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Special Report: Are Days Numbered For The Thai Tourist Industry?


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unfortunately the fact that Thailand does nothing about sustainability of what was a diverse natural country doesnt help. They have beautiful islands that have been trashed in their chase for the almighty dollar, the waters once teaming with aquatic life have been decimated, again for the almighty dollar, forests have been cut down, there is no sign that any govt is prepared to stop the greed and try to turn all this around. You go diving anywhere you rarely see anything bigger than a few inches in the water, spend a couple of hours throwing lures around and not even a follow in, all the fish have been netted out with extremely small illegal mesh. Rubbish is just tossed everywhere, there are no conservation efforts being pushed, the stench from open drains/canals and even gutters along main roads can be very sickening, add the mafia figures involved in the tourist industry, the attitude of many locals and the reason people are becoming less likely to holiday here are obvious. Living here is a different matter, while many of us will raise the bad we also stand up for the good, we see first hand the problems that are caused by the greed but we also see the better side of the country as well, tourists dont get to see what we do and if all they see is bad then that is what they tell everyone else. The attitude of the govts and the people need to change if they want to maintain a good tourist industry here, making all tourists out as criminals doesnt help, allowing the mafia to do as they please is also a big problem, change has to start at the top but it is very doubtful, maybe when they no longer have the billions coming in from the tourists they will see their mistakes but it will be too late to save it

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1 hour ago, anotheruser said:


The thing is that a campaign for environmental awareness could be done very cheaply and easily. Imagine if people stopped throwing their plastic out the window tomorrow. Not even cleaning anything up but just stop making it worse. A moratorium on logging, not even replanting, that would take a modicum of effort but just stop cutting what is left. 


There are little gems around the country that you rightfully point out but they are not a major enough draw for international tourists. I have swam in some reservoirs up in that area and found some nice out of the way spots myself. that doesn't mean they are viable for international tourists however. 


What I mean is we discover these areas because we are in the area they aren't TAT ads that will seduce people to come. 


Don't get me wrong I am in agreement with you and preserving these areas is a great start. I just feel they would do well to work on some of the more visible sites and destinations first. The rest should probably at this point be preserved just for the sake of preservation as we all know what happens when they "open" a new tourism destination. Cutting down the trees is the usual MO. They should reclaim what they have destroyed before bungling around in areas that are currently relatively pristine.


TAT needs to adjust their priorities or get a department devoted to outdoor natural attractions.  Currently, TAT focuses mostly on resorts, golf, and their personnel taking trips to Europe (all 1st class, and all taxpayer paid, of course) to purportedly research what others are doing.  Of course, they don't need to spend billions of taxpayer baht to see what farang tourists destinations offer.  A cruise of the internet will give them more than they need to know:  Farang tourists want to commune with nature, or at least what little bit is left in Asia.  TAT thinks it has to kowtow to only rich people.  That's wrong-headed for several reasons.


2 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

The world is over populated and I expect all of this will sadly be a cyclical nature of tourist areas. Natural beauty draws development, development draws tourists, too many people in a small area ruin that environment...

And yet, these tourist areas still seem quite crowded.

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." Yogi Berra


Yes, tourism can have an adverse impact and be overdone.  I saw an article in Bkk Post which mentioned only how tourists are adversely affecting coral reefs.  Yet, what the article didn't mention was that 90% of trashing and destruction of coral reefs are done by locals - mostly fishermen, but also tour guides who drop anchor on reefs (instead of sandy areas), and the general Thai population which pollutes the seashores.   I saw a stretch of beach near some big hotels on the Andaman side of the thai isthmus, and it was strewn with broken glass for hundreds of meters.  Tourists didn't throw broken glass there.   

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3 hours ago, linksman00 said:

Just wait for Burma, it will be the straw that broke the Camels back.   Burma has the potential to be what Thailand was 40 years ago, and now they finally have the government in place that can possibly do it.


