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Bike rental on Koh Phangan - system needed to stop fleecing of tourists

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Bike rental on Koh Phangan - system needed to stop fleecing of tourists

Image: Thairath

KOH PHANGAN: -- A meeting of soldiers, police and land transport officials to discuss the problem of the fleecing of tourists who rent motorcycles on the island of Koh Phangan.

Tourists both Thai and foreign have often experienced problem when having accidents. They have been charged at least double for the cost of repairs, reported Thairath.

In some cases the gouging is so severe that the tourist would have been able to buy a new bike.

The meeting proposed a number of measures to bring some order to the business. These were decided as follows:

1. All bikes should be registered, in proper working order and a helmet should be provided at the time of rental.

2. A written rental agreement must be supplied in which the cost of spare parts is clearly stated.

3. If repairs are needed a fair market price should be quoted.

4. Tourists should be advised about the basics of the law including fines

5. Tourists need to present a valid international or local license at the time of signing the rental agreement.

The proposals are part of government initiatives to bring order and clarity to various sectors of the tourism business.

While most operators act within the law and are fair, some on Koh Pangan are unscrupulous and are giving the island a bad name.

It was felt that the knock on effect for tourism in other places too could be detrimental if something was not done on the island.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-07-29

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6. EVERY tourist will be supplied with ACTUAL photographs of the vehicle.
These photographs will be used when a claim arise from the rental shop.
7. EVERY owner shall provide a VALID INSURANCE + TAX with the rented bike.

8. EVERY owner shall provide an up-to-date inspection booklet with the last inspection date signed and stamped by an authorized dealer.

9. The last 3 items of the contract will NEVER be fulfilled by any rental shop because of Thainess.


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SamuiJimmy: One has to wonder why just pick on Koh Phangan?

Because if he tried this on the obvious target, Samui, PM Chanocha would probably lose face again, like he did when the taxi mafia totally ignored him a couple of years ago.

(Or maybe it's part of a covert black op to prepare for an unexpected assault on Samui and, one day soon, at dawn, wave after wave of government amphibious landing craft will sweep across to the Samui beaches causing panic and bringing terror to the unprepared hearts of Samui gangsters . . . )

Edited by robsamui
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Just hit in them in the pocket, boycott them. Send it viral around the world.

indeed, and it is much heathier to walk, so you would be saving money, helping the environment, teaching them a lesson and improving your health and welfare.

a most elegant solution.

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6. EVERY tourist will be supplied with ACTUAL photographs of the vehicle.

These photographs will be used when a claim arise from the rental shop.

7. EVERY owner shall provide a VALID INSURANCE + TAX with the rented bike.

8. EVERY owner shall provide an up-to-date inspection booklet with the last inspection date signed and stamped by an authorized dealer.

9. The last 3 items of the contract will NEVER be fulfilled by any rental shop because of Thainess.


No. 6 very good tip.

Everyone should do before renting, some photos from the bike in its own interest.

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6. EVERY tourist will be supplied with ACTUAL photographs of the vehicle.

These photographs will be used when a claim arise from the rental shop.

7. EVERY owner shall provide a VALID INSURANCE + TAX with the rented bike.

8. EVERY owner shall provide an up-to-date inspection booklet with the last inspection date signed and stamped by an authorized dealer.

9. The last 3 items of the contract will NEVER be fulfilled by any rental shop because of Thainess.


6. any sensible renter should take photos or video with their phone

7. government insurance and tax, yes, extra private insurance, no - not cost effective

8. bikes only need inspection when 5 years old, in order to insure andtax

9. whatever

I rent out bikes here in Samui. I encourage all rentees to check the bike thoroughly before taking it, to ensure that they know or any current damage. Most dont care and just drive away. But at the same time, most will lie about damage they HAVE cause, upon returning the bike. So generally the cheats are just trying to out-cheat the cheaters.

But the fleecing of tourists - same as the jet-ski scams - I hate. It gives us honest and fair rental companies a bad name. If you cant earn an honest baht, dont earn one at all.

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5. Tourists need to present a valid international or local license at the time of signing the rental agreement.

And loose 80% of their business?

It's not specified if they are talking about a motorbike driver's license... if so, then yes they would be losing more than 80% of their business.

If a car driver's license is accepted then it's just another silly rule! What's good in having a car driver's license from another country if you are renting a motorbike in Thailand? Just saying! blink.png

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I've been living on Koh Phangan for years now and to be fair, there are so many morons on bikes during the Full Moon Party week. It's ridiculous.

They get bikes because it seems like the cool thing to do and drive around in groups, racing each other, drunk, in pink neon shorts, block the street, stop in sharp corners to enjoy the view like they're the only one on the road and have ZERO riding experience.

