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Thailand’s overall situation has improved: Govt spokesman


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Thailand’s overall situation has improved: Govt spokesman


BANGKOK, 26 July 2016 (NNT) - Thailand's overall situation has improved in terms of peace and order, the economy and investors' confidence, thus contributing to national reforms according to the Roadmap, said government spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

“Public cooperation in abiding by and upholding the laws has contributed to peace and order in the country, thus increasing the confidence of investors. At the same time the authorities remain vigilant to ensure a peaceful referendum process.

''The national economy is also expected to improve in the second half of this year. Farmers are likely to do better cultivation. Public and domestic investments have begun to yield tangible results. The stock exchange is expected to rebound. An increase of tourists and foreign investors is also expected. These positive assessments are based on the country’s potentials in many areas, e.g., geographical location, infrastructure, skilled workers as well as investment incentives and revised regulations which can accommodate businesses.”

Maj. Gen. Sansern cited government and academic analyses as saying the people were beginning to gain confidence with current economic trends and domestic spending has increased since the second quarter of this year. It is estimated that cash flows during the Asaha Puja Day and Buddhist Lent holiday would reach 5.7 billion baht.

“The Government will expedite large-scale infrastructure projects and budget disbursements and will periodically launch economic stimulus schemes consistent with actual economic situations. Between August 1-31, 2016, an OTOP Extravaganza scheme will be implemented under a 'Shop to Help Communities' campaign where consumers are entitled to tax deduction of up to 15,000 baht for expenses on OTOP goods. The scheme will help promote OTOP industry and distribute incomes at the grassroots level. Sales of OTOPs under the scheme was estimated to account for more than 10 billion baht,” he said.

Source: http://thainews.prd.go.th/website_en/news/news_detail/WNPOL5907260010016

-- NNT 2016-07-26 footer_n.gif

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Thailand's overall situation has improved in terms of peace and order, the economy and investors' confidence, thus contributing to national reforms according to the Roadmap, said government spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

Peace and order? Yes, at the barrel of a gun.

The economy and investors' confidence has improved??cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Do they actually think that anyone believe their BS???

"....thus contributing to national reforms according to the Roadmap," What reforms???? The state lottery?? Roadmap? The map that keeps changing according to the whims of the "PM"?


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Hey, I've got a really radical and (OK, outlandish) idea: why not ask the Thai people if THEY think Thailand's overall situation has improved? I've heard that in a world far, far away there are weird things called 'general elections', where the population of a country actually gets to give a big thumbs up or thumbs down to the political administration of their country, and can even boot that administration out of office and power if its performance is unsatisfactory to the people. Could it happen here - freely and fairly? No. I really must stop indulging in dreams and foolish fantasies. Best to listen to the less-than-1-percent at the top of the country who will tell the Thai people whether their overall situation has improved or not. Yes. That is best. Of course. They (the less-than-1-percent) always know best! The rest of us - must know our place and shut up!

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.

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Hey, I've got a really radical and (OK, outlandish) idea: why not ask the Thai people if THEY think Thailand's overall situation has improved? I've heard that in a world far, far away there are weird things called 'general elections', where the population of a country actually gets to give a big thumbs up or thumbs down to the political administration of their country, and can even boot that administration out of office and power if its performance is unsatisfactory to the people. Could it happen here - freely and fairly? No. I really must stop indulging in dreams and foolish fantasies. Best to listen to the less-than-1-percent at the top of the country who will tell the Thai people whether their overall situation has improved or not. Yes. That is best. Of course. They (the less-than-1-percent) always know best! The rest of us - must know our place and shut up!

"Hey, I've got a really radical and (OK, outlandish) idea: why not ask the Thai people if THEY think Thailand's overall situation has improved?"

What bloody business is it of theirs...?

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.

Oh look, a new sycophant.

The opening Paragraph was enough to ruin the rest of your post, civil war?? hardly !!


There have been many constructive ideas, but none are to the Kool Aid drinkers likings.

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If the military who are not recognised as economic managers but by definition are better to suited to the control of people believe the Country is on the up and up then let them enjoy themselves and think that. Time will eventually tell and that wont take long.

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.

Oh look, a new sycophant.

The opening Paragraph was enough to ruin the rest of your post, civil war?? hardly !!


There have been many constructive ideas, but none are to the Kool Aid drinkers likings.

