015 and last May, Wikileaks said.

The emails include several stinging denunciations of Sanders and his organization before and after the DNC briefly shut off his campaign's access to the party's key list of likely Democratic voters.

The DNC temporarily curtailed Sanders' access to the list in December 2015 because the organization accused the insurgent campaign of illegally tapping into confidential voter information compiled by the Clinton campaign. The Sanders campaign briefly sued the DNC but the party reached an accord with Sanders and the suit was dropped in April.

The emails show that after the furor over the voter records was resolved, hostility simmered from top DNC officials over the Sanders campaign.

In mid-May emails with Miranda, his deputy, Mark Paustenbach, questioned whether the DNC should use the voter record furor to raise doubts about the Sanders campaign.

"Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never had his act together, that his campaign was a mess," Paustenbach wrote. Miranda spurned the idea, although he agreed with Paustenbach's take: "True, but the Chair has been advised not to engage. So we'll have to leave it alone."

The same month, in another email to DNC officials, another official identified only as "Marshall" said of Sanders: "Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps."

The Associated Press emailed Miranda, Paustenbach and DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall about the Wikileaks releases but they were not immediately available for comment.

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said Saturday that the emails show "what many of us have known for some time, that there were certainly people at the DNC who were actively helping the Clinton effort and trying to hurt Bernie Sanders' campaign."

Weaver said the emails showed that the DNC's "senior staffers" attacked Sanders about his religion and had roles in "planting negative stories about him with religious leaders in various states."

Weaver also said the emails may make it harder to promote party unity as Sanders' supporters mix with Clinton's majority at the Philadelphia convention. Sanders endorsed Clinton and appeared with him earlier this month in Vermont, but there are concerns over whether some of his embittered supporters might sit out the election this fall.

The new Wikileaks releases also included exchanges between DNC officials and White House event planning officials about whether to allow several influential Democratic party donors to attend events where President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama were scheduled to appear. The emails contained lengthy discussions about the donors' backgrounds, including, in some cases, criminal histories.

One email exchange concerned whether to allow singer Ariana Grande to perform at a DNC event in the wake of an infamous online video posted on the TMZ website that showed Grande licking other customers' doughnuts at a bakery in California. DNC officials also worried about the singer's comment in the same video that "I hate America." Grande, whose real name is Ariana Butera, later apologized for the comment.

According to the emails, White House officials vetoed Grande's performance.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-24

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This breach of private email security systems would privide an intelligent person evidence on why hillary was required to use the Gov't email account provided her...if Russian hackers could access all of these documents then they could certsinly hack Hillary's private account.

This is why Dems will only argue the letter of the law--that Hillary may not have broken any laws.

Even Dems know it was a fools errand to argue the legitimacy and innocence of her act.

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In the land of religious tolerance, don't expect to become president unless you profess protestant christian dogma. Out of 44 presidents we have ONE catholic, ZERO other faiths, and (god forbid) ZERO declared atheists. Sanders being Jewish faith and suspected of being sane an atheist had no hope at all.

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I suspect this will push many Sanders voters over to Trump and many others will not vote.

Before the DNC emails that Wikileaks released the Sanders supporters breakdown was roughly 10-20% move to Trump, 30-40% Green party or stay at home, and 40-50% Hillary. Since the leaked DNC emails and they Kaine pick things have changed drastically, the 10-20% move to Trump seems to be about the same but the move to the Green party or stay at home is now somewhere around 60-65% , thus leaving Hillary with perhaps 25-30% at best of Sanders supporters (and thats only if she kisses Bernies a$$ at the convention). The thing that most Clintonites just don't grasp is that Bernies folks have just as much disgust and disregard for Hillary as do the Trump folkswink.png

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I suspect this will push many Sanders voters over to Trump and many others will not vote.

Before the DNC emails that Wikileaks released the Sanders supporters breakdown was roughly 10-20% move to Trump, 30-40% Green party or stay at home, and 40-50% Hillary. Since the leaked DNC emails and they Kaine pick things have changed drastically, the 10-20% move to Trump seems to be about the same but the move to the Green party or stay at home is now somewhere around 60-65% , thus leaving Hillary with perhaps 25-30% at best of Sanders supporters (and thats only if she kisses Bernies <deleted> at the convention). The thing that most Clintonites just don't grasp is that Bernies folks have just as much disgust and disregard for Hillary as do the Trump folkswink.png

The Bernie voters are actually angrier than the Trump folks.

They are still young and don't get worn out so fast. They also don't require afternoon naps.

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I suspect this will push many Sanders voters over to Trump and many others will not vote.