I today read a report of a massive surge in tourism to Burma. My first thought was that it would be good for the poor Burmese trying to eke out a living (no less than four waiters for one sandwich at a local cafe in Rangoon on my last visit), my next thought was that that lovely country is just now experiencing the hordes of package tourists and Chinese tour buses. Ten years on it'll be ruined same as every other 'tourist destination'. Where isn't? Particularly in countries with lax environmental protection and law enforcement.


I do agree Thailand is way too up itself and believes it can keep charging what it likes (I'm on Phuket and it's beyond expensive here) and expects people to keep turning up because, well, the Thais are so special.

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1 hour ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Nonsense report,Spain lost tourists because other destinations started to open like Tunisia,Egypt,Turkey,etcAlso like another poster said there were never many Americans in Spain,Most tourists came from UK and Germany,and by the way not only Costa del sol,..Now tourists come back to Spain thanks to Islamic State and crazy Erdogan.Many Europeans are stopped coming to Thailand because weak Euro or Pound,also Thailand isn't that cheap anymore,actually many things are more expensive than in Europe,and the political situation and social media is also not really helpful to attract Europeans to come to Thailand.Thailand lost it's charm many years ago already


I read a line by a travel writer who'd said 'Bangkok is fast becoming the armpit of Asia'. He'd written that twenty years ago ..

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5 hours ago, anotheruser said:

The internet is contributing to this a bit. All of the scams and other delightful news from Thailand makes it to every corner of the world. Though for me the thing that is going to be the greatest factor in this is the state of the environment. Thailand has become one polluted mess. The time it took them to trash the entire country is shocking. 


The locals seem to have little to no awareness for the environment and all of the garbage everywhere. They simply think all foreigners find Thailand the best place in the world to vacation and don't understand that people are tired of holidaying in piles of trash while basking in the fumes of burning plastic. 


At least the sex tourists who are seemingly willing to put up with anything for some cheap ass will continue to come. Oh wait a minute...



The velocity of money goes only one way here to the top. Its like good buys in bad boys out its money coming in OK money to be spent on cleaning up and infrastructure unless its Bangkok  no. Why is it such a big issue when a farang rolls up his sleeves and takes to cleaning the beach?

Edited by elgordo38
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Okay start with Bangkok. There is a huge swath of greenery where I live in Makkasan owned by the railway. Make a park out of it. Although they would probably cut down all the trees if they did it. They get a hard on when they deforest and rape something. This picture doesn't show it all because I can't get the whole shot with my vantage point but it would potentially be larger than Lumpini if they wanted to make a new park.


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3 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

People have been predicting the demise of the Thai tourism industry for years.


Hasn't happened and probably won't because the country offers so much and at prices people can still afford to pay.


Ignore the disgruntled long-stayers who complain about everything; their opinions are largely irrelevant


Yes they have but at no other time in history has Thailand had so much viable competition.  Vietnam is kicking Thailand's butt in a lot of industries now and giving them a good run for their money in others.  That was unthinkable 10 or 20 years ago.  


Also, personally, I have never seen Thailand at a lower point.  When the ultimate rah-rah boy for Thailand Richard Barrow openly discusses whether or not he would have settled in Thailand if he had it all to do over again, you know there's something fundamentally wrong going on in the country.  


There have always been the groaners who complain about every 5 baht increase in the price of beer or claim that tourism is going to collapse unless Thailand grants 100 year multiple entry tourist visas for free but there's a totally different vibe going on in Thailand these days.  


And more change is coming and none of it looks to be positive.  

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...as for all the broken families of 'mixed race'...the husbands and children......


...will they ever make some contingencies for them.....


...or just deny that they exist....victims of scam wives.....


...they are not tourists....


...they came here and got cleaned out.....


...and their governments and embassies.......???

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34 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:

I do agree Thailand is way too up itself and believes it can keep charging what it likes (I'm on Phuket and it's beyond expensive here) and expects people to keep turning up because, well, the Thais are so special.


