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Yingluck's rice-pledging scheme damages rise to 549 billion baht – says TDRI


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Looks like the TDRI researcher Nipon Puapongsakorn needs to go back to school.... 542 to 549 billion is a 7 billion increase not 6 !! But what's 1 billion here or there..cheesy.gif

With such a basic arithmetical error, how can anybody have any trust in his numbers...

Ever heard of a typo or are you a perfect typist?

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Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

Yellow Junta supporters. Please clarify, Junta cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be), supporters yellow (cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be). You seem to be stuck, playing the same tune over and over. Just because a poster despises a former government for their crooked thieving ways doesn't make them a junta lover, hugger, supporter, fan boy etc. You already know that of course but choose to name call rather than participate in reasoned discussion. I wonder why but suspect I already know.

The fact is that the Thaksin government has done much more and helped the poor and disenfranchised than any junta or Democrat government in the past and the people love them for it, and the Dems and junta and elites can't stand it as they think they should govern regardless and the rest of the people can take the table scraps and be thankful like the good old days...

Ye'p your right you don't have to be a junta supporter, hugger, fan boy for despising a previous government, and that works both ways, red's yellows, etc.

But when the same old few left here on TVF go all quiet and not "participate in reasoned discussion" when the junta threatens the rapporteur for doing his job.

Then claiming the government respects and adheres to International convention on freedom of the people, political expression and freedom of press all the while arresting charging and gaoling those that try to exercise those rights, where are you then??? It's hard to defend the in-defensible huh...

Or publicly claiming "dissident groups" vandalizing voter list and then the truth comes out that two 8 year old girls playing with the paper will be arrested charged because junta face must be saved your all quiet again. Some could suggest the few left have a serious problem with moral fiber and the lack of any.

Or when the mother of a protester is arrested charged and gaoled for not responding appropriately (in the junta's interpretation) to a comment sent to her on FB.

Then there's the weekly statement that the UN and the International community have no problem with any issues in Thailand blatantly lying to the public,,, Where are you few then??? You don't like the name junta hugger, fan boy,,,, then show some intestinal fortitude and when the junta criminlizes people for expressing an opinion, call them out on it and you may well fine your self with a little more credibility... ok then popit.

The fact is Thaksin is a crook whose pinched billions out of the pockets of the Thai people. Sure he threw some crumbs to keep them happy when necessary. So loved that hardly any turned up at the red shirt "beat the war drum rallies" or protested when the corrupt last caretaker regime were removed.

You consistently defend the Shins, ignore their criminal convictions and long list of outstanding cases, and very dubious past activities and then comment on others credibility! Oh the irony.

Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

Edited by sjaak327
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so, down from the 700 billion... that's an improvement. clap2.gif

TDRI is not a government group and in fact, in no way official in this capacity to estimate "damages". This is like the Heritage Foundation spewing what ever nonsense they want to...

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Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

Shhh "Parrot", I rather think that they hoped that one had gone away, that's why they have now ventured out from the long grass...

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Yellow Junta supporters. Please clarify, Junta cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be), supporters yellow (cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be). You seem to be stuck, playing the same tune over and over. Just because a poster despises a former government for their crooked thieving ways doesn't make them a junta lover, hugger, supporter, fan boy etc. You already know that of course but choose to name call rather than participate in reasoned discussion. I wonder why but suspect I already know.

The fact is that the Thaksin government has done much more and helped the poor and disenfranchised than any junta or Democrat government in the past and the people love them for it, and the Dems and junta and elites can't stand it as they think they should govern regardless and the rest of the people can take the table scraps and be thankful like the good old days...

Ye'p your right you don't have to be a junta supporter, hugger, fan boy for despising a previous government, and that works both ways, red's yellows, etc.

But when the same old few left here on TVF go all quiet and not "participate in reasoned discussion" when the junta threatens the rapporteur for doing his job.

Then claiming the government respects and adheres to International convention on freedom of the people, political expression and freedom of press all the while arresting charging and gaoling those that try to exercise those rights, where are you then??? It's hard to defend the in-defensible huh...

Or publicly claiming "dissident groups" vandalizing voter list and then the truth comes out that two 8 year old girls playing with the paper will be arrested charged because junta face must be saved your all quiet again. Some could suggest the few left have a serious problem with moral fiber and the lack of any.