I can't be bothered, quite frankly. Another newbie straight into the fray with the same old junta bullet points. Next it will be 'Really? Provide evidence, please', not that any evidence was supplied with his claims...
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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.

Oh look, a new sycophant.

The opening Paragraph was enough to ruin the rest of your post, civil war?? hardly !!


There have been many constructive ideas, but none are to the Kool Aid drinkers likings.

My favourite line:

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.


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More nonsense from an illegal government spokesman because the economy is performing very badly with exports struggling, investors are not investing and only the government is spending vast amounts of other peoples' money on some pretty ridiculous and unnecessary projects, stimulus projects that are not stimulating anything.

Yes there are lots of non spending Chinese tourists rushing through so that is nothing to be cheerful about.

Still the government is facing lots of problems from the west, such as the slavery issues, over-fishing issues, lack of free elections, lack of human rights, dodgy aircraft issues etc.

Education reforms and police reforms have still not happened and never will, instead the government place more and more restrictive and harsh laws on the books, becoming far too oppressive against anyone who appears to dislike or disagree with this military mob.

The referendum is certainly not going to be a free and fair one. Arresting and charging two 8 year olds for tearing up a few bits of paper shows a total lack of intelligence on the part of the government's so called officials.

The country is struggling as are its ordinary people, next stop total censorship and a cashless country, maybe. Dream on!

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If the military who are not recognised as economic managers but by definition are better to suited to the control of people believe the Country is on the up and up then let them enjoy themselves and think that. Time will eventually tell and that wont take long.

Except I don't think they do believe it.

This is their own concoction for consumption by others. Producing opium for the Thai brain is what they've been good at for generations, and if it wasn't for the pesky internet and social media it would be getting swallowed so much more readily than it appears to be now since the bogyman invented the D word. Not that D word, of course, because they say I have no right to speak it, I actually mean the other D word, the one they have no right to speak.

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At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Do you define "massive clean up" as moving some officials to the ever-familiar inactive positions for a period of time, before transferring them to some new jobs elsewhere. Or simply transferring them at the outset to new positions where they can go on doing what they were doing before???

How many accused of wrongdoing have been fired/dismissed from government service? How many have been prosecuted and successfully convicted in criminal courts for their offenses?

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"Thailand's overall situation has improved in terms of peace and order, the economy and investors' confidence..."

Also, the check's in your mouth and I won't cum in the mail.

I know I'm dating myself with that line, but so long as we're in an "All time great lies" contest...

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Everything is wonderful, economy booming, all the people are extremely Happy.

So now the military government can step aside and hand over to a freely elected civilian government.

Just like the government spokesman, I can talk crap also.

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.


I sure like the Thailand of today more than the one I visited 5-6 years ago.

I would hate to see where the country would be today if not for the Junta.

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Everything is wonderful, economy booming, all the people are extremely Happy.

So now the military government can step aside and hand over to a freely elected civilian government.

Just like the government spokesman, I can talk crap also.

Until the reforms can be made permanent, the military government should remain.

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.


I sure like the Thailand of today more than the one I visited 5-6 years ago.

I would hate to see where the country would be today if not for the Junta.

and the numerous coups and junta's that have come before them.
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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.


I sure like the Thailand of today more than the one I visited 5-6 years ago.

I would hate to see where the country would be today if not for the Junta.

Well the country hasn't changed, nothing changed outside of Bangkok, it's still the same as it was in 2012, life in the villages is still the same, the villagers lives have not changed, in fact 95% of the country was unaffected by the 2014 protests, life went on as normal, same as it did in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and now 2016.

So what exactly did the junta do for the country outside of a small area of Bangkok?

Did they stop the Southern Insurgency like they promised would happen back in 2014?

You do remember Prayuth making such claims late 2014 that the Southern Insurgency would be over by 2015......oooops!! seems quelling a civil war where the bad guys are well trained and have better guns than students eating sandwiches and reading books eh?

it's easier to charge two little 8 year old girls with ripping down their voters list than it is to find and remove all the drug dealers, murderers and Hi So vehicular killers than it is to quell a 10 year long conflict.

But hey, keep drinking that Kool aid, you're fooling nobody.

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.

A profoundly ill-informed assessment of the situation in Thailand. You obviously are oblivious to the machinations that were leading u7p to the coup. It constantly amazes me how many people are totally ignorant of what is going on in the country they choose to live in.

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