Thai exceptionalism is the biggest myth in the country.  They had a good run while the rest of SEA was in turmoil and it was the only rock of (relative) stability in the region but those days are rapidly evaporating.  


I think the Chiang Mai guy said it best when he said that the Chinese needed to understand Thais.  No, even after 40 years of being the lucky beneficiary of anti-communist US foreign policy which has delivered millions of tourists in his lap he still doesn't get it.  We're the ones with the money!  You learn our culture and language!  


The rampant xenophobia, nationalism, and unquenchable greed is finally catching up and maybe, just maybe when the Chinese have devoured the country's beauty like locusts they'll finally wake up and look over at Burma, Vietnam, and Cambodia and say, "Geez, remember when all the farangs used to come here?  Maybe we should do what they're doing."   


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3 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

People have been predicting the demise of the Thai tourism industry for years.


Hasn't happened and probably won't because the country offers so much and at prices people can still afford to pay.


Ignore the disgruntled long-stayers who complain about everything; their opinions are largely irrelevant


Ignore the invested expats who minimize and do their level best to suppress any objective discussion of Thailand's problems; their bias and desperation are terminally obvious to anyone with the foresight to have left themselves options...

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A couple of weeks ago I spent a few days in the Costa Del Sol. Admittedly it was at the start of the school holidays but I'd have to say that it seems to be back on the tourist map again and with good reason.


I didn't visit the mass tourism meccas of Torremelinos or Fuengirola but spent time in San Pedro, Marbella, Puerto Banus and Malaga. 


The first impression was that the beaches of Phuket and Krabi are superior, though the clarity of the water put the Gulf of Thailand resorts to shame. The beaches were clean and many (please note Phuket) had permanent thatched umbrellas, no doubt managed by the local authorities, not the unsightly tatty torn purple efforts that blighted the beaches here before the ban. 


The Costa Del Sol was quite expensive, though that's offset for European travellers by a peak-time flight price of less that 5,000 baht return. 


The biggest difference was the layout of these places. No busy roads behind the beach, so many pedestrianised areas catering to tourists without vehicles, making an evening stroll a pleasant experience rather than a dice with death whilst breathing in polluted air.


It was light until 10pm; fantastic. The weather was hot but not as stifling as the Thai climate. I know there's nothing any authorities can do about either of these but it's something that people consider when choosing a holiday destination. 


I didn't sit in traffic jams, didn't see a single road accident, didn't feel unsafe on the roads at all. It was clean, there were no stray dogs, I didn't see any rats or cockroaches, we had no power cuts. That's the difference between travelling in the developed and developing world.


It's took a downturn in tourism for the authorities in Spain to adopt these change but it has worked and the area has seen continuing growth in tourist numbers in recent years. Of course it's a summer destination whereas Thailand is mainly a winter destination but you can see why Europeans don't come here during the summer months for a beach holiday.


Back to Thailand: it would appear that the Chinese arrivals are going to continue to grow and in the eyes of the tourist authorities, who only seem to focus on numbers of arrivals, that's fine. Spain had to take a hit before providing a much better product for its visitors. I somehow doubt this will happen here.

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1 hour ago, newnative said:

The difference between Spain and Thailand is Thailand has two close neighbors--China with 1.3 BILLION people and India with 1.2 BILLION people. Billion with a 'B'.  So, potentially 2.5 BILLION tourists a short plane ride away.  Many are now reaching the economic stage where they can travel to another country for the first time.  Thailand is conveniently close by and tourists from these countries could help offset the downturn in arrivals from other areas. 


True but as the problems they're having in Chaing Mai illustrate, the Chinese and Indians don't give a hoot about Thai culture or the Thai people.  There's no white man's guilt forcing them to see the Thais as anything more than what they actually are. 


And how long do you think the Indians will put up with the Thai people's disdain for them?  How many bars and restaurants will get away with signs that say "No Indians"?  