Or when the mother of a protester is arrested charged and gaoled for not responding appropriately (in the junta's interpretation) to a comment sent to her on FB.

Then there's the weekly statement that the UN and the International community have no problem with any issues in Thailand blatantly lying to the public,,, Where are you few then??? You don't like the name junta hugger, fan boy,,,, then show some intestinal fortitude and when the junta criminlizes people for expressing an opinion, call them out on it and you may well fine your self with a little more credibility... ok then popit.

The fact is Thaksin is a crook whose pinched billions out of the pockets of the Thai people. Sure he threw some crumbs to keep them happy when necessary. So loved that hardly any turned up at the red shirt "beat the war drum rallies" or protested when the corrupt last caretaker regime were removed.

You consistently defend the Shins, ignore their criminal convictions and long list of outstanding cases, and very dubious past activities and then comment on others credibility! Oh the irony.

Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

it is amazing that the people who want to deride Thaksin-the-crook for ripping off Thailand will bend their knee to all of the others in Thailand who have stolen so much more for so much longer...

Then there is your point about democracy vs authoritarianism ... thumbsup.gif

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Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

Yellow Junta supporters. Please clarify, Junta cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be), supporters yellow (cowardly or affiliated with yellows (whoever they may be). You seem to be stuck, playing the same tune over and over. Just because a poster despises a former government for their crooked thieving ways doesn't make them a junta lover, hugger, supporter, fan boy etc. You already know that of course but choose to name call rather than participate in reasoned discussion. I wonder why but suspect I already know.

The fact is that the Thaksin government has done much more and helped the poor and disenfranchised than any junta or Democrat government in the past and the people love them for it, and the Dems and junta and elites can't stand it as they think they should govern regardless and the rest of the people can take the table scraps and be thankful like the good old days...

Ye'p your right you don't have to be a junta supporter, hugger, fan boy for despising a previous government, and that works both ways, red's yellows, etc.

But when the same old few left here on TVF go all quiet and not "participate in reasoned discussion" when the junta threatens the rapporteur for doing his job.

Then claiming the government respects and adheres to International convention on freedom of the people, political expression and freedom of press all the while arresting charging and gaoling those that try to exercise those rights, where are you then??? It's hard to defend the in-defensible huh...

Or publicly claiming "dissident groups" vandalizing voter list and then the truth comes out that two 8 year old girls playing with the paper will be arrested charged because junta face must be saved your all quiet again. Some could suggest the few left have a serious problem with moral fiber and the lack of any.

Or when the mother of a protester is arrested charged and gaoled for not responding appropriately (in the junta's interpretation) to a comment sent to her on FB.

Then there's the weekly statement that the UN and the International community have no problem with any issues in Thailand blatantly lying to the public,,, Where are you few then??? You don't like the name junta hugger, fan boy,,,, then show some intestinal fortitude and when the junta criminlizes people for expressing an opinion, call them out on it and you may well fine your self with a little more credibility... ok then popit.

The fact is Thaksin is a crook whose pinched billions out of the pockets of the Thai people. Sure he threw some crumbs to keep them happy when necessary. So loved that hardly any turned up at the red shirt "beat the war drum rallies" or protested when the corrupt last caretaker regime were removed.

You consistently defend the Shins, ignore their criminal convictions and long list of outstanding cases, and very dubious past activities and then comment on others credibility! Oh the irony.

Hardly any turned up, but it's enough to keep putting the junta on their backfoot!!

Come on BB, what are they so afraid of?

Thaksin is a crook, no two doubts about it, but why does the Junta keep thinking he's such a threat, if he doesn't have the followers? I hope you will be as enthusiastic when the shoe is on the other foot, and the Junta's little scams start unfolding like a pack of wet cards.

It's okay, most people get it, thaksin killed your puppy, and you loathe the man, it's one of the reasons of you and few others obsession with him.

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I thought that 90% Rice scam stock was unfit to sell, and was deemed unift for human consumption, and that all it would be good for is creating fertilizer or something like that?

So the question does require answering, why wasn't it sold off even at rock bottom prices just to get rid of it, if the moneys' lost it's lost, it's not turned up in anyone's banks yet despite 2 years of stringent investigation, a token jail sentence of a Miller in Khon Kaen, other than that, no bottom feeders, no middle men and none of the fat cats at the top have been found with an overly large amount of money in their accounts.