Before the DNC emails that Wikileaks released the Sanders supporters breakdown was roughly 10-20% move to Trump, 30-40% Green party or stay at home, and 40-50% Hillary. Since the leaked DNC emails and they Kaine pick things have changed drastically, the 10-20% move to Trump seems to be about the same but the move to the Green party or stay at home is now somewhere around 60-65% , thus leaving Hillary with perhaps 25-30% at best of Sanders supporters (and thats only if she kisses Bernies <deleted> at the convention). The thing that most Clintonites just don't grasp is that Bernies folks have just as much disgust and disregard for Hillary as do the Trump folkswink.png
The Bernie voters are actually angrier than the Trump folks.

They are still young and don't get worn out so fast. They also don't require afternoon naps.

Unlike Bernie.
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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

Not a Trump fan but I do wonder about the treatment he gets from the media: eg, the CNN test of every comment/policy. Ok if the same applies to the other side and maybe it will, certainly it should.. Right now it looks biased. VERY biased.

As for Hilary and " America is better than Trump"; what is she saying about the 40+% who support him? Are they all gun-totin', Walmart-shoppin' ,trailer-park, White trash? She needs to be a bit more careful with that line.

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Does Wikileaks really want Trump to win rather than Clinton? What kind of world will we have then? I'm amazed at several things, beginning with the DNC's decision to let someone who is not a Democrat run under their party. Sanders, while I support some of his goals, could never have gotten as far as he did had be been required to run as an Independent or as a Socialist. Why the DNC cooperated at all amazes me. As for Clintons server security, it appears to have been better than the DNC's. Can't wait to have Wilileaks hack and then leak the RNC emails. Hey, how about going back to W's administration and retrieving and leaking the 22 million emails that Cheney and W had deleted!! Gonna be a difficult election season for the US this time around.

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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

Not a Trump fan but I do wonder about the treatment he gets from the media: eg, the CNN test of every comment/policy. Ok if the same applies to the other side and maybe it will, certainly it should.. Right now it looks biased. VERY biased.

As for Hilary and " America is better than Trump"; what is she saying about the 40+% who support him? Are they all gun-totin', Walmart-shoppin' ,trailer-park, White trash? She needs to be a bit more careful with that line.

I first noticed that media bias against Ron Paul last election cycle.

One thing is certain and the media can't hide it--an ever larger segment of the American population no longer feels properly represented by this two party system. That runs the gsmmut from far left to far right and from the young voter to the old voter.

and they are all getting really pissed off.

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This breach of private email security systems would privide an intelligent person evidence on why hillary was required to use the Gov't email account provided her...if Russian hackers could access all of these documents then they could certsinly hack Hillary's private account.

This is why Dems will only argue the letter of the law--that Hillary may not have broken any laws.

Even Dems know it was a fools errand to argue the legitimacy and innocence of her act.

There is no proof that Hillary's email server was hacked. In fact her server was shut down twice by the admin when he suspected it was being attacked. This is in contrast to the State Dept email system (that Hillary would have been using and her staff was using) that was successfully hacked.

... the U.S. State Department hack, an unclassified email system was compromised, with emails related to the Ukrainian crisis among those stolen. Even though the attackers did not penetrate any classified areas of the network, officials concede that sensitive information that could be of value to foreign intelligence agencies is routinely shared in unclassified emails...


You people really need to step back and get some objective perspective on this email thing and let it go. There are much more important issues that need to be addressed rather then wasting time on fully disproved and false equivalency personal attacks.

How about engaging in a rational discussion on policy differences between Hillary and Trump?

Just to pick one, how do you feel about Trump's proposed 25% tax cut for the top 1% tax payers versus Hillary's some 20% increase for the same group?


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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

I have not read all the 20,000 released emails, but can you please quote one the shows an overt act that attempted to "squash" Sanders? What I read from the emails is the staff expressed strong sentiments for Hillary, but because of specific policy by senior DNC members any overt act was forbidden and none was taken. You have read something different? An you provide a link?


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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

Not a Trump fan but I do wonder about the treatment he gets from the media: eg, the CNN test of every comment/policy. Ok if the same applies to the other side and maybe it will, certainly it should.. Right now it looks biased. VERY biased.

As for Hilary and " America is better than Trump"; what is she saying about the 40+% who support him? Are they all gun-totin', Walmart-shoppin' ,trailer-park, White trash? She needs to be a bit more careful with that line.

I first noticed that media bias against Ron Paul last election cycle.

One thing is certain and the media can't hide it--an ever larger segment of the American population no longer feels properly represented by this two party system. That runs the gsmmut from far left to far right and from the young voter to the old voter.

and they are all getting really pissed off.

