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Muslims attend Sunday Mass after terror killing of French priest


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27 minutes ago, Rod Gold said:

The reason members of the Muslim community do not rat-out one another is that the life expectancy of the whistleblower is vastly diminished, and brings fear and shame to their immediate family.

From a Muslim perspective: Why on earth would a Muslim want to prevent death and destruction to infidels?

This is the sad reality of the situation.

THe sad reality of the situation is that you couldn't even be bothered to do a google search to see whether your assertion is true. It took me 30 seconds to find this:


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On 03/08/2016 at 9:46 PM, Rod Gold said:

The reason members of the Muslim community do not rat-out one another is that the life expectancy of the whistleblower is vastly diminished, and brings fear and shame to their immediate family.

From a Muslim perspective: Why on earth would a Muslim want to prevent death and destruction to infidels?

This is the sad reality of the situation.


Why would police & security agencies provide details of those who have aided our security forces thereby abetting those inclined to terrorism.


You and the member to whom you have responded are sprouting nonsense. AFP and Heads of Intelligence in Oz have confirmed support from the Australian Muslim community has provided a great deal of assistance for anti terrorism investigations. So far in Oz deaths from Islamic terrorism have totaled three civilians, including one killed accidentally by police during the Martin Place siege. 


I assume you and others will start blabbering on about conspiracies within government to protect people presenting as national security threats as is the inclination of the political right, including those from the right, e.g. Pauline Hanson Senators who support anti Semitic & UN conspiracy theories and other rubbish.

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4 hours ago, simple1 said:


Why would police & security agencies provide details of those who have aided our security forces thereby abetting those inclined to terrorism.


You and the member to whom you have responded are sprouting nonsense. AFP and Heads of Intelligence in Oz have confirmed support from the Australian Muslim community has provided a great deal of assistance for anti terrorism investigations. So far in Oz deaths from Islamic terrorism have totaled three civilians, including one killed accidentally by police during the Martin Place siege. 


I assume you and others will start blabbering on about conspiracies within government to protect people presenting as national security threats as is the inclination of the political right, including those from the right, e.g. Pauline Hanson Senators who support anti Semitic & UN conspiracy theories and other rubbish.


I'm not suggesting any informants should be named, but police could say that arrests were made as a result of information received from the islamic community, in specific cases, not a general, "they've been helpful".


It's difficult to believe that any muslim would be giving information to the police when the grand poobah is preaching hate, urging his followers to kill Jews and infidels, down at the mosque on Friday afternoon.  If they desert the religion that makes them apostates, and apostasy is punishable by death!!


Just as they've said that we don't have an islamic terrorism problem, and some dare not utter the words, for fear of offending 'law abiding muslims'.......now there's an oxymoron.  The MEOCS (Middle Eastern Crime Squad) deals solely with middle eastern/muslim crime, and it is a growing industry, growing fast according to a senior cop on TV last week.  As an ethnic group, they have a propensity for living outside the law, from dole fraud to murder.


Australia is so politically correct that the police/politicians can't/won't/have been told not to call a black man a 'black man'.  I saw a police commissioner recently call a Sudanese guy 'a dark skinned gentleman', one of the Apex gang f_f_s!!!   They don't come any blacker than Sudanese and Somalis, black as your boot.  They're terrorising people throughout Melbourne, and in recent footage with the gang running over the roofs of cars in the inner city, not a white or even brown face in view, one commentator had the audacity to say that the gang consisted of louts from all ethnic origins.   What is the matter with us in this country?


The previous Victorian Police Commissioner said, with a straight face, that they don't keep crime statistics by ethnic origin!!   How do they put resources in particular suburbs, where there is a large percentage of ethnics, say 'black Africans' (Naughty, naughty saying that!!), and higher than normal crime rates, without keeping such stats?   


Oops, sorry, I forgot the PC brigade.


You can dress up the collateral damage death of the unfortunate Ms Dawson in the Lindt Cafe siege however you wish, but if it hadn't been for the islamic terrorist holding hostages, it wouldn't have been necessary to go in as they did, and an innocent was killed as a consequence.  She may as well have been shot by the terrorist.

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I'm not suggesting any informants should be named, but police could say that arrests were made as a result of information received from the islamic community, in specific cases, not a general, "they've been helpful".


