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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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37 minutes ago, Ahab said:

So the fact that Hillary was at least as fake and phony as "the Donald" doesn't make her supporters equally stupid? That is hypocrisy.  The choice was between a douche, and a turd..... the douche won (from a recent South Park episode).

Actually, I've stated several times that there was no equivalency between the level of LIES from sleazeball con man trump and Hillary Clinton. This has been studied objectively. She lies at normal rates for a politician. trump lies off the charts anyone has ever seen in a presidential candidate and now, tragically, president elect.


World leaders are scrambling right now to even have a small clue about what his REAL policy intentions really are. Why? Because he has changed them CONSTANTLY. Whatever random garbage that pops into his mind on any given day, and then even the next day, or even in the same sentence, totally different.  Now he has the most powerful office on the planet.


God help us.

Edited by Jingthing
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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Actually, I've stated several times that there was no equivalency between the level of LIES from sleazeball con man trump and Hillary Clinton. This has been studied objectively. She lies at normal rates for a politician. trump lies off the charts anyone has ever seen in a presidential candidate and now, tragically, president elect.


World leaders are scrambling right now to even have a small clue about what his REAL policy intentions really are. Why? Because he has changed them CONSTANTLY. Whatever random garbage that pops into his mind on any given day, and then even the next day, or even in the same sentence, totally different.  Now he has the most powerful office on the planet.


God help us.

Steady on there Jing...Bebe called Trump and said he's looking forward to getting a good relationship back between Israel and the United States.

And, shifting the US Embassy (finally) to Jerusalem where it belongs.

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Actually, I've stated several times that there was no equivalency between the level of LIES from sleazeball con man trump and Hillary Clinton. This has been studied objectively. She lies at normal rates for a politician. trump lies off the charts anyone has ever seen in a presidential candidate and now, tragically, president elect.


World leaders are scrambling right now to even have a small clue about what his REAL policy intentions really are. Why? Because he has changed them CONSTANTLY. Whatever random garbage that pops into his mind on any given day, and then even the next day, or even in the same sentence, totally different.  Now he has the most powerful office on the planet.


God help us.


John Cleese summarized it well:


"Do you want someone running the United States who is basically in touch with reality, or do you want someone who isn't in touch with reality at all? I think the bigger point is that when Hillary lies, she knows she's lying, and I can accept that. But when Trump lies, he actually believes it because he is delusional." http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/q-and-a/a50404/john-cleese-interview-monty-python-donald-trump/  

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16 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Steady on there Jing...Bebe called Trump and said he's looking forward to getting a good relationship back between Israel and the United States.

And, shifting the US Embassy (finally) to Jerusalem where it belongs.

I am not too worried about the US - Israeli relationship, but I will watch intently if Trump and Duterte have a meeting.   Now that could be very exciting.  

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trump's first domestic political crisis is likely to be about his promise to kill Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific" as he moronically said and many ignorant people bought.


This from a man without even one MINUTE of governing experience, now holding the most powerful office on the planet.


The thing is he CAN do this. Congress has already voted to kill it many many times, and can kill it even without 60 senate votes.


But here's the rub and it's a BIG rub (among the problems)



Larry Levitt, senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation, was bluntly pessimistic. “The ACA as we know it would seem to be toast,” he said Wednesday morning. “Repealing Obamacare has been such a mantra for conservatives. . . . The difficulty for them comes now in trying to come to some consensus about how to unwind it and what to replace it with.

“I don’t think there has been a reversal of any public benefit that would be as large as this,” Levitt continued. The only other significant reversal by Congress of a major health care policy — the expansion of Medicare to include catastrophic coverage — took place in 1989 before the benefit took effect.




As far as trump's comment before that he wants to keep the preexisting condition policies of Obamacare, well anyone with the most basic common sense about finance can see that would not be possible if Obamacare is killed. 


Remember the bones of the Obamacare financing were originally from the REPUBLICANS.


Now they have made this big promise. It's their baby now. Watch people bleed. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Watch people bleed. 

Ah, but that's the rub.  They already are.  Even being signed up at the lowest tier, the Bronze Plan, folks are not seeing their doctors because the deductable is out of reach for them.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump's first domestic political crisis is likely to be about his promise to kill Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific" as he moronically said and many ignorant people bought........

......................................Now they have made this big promise. It's their baby now. Watch people bleed. 


Thanks again JT for your always reasoned , mature commentary

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Ah, but that's the rub.  They already are.  Even with signed up at the lowest tier, the Bronze Plan, folks are not seeing their doctors because the deductable is out of reach for them.

Yes, the system needs fixing badly. Hillary had made specific proposals. But the trump wave now promises to throw the baby out with the bath water.  RECKLESS and may even spark RIOTS in the streets.


Bottom line ... it's obvious the USA needs a national health system like Canada and has for decades (that's what FDR wanted!) like pretty much every civilized nation and yes, properly, we were headed there in a slow STEPPED process. But now it hit the trump roadblock.

That said, my prediction now is that the democrats are going to go FAR LEFT in the wake of trump (he will provide so much ammunition and become the worst president in U.S. history in  no time) and run explicitly on universal health care next time. As trump would say, what do they have to lose? I can even see Howard Dean coming back.