But Ron Paul is a mental case.

There was no media bias against him, all they had to do was post his absurd quotes (bit like Trump really).

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Just to pick one, how do you feel about Trump's proposed 25% tax cut for the top 1% tax payers versus Hillary's some 20% increase for the same group?


I think it would be excellent if it was accompanied by comparable tax cuts for the middle class.

It would also be a great stimulus to the economy, as spending is the engine of growth.

This trickledown nonsense is a sham.

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This was a full blown conspiracy to squash Sanders. Read the documents! Any Sanders supporter who votes for Clinton is simply deluding themselves. With all the desperate, phony accusations of "fascism" against Trump, it's clear that the biggest fascist is Clinton and the DNC who rigged the entire process and were in cahoots with the media, especially CNN, CBS, and MSNBC, the latter especially important to Sanders' voters. Hillary Clinton = Eva Peron.

Not a Trump fan but I do wonder about the treatment he gets from the media: eg, the CNN test of every comment/policy. Ok if the same applies to the other side and maybe it will, certainly it should.. Right now it looks biased. VERY biased.

As for Hilary and " America is better than Trump"; what is she saying about the 40+% who support him? Are they all gun-totin', Walmart-shoppin' ,trailer-park, White trash? She needs to be a bit more careful with that line.

Absolute irrefutable undeniable proof of media collusion (sorry, can't copy and paste) https://i.sli.mg/N23bvO.jpg

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Take away the names of the candidates and political parties and this latest scandal is still just awful for the country.

Here we have a political party that is supposed to remain neutral during the elections where their voters are [supposedly] choosing a candidate to best represent their party. Instead, it not only secretly backs one of the candidates, but talks about doing it in nasty, under-handed ways. How can the voters trust their own party anymore?

It is like the story last month of a Supreme Court judge who is supposed to make decisions based on law, coming out publicly & strongly against one of the candidates. How can the people expect that judge to base her decisions on the rule of law and not party politics?

These people have always been crooked. But maybe we were better off in the days when the people rarely heard about it. An ignorance is bliss kind of thing.

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What is going on in 'merica? I can understand how idiots get elected in Oz, people generally don't give a s#@t!

America was for years the slightly tarnished "light on the hill" for most Ozy's, nowadays it's a laughing stock! On one side you've got the nominee from hell and on the otherside, Trump! Are the american people so drugged out that they can't see the absurdity of the process? They allow a nominee's brother to decide an election and so place an idiot in the top job, and then allow a man because of his skin colour and nothing else worth a damn in the same job!!

16 years wasted, Imagine if Gore had actually got in? Would people have been so willing to have a black postus if that had been the case??

IMMHO it is time for the US to write in Bernie or the Libertine candidate for the election, at least the American people smarter than an 8 year old will have a real choice rather than this "dog's breakfast!"


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Does Wikileaks really want Trump to win rather than Clinton? What kind of world will we have then? I'm amazed at several things, beginning with the DNC's decision to let someone who is not a Democrat run under their party. Sanders, while I support some of his goals, could never have gotten as far as he did had be been required to run as an Independent or as a Socialist. Why the DNC cooperated at all amazes me. As for Clintons server security, it appears to have been better than the DNC's. Can't wait to have Wilileaks hack and then leak the RNC emails. Hey, how about going back to W's administration and retrieving and leaking the 22 million emails that Cheney and W had deleted!! Gonna be a difficult election season for the US this time around.

Does Wikileaks really want Trump to win rather than Clinton?

No Wiki just wants to put the truth out there----you decide who you want to win, if it had come across a pile of Trump e-mails showing that he had lied---then they would have put those out there also.


Maybe a little off topic but if you haven't had a wander around the Wiki site----then do, I come from Oz & its banned of course, so when you go on there (with a VPN) its amazing some of the sites that are banned ....sure there are under age sites that should be banned-- but also papers written and (tried to be published) like how to set up a TV dish get Fox and anything else for free........lots of other interesting sites......go on there pick a (your) country --you will be surprised what is being censored---only stuff like this makes the headlines....Wiki is publishing about something in the world most days.

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Bernie continued even though he had no chance, if Trump wins it will be Bernie's fault.

Of course every Democrat has reason to be bitter towards the silly old fool.

Bernie continued even though he had no chance, and the rest of the world prayed there would be an alternative to Hilary or Trump.

Blaming your preferred candidate's anticipated lack of success on somebody else is less than naive. I expect the voter turnout to be lower than ever, somewhere around 25% of registered voters deciding the next US presidency.

But that's democracy US style.

Edited by halloween
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so many issues.