They are putting not only themselves in danger but all the other people around them. I know so many people who got into accident with tourist during full moon week... some of them fatal accidents.

Sometime I just wish these overconfident shirtless morons come off their bike... just a little.... just a few scratches and a big bill from the motorbike rental shop and get their lesson.

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I've been living on Koh Phangan for years now and to be fair, there are so many morons on bikes during the Full Moon Party week. It's ridiculous.

They get bikes because it seems like the cool thing to do and drive around in groups, racing each other, drunk, in pink neon shorts, block the street, stop in sharp corners to enjoy the view like they're the only one on the road and have ZERO riding experience.

They are putting not only themselves in danger but all the other people around them. I know so many people who got into accident with tourist during full moon week... some of them fatal accidents.

Sometime I just wish these overconfident shirtless morons come off their bike... just a little.... just a few scratches and a big bill from the motorbike rental shop and get their lesson.

True, a nice dose of gravel rash would wake up most.

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Surely one of the measures to be introduced is INSURANCE?

Who is going to insure in many cases people that have no license and therefore are illegally riding and have little or no experience of riding I am talking about Phuket which is probably the same and the same people often are drunk and think the road and other drivers/riders are the same as in Europe. Thai roads are unique.

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Prosperity, as a result of tourism, often brings out the the vermin called greed, corruption and hate. Thailand is not unique in this aspect, but it seems to have honed such behaviors to a fine art, if not a cottage industry. A blind eye by the authorities, is a unique marriage in this sordid state of affairs.

In the past, bad news traveled slowly and was diluted by time and distance. The internet and cell phone photography are the mortal enemy of the criminals that prey on the naive and gullible "Golden Goose".

The damage done to the all important "Image" of Thailand, is for the most part, self made.

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Surely one of the measures to be introduced is INSURANCE?

Who is going to insure in many cases people that have no license and therefore are illegally riding and have little or no experience of riding I am talking about Phuket which is probably the same and the same people often are drunk and think the road and other drivers/riders are the same as in Europe. Thai roads are unique.

must be referring to Thai people.
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Surely one of the measures to be introduced is INSURANCE?

yes therein lies the most reasonable and easily enforceable solution.

let there be two options:

1. the renter has his own comprehensive insurance policy covering

all accident up to write off cases.

2. all vehicles offered for rental must be covered with an insurance policy

covering all losses.

this will ensure fair play to both parties, without any subjective decisions.

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the above proposals are well thought out and will

provide some measure of fair play. however, these will be time consuming

and not easily agreed upon e.g the cost of repair, unless an estimate is obtained

from a reliable workshop.

easiest to implement will be a comprehensive insurance policy

covering up to total loss. a police report and an insurance report

will ensure fair play to all parties.

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Do they have jet skies down there ? They did a real good job sorting the extortion in Pattaya. Just joking thought I would give you TV members a weekend laugh.

The jet ski problem in Pattaya disappeared overnight with the construction of the "Jet Ski resolution centre" hut on Beach rd opposite the Police station,it was an immediate success............whistling.gif

If Koh Phangan follows suit all will be fine...........cheesy.gif

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This scenario pops up annually and seemingly in time for the next high season, in this case the N Hemisphere summer hols. Without exception they fizzle out before the ink has dried on the paper.

Anyone parting company with passports in order to hire a bike, quad, jet-ski despite all warnings and/or without being licenced at home only has themselves to blame when it goes wrong.

Edited by evadgib
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Ok so read this and felt compelled to register an account.


I've been going back and forth to phanang for the last 3 years (totalling about 14 months time spent on the island at a guess) and I have yet to meet anyone in person who has got ripped off by a motorbike shop, I know it must happen because there are seemingly endless stories about it online but I think a lot of it stems from people being way too over dramatic and exaggerating there stories (on both sides) combined with crossed wires when communicating (one side thinking the other side is being exceptionally rude etc etc....). If a person really wants to avoid all this all they need do is ask (preferably other tourists/expats) "where is a good place to get a bike from?" Is that not what 90% of people do?? I don't know, all I really know is thats what I did.


Now I'm nearly 40, I'm fat and have a cheerful disposition, and I think that is some of the reason I personally have very few problems with any area of life over there, before I ever went I imagined it would be the opposite because I basically look like a big jolly walking ATM, but the vast majority of people I see with any kind of issues (I'm talking issues of any sort, sorry for the slight de-rail) are the stingy penny pinching overly cautious people, the more they are that way inclined the more crap they seem to attract, anyway I digress, the long and short of it as far as bike rentals go I think the problem is pretty insignificant.