Thailand has already screwed up with farang tourists and its going down the same road with the Chinese and Indians.  Give it a few more years until word around India and China is that Thailand isn't worth visiting.  


I mean, without the Chinese and the Indians, Thailand's tourism industry would be in the toilet.  And yet, instead of embracing them and learning to accommodate them, Thais are groaning that they don't understand Thai culture.  


Where have I heard that complaint before?  

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The article is the usual half accurate half cover your hiney style of reporting.


Correction, First They have pissed off the Euro brigade, Thailand’s very first package tourist market, and in reality their most important one.


This was a result of populist political politics that was greenlighted and never turned off. Back in 97 in the aftermath of the economic collapse one party decided to blame nefarious westerners for sabotaging the economy. They could not blame those non performing loans guys as they were Thai. Since then no one seems to be able to stop it. Blame the farang became a staple of both color parties. This, blame game, the blame the outsider goes over big in Thailand which as a face culture cannot accept that they are in anyway responsible for anything negative. Check this out ------ “Then the foreign crooks all moved in” -----  yep even in this article they cannot turn it off . .


In the Thai way of thinking so what if we lose the westerners, will just bring in another group, the Chinese. The problem; after 19 years of (allowed) sneering at and blaming foreign tourists, and thus being allowed to do anything to them … TAT and the government just could not flip the magic switch and turn it off. The people had been programmed to find fault with and encouraged to be righteously angry, about “disrespecting Thailand”


Why they mention the American tourist is beyond me. American are always visiting, but never in the package tourist number, and they never will until someone can do something about jet flight time across the pacific and jet lag.


Ten years ago tourist number from Scandinavia was double the US. One or two years Finland had more visitors than the US. That is what they have lost. The Euro market, The northern euro market.


What Thailand has lost in the US is good press. Now they are thought about as a military regime, a copy factory with thin skin, as in lady Gaga, one that uses dangerous chemical to kill bedbugs and tourists, a la Jill St Onge.


They always thought, no worries, Thailand has Teflon Tourism. Well time to wake up, smell the SomTum, and  repair all the damage. It just may be too late though.

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3 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

A lot of the naysaying about the Thai tourist sector stems from farang berks who hate the fact that the Thais are focusing their efforts on attracting the Chinese.


For some reason, they seem to think that Thailand is a white tourist destination and is somehow "theirs". Well it ain't


I can't say for sure because I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese but I doubt the typical Chinese tourist is carping on about prices in Thailand like the cheap farangs who wail like banshees as soon as there's a 10 baht increase in the price of a pint.


If they can't afford it, they should stay home


While there are a lot of folks who love to give Thailand a good bashing, the numbers don't lie.  Less farangs are coming.  Period.  The TAT numbers back that up.  

The reason the Chinese don't carp about 10 baht increases in beer is because they bring their own from 7-11.  They do day trips and bring their own food so they don't have to buy food from the restaurants the tour groups take them to.  Indians order one water and share it amongst three people.  


So do I think I'm a better tourist than many Chinese and Indians?  Yes.  I've spent so much dumb money in Thailand it would make your head spin.  


Us farang don't mind being sheered every once in awhile but we do take it personally when Thais try to skin us.  


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Are Days Numbered For The Thai Tourist Industry?


Yes is the simple answer. Factors such as greed, corruption, disrespect, crimes and scams  against foreigners(murders, rapes, muggings, attacks; jet-skis, taxis to gem scams etc),  garbage filled streets and beaches, thugs, overpricing, very rude and arrogant immigration officers, non helpful cops which includes the tourists cops who seem to hate their fellow countrymen,  the exchange rate is not favourable making it expensive for a tourist etc.

Neighbouring countries such as Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia are now directly competing for a slice of the cake and will take it away from Thailand.


Once a place/country gets a bad reputation there is no way to change it, those nasty stories will remain on the internet forever.

