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Democrat party rejects draft constitution


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Democrat party rejects draft constitution


BANGKOK: -- The Democrat party will not accept the draft constitution because it goes against the party’s ideology and it may lead to more political conflicts, Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva announced today of the party’s standpoint regarding the draft charter.

He explained that the draft charter does not correspond with the democratic principle of public‘s right of participation in the mapping out of the future direction of the country and that the draft guarantees the rights and freedom of the people less than those guaranteed by the Constitution B.E.2550.

The appointment of 250 senators instead of being elected will not solve political conflicts but, worse still, will likely bring about more conflicting parties, Abhisit pointed out.

While praising the draft for its outstanding provisions regarding measures to deal with the scourge of corruption, the Democrat leader noted that the draft tends to weaken the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Supreme Court’s criminal division for political office holders in a way that the impeachment process is to be scrapped.

He said that the first group of people to benefit from the draft charter – if it goes through the referendum, is the people implicated in the rice pledging scheme scandal because they will have the right to appeal against the court’s verdict in case they are found guilty whereas, under the previous charter, the court’s verdict is final and cannot be appealed.

Hence, the draft will not help in dealing with corruption which goes against the hype that the draft champions graft suppression.

Abhisit further said that, if the draft fails in the referendum, he would like Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha to take the lead in the drafting of a new charter so that there will be an election in accordance with the roadmap.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/173985-2/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-28

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Ex-Thai PM opposes army-proposed constitution up for vote

BANGKOK (AP) — The head of Thailand's oldest political party on Wednesday joined a growing chorus of voices opposed to a new constitution proposed by the military government.

Former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said he spoke as Democrat Party leader, but that his remarks should not be taken as the party's official stand because the government bans political party meetings. It also has decreed strict limits on criticizing its draft charter, which will be submitted to an Aug. 7 referendum.

Among the reasons Abhisit said he opposed the charter were that it limited people's liberties and failed to establish an effective mechanism for fighting corruption.

The Democrats' political rival, the Pheu Thai Party, which was ousted from power by the army in 2014, also opposes the charter.

The Democrats share the army's antipathy toward Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was accused of corruption and disrespect for the country's king and ousted in a 2006 military coup. The ouster set off a sharp and sometimes bloody contest for power between Thaksin's supporters and opponents.

Thaksin, in exile since 2008, is Pheu Thai's de facto leader. His sister Yingluck Shinawtra was elected prime minister in 2011, but forced from the post in 2014 shortly before the army staged another takeover.

Current Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has promised an election next year if the draft constitution is passed. He has not given a clear indication what will happen if referendum voters reject it.

"Everyone in the country wants the nation to move forward," said Abhisit, who employed the army to quash violent protests by Thaksin's partisans in 2010. "Conflict within the country has made our country unable to move forward and progress, resulting in our citizens living in poor conditions and in debt because of the political turmoil that has halted our nation's development."

In the months leading up to the referendum, Prayuth's government has increasingly moved to silence opponents of the draft constitution with a draconian law that carries a 10-year prison sentence for misrepresenting the charter, rudely criticizing its content or disrupting the vote.

"The fact that I will not accept this draft constitution does not mean that I am trying to create chaos for my country," Abhisit said.

"I implore the people to look at the draft and make an educated decision based on it," he said. "I ask the government to bring out a new draft constitution that is better for the people. If this draft does not pass, I hope Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha will explore and take into consideration the reasons why it did not pass."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-28

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it goes against the party’s ideology

right, the Democrats ideology is to co-rule with the military as the political front party.

it goes against their ideology to allow the military to retain total control without an appropriate facade of "democracy".


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smart move, a two way bet. For the long term (getting votes in any future election) he is making a stand (treading softly) against it, knowing full well that even if the referendum fails that the current government will put in any constitution it likes.

Very interesting that Abhisit has been allowed to 'critique' the draft.

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I always considered Thailand as being the land of the opposites. In this way, whatever your natural inclination is for what we in the West might consider logical behavior usually turned out, (for me at least) to be the opposite of what I actually should have done.

Even the PM's name was Appasit.

It's good to see he looks a far bit younger now than he did when he was in office.

and there ya go

Uncle Bob

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Isn't it ilegal to publically criticise the draft, it deemed the ill informed misleading the public. He better pack his toothbrush

Some are more equal than others in Thailand.

"Abhisit further said that, if the draft fails in the referendum, he would like Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha to take the lead in the drafting of a new charter"

Is there anything printed that suggests that the good general is capable of doing anything other than throwing childlike fits, opening bike lanes and arranging beach chairs. Coming up with a document that will be fair to all and lead to reconciliation seems way beyond his intellectual capacity.

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Well at when I started reading it he actually got my hopes up until I read the part if found guilty he wants to take away a persons right of appeal and wants the a general to take the lead hand in the drafting the charter.

Major sucking up to the General but that's their MO.

Quick note to appeals. At some point there should be no appeals. Once the highest applicable court has ruled, it must be final.
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smart move, a two way bet. For the long term (getting votes in any future election) he is making a stand (treading softly) against it, knowing full well that even if the referendum fails that the current government will put in any constitution it likes.

Very interesting that Abhisit has been allowed to 'critique' the draft.

Not really, he's a former PM, could you imagine the backlash from inside and out of Thailand if he were taken in for "attitude adjustment" it would prove once and for all the present regime is a full blown dictatorship, their sparce popularity would wane even further.