There was posters here who said people would sing like canaries once they started getting reeled in.....perhaps their ornithology isn't the best in the world?

No two doubts the scam was a monumental failure, and as much as some Anti Thaksin posters here keep saying, it's got nothing to do with the current crowd, actually yes it has, you don't aquire a used car lot from someone, then complain you can't shift/sell cars, and the cars are in shit state! wink.png

The problem with having such a huge stockpile, is that shifting large amounts of it could be considered dumping, and would cause the price to fall in line with the demand.

Quite correct. The stock rice is mostly of poor quality or worse. A vow to sell it quickly is only possible if a buyer can be found for a proper market price despite the quality. However to expect satisfactory progressive sales at best outcome on a product that is also progressively deteriorating seems vain.

Using the used car analogy it would be difficult to sell them if the wheels started to fall off in the sale lot when a prospective buyer simply tried to open a door..

The quandary for the current regime is in minimising the loss versus of acknowledged debt. Bulk selloff surely does not need to be into the usual grain market. Rice is starch and coud be utilized as an alternative as in the processing of other starch crops.Probable an annual percentage of reject rice already goes this path.

However it could also be that the very evident rotting stock is also being retained as a significant middle digit upraised in proceedings which may culminate in a degree of very personal compensations to at least the degree of offsetting the ongoing expense of caretaking it. And that could be construed as being the equivalent of forcing it down the throats of the canaries who forgot to sing.wink.png

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Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

Incredible that you are naive enough to seemingly believe being elected puts you above the law and you can do whatever you want. Sadly true of politicians and bureaucrats around the world these days.

This post is about Yingluck, Thaksin's pretty little relative and stooge and her brother's rice scheme scam. Nice try at diversion though. Let's discuss others on appropriate threads, then you might understand what I've figured out and not jumped to conclusions that suit your purpose.

And no, not everyone does appear to know. There are several posters on TVF who regularly plead his innocence, presumably believing his CNN statement when he claimed he'd never ever done anything wrong.

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The fact is Thaksin is a crook whose pinched billions out of the pockets of the Thai people. Sure he threw some crumbs to keep them happy when necessary. So loved that hardly any turned up at the red shirt "beat the war drum rallies" or protested when the corrupt last caretaker regime were removed.

You consistently defend the Shins, ignore their criminal convictions and long list of outstanding cases, and very dubious past activities and then comment on others credibility! Oh the irony.

Hardly any turned up, but it's enough to keep putting the junta on their backfoot!!

Come on BB, what are they so afraid of?

Thaksin is a crook, no two doubts about it, but why does the Junta keep thinking he's such a threat, if he doesn't have the followers? I hope you will be as enthusiastic when the shoe is on the other foot, and the Junta's little scams start unfolding like a pack of wet cards.

It's okay, most people get it, thaksin killed your puppy, and you loathe the man, it's one of the reasons of you and few others obsession with him.

Being patronizing is rather silly and could be interpreted as trolling. Like many sound minded posters on here I would be against any family clan who've robbed the people blind whilst lying to them and treating them with utter contempt; especially those who pretend to all and sundry how they are working hard to benefit them. Total political scum. That's before his human rights violations and connections to civil violence are considered.

One can only conjecture as to why no attempts have ever been seriously made to extradite him. Therein may lie the answer to your question.

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Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

it is amazing that the people who want to deride Thaksin-the-crook for ripping off Thailand will bend their knee to all of the others in Thailand who have stolen so much more for so much longer...

Then there is your point about democracy vs authoritarianism ... thumbsup.gif

So you are saying Thaksin is a crook but has stolen less than others. Can we have some figures and references to support your theory please?

Or is it just an attempt to minimize and deflect attention from his crimes?

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Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

Shhh "Parrot", I rather think that they hoped that one had gone away, that's why they have now ventured out from the long grass...

Whatever. any distraction will do.

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Yellow junta supporters should be thanking Yingluck for releasing her song today as it has the government fuming and needed a headline like this to bring you guys out of hibernation"

Pity we don't see so much enthusiasm on the human rights issues like arresting 8 year old girls etc.

Hey but you guys stick to your guns. We might see a few more Thaksin Yingluck headlines as the 7th gets closer so you can wind the clock back.