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34 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Good to see we have the Thai defense team cranking up Tubby.


However you might actually write something positive, that is if you are an expat and not a Troll Team Defender!!


Yep, I have been living in Thailand for over 20 years. Still enjoying it.


My advice for a happy life in Thailand:

1. Learn the language! Learn to read and speak Thai (really not that difficult) and the whole country opens up to you. The Thais really appreciate you taking the effort of speaking their language.

2. Don't act colonial and overbearing. I'm a farang, but I don't feel "special" or "precious". Respect Thai customs and their culture. Adapt and thrive.

3. Show gratitude. You're living in a sunny country with mountains, forests and beaches, where the cost of living is affordable. The food is great and the people are easy-going, pleasant and generous towards those who act calm, humble and pleasant.

4. Whinge less. It's bad for your heart and immune system.

5. Scams do happen. Be aware of con artists and liars, practise mindfulness, and stay up-to-date on the latest scams and deceptions. Dodgy bureaucrats, cops and business hucksters abound, unfortunately, especially in tourist spots. But staying one step ahead of them isn't too difficult.

6. Grow a thick skin .... and jai yen! It's much better for your health. Don't act uppity or entitled.

7. Avoid braggarts (example: "I'm a former marine commando, have two masters degrees, am a successful investor, have a gorgeous young Thai girlfriend who never cheats on me, and am best buddies with a Thai general and a several Thai CEOs.") ... Avoid pub bores.

8. Avoid whingers.

9. Don't marry a passive-minded parasite. Look for a cheerful and satisfied lady with a mature and intelligent mind.

10. If you still can't adjust to Thailand, then in the name of Odin, Zeus, Ishtar and Osiris: just leave, return home!




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41 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:


Yep, I have been living in Thailand for over 20 years. Still enjoying it.


My advice for a happy life in Thailand:

1. Learn the language! Learn to read and speak Thai (really not that difficult) and the whole country opens up to you. The Thais really appreciate you taking the effort of speaking their language.

2. Don't act colonial and overbearing. I'm a farang, but I don't feel "special" or "precious". Respect Thai customs and their culture. Adapt and thrive.

3. Show gratitude. You're living in a sunny country with mountains, forests and beaches, where the cost of living is affordable. The food is great and the people are easy-going, pleasant and generous towards those who act calm, humble and pleasant.

4. Whinge less. It's bad for your heart and immune system.

5. Scams do happen. Be aware of con artists and liars, practise mindfulness, and stay up-to-date on the latest scams and deceptions. Dodgy bureaucrats, cops and business hucksters abound, unfortunately, especially in tourist spots. But staying one step ahead of them isn't too difficult.

6. Grow a thick skin .... and jai yen! It's much better for your health. Don't act uppity or entitled.

7. Avoid braggarts (example: "I'm a former marine commando, have two masters degrees, am a successful investor, have a gorgeous young Thai girlfriend who never cheats on me, and am best buddies with a Thai general and a several Thai CEOs.") ... Avoid pub bores.

8. Avoid whingers.

9. Don't marry a passive-minded parasite. Look for a cheerful and satisfied lady with a mature and intelligent mind.

10. If you still can't adjust to Thailand, then in the name of Odin, Zeus, Ishtar and Osiris: just leave, return home!




hahahahaha, what a load of crap, if you are going to write troll pieces at least be a bit more sarcastic:

1. Thais refuse to learn english because they think thai is the only language worth knowing.

2. Thais think their culture is the best, never admit you know more than them.

3, Thais think they are better than everyone else, you are always wrong.

