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2 shot dead after taking hostages in Normandy church

Jonathan Fairfield

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Hollande is history next year.

New business venture in France to put your money into.


President Hollande struggled to contain a damaging political row last night as critics accused him of failing to crack down on radical Islam and opposition leaders called for Guantanamo Bay-style prison camps to be set up in France.


Yep...maybe by this time next year France too will be headed by a woman.

Be-headed you mean... wink.png

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France becoming more like Israel.

Under constant threats of Islamic terrorists.

Get used to it.

The irony is France turned down the chance to purchase Israeli software designed to profile and predict likely terrorists on political grounds. Yes France and Germany for that matter are starting to learn what Israel has faced for decades. The Israelis are very good at dealing with it, Europe as yet abysmal.
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It looks like "real" victims weren't the beheaded priest and the nuns, they were Muslims who might now get mean stares and I am sure the media will pick up on this narrative soon.


To be re-tweeted soon by Obama.

Obama will not use the words Islamic terrorism, because as a Muslim he believes Islam must be treated preferentially.

Oh please. Stop with the lying. Obama is not a Muslim. His father, who he barely even knew, was a Muslim. He is a Christian. His reasons for not using the term Islamic terrorism have been well explained, he wants to be careful not to frame things as a war against the Islamic faith. Many people disagree with his policy, and are not persuaded by his reason, including many in his own political party, but it is a defensible policy.

So is the expression "home-grown" terrorist still acceptable or is there a fear that Americans might turn against themselves?

The whole idea of refusing to call a spade a spade is just PC manipulation.

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France becoming more like Israel.

Under constant threats of Islamic terrorists.

Get used to it.

The irony is France turned down the chance to purchase Israeli software designed to profile and predict likely terrorists on political grounds. Yes France and Germany for that matter are starting to learn what Israel has faced for decades. The Israelis are very good at dealing with it, Europe as yet abysmal.
They'll have to learn. This is with us indefinitely.
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Every preacher of Islamist hate, radical Islamic activist and every community that harbours or defends them must be sent back to the country they came from.

To what end? All that will achieve will be the creation of places that will incubate more intense hatred. Unfortunately, there will need to be much tougher measures taken, none of which will go over well with a certain part of the population.

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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

Your post is beyond idiotic. 'Brexit'? Like the refugees/economic migrants know what that even means, never mind the fact negotiations for exit haven't even started. Christ .. (no pun intended).

BTW, has it occurred to anyone else that this neoliberal Hollande/Merkel instigated disaster is unstoppable? Syria? Bomb 'em Afghanistan? Bomb 'en. Libya? 'Bomb 'em. Notwithstanding their countries were invaded for their oil anyway. Bomb the entire continent of Europe to eliminate that which you've recently welcomed? Who is sane here? This Will Never End. Ever.

Brexit is all about anti-immigration. The immigrants know that, and the hostility towards them has already been seen on the streets as a direct result of Brexit. Why suppose that immigrants don't read the news or social networks? They are certainly aware of the mounting anti-immigrant vibe. Where am I losing you?

The sociology of these attacks is transparent. They're all feeling more threatened - for good reason - and nothing incites violence more than feeling threatened.

I don't think they're feeling frightened or threatened in the slightest. Brexit, per se, is meaningless to them. We're all simply infidels. They are taking advantage of the rise in anti Islam feelings generated through previous attacks. They will keep increasing their attacks and atrocities in the hope of provoking more and bigger backlashes, which in turn they hope will generate more support from the Moslem community until there is a full scale war based on Muslim against non Muslim. They are crazy enough to believe their god will make sure they win such an encounter. Of course they're nor crazy enough to want to fight against military forces but rather undermine society by attacking soft targets.

The number and vileness of atrocities will continue and the West only have themselves to blame for allowing such a situation to be manipulated under their noses.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

What your usual bloviating waffle fails to do is put things in perspective. Muslims on Twitter are more preoccupied with an episode of the cartoon Fireman Sam, where he appears to stand on a page from the Koran than they are the beheading of a French priest.

As if any reminder were needed here are Muslims protesting on the streets over cartoons.


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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

What your usual bloviating waffle fails to do is put things in perspective. Muslims on Twitter are more preoccupied with an episode of the cartoon Fireman Sam, where he appears to stand on a page from the Koran than they are the beheading of a French priest.

As if any reminder were needed here are Muslims protesting on the streets over cartoons.


Not enough Muslim leaders condemn terrorism and there is always the suspicion that some of the ones that do, are crying crocodile tears, so the suspicion does not fall on them.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

What your usual bloviating waffle fails to do is put things in perspective. Muslims on Twitter are more preoccupied with an episode of the cartoon Fireman Sam, where he appears to stand on a page from the Koran than they are the beheading of a French priest.