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If Obama could actually get Congress to agree on a viable replacement for Obamacare then "repeal and replace" at the same time I'd be for it.  However I have no confidence he can do that.  That's why I'm sure that "repeal and replace" means "repeal, talk about replacing, then move on".

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

If Obama could actually get Congress to agree on a viable replacement for Obamacare then "repeal and replace" at the same time I'd be for it.  However I have no confidence he can do that.  That's why I'm sure that "repeal and replace" means "repeal, talk about replacing, then move on".

He never had a plan to replace. The regular republicans never did either. They just did the kill the bill votes for political reasons. Now they're in control and they've cooked their own goose. But the thing is, many millions of people rely on what is there just to stay alive. No time in U.S. history has such a thing been taken away like this. Basically, the ideology behind Obamacare (a work in progress) is that Americans have a CIVIL RIGHT to medical care. Kill Obamacare and they go back to the bad old days, which flawed as Obamacare is, were much worse. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That said, my prediction now is that the democrats are going to go FAR LEFT in the wake of trump (he will provide so much ammunition and become the worst president in U.S. history in  no time) and run explicitly on universal health care next time. As trump would say, what do they have to lose? I can even see Howard Dean coming back.

Yes, that's what Democrats do.  Can't wait until perhaps February when we're assaulted with stories about all the Homeless People in Camps out there.  Haven't heard one word about them now with the Chicago Jesus in office but once Trump takes command, we will hear endless stories re the neglect at the hands of those 'heartless' Republicans. :sleep:


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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump's first domestic political crisis is likely to be about his promise to kill Obamacare and replace it with something "terrific" as he moronically said and many ignorant people bought.


This from a man without even one MINUTE of governing experience, now holding the most powerful office on the planet.


The thing is he CAN do this. Congress has already voted to kill it many many times, and can kill it even without 60 senate votes.


But here's the rub and it's a BIG rub (among the problems)



As far as trump's comment before that he wants to keep the preexisting condition policies of Obamacare, well anyone with the most basic common sense about finance can see that would not be possible if Obamacare is killed. 


Remember the bones of the Obamacare financing were originally from the REPUBLICANS.


Now they have made this big promise. It's their baby now. Watch people bleed. 


I am forever perplexed why Americans don't want to solve the healthcare problem. Obamacare has lots of problems to be sure, chief of which it does not control costs in any way which ensures it brings about its own demise. I can't think of a more unifying piece of legislation than a public option insurance scheme.


Trump has an opportunity which I'm pretty sure he's going to squander to bring people together in his first 6 months in office.


I've been looking over some of the people he may select to cabinet positions and I can't say I'm not distressed.. Saw Sarah Palin's name mentioned if you can believe it. He should put Bernie on speed dial and hammer out some bipartisan stuff.

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Just now, lannarebirth said:


Well yeah, Big Pharma's a big problem but there's nothing to say we can't legislate to reel them in. 

Well, we might see the new President go in that direction although, the major stumbling block IMO is the litigious society that exists in America.  Too many lawyers...

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On 11/8/2016 at 4:42 PM, Chicog said:


Oh give it a rest will you?



Now i can give it a rest, your Liberal Press failed to con the Public, so just whinge on n on like a Bexit looser that cant accept the majority verdict. Would Trunp Supporters burn Your Nation's Flag if he lost .?. Only Isis types do that. Disgrace and Insult to a  Nations Fine Majority.

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Just to be clear, Trump did not get the majority of the votes, he currently has fewer than Clinton.  http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/president  Clinton's lead on vote count will probably increase as absentee and contested ballots are counted.


Just like with George W. Bush, the US will have another President who lost the popular vote and won the electoral college vote. 


Looks like the "rigged" system worked well for Trump.

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10 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Civil suits...so what...somebody wants a pay-off...you'll have to do better than that.

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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Civil suits...so what...somebody wants a pay-off.

So the Trump Government has nothing to do with experience and knowledge then? Sarah Palin can´t even put a whole sentence together. So that´s the kind of government you want.


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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I read President Elect Trump is bringing a live crow to tomorrows White House meeting with Obama for this year's Thanksgiving Day dinner ?

He'll need to bring a whole flock of them for the numbers of folks gathered round that Thanksgiving table! :smile:

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Trump bored now.


DONALD Trump is bored of politics and wants to do something else now.

The 70-year-old president-elect spent almost 20 minutes pretending to listen to a security briefing from the CIA, before telling the US Army to build a golf course on the moon.


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1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:

BREAKING: Trump Considering Sarah Palin For Top Cabinet Position.




-Minister of Education and Science?


Afficher l'image d'origine"Trump sitting in the Situation Room making life or death decisions on behalf of the United States."

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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Civil suits...so what...somebody wants a pay-off...you'll have to do better than that.


Civil suits for a fraudulent enterprise.  Audited for massive tax deductions on dubious grounds.  Investigations of misappropriation of funds from his charity.  Investigation for bribing the Florida AG to not join a multi-state case against Trump U.  And that is only a partial list.


Is that better?



That's it!

“Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.” — Friedrich Schiller
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