4. Never tell the truth about Thailand, it can be bad for your health. 

5. Accept the fact you will be ripped off in Thailand.

6. Just let thais abuse you as you are inferior and not as smart as them.

7. Never let thais know how well educated you are or what work you have done, they may get upset.

8. Never tell the truth.

9. Marry a bar girl like he did.

10. If you are going to tell everyone the truth about Thailand then go home, thais only like lies and innuendo that makes them look good


I havent lived here for 20 years but I love the place but also admit the truth about it, there is good and bad, you dont ignore one because you want to suck up to your neighbours


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Just now, seajae said:

hahahahaha, what a load of crap, if you are going to write troll pieces at least be a bit more sarcastic as follows:

1. Thais refuse to learn english because they think thai is the only language worth knowing.

2. Thais think their culture is the best, never admit you know more than them.

3, Thais think they are better than everyone else, you are always wrong.

4. Never tell the truth about Thailand, it can be bad for your health. 

5. Accept the fact you will be ripped off in Thailand.

6. Just let thais abuse you as you are inferior and not as smart as them.

7. Never let thais know how well educated you are or what work you have done, they may get upset.

8. Never tell the truth.

9. Marry a bar girl like he did.

10. If you are going to tell everyone the truth about Thailand then go home, thais only like lies and innuendo that makes them look good


I can't figure out which post is dumber. Kudoes to you both for trying so hard.

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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Really badly written article, imo. The tourism industry's days are not numbered here and neither were they in Spain -- incidentally, it was the Brits and Germans that made up the bulk of visitors there; no offence, but if Americans stopped going it wouldn't have been noticed as far as revenue was concerned....

Agreed.  What American would give up some of the great, clean beaches of California, the Gulf Coast, or Hawaii for the trashed/pimped beaches of Thailand, Spain, etc.?   All of the beauty, exercise, sunbathing, good food, nice resorts, without the 3rd world hassle?  

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2 minutes ago, Fookhaht said:

Agreed.  What American would give up some of the great, clean beaches of California, the Gulf Coast, or Hawaii for the trashed/pimped beaches of Thailand, Spain, etc.?   All of the beauty, exercise, sunbathing, good food, nice resorts, without the 3rd world hassle?  

Me! :( But seriously reconsidering that decision! :lol:  Especially with prices the way they are now.

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Whilst it's true that there are lessons from Spain for Thailand, the article is not very accurate in respect of the current situation: the tourism industry in Spain is booming. In fact the latest unemployment numbers ( still dreadful @20%) , released just yesterday, show that the services sector and tourism specifically has shown the greatest employment growth. Spain has managed to turn around its image and the tourist experience there is no longer the nightmare it once was.

Can Thailand do the same? Not if the big mouth mama minister continues with the mushroom strategy, in full denial. Seriously, how did they expect the Chinese to respond? The idiot running the monument to bad taste white temple and his proposal to ban Chinese over dirty toilets...what a moron. Everyone else around the world is seeking out the Chinese ( warts and all) because they represent about 20% of potential clients: Europe is full of Chinese tourists ( and without them the economics for the sector would be woeful, particularly in France).

For decades now Thailand has made the same mistakes :don't believe your own PR and don't assume that people will be repeat visitors if they are treated poorly. 

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With 2.5 billion potential tourists nearby Thailand can offend some but there will always be more coming.  I should hope Vietnam is building more pools than Thailand.  Just as I hope Cambodia is building more roads.  More meaningful is which country has more paved roads and pools, not how many are currently being built.  Same with hospitals, golf courses, airports, etc.

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8 hours ago, anotheruser said:

The internet is contributing to this a bit. All of the scams and other delightful news from Thailand makes it to every corner of the world. Though for me the thing that is going to be the greatest factor in this is the state of the environment. Thailand has become one polluted mess. The time it took them to trash the entire country is shocking. 


The locals seem to have little to no awareness for the environment and all of the garbage everywhere. They simply think all foreigners find Thailand the best place in the world to vacation and don't understand that people are tired of holidaying in piles of trash while basking in the fumes of burning plastic. 


At least the sex tourists who are seemingly willing to put up with anything for some cheap ass will continue to come. Oh wait a minute...



Oh' don't forget


More joyous news of the tourist sim tagging ?? 

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