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Merkel and the days of terror


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this stupid woman is utterly clueless, too late now silly lady they are in germany amongst you. invited by you, noone else. a lot of these so called immigrants are not mis - placed persons, just in europe for the easy ride

...and your post does exactly the same as the one posted by 'omg...'

these first two posts sum up just about everything that is so totally wrong about this world.

and shows up why people like trump, le pen and wilders - and in the past hitler - have come to power.

Not at all.

These posts are reflective of some realities.

In Germany and much of Europe, we have a system where we work and contribute in the form of taxes. Those taxes help to maintain our country and they also form a social safety net. People never voted for their money to be spent on people that never contributed to the system. This isn't selfish. It's also not altruistic.

Economically speaking, our political leaders are fearful of a declining population because these social safety nets will run out of money in a declining, aging population. Also - they are lobbied by businesses who need growth to increase their share prices and enrich their shareholders. The solution of importing people from a different culture is not working out very well. But more than that, we should find solutions to a declining population because in the end there are simply too many people on the planet and perpetual growth is impossible.

On top of this, In much of the Middle East, sectarian violence is tearing societies apart. Violence is the norm. The 'immigrants' were not families, it was single men. Many of whom have grown up to hate the West, have no sexual outlet and no prospects of ever finding fulfilling work.

It is a recipe for disaster and it will lead to more bloodshed.

Your post sums up everything about people that think there is an endless supply of resources on the planet and that just mixing up disparate cultures will have a happy ending. Multiculturalism has failed everywhere it's been tried. More of the same is not the answer. There is nothing wrong with the cultures of Europe at all.

from the bottom up:

australia, canada and the us have got an extremely well working multiculturalism in place.

the resource gobble is a 'western' idea and disease. if you want just one example to the contrary look at what resources are being used for civil air transport in iran.

one of the reasons why the majority of refugees are male is because they value their wifes and children enough to not expose them to the perils of i.e. crossing the mediterranean in a pair of floaties.

a very large proportion of germany's economic wealth was built on the fruits of the labor of 'gastarbeiter' (guest workers). since the 60's there would not be a single german product on the world market without it having some form of contribution from non - germans.

todays german pensions are financed, to a large extend, by these people or their off - springs. google yourself through the name of german parliament polititians and talk to me again about the failings of multiculturalism.

an aging population is a distinctly 'western society' problem brought about by western economic greed, 'christian' religions and short - sighted political and moral correctiveness.

and as for your social safety net and what people vote for that their taxes are being spend on... how many drug addicted, grotesquely over - weight, lazy, criminal interned or in some other way non - contributing people live in your country that no one ever asked you to support?

check out how many 'boat - people', vietnamese refugees, today run extremely successful business ventures in australia and employ children of their so adverse hosts.

enough for today, i know we will not solve this here and today. history will, but.

good night.

Australia is a hotbed of sectarian violence between different groups of Muslims: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/australia-isis-shoot-prominent-shia-sydney-prompting-fears-religious-violence-1472938

As for what Iran uses for Civil air transport - are you referring to the cranes from which they hang homosexuals? Muslim tolerance on display.

As for male refugees not bringing their families because the crossing is perilous. Are you saying the crossing is more dangerous than staying at home? If home is so safe, then why leave at all?

Of course Asians have integrated well across the world. But that is not where the failings in multiculturalism are. So they are irrelevant. It is Muslim non-integration where it is failing.

What is also irrelevant are your comments about westerners being overweight or lazy or drug addicts. They are not the ones who made Sweden the rape capital of Europe. They are not the one's making France, Germany and Belgium the terrorist capitals of Europe either.

All the false equivalence is just an attempt to move people's eyes of the ball....

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this stupid woman is utterly clueless, too late now silly lady they are in germany amongst you. invited by you, noone else. a lot of these so called immigrants are not mis - placed persons, just in europe for the easy ride

...and your post does exactly the same as the one posted by 'omg...'

these first two posts sum up just about everything that is so totally wrong about this world.

and shows up why people like trump, le pen and wilders - and in the past hitler - have come to power.

None of them have any "power" as yet. Wait till the next elections and that may change. Any more attrocities in France and Pen is a shoo in.

Re Merkel. I can't believe she wasn't told as to the consequences of what she did, so, IMO, either she is too arrogant to take the advice, or she wanted it to happen.

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What Americans did to the slaves and the American Indians.What the Brits did in ireland and Scotland.there is a point to all that.And i am for remembering that. But the Op says "our future is together,not against each other.But the people who commit these dreadful crimes dont want to be together.They want to rule the world under the black flag of Islaam.They want to be able to subjugate women and have sex with children.They want to bring back stoning,beheading, throwing people from great heights for being gay.They want to have absolute control over everybody.And he talks about "the future together? seriously? is this the future he wants,because ,believe me,thats what he will get.A reign of terror.

Merkal was wrong with a capital W and i hope she spends the rest of her life in retirement reflecting as to how she invited an aggressive army into her homeland.Thats what happens when you dont listen to the people.Why was there no referendum?.Our last prime minister knows that to his cost.

