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Drunk Polish man robs 7-Eleven in Phaya Thai for booze and cigarettes


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3 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

A Trump basher is in the house.....why not just blame it on a Clinton and be done with it.....save your whine for some more cheese......?

You're being overly sensitive. I wasn't 'Trump bashing', though I'm no fan of the man. I was merely commenting on his strong understanding of the psychology of the electorate. He's shown a far greater understanding of what brings in voter support than the media or the leaders of his own party. No need to circle the wagons on this one.  

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9 minutes ago, chicowoodduck said:

A Trump basher is in the house.....why not just blame it on a Clinton and be done with it.....save your whine for some more cheese......?

So I'm a Trump basher because I liked a comment which likened Trumps anti minority, hatred inciting rhetoric to the mentality of Thais stereotyping farangs for their alcohol fueled stupidity? haha, okay man. Not gonna waste my time arguing with people who can't read.

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26 minutes ago, Docno said:

In the forums here, I often see people commenting on how much 'they' (Thais) hate 'us' (farangs). From what I can tell, the comments usually come from people living in the expat/tourist hot-zones (Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc). Perhaps Thais' in these places cannot be blamed for their attitudes when there are so many stories about drunken, trouble-making farangs in their midst; they will naturally come to believe this sort of thing is typical farang behaviour when really these people are the 'sludge de la sludge' among westerners. I'm on a 12 day stint in Isaan at the moment and come across nothing but friendliness (and yes, for you cynics, I mean from people who will not make any money off me).

Remember: when a tourist/foreigner/immigrant commits a crime in any part of the world, it has much greater psychological impact than when a local commits the same crime... which is partly why Trump focuses so much on the crimes committed by a minority of illegals in the US.


Oh no you didn't.  ;-)


Did you just tie a drunk Pole in an Indian owned Thai 7/11 back to Trump?


Oh the webs we weave.




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Gotta laugh at the bitter brigade who use a thread about a disturbed, drunken guy vandalising a 7/11 in Thailand to have a whinge about Arabs and Poles.......these are usually the same wasters that moan continuously about the Thais even though they are living in Thailand.....

I'm from the UK too and rent out a property there. My current tenants of the last 3 years are a Polish couple........both working. They are the best tenants I've had, paying on time and keeping the place clean. Unlike  the English guy who rented the place before them and was getting his rent paid by the DHSS as he supposedly couldn't work due to his 'bad leg'........

I usually find that those of my countrymen who blame life's every ill and pitfall on immigration are rather negative, dimwitted characters.....oh well :)

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15 hours ago, Keira1 said:

Poland, part of the Vodka Belt... I live in Sweden, we are on the edge of the vodka belt, why do you think we here have "System Bolaget" here?  It's a state-owned shop where you can by booze (but nowhere else, except in bar/restaurants at inflated prices), closed at night and on on sundays.

And why are there taxfree shops on the ferries to Danmark? They all wait untill the shop is open and totally load their trucks with booze.

In Germany Vodka starts at 5-6 euro a bottle.

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OMG I have never seen such a stereotype-like talk on any forum, especially expats forum.
Of course all Poles are drunk idiots and all Arabs are terrorists and every German got Mercedes - Benz and has no sense of humor :D 
Hey people! I would like to remind that we are expats! Do you really think (being thusands of miles from home countries) that everything is black or white? Because I used to live in few countries, been in many as a tourist, now I am in Thailand and hopefully will stay here for life. And all of these experiences have teached one thing - Nothing is black or white, everything is more or less gray. And I found that stereotypes are the most stupid thing since you see a piece of the world outside your original country. 
Btw... Im a Pole. 

Edited by vagabundo
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Kudos to this guy! Got the promotion from the  "useless oxygen-thieving farang bum who normally loiters out the front with 7 other farang bums, 3 stray mongrels and 2 ice packing street walkers who offer Thailand and the world in general nothing" rank, to the "likes A/C need a drink and smoke useless bum farang who's keen to spend 3 years in a Thai jail" rank. Hats off to you sir! You've earned it. 

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Why don't we agree on the phrase 'Farang" only, when this sort of news comes out??

I hate the armchair STATE pensioners.... bashing foreigners on plundering social security in certain countries.

Disgusting comments

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59 minutes ago, hgma said:

Why don't we agree on the phrase 'Farang" only, when this sort of news comes out??

I hate the armchair STATE pensioners.... bashing foreigners on plundering social security in certain countries.

Disgusting comments

I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying that farang is derogatory? Not sure if you are, but there can be some misunderstanding about this. Anyway, it's not derogatory if that's what you're saying. It's basically a noun for white folks in Thailand. Like we may say black, white, Asian etc. This can be contrasted with the Japanese equivalent of Gaijin, or Gai koku jin, which is negative with the words meaning "outside person". If there's anything else about Thai culture and way of life you'd like to know,  just ask. My expertise covers all of Asia, so don't be shy. I haven't read the rest of your post yet, but did notice the words armchair, and pensioner. Can't wait!

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1 hour ago, PETERTHEEATER said:

Maybe the reporter misread the legend on the policeman's jacket....

Nice to see only 1 policeman doing the job instead of the usual gaggle of  6 or 7 + standing behind the culprit - and no pointing fingers!

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The little boy on the right of the photo looks bemused and confused, as all little children do.

Unfortunately at the age their cognitive processes and their opinions are being moulded, and he would possibly regard this man, and all the events, including the destruction of the shop, the attack on the young girl and the theft of drinks and cigarettes, as just a farang doing what all farangs do. He may grow upto hold on to these beliefs and develop a racisit attitude towards farangs, based solely on this one experience. Why not I think, as some farangs on this site base their racist attitudes towards Thais, on one experience, or on the hearsay of others.

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3 hours ago, mojorison said:

I don't understand what you mean. Are you saying that farang is derogatory? Not sure if you are, but there can be some misunderstanding about this. Anyway, it's not derogatory if that's what you're saying. It's basically a noun for white folks in Thailand. Like we may say black, white, Asian etc. This can be contrasted with the Japanese equivalent of Gaijin, or Gai koku jin, which is negative with the words meaning "outside person". If there's anything else about Thai culture and way of life you'd like to know,  just ask. My expertise covers all of Asia, so don't be shy. I haven't read the rest of your post yet, but did notice the words armchair, and pensioner. Can't wait!

Have another one....cheers!


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7 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

Every time I read about trash like this I despair . I know it happens a lot but I can't help thinking if it should happen in my provincial town all ferlung would be thought of the same , oh and I think I am the only ferlung that lives here . .

You probably are the only ferlung around,as these are very rare indeed.They are closely related to the common old farang,who are everywhere.

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