Same with Suthep, they'll never bring him in, they need his support base to maintain some sort of facade their doing it for the "good people".

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Khun Abhisit best be very careful criticizing the draft charter......I mean two 8 year old girls have been arrested and charged for the pink paper fiasco....and a a gang of monkeys are wanted in a massive manhunt currently being undertaken......

Please be careful Khun Abhisit

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Damn those pesky democratic principals like right of appeal and right to impeach corrupt officials. The man's like a bisexual at an orgy, swinging both ways and not knowing if he's comming or going. Trying to keep in the good generals vicarious favor.

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Isn't it ilegal to publically criticise the draft, it deemed the ill informed misleading the public. He better pack his toothbrush

Some are more equal than others in Thailand.

"Abhisit further said that, if the draft fails in the referendum, he would like Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha to take the lead in the drafting of a new charter"

Is there anything printed that suggests that the good general is capable of doing anything other than throwing childlike fits, opening bike lanes and arranging beach chairs. Coming up with a document that will be fair to all and lead to reconciliation seems way beyond his intellectual capacity.

Perhaps that is Abhisit's point. Maybe he is politely saying something along the lines of 'OK, smartass. You love criticising everybody else as useless and incompetent, so put your money where your mouth is and should your constitution prove about as much use as one of your crappy songs, you will have nobody left to point your finger at. Then what are you going to do?'
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A guarded and cagey rejection. The man waited and waited for the ground reaction to made his statement. When the ground swell of dissent becomes too large to ignore, he got no choice to denounce the draft and save his political future. If he is a true democrat, he should have spoken right from the start when the draft was available. He just don't have the political fortitude like the PT, UDD, even the students and the academician. He should asked for an inclusive new drafting committee as 2 junta appointed committees have failed. If he really is a strong leader, he should also denounce Suthep's support of the charter and cut all ties with him. Doubt he is that kind of man.

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I believe it is safe to say that the Military & Associates have achieved one thing regarding the constitution and the circus around it: the country as a whole and the people in particular are now more confused than ever on what to do, where to go and when to stop; and they will desperately need fatherly guidance in all they are doing for the foreseeable future. So, good job for that! thumbsup.gif

As for Abhisit, I thought for a moment that he had grown one ball, bur he lost it on the next sentence...So, he will carry on as Democrat Leader, speaking for the party in soprano when it should be basso profundo, but note well: even when he speaks as party leader, "his remarks should not be taken as the party's official stand", which contributes to further confusion within the country and therefore is a laudable cooperative effort between Abhisit (and/or/or not - I'm confused) Democrat Party and government. As it should be. So, good job also, ball-less one! thumbsup.gif

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This is all choreographed.

Someone changed their mind and decided that the referendum should not succeed after all.

The Prime Minister was informed accordingly, and he gave the green light to his stooge to speak out against it, without fear of Attitude Adjustment.

1 year extension for the Righteous People.

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there is going to be an appointed non elected 250 person council to run the country? dam those guys are gonna become very rich. even the all power full general with the absolute powers of article 44 have not been able to stop corruption in thailand. wonder if i can get a work permit to sit on that council.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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Thank you USA Ambassador Davies for your recent pep talk with Abhisit.

It appears it was enough political stroking to motivate Abhisit into making a public, albeit reserved, statement against the Meechai draft charter.

However, he was being consistent with his earlier public statements in April 2016 that the Democrat Party would not accept the draft charter.

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Abhisit is a conniving snake.

Don't know how you come to that conclusion, he is a clever politician IMO and many Thai people like him, well they do around where we live which has a large farmer population.

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Abhisit is a conniving snake.

Don't know how you come to that conclusion, he is a clever politician IMO and many Thai people like him, well they do around where we live which has a large farmer population.

Not enough to vote him in as PM though ;)

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Two things that are none of my business as a Non O, for 12 years !

(1) Why do they want so many Senators, US where I come from has 100 and population is over 323 million, with 50 States ? 250 Appointed, how many do they want ?

(2) What is with Appointed Senators ? How do you call yourself a Democracy with appointed political lackeys ?

With all the Consitutions around the World, why pick the best and modify slightly to meet particular needs for Thailand. Like, The Wheel has already been invented!!

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How are the people going to know what to vote either way ? Where I live No informative leaflets have been delivered to households .

Are the people going to be expected to vote BLIND , with No knowledge of the content of the proposed constitution ?

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How are the people going to know what to vote either way ? Where I live No informative leaflets have been delivered to households .

Are the people going to be expected to vote BLIND , with No knowledge of the content of the proposed constitution ?

general public could look online what the referendum is all about, if they have internet access. like another person said the people dont seem to be so worried about what is in it. those pro army govt will vote for it and those against the army govt will vote against it. will be interesting to see how it turns out.

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How are the people going to know what to vote either way ? Where I live No informative leaflets have been delivered to households .

Are the people going to be expected to vote BLIND , with No knowledge of the content of the proposed constitution ?

general public could look online what the referendum is all about, if they have internet access. like another person said the people dont seem to be so worried about what is in it. those pro army govt will vote for it and those against the army govt will vote against it. will be interesting to see how it turns out.

Substantial amounts of money went into the making, printing and dispersion of these documents, of which each household was to receive their nice shiny copy in ample time to peruse, and make their mind up. That hasn't happened, and isn't happening, so whose responsibility does this lie on? has to be the CDC, plenty of room for malfeasance there don't you think?

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