Shhh "Parrot", I rather think that they hoped that one had gone away, that's why they have now ventured out from the long grass...

Whatever. any distraction will do.

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Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

it is amazing that the people who want to deride Thaksin-the-crook for ripping off Thailand will bend their knee to all of the others in Thailand who have stolen so much more for so much longer...

Then there is your point about democracy vs authoritarianism ... thumbsup.gif

So you are saying Thaksin is a crook but has stolen less than others. Can we have some figures and references to support your theory please?

Or is it just an attempt to minimize and deflect attention from his crimes?

do you know nothing of Thai history??

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"He then recommended that the Prayut government urgently sell out the entire rice stock in the warehouses within the next few years to ease further loss".

So this government contributed to the loss by not keeping to their promise of selling all the rice stock within a year. TDRI should calculate the losses in revenue, storage & damages and claim from this government.

Please show a source where the current government say they will sell all the rice stock within a year? For all I've read they say they will try to sell it within 3 years or so....

Thread after thread you do not admit Yinglucks failed scheme and she should be held responsible.

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Actually the question that needs to be asked is why the current government is in hibernation on this matter, part of the increased losses can therefore directly be contributed to the Junta.

Government has been slowly selling some rice if you ever happen to follow the news instead of pull stories from your own head....

Due to the poor quality of rice, many countries do not want Thai rice from the failed scheme.

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I thought that 90% Rice scam stock was unfit to sell, and was deemed unift for human consumption, and that all it would be good for is creating fertilizer or something like that?

So the question does require answering, why wasn't it sold off even at rock bottom prices just to get rid of it, if the moneys' lost it's lost, it's not turned up in anyone's banks yet despite 2 years of stringent investigation, a token jail sentence of a Miller in Khon Kaen, other than that, no bottom feeders, no middle men and none of the fat cats at the top have been found with an overly large amount of money in their accounts.

There was posters here who said people would sing like canaries once they started getting reeled in.....perhaps their ornithology isn't the best in the world?

No two doubts the scam was a monumental failure, and as much as some Anti Thaksin posters here keep saying, it's got nothing to do with the current crowd, actually yes it has, you don't aquire a used car lot from someone, then complain you can't shift/sell cars, and the cars are in shit state! wink.png

The problem with having such a huge stockpile, is that shifting large amounts of it could be considered dumping, and would cause the price to fall in line with the demand.

Its not true, rice miller and storage warehouse owners were found to be corrupt. They were too connected to be brought to justice. Mind you this was concluded under the PTP's own investigations as well.

Your analogy with someone buying used cars is kind of off, the current government did not buy these rotten rice, they inherited the problem. So its more like the owner of the used car lot retired and pass the business on to her son. The son is complaining of why did his mom buy such shitty cars to resale.

It is true that dumping the rice cheaply on the market would break WTO rules, as well as bring rice prices down - hence that is part of the government's plan to sell the rice slowly. Again this was mentioned back I don't remember maybe a year ago or so. So for those anti-prayuth complaining about why rice can't be sold cheaply to cut costs, this is also one of the main reasons aside from that nobody wants the low quality rice.

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Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

Incredible that you are naive enough to seemingly believe being elected puts you above the law and you can do whatever you want. Sadly true of politicians and bureaucrats around the world these days.

This post is about Yingluck, Thaksin's pretty little relative and stooge and her brother's rice scheme scam. Nice try at diversion though. Let's discuss others on appropriate threads, then you might understand what I've figured out and not jumped to conclusions that suit your purpose.

And no, not everyone does appear to know. There are several posters on TVF who regularly plead his innocence, presumably believing his CNN statement when he claimed he'd never ever done anything wrong.

He quite clearly wasn't above the law, neither were his 'proxy' PM's Samak, Somchai and his sister. There were ample (some would argue too much) checks and balances in place to deal with misbehaviours.

Again you take a point which is poorly chosen, as the current lot is indeed above the law, article 44 and an amnesty that absolves past and future crimes and that will be part of any constitution that will be enacted by this bunch.

If there is a diversion to be seen, you started it, I merely reacted to your post, nothing more and nothing less.

As to the rice scheme, it might not have been a very smart scheme, but it was a scheme introduced by a government with 300 out of 500 seats in parliament, or a large majority.