It's difficult to believe that any muslim would be giving information to the police when the grand poobah is preaching hate, urging his followers to kill Jews and infidels, down at the mosque on Friday afternoon.  If they desert the religion that makes them apostates, and apostasy is punishable by death!!


Just as they've said that we don't have an islamic terrorism problem, and some dare not utter the words, for fear of offending 'law abiding muslims'.......now there's an oxymoron.  The MEOCS (Middle Eastern Crime Squad) deals solely with middle eastern/muslim crime, and it is a growing industry, growing fast according to a senior cop on TV last week.  As an ethnic group, they have a propensity for living outside the law, from dole fraud to murder.


Australia is so politically correct that the police/politicians can't/won't/have been told not to call a black man a 'black man'.  I saw a police commissioner recently call a Sudanese guy 'a dark skinned gentleman', one of the Apex gang f_f_s!!!   They don't come any blacker than Sudanese and Somalis, black as your boot.  They're terrorising people throughout Melbourne, and in recent footage with the gang running over the roofs of cars in the inner city, not a white or even brown face in view, one commentator had the audacity to say that the gang consisted of louts from all ethnic origins.   What is the matter with us in this country?


The previous Victorian Police Commissioner said, with a straight face, that they don't keep crime statistics by ethnic origin!!   How do they put resources in particular suburbs, where there is a large percentage of ethnics, say 'black Africans' (Naughty, naughty saying that!!), and higher than normal crime rates, without keeping such stats?   


Oops, sorry, I forgot the PC brigade.


You can dress up the collateral damage death of the unfortunate Ms Dawson in the Lindt Cafe siege however you wish, but if it hadn't been for the islamic terrorist holding hostages, it wouldn't have been necessary to go in as they did, and an innocent was killed as a consequence.  She may as well have been shot by the terrorist.


I too currently reside in Oz and have seen numerous reports identifying youths from Somalia and Sudan being members of gangs, including some gang members being from the M.E. & South Pacific. Police have had a dedicated task force ( Taskforce Tense) investigating these gangs with numerous arrests and some arrests attributed to their parents dobbing them in - in summary not constrained by 'PC'.


With regards to the deaths at Martin Place, not minimising, but pointing out facts. Hopefully police with gain lessons learned from the enquiry with the outcome of greater operational effectiveness should - more likely when - another incident occurs.

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On ‎03‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 3:46 PM, Rod Gold said:

The reason members of the Muslim community do not rat-out one another is that the life expectancy of the whistleblower is vastly diminished, and brings fear and shame to their immediate family.

From a Muslim perspective: Why on earth would a Muslim want to prevent death and destruction to infidels?

This is the sad reality of the situation.


The sad reality is that you have become so polarised and paranoid that you could dream of writing a sentence like, 'Why on earth would a Muslim want to prevent death and destruction to infidels?'.

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Telling anything about how information is obtained is akin to announcing a police road block.   There will be major retribution and there is a good chance those killed will be innocent.  


Most gov'ts have people working undercover and have paid informants.   Any information about them would be extremely damaging.   In the US, for example, the fact that there was an informant is not generally given out unless the informant will have to testify in court.   Even undercover police have to be reassigned once their cover has been exposed and, again, that is usually because their testimony is required.  


If possible, the police will often wait until they can catch a suspect red-handed, then the informant does not have to be identified.  


A lot of family members are also at risk, but make no mistake, there are people who are working on the inside and for the welfare of the nation.   It's not in the interest of any person who is reasonably happy in a country to want the hardship and discrimination that many Muslims now face because of a handful of radicals. 

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15 hours ago, Scott said:

Telling anything about how information is obtained is akin to announcing a police road block.   There will be major retribution and there is a good chance those killed will be innocent.  


Most gov'ts have people working undercover and have paid informants.   Any information about them would be extremely damaging.   In the US, for example, the fact that there was an informant is not generally given out unless the informant will have to testify in court.   Even undercover police have to be reassigned once their cover has been exposed and, again, that is usually because their testimony is required.  


If possible, the police will often wait until they can catch a suspect red-handed, then the informant does not have to be identified.  


A lot of family members are also at risk, but make no mistake, there are people who are working on the inside and for the welfare of the nation.   It's not in the interest of any person who is reasonably happy in a country to want the hardship and discrimination that many Muslims now face because of a handful of radicals. 



