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I'm planning to install a linear French Drain in my yard. I can drill the holes in the pipe but I can't find a GeoFabric to mine the ditch with before filling with rocks. I've looked at HomePro, Home Hub, Thai Watsado, Global and DoHome. Even worse everywhere I went I showed them a photo of a cutaway French drain and they had no idea what I was trying to do.....even after my wife explained that water had to go through the fabric but not sand they would show me plastic sheeting material. Has anyone found a substitute sheeting?


I am not sure if it is what you want, but there is a weed suppressant fabric which allows water to drain through. Try searching the plants market

showed them a photo of a cutaway French drain and they had no idea what I was trying to do

I can sympathise; I've been there!

I built a 10-metre long, half a metre wide and 70 cm deep, gravel trench as a run-off for excess stormwater. All builders I consulted, thought I was barmy and didn't know what I was talking about. The standard answer was, you need to cover it with concrete to allow the water to flow away. I ended up digging this myself and filled it with large crushed stones and covered the top with builders gravel.

Nowadays, we are the only house within the vicinity that that has no stromwater issues during the rainy season: neither a flash-flooded yard, nor swampy grounds. People venture from near by and ask me what spirits I have evoked to have such a favourable situation... blink.png ... facepalm.gif

PS: Yes, you should use lining, if you can find it. Functionality will last considerably longer.


No idea why you would ant to line it with anything. Gravel works well on its own. If you really wan to line it with something, I suggest this. Can buy at Lotus or any farm store. Got no idea how much you need.


This material will very likely decompose in no time and will not be very effective in keeping sediments at bay.


I just remembered, I actually saw the other week, proper lining sheets being installed below grass pavers on a construction project in Bangkok.

So it must exist somewhere.


I've seen this for sale and installed in Buriram. I did a google search for Buriram Geo Textile or Buriram Geotextile. It might be possible to find in your province with a google search. It was not expensive in Buriram. UHM makes a complete line of drainage pipes with fittings. Any UHM Pipe dealer could sell you this product. It is on the UHM web page:

Neodrain fitting

Neodrain fitting

Neodrain Pipe is an underground drainage pipe made from high- density polyethylene, which is well known as a very stable and durable polymer and highly resists to acid-alkali and other chemical attack. In addition, Neodrain pipe is particularly designed to make it have a high rate of aperture that leads to fast drainage and prevention of blockage.

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