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90 day report 1 day late 2000 baht fine and have to go in person?

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I sent a staff member of mine today to Chaeng Wattana (with correct letter authorising them to do my 90 day report for me). Unfortunately I miscalculated and it was 1 day past the 7 day grace period (I was not including the day I arrive in the 90 days). My staff member got told I have to pay a 2000 baht fine ( thats a bit steep for 1 day late but ok whatever) but then not only that they wouldn't let my staff member pay the fine, insisting I have to come in person to pay it. Presumably this is just so I can personally sign the form saying I've been a naughty boy, but come on they already had a letter authorising my staff to take care of this for me.

Anyone ever heard of this? Is it normal or do you think the agent was just having a bad day ?

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You must write on your calendar.

Yeah it was written on my calendar but the staff member who does this for me was on leave in hometown and I was sick with a stomach issue, and as i said I thought today was the last day to do it with no fine.

And the fact its a "police report" doesn't change the fact that it's ridiculous that I have to go in person. It's just a piece of paper the same as any other form from immigration that just says "police report" on the top. The fact they wouldn't accept an authorised persons signature is just sheer bureaucratic bloody mindedness.

Edited by eskatonia
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You are going to go yourself to pay the 2000 baht fine and sign the receipt for it.

The 2000 baht fine is normal for any number of days late. The maximum fine is 5000 baht.

Yes I am going to go pay it on monday. Doesn't change the fact that its ridiculous to insist on the receipt being signed in person. The fine should be punishment enough rather than insisting we have to go in person to pay it.

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The seven days gracepersiod is for people that have problem of one or another sort, to be there in time...

yes as I said, my staff was on leave and I was sick, and I was busy running a company that employs five Thais. But no problem I'll waste 6 hours on monday going to Chaeng Wattana to pay the fine, when I could be usefully earning money which gets spent in Thailand....

I won't show attitude when I go in person to pay the fine, but its perfectly valid to vent here about the stupidity of arbitrary rules like this.

Edited by eskatonia
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The seven days gracepersiod is for people that have problem of one or another sort, to be there in time...

yes as I said, my staff was on leave and I was sick, and I was busy running a company that employs five Thais. But no problem I'll waste 6 hours on monday going to Chaeng Wattana to pay the fine, when I could be usefully earning money which gets spent in Thailand....

I won't show attitude when I go in person to pay the fine, but its perfectly valid to vent here about the stupidity of arbitrary rules like this.


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Immigration website FAQ's: http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/base.php?page=faq

5. Question : Is it possible for any agent to make 90 days notification of residence on behalf of the alien? If so,how could it be done?
Answer : The agent could make 90 days notification of residence on behalf of the alien by holding the alien’s passport, completed Form of Notification (TM.47) signed by the owner of the passport, and the latest receipt of notification (if any) However,it could be done on condition that the date of notification is not overdue
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Just to give you some insight about the rest of the world including your own country. I find it really hard to find another country that give you so muches different possibilities to live ine the country.

Yeah, actually Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos all are easier to get long term visas for now. And if you set up a company and employ people (which I've done) you can get a visa almost anywhere, just the threshold for minimum investment is higher or lower.

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Well the admins are deleting my replies so thats nice and fair. Come on, everyone knows the 90 days reports are a pointless exercise with no purpose or reason besides "Thai logic". Submit a form when changing address is what every other country does and what Thailand should do.

Edited by eskatonia
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Well the admins are deleting my replies so thats nice and fair. Come on, everyone knows the 90 days reports are a pointless exercise with no purpose or reason besides "Thai logic". Submit a form when changing address is what every other country does and what Thailand should do.

Your posts that were removed were replies to posts that had already been removed for assorted reasons.

The 90 day reports are from the immigration act of 1979 which has not been changed since it went into effect. Things here were different then.

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On 29/07/2016 at 5:30 PM, eskatonia said:

Yeah it was written on my calendar but the staff member who does this for me was on leave in hometown and I was sick with a stomach issue, and as i said I thought today was the last day to do it with no fine.

And the fact its a "police report" doesn't change the fact that it's ridiculous that I have to go in person. It's just a piece of paper the same as any other form from immigration that just says "police report" on the top. The fact they wouldn't accept an authorised persons signature is just sheer bureaucratic bloody mindedness.