As if any reminder were needed here are Muslims protesting on the streets over cartoons.


Not enough Muslim leaders condemn terrorism and there is always the suspicion that some of the ones that do, are crying crocodile tears, so the suspicion does not fall on them.

The world has gone nuts old mate.

It seems like there's something in the water that's whipped certain folk into a frenzy. They keep trying to outdo each other with senseless acts of stupidity.

Somebody needs to put them down.

There is no God, but there's a living hell and humans keep trying to make it worse, what's wrong with these dopes, go smell the roses and watch the sun come up . It's not hard.

Rant over 555555

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Time for the crying, candles and flowers to stop.

Time to do what needs to be done and we all know who it needs to be done to!

I'm just about to fire the espresso machine up and read the news.....if that puts you at ease?


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"Mr. Fenech [French legislator] has called for a French Guantánamo for those returning from Syria. He said...that when Parliament returns after its summer recess, were going to go much further...

Fenech will introduce laws criminalizing behavior that indicates radicalization, as well internment centers for those on the governments suspected terrorism lists, potentially involving thousands of people.

Former president Nicolas Sarkozy...proposed something very similar in an interview in Le Monde on Wednesday." (The New York Times )

And these weasely Europeans have been giving Americans endless approbrium for our GITMO for over a decade; and of course for The Donald's eminently sensible ideas for getting a handle on Muslim terrorists. Maybe they're finally coming to their senses and realizing that Muslims are a threat to their way of life and politically correct policing is killing them.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Hungary seems like decent country , they know how to care of themselves without having to follow the mainstream Europe. And do we hear about terrorist attacks in Budapest ? Nope.

Edited by balo
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Time for the crying, candles and flowers to stop.

Time to do what needs to be done and we all know who it needs to be done to!

I'm obviously stupid as I don't know "what needs to be done" - so I'd appreciate you articulating your views as to "what needs to be done".

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

More pony.

Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

“The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

What your usual bloviating waffle fails to do is put things in perspective. Muslims on Twitter are more preoccupied with an episode of the cartoon Fireman Sam, where he appears to stand on a page from the Koran than they are the beheading of a French priest.

As if any reminder were needed here are Muslims protesting on the streets over cartoons.


Not enough Muslim leaders condemn terrorism and there is always the suspicion that some of the ones that do, are crying crocodile tears, so the suspicion does not fall on them.

Quite correct, not even the mayor of London has come out against the attacks. So may be the meeting with hardliners and jihadists show his true colours

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Edited by Caps
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Hungary seems like decent country , they know how to care of themselves without having to follow the mainstream Europe. And do we hear about terrorist attacks in Budapest ? Nope.

That's probably because they eventually had the right idea and ushered them through their country then put up a fence, good on them. At least one country has the guts to say we don't want you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Not enough Muslim leaders condemn terrorism and there is always the suspicion that some of the ones that do, are crying crocodile tears, so the suspicion does not fall on them.

The world has gone nuts old mate.

It seems like there's something in the water that's whipped certain folk into a frenzy. They keep trying to outdo each other with senseless acts of stupidity.

Somebody needs to put them down.

There is no God, but there's a living hell and humans keep trying to make it worse, what's wrong with these dopes, go smell the roses and watch the sun come up . It's not hard.

Rant over 555555

Quite. Its an unfortunate truth that a few greedy/power hungry people will always find a way to whip up a frenzy amongst the non-thinking proportion of the populace sad.png .

We've seen it happen all too often.

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I thought the definition of a "moderate muslim" was a radical out of ammo.

The moderate Muslims are just as devout Muslims, who are convinced that it is best for everyone, if all live by the rules of the Quran.

I've no doubt you're right - in the same way as extremist Christians are convinced it would be the best for everyone if we all followed their extremist beliefs.

Fortunately for all of us, the majority of all religious people tend to put a more peaceful interpretation to their belief - rather than the more ruthless teachings. I'm talking about Christians as well as Moslems.

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I thought the definition of a "moderate muslim" was a radical out of ammo.

The moderate Muslims are just as devout Muslims, who are convinced that it is best for everyone, if all live by the rules of the Quran.

I've no doubt you're right - in the same way as extremist Christians are convinced it would be the best for everyone if we all followed their extremist beliefs.

Fortunately for all of us, the majority of all religious people tend to put a more peaceful interpretation to their belief - rather than the more ruthless teachings. I'm talking about Christians as well as Moslems.

Terrorist attacks, honor killings, persecution of Christians, the threat of ex-Muslims are now an integral part of Muslim reality. As it Crusades and Inquisition in the Catholic faith were once. The fact that a majority of Muslims are peaceful, is only a little consolation. A decisive minority is not.

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