Tell me how you know that 'there are people who are working on the inside for the welfare of the nation.'  You say that any information about informants could be damaging.


I wouldn't rely on the say so of politicians or police, so politically correct that they are unable to utter the words 'islamic terrorism', or call a Somali/Sudanese a 'black man'.


It's not in the interests of a majority who want nothing but chaos in a country to tolerate the targeting by authorities that a few moderates may instigate.  The few moderates, if they actually exist, are more likely to keep their mouths shut, because of the very real fear of swift and savage retribution.


As for advising the public about road blocks, the autorities do advise where speed cameras are, and suckers still get caught.  Red light cameras are very obvious, but still idiots are caught.  Recently VicRoads announced that they now have approval to conceal speed cameras and position them at the bottom of hills, both previously off limits, but that hasn't changed idiot drivers' conduct.


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I stated the above because I know two immigrants who work as informants and have worked as informants for quite a few years.   I also know a 3rd immigrant who is a police officer and has done undercover work.   I don't know the exact nature of his undercover work, though.  


I don't regularly see or correspond with these people, but we do stay in contact. 


Do you think that many of the plots and plans that get uncovered just happen by accident?  

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I don't think that busts happen by accident, but as a result of hard slog investigative work, and in some of the most unexpected ways, e.g., a recent traffic violation, some turd using a mobile 'phone whilst driving, led to a search of his car, a small quantity of drugs found, then a chain reaction of half a dozen warrants being issued within half an hour, based on information in his car, and on his 'phone, searches conducted, many arrested, and $40 Million street value of drugs being confiscated.  That's just sheer luck, along with base grade police work.


The authorities are constantly undertaking intelligence work, following leads, monitoring 'phones, etc.


Those up to no good think they're one move ahead of the police, but the average crook isn't a particularly intelligent creature, or even a little intelligent.....that's why they're crooks.  In a case a few years ago, police confiscated a car for forensic examination.  Whilst they had it, they placed electronic devices to monitor and transmit conversations.  On its return, the clown continued talking on his 'phone about the police murders he and his son in law had committed, without even thinking about the possibility of it being monitored.   I think it's called putting your head in a noose. That case was the shooting of two cops in Melbourne's eastern suburbs by Debs and his son in law.


I find it difficult to believe that any informant would tell ANYBODY that he is informing, so how do you know that they are.  You know OF, but do you REALLY KNOW??  Who told you?  If I was informing on anything/anybody, it would be revealed to not a soul, too risky.


Cops do undercover work constantly, so no news there.  That's their job.


Many years ago, I was a witness in a murder case, and what I saw of the thoroughness of the investigating police's work gave me a huge respect for them, and their abilities.

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29 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

I don't think that busts happen by accident, but as a result of hard slog investigative work, and in some of the most unexpected ways, e.g., a recent traffic violation, some turd using a mobile 'phone whilst driving, led to a search of his car, a small quantity of drugs found, then a chain reaction of half a dozen warrants being issued within half an hour, based on information in his car, and on his 'phone, searches conducted, many arrested, and $40 Million street value of drugs being confiscated.  That's just sheer luck, along with base grade police work.


The authorities are constantly undertaking intelligence work, following leads, monitoring 'phones, etc.


Those up to no good think they're one move ahead of the police, but the average crook isn't a particularly intelligent creature, or even a little intelligent.....that's why they're crooks.  In a case a few years ago, police confiscated a car for forensic examination.  Whilst they had it, they placed electronic devices to monitor and transmit conversations.  On its return, the clown continued talking on his 'phone about the police murders he and his son in law had committed, without even thinking about the possibility of it being monitored.   I think it's called putting your head in a noose. That case was the shooting of two cops in Melbourne's eastern suburbs by Debs and his son in law.


I find it difficult to believe that any informant would tell ANYBODY that he is informing, so how do you know that they are.  You know OF, but do you REALLY KNOW??  Who told you?  If I was informing on anything/anybody, it would be revealed to not a soul, too risky.


Cops do undercover work constantly, so no news there.  That's their job.


Many years ago, I was a witness in a murder case, and what I saw of the thoroughness of the investigating police's work gave me a huge respect for them, and their abilities.

I worked in refugee services under a gov't contract.   Part of our mandate was to follow up on the employment/education of those resettled.   That is how I know.  


Most of the people I am referring to I knew when working in the Middle East and followed them through resettlement.  

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