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Embarassing Things Westerners Do


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On 8/1/2016 at 2:03 PM, johnnygimbo said:

Can you expand on that?

Shorts indoors - mankinis in the street - Floppy rubber sandals -topless in shops and malls -  vests/singlets - Armpit hair - baseball caps - dirty clothes - unpressed clothes - The whole urban squalid look..heavy smoking and especially english prison roll ups..........Buddha tattoos and amulets and on a different tack constant waiing.

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The obvious one is: Getting stinking drunk and staggering around and vomiting and getting into arguments and altercations and just being plain old "drunken stupid".


But hey...the Thais tolerate it as long as the money keeps flowing their way....lol



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Don't know if I'd call it embarassing, but the negativity on this forum is often "over the top", and I have a hard time believing that the worst offenders are actually that hateful in real life.

Maybe this IS their life?  

If so: SAD!

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11 hours ago, bazza40 said:

Socks and sandals are sensible. Without the socks, easy to pick up all kinds of infections. Socks and shoes are too hot in this climate.

What do you wear? A dinner suit?


While this subject is clearly to each his own (and a touchy one by some) I never understood the "Socks and Sandals" attire by foreigners. While I get many foreigners could care less what they look like it is a funny sight when I see it  Recently I was in BKK with my wife I saw some westerner guy with bermuda shorts on and black socks and sandals and a Baggy T shirt. My wife saw him too and laughed and said politely, "Please don't ever dress like that".  


Anyway there cannot be that big a of a comfort variance between sandals and socks and say tennis shoes and socks.


But as I said to each his own.  

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Men wearing white socks and sandals and guys walking the streets of Pattaya wearing only speedos.

The only thing that I truely dislike and will leave a bar or restaurant for is when my fellow country folk are being loud and drunk. I do not want to be associated with them.

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10 hours ago, ICECOOL said:

A definite no no is socks with flip flops or sandals...ugh...


Over tipping like they're still in London, New York or Sydney when the service and food were ordinary


Ladies, please cover your size 20 bum cheeks with real shorts not the ones the Bar girls wear



A definite no no is socks with flip flops or sandals...ugh...


Only every wear socks with proper shoes, so maybe about 4 times a year.......... on the other hand at Hospital last week was told off for wearing Crocs without socks, my reasoning is crocs are almost closed so cannot see that I would damage my feet, or for that matter socks would even help...   if my feet are not swollen on next [Sept] Hospital Visit will be able to wear proper shoes and socks, to keep the Doctor happy. 


So there maybe a medical reason why some wear socks with flip flops or sandals.

 eg: there are millions of people with Diabetics 

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13 hours ago, peterb17 said:




A purse is something Is something a real man should never carry-maybe I was brought up in a different era. 


definitely a wallet

sorry, english isn't my first language

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13 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Little of the stuff people are carting around in their kecks seems exclusive to Thailand. How did you carry your belongings before you moved here?


very telling that you need so much explanations...

back home, we have throuser pockets + a vest and/or a coat at our disposal...

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20 hours ago, recom273 said:

I have aquatinces who descend upon our house for a couple of days at a time, they have been here for years and still don't get the idea of communal eating.

They pick up the serving plate and scrape their "share" onto their plate.

We always buy too much for a group dinner, like a big fish or a whole duck, the same friends, will shovel up half of one item at the start of the meal knowing the remainder has to feed a further three people.

It may not bother some, but when I first came here, i was given "lessons" by ex-girlfriends and others on how to behave at the table, Thais will say "mai bpen rai" but often my wife is fuming inside.

They would only get one invitation to my house. 

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18 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

I'm really curious as to what you guys need all these pockets for.

Right top pocket for wallet and comb, top left for change, house keys and handkerchief and Fisherman's Friends, lower left for mobile phone and motorcycle keys, and lower right for my folded mini towel (20x20cm) which I take out with me on very hot days in case I need to wipe my brow. 


If out on my bicycle, I would also have a powerbar in the same pocket as my towel.   

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19 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Yes, all my trousers have two pockets, then further down each leg, there are zipped pockets, I have a pair for every day of the week.

I bought them at one of the stalls on the pavement at lower Sukhumvit. They cost about 350 Bt per pair, and they wear very well.

I only wear them (cargo shorts) for dog walking, but had them tailor made to meet my requirements :).

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4 hours ago, JAFO said:


While this subject is clearly to each his own (and a touchy one by some) I never understood the "Socks and Sandals" attire by foreigners. While I get many foreigners could care less what they look like it is a funny sight when I see it  Recently I was in BKK with my wife I saw some westerner guy with bermuda shorts on and black socks and sandals and a Baggy T shirt. My wife saw him too and laughed and said politely, "Please don't ever dress like that".  


Anyway there cannot be that big a of a comfort variance between sandals and socks and say tennis shoes and socks.


But as I said to each his own.  