I lived in Saudi, and no westerner I knew wanted to live there. We were there only for the money. Not a single day I didn't want to leave.

No one that hasn't lived in a country run under sharia has a clue what the reality is like.

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Chancellor Merkel has made a mistake by allowing unfettered and unvetted immigration into German and thus the rest of the European union. the World is a much different place now than it was 20 years ago when Germany was dependent on Turkish labor for its growth. Even then, the Turks did not assimilate well but they were not demanding changes in Germany to accommodate them. They wanted the money.

The current Middle East immigrants coming into Germany- will end up just like the others in France and Belgium. They will not assimilate; they will demand adherence to their religion; and they will remain unemployed in such huge numbers they will be a clear and present danger to the EU. Europe is a much smaller place than say American And Canada or even Australia where Middle Eastern immigrants have been admitted after proper vetting and have been somewhat assimilated. They practice their religion as they wish but there is no hope of them ever getting Sharia law; a ban on alcohol; or the ability to ignore local law because it is against their religion. Since these countries are large, they are mostly unobtrusive.

However, coming to Germany in such numbers means they have access to the other countries in the EU and those that border those countries. Once settled, these people will travel throughout Europe in search of other Muslim communities and will never blend in anywhere. The more they stay unassimilated and live in their own ghettos- the more alienated they will feel and the more resentment the local population will have towards them. The fact is that there are many other countries in the Middle East where they would be much more comfortable practising their religion and being assimilated into those countries. The fact is that these countries refuse to help because they fear the same thing the West fears- Radical Islam and the Caliphate. They are happy that the West now has to use their money; their police and their citizens to handle potential terror and radicalism so the Kings and Sultans can continue their grandiose lifestyle while the rest of Europe gets poorer.

Multiculturalism has worked well in America because America is a country of immigrants and most are assimilated. Europe is much different- consisting of many different cultures and customs dating back thousands of years in some instances. One of the reasons the Uk is leaving the EU is that it feels it has lost its sovereignty and is in danger of losing its culture. Merkel needs to wake up before she and a few others are what's left of the EU.

Edited by Thaidream
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What Americans did to the slaves and the American Indians.What the Brits did in ireland and Scotland.there is a point to all that.And i am for remembering that. But the Op says "our future is together,not against each other.But the people who commit these dreadful crimes dont want to be together.They want to rule the world under the black flag of Islaam.They want to be able to subjugate women and have sex with children.They want to bring back stoning,beheading, throwing people from great heights for being gay.They want to have absolute control over everybody.And he talks about "the future together? seriously? is this the future he wants,because ,believe me,thats what he will get.A reign of terror.

Merkal was wrong with a capital W and i hope she spends the rest of her life in retirement reflecting as to how she invited an aggressive army into her homeland.Thats what happens when you dont listen to the people.Why was there no referendum?.Our last prime minister knows that to his cost.

I lived in Saudi, and no westerner I knew wanted to live there. We were there only for the money. Not a single day I didn't want to leave.

No one that hasn't lived in a country run under sharia has a clue what the reality is like.

Maybe Merkel should retire in Saudi? I'm sure they will be tolerant of her smile.png

Look I'm not trying to be mean. I think she meant well and yes the world needs more compassionate people. But Islam is not a tolerant religion and neither are most of its followers, if given a chance.

Edited by mesterm
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this stupid woman is utterly clueless, too late now silly lady they are in germany amongst you. invited by you, noone else. a lot of these so called immigrants are not mis - placed persons, just in europe for the easy ride

...and your post does exactly the same as the one posted by 'omg...'

these first two posts sum up just about everything that is so totally wrong about this world.

and shows up why people like trump, le pen and wilders - and in the past hitler - have come to power.

Dont worry ,as long as you keep your head firmly tucked where the monkey keeps his nuts you will be nice and safe , its dark and you cant see what is happening there .

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my last contribution to this subject:


written a few hours ago by a british subject.

take your time to read and understand it.

when all reason, all peace loving compassion and all love for each other has once again been taken to the sword, when politician' hunger for power has burned and maimed and killed your sons and daughters, when there - once again - is nothing but ashes and anguish and despair... i hope the promoters of hatred and violence will not stand there like my parents once did, shrugging their shoulders and claiming 'i knew nothing about it'.

ah, yes, and one more photo from somewhere south of the turkish - syrian border:

these could be your children and grandchildren. when i am having a bad day i look at this photo and know how very, very lucky i am.

Just read the article , what a load of old bull---t written by a deluded idiot , i despair

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Chancellor Angel Merkel says refugees who carry out attacks in Germany mocked the country that took them in.

But she said there would be no reversal in the policy of taking in migrants.


Merkel has just committed Political Suicide.

Well I don't think she intends to keep going for much longer anyway. So she might be wanting to stick to her beliefs to the end of her term and leave regarded well by the people who support her.

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Nah, converting to Islam won't solve the problem, attractive as all that male privilege might be. If you hadn't noticed, they're killing each other more than they're killing us. Besides, I get a rash when I grow a beard.