The posts about having "compulsory insurance cover" really get my goat! One of (possibly "THE") the greatest things about Thailand is the freedom!!! Im talking about the freedom to jump on your £2-£4 (I get mine for 100 baht now btw and I don't hand over my passport or a deposit and the reason for that is because I hang out with people and figure out whats going on! Sorry for the thinly veiled brag and again sorry I digress) with a bunch of beers in ya and rock around the place without worrying about anything! What do you guys wanna do? Turn it into a mini europe? I love the way that when you are caught with a joint you just pay a bribe or go to jail! I love the way that if you are caught without a helmet at a checkpoint you give them 200 baht and you are free to pass them as often as you like waiving your receipt! I love the way that if you are caught stealing at the bar the local guys simply cut off your fingers or give you a beating right there and then! I love the way that if you drive like an idiot you pay for it again "there and then" with your life or your health! I love all that because its real!! There are far less rules and much much more personal responsibility and that is <deleted> AWESOME!! I don't wanna get licenses and think about paper work and insurances and other B.S. I don't wanna live in an <deleted> western civilisation when I'm there! Because I can go into a motorbike shop and come out with a deal that everyone is happy with (for the most part) and if I return the bike and get ripped off £200 then so be it, I'm not gonna <deleted> cry! That is a far far better way of living than having to jump through a thousand hoops and taking what is now very difficult tests just to get a vehicle on the road in say the "uk", or register with 5 or 6 complicated entities and fill out endless forms just to start a small business imo, my suggestion is if you wanna live like that then just stay where the duck you're from!!!    


Ok, well I guess thats my first post done (:

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When I read this I felt compelled to answer.


Extortion to the tune of the cost of bike and a half (bike was on HP to the shop) or 2 bikes (utter greed) is commonplace around the archapeligao, particularly if the victim is a gap year rich kid on an egg timer expecting to return to uni the following week. 'Danaged' (?) bikes are then repaired @Thai price to the rental outlet & the cycle (no pun intended) starts again.

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5 hours ago, DrBenny said:


The posts about having "compulsory insurance cover" really get my goat! One of (possibly "THE") the greatest things about Thailand is the freedom!!! Im talking about the freedom to jump on your £2-£4 (I get mine for 100 baht now btw and I don't hand over my passport or a deposit and the reason for that is because I hang out with people and figure out whats going on! Sorry for the thinly veiled brag and again sorry I digress) with a bunch of beers in ya and rock around the place without worrying about anything! What do you guys wanna do? Turn it into a mini europe? I love the way that when you are caught with a joint you just pay a bribe or go to jail! I love the way that if you are caught without a helmet at a checkpoint you give them 200 baht and you are free to pass them as often as you like waiving your receipt! I love the way that if you are caught stealing at the bar the local guys simply cut off your fingers or give you a beating right there and then! I love the way that if you drive like an idiot you pay for it again "there and then" with your life or your health! I love all that because its real!! There are far less rules and much much more personal responsibility and that is <deleted> AWESOME!! I don't wanna get licenses and think about paper work and insurances and other B.S. I don't wanna live in an <deleted> western civilisation when I'm there! Because I can go into a motorbike shop and come out with a deal that everyone is happy with (for the most part) and if I return the bike and get ripped off £200 then so be it, I'm not gonna <deleted> cry! That is a far far better way of living than having to jump through a thousand hoops and taking what is now very difficult tests just to get a vehicle on the road in say the "uk", or register with 5 or 6 complicated entities and fill out endless forms just to start a small business imo, my suggestion is if you wanna live like that then just stay where the duck you're from!!!    


Ok, well I guess thats my first post done (:

Hey Dr.Benny!

I really get your point... we don't want this place to become a "nanny state" like the countries we are from. I agree with you 100%. There's a flip side to it, especially when you have a business here but that's another story... 
I've seen countless people getting into accidents, most of them minor but enough to mess up their holiday... I've been to a few funerals however... all of them caused either by drunk drivers or inexperienced drivers... Seriously... I've never met so many people dying or getting seriously injured! Like you say: "if you drive like an idiot you pay for it again "there and then" with your life or your health!"

But, when people die or get seriously injured because of someone else "choice" of driving drunk... that's when I have a problem... you do what you want with your life and your health but don't endanger someone else's.

And please people (btw, Dr.Benny this is not directed to you..), if you choose not to pay 50$ for travel insurance, don't go out crying that you have no money to pay for your hospital bill or to get out of jail... or be angry because people don't want to help... we can't pay for all of you!! You mess up? Pay for it! (<deleted> I sound like a jaded bitch! but I've dealt with so many of these morons!)


I guess that there is no perfect solution... it's vicious circle: moron, accident, scam, moron, accident, scam... until there are sanctions (people don't drink and drive back home because they are worried about losing their driver's license, not because they could get in an accident and kill someone! Noooo that won't happen to them!)... Rules are made for the minority of people who can't control themselves and unfortunately the rest of the population has to pay for it and lose the freedom to make their own choices. 


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