I really feel for you Eskatonia and the rest of us fallangs who have to put up with this ridiculous rule of notifying them of us being in the same address every 90 days. I was just trying to avoid a 2 hour return drive to Sakhon Nakon to do mine by going online, forget it, they are truly way behind the times, and I am slowly learning nothing is easy in the Land of Smiles for us fallangs, suppose I have been spoilt having lived in a modern country (Australia) for the better part of 50 years, although a slave there and a bloody expensive place to live and raise kids when compared to here, so I guess I will just have to put up, because getting angry/frustrated only causes damage to me, besides I am free here, and not going back to that "slave environment" to pay taxes so others can benefit :)

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4 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I really feel for you Eskatonia and the rest of us fallangs who have to put up with this ridiculous rule of notifying them of us being in the same address every 90 days. I was just trying to avoid a 2 hour return drive to Sakhon Nakon to do mine by going online, forget it, they are truly way behind the times, and I am slowly learning nothing is easy in the Land of Smiles for us fallangs, suppose I have been spoilt having lived in a modern country (Australia) for the better part of 50 years, although a slave there and a bloody expensive place to live and raise kids when compared to here, so I guess I will just have to put up, because getting angry/frustrated only causes damage to me, besides I am free here, and not going back to that "slave environment" to pay taxes so others can benefit :)

takes less than 5 minutes to do online

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Goodness, because the law didn't favour you on this occasion you feel the need to complain.

After all, is was only one day late!

What would happen if you were only one pint above the legal limit, would you complain about the laws then.

Blaming your staff or the fact you were sick (but not sick enough to continue running your business) is a cop out. Your the migrant, it's your responsibility and you had options to mail or do online days before your report was due.


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Whether you like it or not we farangs are guests of this country and are required to abide by its laws It is your responsibility to ensure the 90 day report is submitted on time You had several options to notify Immigration- online, registered mail or in person You have chosen to rely on another person to handle your responsibility and deserve whatever penalty (in this case 2000 baht fine and a trip to Immigration Maybe this inconvenience will prompt you to take care of your own personal matters

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On 30,July, 2016 at 8:13 AM, eskatonia said:

Well the admins are deleting my replies so thats nice and fair. Come on, everyone knows the 90 days reports are a pointless exercise with no purpose or reason besides "Thai logic". Submit a form when changing address is what every other country does and what Thailand should do.

I think it's pointless unless they make someone report in person and get proof/confirmation of the address being reported. If you speak to immigration officers they too don't think it's pointless and just causes unnecessary paperwork. The immigration management introduced online reporting to add to the mail, in person and nominee options as a way to make life easier for all concerned. It has nothing to do with "Thai logic", but an outdated immigration act that immigration have to enforce

Given the four methods we have to report, and the 21 day window, I would say that immigration are more than fair in their enforcement of this law.

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On ‎29‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:52 AM, glegolo said:

Just to give you some insight about the rest of the world including your own country. I find it really hard to find another country that give you so much different possibilities to live in the country. I think at least that when you are not following the rules, than just dont call other countries stupid, when in fact it was you that were stupid,

Not only did you miss the 7 days plus 1 further day, You actually missed 15 days totalling 23 days... where you could report earlier.... So dont blame it on anybody else than yourself....


You can knock 6 days off your 23 because they are closed on weekends.

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5 minutes ago, nahkit said:

You can knock 6 days off your 23 because they are closed on weekends.

Weekends are counted in the 15 day before and 7 days after for doing 90 day reports. If your 7th day after the report date is on a Sunday you have to do the report on Friday to avoid being fined for being late.

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7 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Weekends are counted in the 15 day before and 7 days after for doing 90 day reports. If your 7th day after the report date is on a Sunday you have to do the report on Friday to avoid being fined for being late.

Yes, I know they are counted but you cant physically do a report on those days so its not correct to say the op had 23 days when he could have reported.

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I went into Sakon Nakhon Immigration today with passport and the new Foreign National Information Form filled in together with the TM 47 form, was in and out in 5 minutes, the only thing I didn't like was the hour drive there and the hour drive back, because then you stop for a bite to eat, look at some plants for the Mrs and then you notice the day looking at the stock market to make a coin is gone, oh well, life could be tougher I suppose ?

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23 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I went into Sakon Nakhon Immigration today with passport and the new Foreign National Information Form filled in together with the TM 47 form, was in and out in 5 minutes, the only thing I didn't like was the hour drive there and the hour drive back, because then you stop for a bite to eat, look at some plants for the Mrs and then you notice the day looking at the stock market to make a coin is gone, oh well, life could be tougher I suppose ?

 I like to "rain on your parade" a bit dear Sir!! So to secure your day at your computer earning coins, the trip down to your local postoffice is 5 minutes, and then 5 minutes in there, and then another 5 minutes home, in total 15 minutes......

So bad choice to go in person just for that simple report I guess, Good luck next time..


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