So far I have seen no evidence of corruption by the politicians who introduced it, and the amount of losses have only increased, indicating that the current administration hasn't done enough to minimize those, which also is indicated in the OP.

Edited by sjaak327
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Actually the question that needs to be asked is why the current government is in hibernation on this matter, part of the increased losses can therefore directly be contributed to the Junta.

Government has been slowly selling some rice if you ever happen to follow the news instead of pull stories from your own head....

Due to the poor quality of rice, many countries do not want Thai rice from the failed scheme.

The OP contains a recommendation to sell rice quicker, logically it would indicate that the current government has not been fast enough selling the rice. Logically the longer it is kept in warehouses, the higher the storage costs and the more the quality will get worse, and the more chance rice ends up missing.

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This scam would have bring people the next elections to not vote for the Shinawatra. But the army/Suthep wanted to grab power quickly instead of waiting for the citizens to express their anger towards this scam. So their coup just helped the Shinawatra to not lose confidence from the grass roots.

Not really, if the coup had not happened they would have hidden this loss in the Chinese loan like they intended. This was the only way to make sure the country would not lose even more money. The army and the brave people who went on the streets even though they were bombed and shot at should all get medals for getting rid of the shins,

(how is that for spinning things i like your spin.. but mine is better)

Your spin is not spinning so well IMO

The farmers who didn t had their money and got conned wouldn t give a damn about the chinese loan...

Those "brave people" who took the streets with suthep are the ones who think only the middle class and traditional elite should be able to vote. This "brave" Suthep (seriously, who still believe this) lost the money he collected apparently during those riots. (and the popcorn guy is like the black men from the red.)

The principe of election is this: if you lose the election you have to work and show better for the next one...Until now the only way the democrats know is : army or twisted judgements. It is like having Trump for US president and Hillary asking the people to take the streets and ask the army to help her get rid of Trump...

Since when the coups are useful in Thailand? 17 coups if I remember correctly, we can see how it goes...

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Well the farmers voted her in and her brother too... they should be responsible for their actions and the countries massive loss.. but instead they winge for more help and more subsidies and more payouts...

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Everyone knows Thaksin was a crook, the problem is he was an elected crook. The people currently running the show are crooks too, they are stealing and have stolen from the Thai people for decades, but other than Thaksin, never actually received a mandate. Their mandate is a few guns and blatant human rights abuses. Ironic is people like you who still haven't figured that one out ! Utterly naieve.

Incredible that you are naive enough to seemingly believe being elected puts you above the law and you can do whatever you want. Sadly true of politicians and bureaucrats around the world these days.

This post is about Yingluck, Thaksin's pretty little relative and stooge and her brother's rice scheme scam. Nice try at diversion though. Let's discuss others on appropriate threads, then you might understand what I've figured out and not jumped to conclusions that suit your purpose.

And no, not everyone does appear to know. There are several posters on TVF who regularly plead his innocence, presumably believing his CNN statement when he claimed he'd never ever done anything wrong.

He quite clearly wasn't above the law, neither were his 'proxy' PM's Samak, Somchai and his sister. There were ample (some would argue too much) checks and balances in place to deal with misbehaviours.

Again you take a point which is poorly chosen, as the current lot is indeed above the law, article 44 and an amnesty that absolves past and future crimes and that will be part of any constitution that will be enacted by this bunch.

If there is a diversion to be seen, you started it, I merely reacted to your post, nothing more and nothing less.

As to the rice scheme, it might not have been a very smart scheme, but it was a scheme introduced by a government with 300 out of 500 seats in parliament, or a large majority.

So far I have seen no evidence of corruption by the politicians who introduced it, and the amount of losses have only increased, indicating that the current administration hasn't done enough to minimize those, which also is indicated in the OP.

"........a scheme introduced by a government with 300 out of 500 seats in parliament, or a large majority."

And how did they get so many seats? By offering a scheme that has cost the country nearly B600 billion, and based upon lies about its chances of success.

Perhaps you don't have a problem with a party lying to voters and wasting the country's wealth.

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How many submarines is that?

About 60. What's that in schools and hospitals?

A naive assumption, even for you.

A much more likely assumption than B600 billion being spent on submarines. Even if it was, at least the Thais would have a fleet of subs to look at.

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