Come on brother, think about the 72 virgins that await you in heaven (wonder what Merkel thinks of such tenets of Islam as a woman by the way). There's no life like the afterlife cool.png

The muslim prophet pretty much made clear, when asked, that even he did not know what was in store for him when he died. There was great consternation about this as the prophet was al lsmal al kamil, the 'perfect man.' If the prophet, after a life of being God's voice on earth, still did not know (and the prophet addressed this more than once) what hope was there for the little guy?

Well, fortunately, because al lah is graceful and most merciful, (bissamal lah), a fast track was provided. If someone died a martyr they passed go, went straight to paradise, and collected $200... i mean, 72 perpetual virgins. (Some think that "jeez, after a week I am out of..." Have no fear, islamic exegesis ensures they recycle virginity).

Thus, was set in motion a near perfect storm. The religion that commands obedience and faith also does not make it very clear what reward there is unless you die a jihadi martyr.

This is 100% correct. Thus, the days of terror.

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Visit this byline in a few years. It will read "...years of terror."

It has previously been offered that Merkel would in fact double-down, even escalate current events. Why? Because the same unhealthy undesirable end that we are perceiving is the same unhealthy undesirable end Merkel perceives. It is her goal.

When Juncker came out this past week after the horrors of Nice and Bavaria he did little to assuage fears instead choosing to telegraph outside of the EU once more and state EU will not waffle on migration and open borders. It was an utterly disjointed statement considering the context of recent events. With the rage and fear and uncertainty of the European population, it is clear they were not his intended audience.

It has been offered here [they] know exactly what [they] are doing, but that they cannot for long continue to destroy the EU and hold off screams for their political heads. Thus, there is real risk of reversing the tide, insurgent right wing response gaining traction and repealing Merkel's malfeasance, etc. They must double down or else their entire formula can be unspun. So, Merkel today doubles down and joins Juncker in telegraphing outside the EU that migration should continue unabated. Merklel's statement likewise is not for local consumption, her people do not want this destruction of their civilization.

We all now know the notion of refugees was a bold faced lie of necessity, to couch other aims. Thus we see a non-stop appeal to north africa and the middle east to come, migrants, immigration, still occasionally couched as 'refugees.' It was never about refugees, and we all know this. It was about importing a replacement population to debase the cohesion of of the culture, the faith, and nationality and insert a solvent that would debase the people into fractured elements that were more easy to [govern]. Of course this is correct.

There are only three next intermediate things that will happen:

1. The attacks will continue both in scope and horror and

2. People will begin vigilante actions against the perceived source of the threat.

3. The State will crack down on 'right wing hate' groups.


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"...she said there would be no reversal in the policy of accepting migrants."

"Mrs Merkel also insisted Germany would stick to its "principles" and give shelter to those who deserved it."

Neither of those statements rules out tightening the rules. Perhaps she's choosing her words carefully - basic principle of sanctuary is the same (to prove they're not Nazis), but the actual criteria of who deserves it is tighter. Though I don't know why I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

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Nah, converting to Islam won't solve the problem, attractive as all that male privilege might be. If you hadn't noticed, they're killing each other more than they're killing us. Besides, I get a rash when I grow a beard.

Come on brother, think about the 72 virgins that await you in heaven (wonder what Merkel thinks of such tenets of Islam as a woman by the way). There's no life like the afterlife cool.png

She'll get 72 male rapists, that's what they do don't they?

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The BBC is doing a report on Merkel's no change in policy speech and featured an area in Bavaria where there's a migrant centre and the locals have misgivings about the open door policy.

One politician said that anywhere in the world if someone blows themselves up it's seen as a terrorist act but in Germany it's called ' psychological problems '.

The BBC reporter then said that there's a small minority that are a danger to Germany but the majority just want to INTEGRATE !

Really !

As usual another sugar coated piece from the BBC who just refuse to report things as they are.

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The BBC has long ago given up its principles to become a mouthpiece for the PC wonks that want to destroy our way of life. They spend more time ( on the overseas network ) reporting on women in Africa being strong and other such non news stories than they do on the real news. Also they spend far too much time on sport, though no doubt it means they have less time to report on what is happening in the world.

The people that ran it during WW2 must be spinning like Dervishes in their graves.

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my last contribution to this subject:


written a few hours ago by a british subject.

take your time to read and understand it.

when all reason, all peace loving compassion and all love for each other has once again been taken to the sword, when politician' hunger for power has burned and maimed and killed your sons and daughters, when there - once again - is nothing but ashes and anguish and despair... i hope the promoters of hatred and violence will not stand there like my parents once did, shrugging their shoulders and claiming 'i knew nothing about it'.

ah, yes, and one more photo from somewhere south of the turkish - syrian border:

these could be your children and grandchildren. when i am having a bad day i look at this photo and know how very, very lucky i am.

Just read the article , what a load of old bull---t written by a deluded idiot , i despair

Unfortunately, there are a lot of deluded idiots around. And a lot of them are politicians.

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