If Hackers have DNC emals, why wont they have Hillary's emails? are hackers stupid? was Hillary's server more secure than the DNC's?

And if they have them why are they not releasing them? Is it perhaps that they rather have a US president in their pocket?

Second, the issue of the fix to make Hillary president. First she is made Secretary Of State, to pad her resume,Then, a very popular VP is "convinced" not to run, Now it is revealed that the DNC was in Hilary's pocket.

Can you spell, president Trump?

I hate the man, but there is no way I could vote for Hillary and live with it. We lived with idiot presidents before, I guess we can survive an other one.But can we live with a Machiavellian Evil Hillary in the pocket of Hackers for President??

Edited by sirineou
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"The same month, in another email to DNC officials, another official identified only as "Marshall" said of Sanders: "Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps." (from article)

"It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/07/22/leaked-dnc-memo-shows-staffers-conspiring-sanders-using-religion/

Kinda nice how AP failed to finish the sentence. Calling Bernie a Jew or atheist in an attempt to distort the election in Hillary's favor is horrible, bigoted and racists. MSM not giving us all the full truth is despicable. Especially after all the BS about a star.

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Does Wikileaks really want Trump to win rather than Clinton? What kind of world will we have then? I'm amazed at several things, beginning with the DNC's decision to let someone who is not a Democrat run under their party. Sanders, while I support some of his goals, could never have gotten as far as he did had be been required to run as an Independent or as a Socialist. Why the DNC cooperated at all amazes me. As for Clintons server security, it appears to have been better than the DNC's. Can't wait to have Wilileaks hack and then leak the RNC emails. Hey, how about going back to W's administration and retrieving and leaking the 22 million emails that Cheney and W had deleted!! Gonna be a difficult election season for the US this time around.

What the lying by MSM is justified? My hat off for Wikileaks on this for exposing more Clinton collusion and scams.

Who cares about W's emails? Is he running for the nations top office in three months?

Take a Kool Aid break, your a real tool.

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One email shows DNC staffers’ fake craigslist job posting made for women who wish to apply to jobs at one of Trump’s organizations. The fake position, titled a Honey Bunny, requires the prospective applicant to, among other tasks, refrain from gaining weight, be open to public humiliation and be alright with groping or kissing by her boss.

Another email between DNC national finance director Jordan Kaplan and DNC’s Northern California finance director Erik Stowe has Kaplan coarsely describing a conference call with President Barack Obama on National Small Business Week as related to “small business sh*t.”


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The emails simply proves what most Americans already have figured out- American politics is rigged and no one gives a damn about the general public . Bernie Sanders represented a real change and the establishment political machines and big business was scared to death of him and thus the election rigging . He wanted to change everything and the powers to be could never allow that.

The Rebublican/Trump machine is just as bad. Their mis- information and lack of any real credibility on issues is already starting with their innuendos and personal attacks on the Clinton's. This election cycle will be one of the worst and dirtiest ever waged and will involve expenditures of over a Billion Dollars. This type of money could change the lives of America's poor instead of being spent on a corrupt system.

Neither candidate will do anything for the poor or failing middle class but will simply keep sending American forces around the World to pay off the military industrial complex and big business. big banking, and big Pharma. The one thing that Trump says that is correct is the "America Is In Trouble"/ He can't and won't fix it because he is part of the problem. His business entanglements are as slippery as the Clintons'.

The American people are disgusted, angry, and without hope that anything will change no matter who is elected. The only thing that can change America is a new American Revolution . It won't happen this year but something will happen eventually that will be so shocking that Americans will say enough and take the necessary action.

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Ho surprise there Sanders complained about the DNC behavior toward his campaign and called for Debbie Wassermans Schultz's resignation. For Hillary to play innocent is ludicrous, she was orchestrating the whole thing and Debbie I am sure was promised a cabinet position.Now Debbie is tainted goods, but I am sure K street will pay good money for her access.

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Depending on the polls in individual states, Sanders supporters will reluctantly vote for Clinton wherever the polls show a close race because most Sander's supporters have some synapses firing and recognize the danger that Trump represents. In the left coast blue states, where Clinton is pretty much assured an electoral college victory, I suspect many Sanders supporters will vote for Jill Stein and the Green Party. But I suspect that in the swing states they will vote for HRC. I think that over time, selecting Kaine as VP will win over some support and will also motivate increased Hispanic vote turnout for the Dem ticket.

But I also hope that some of these lawsuits in the making against the DNC will threaten the person most responsible for thwarting the democratic process, Wasserman-Schultz, with some real jail time. I's rather see Ms. Debbie doing time than Clinton doing time. Besides makes for a great movie title: Debbie Does Prison Time.

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