There's a sound reason for socks with sandals. Some months ago, I played some impromptu badminton in crocs only, no socks. Acquired a nasty case of cellulitis on my right foot, eventually needed intravenous antibiotics to fix it. Expensive too - 12,000 baht.


I've no problem in agreeing some clothing worn by Westerners of all ages and genders can be embarrassing. Socks and sandals?

Get over it, it's not a hanging offence.

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3 hours ago, steve0367 said:

Men wearing white socks and sandals and guys walking the streets of Pattaya wearing only speedos.

The only thing that I truely dislike and will leave a bar or restaurant for is when my fellow country folk are being loud and drunk. I do not want to be associated with them.

I agree with the emboldened part having had the misfortune to see an overweight (being polite) old, man out shopping in speedos - albeit on Phuket, not in Pattaya.  He was so overweight that at first I thought he was naked - it was only when he left the stall that I realised he was wearing speedos....

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On 8/1/2016 at 6:21 PM, swissie said:

At least in "Tourist-Hub's", Thai's are quite tolerant when it comes to embarrassing things that Farangs do.

It gets only truly embarrassing, when Farangs still invest their live savings in a country where Democracy has been abolished and "legal-certainty" is non-existent.

THAT is embarrassing !


And why should democracy be a example of a good governance ? Just look at the US they have only two choices, one bad and another worse !!! the Illusion of choice as if there are only two people qualified to be a leader...to lead them into the next war !!!

Democratie and the Illusion of Choice.jpeg

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There's a sound reason for socks with sandals. Some months ago, I played some impromptu badminton in crocs only, no socks. Acquired a nasty case of cellulitis on my right foot, eventually needed intravenous antibiotics to fix it. Expensive too - 12,000 baht.


I've no problem in agreeing some clothing worn by Westerners of all ages and genders can be embarrassing. Socks and sandals?

Get over it, it's not a hanging offence.


I agree with you but for some reason i just think it is a really bad look only one step up from topless guys (young or old, thin or fat) in the street.  But as re the great Post at 115 re Democracy we are indoctrinated into thinking these rights and wrongs when really it is me and many others here that needs to 'get over it'. Or is it?

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23 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

That's a tourist trait, because they are trying to be polite - hardly something worthy of getting bad-tempered about.

And yes, I made that mistake when I came here on holiday.


Yes, but the thread is about 'embarrassing' things they do, not things that make one angry. That's the stuff of a whole other thread if it makes one get angry.


I am not so much embarrassed by the spurious wai-er inasmuch as watching them perform is truly cringeworthy.

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49 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


Yes, but the thread is about 'embarrassing' things they do, not things that make one angry. That's the stuff of a whole other thread if it makes one get angry.


I am not so much embarrassed by the spurious wai-er inasmuch as watching them perform is truly cringeworthy.

Everyone to their own.

It makes me smile as I've 'been there and done that' - and so understand that they are just trying to be polite.


It wouldn't occur to me to be embarrassed by tourists (or think their wai-ing cringeworthy) - as I know they're only trying to be polite.


Lucky you that you've never made that mistake!

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10 hours ago, Hornyskunk said:

The most embarrassing thing...


Ugly, old, fat white men walking in public (or, God forbid, holding hands) with a tiny, dark-skinned Thai slut half his age.

Calling woman sluts is a biggie as well.


Judging others on their age and weight is fairly disgusting too.

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On 8/2/2016 at 8:06 AM, pgrahmm said:

If farang's would observe & dress as the Thais' do when they are out & about 70+% of the Farangi's would have to upgrade their closet....

Thai's dress nicely & appropriately, with a clean, well groomed, well ironed look about themselves - always caught off guard when I see one that isn't.....And it's just the flip side with farangs, more of a surprise to see dressed looking clean + nicely & appropriately attired......


You've gone hi-so native, mate.

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On 8/2/2016 at 2:46 PM, Old Croc said:

Many westerners, particularly those from small, cold countries, who overdress to the point of being embarrassingly ridiculous.

They retire to a hot, humid, tropical country, often to an island or seaside resort, yet bring with them the clothes and dress style they wore for a lifetime in their accountancy job in Leeds or wherever. They pack their suits, ties, dress shirts, long, formal trousers, brogues and enough socks to adorn any style of sandal. 

Regardless of the weather, they insist on over dressing whenever they venture out, even to the supermarket where they brusquely push past other shoppers in an effort to get to the vegetables before others in order to rush back to their air-conditioned, one bedroom condo before heat exhaustion catches up with them. 

Looking like a throwback from The Raj, they insist others should follow their lead and bring back formal attire to the Orient, ignoring the fact that the local people dress sensibly for their climate. The most embarrassing thing about them, is that they think they are impressing the hell out of the clerks at the government office, but are in reality the cause of their mirth.


And you're sure they're not just on their way home from work? Believe it or not, some people have jobs here.

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