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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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6 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


What, you've never paid losers to get out of your life? I've done it more than a handful of times. So what?






Is that how you're putting lipstick on this pig?  Trump got 800,000 fewer votes than Clinton.  He got 290 electoral votes due to the winner takes all nature of the election.  A shift of 60,000 votes in Florida would have given the election to Clinton.http://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/map/president 


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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

What do you bet there will be more US companies seeing the light and moving their manufacturing plants back to the USA.We see now that Apple is going to be making the Iphone in the US now so the ball is rolling.

Man!  A breath of fresh air in Washington or what? :smile:

When Obama provided loans to Chrysler and GM he was criticized for interfering in the free market, though he saved tens of thousands of jobs, possibly more.  The loans were all repaid.


Now the Republicans, the pro-business party of free markets and small government, have provided a president who brags about arm twisting American businesses to operate the way he wants them to operate.  The Republicans have become socialists.

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12 hours ago, iReason said:


As long as we are checking out other posts, how about #2028?


How about that $25, 000,000  the " I never settle" Bloviator coughed up to avoid the dock for nationwide fraud? :whistling:


12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Off topic...


Can you enlighten us Boon Mee on how iReasons post is off topic in a topic called Trump Woefully Unfit to be President?

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On 11/17/2016 at 10:59 PM, Ulysses G. said:


Never thought he was, but not a lot of difference between a wall and a fence when it comes to keeping illegal aliens out. 


Trump's Wall looks like Hadrian's Wall in that it marks the line where the empire ends.


Time, place, circumstance says when, where, what and why. 

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On 11/17/2016 at 10:18 PM, Ulysses G. said:


He did say what was on his mind and he lied as well. His opponents had "private positions" and not a lot of honesty. Donald Trump was the lesser of two evils, but it is looking like he might rise to the occasion and end up being a pretty good president. 


It's all on youse guyz now.


If the republic fails, it would be because the Republican Party fails. If democracy fails, then it would be because of the Republican Party.


The Republican Party is in charge of everything now: Executive. Legislative, Judiciary.


James Hohmann: “Trump and the congressional Republicans who have chosen to make their bed with him are responsible for what happens from now on.


There is now no one to blame if they can’t pass budgets, avoid shutdowns, deal with sequestration, replace Obamacare, destroy ISIS or reverse the continuing loss of manufacturing jobs. If climate change gets worse, it’s on them. If Syria continues its downward spiral, it’s on them. If more countries acquire nuclear weapons, it’s on them.”


“This is a rude awakening that faces every president, regardless of party, but it will be especially acute for someone who has demonstrated a preternatural unwillingness to take personal responsibility for anything.”




So here's wishing the Republican Party realises all of its reactionary dreams but that by the time its self-destruction is over the country will survive nonetheless to go on to recover. 



Jonathan Chait: “Donald Trump’s presidential campaign bludgeoned modern norms about the acceptability of racism. The candidate proposed a religious test for immigrants, and called a federal judge unfit on the grounds of his heritage. Trump could have decided to put the racial demagoguery of the campaign behind him, and it could have been remembered as a divisive ploy to win that did not define his administration, like George Bush’s manipulation of white racial panic to defeat Michael Dukakis in 1988. But Trump, perhaps predictably, is making a different choice. His early staffing choices are redefining the boundaries of acceptable racial discourse in Republican politics.”



Stephen Bannon:


“Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”


— Trump strategist Stephen Bannon, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Edited by metisdead
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14 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

As well he should take credit for his forward-looking action(s)

To wit:


After Trump’s tweets, the company acknowledged for the first time it had been considering moving production of the MKC to Mexico, allowing the plant to boost output of the Escape, one of its hottest models.





Once again, Trump shows Liberal leanings, at least when it comes to the truth:


AP FACT CHECK: Trump auto industry statements are misleading



Trump’s claim taking credit for Ford ‘keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky’



Ford Fiesta


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13 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


What, you've never paid losers to get out of your life? I've done it more than a handful of times. So what?




Point being Trump publicly insisted he will never settle.

Guess we all know how the upcoming spins - "he's actually showing flexibility of opinion and adjusting his position", "he just wanted to put it out the way in order to deal with the important issues", "this money is peanuts for a guy like Trump", "Trump won the elections".

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

You are correct about it mostly being the Republicans call now, but the accusations of racism by Trump are the same nonsense that they have always been - dishonest campaign rhetoric. 

Like the time when he called a black guy carrying petitions at a rally "a thug." Because, you know, that's what anyone would assume whatever race  the person carrying the papers belonged to. It turns out the guy was a huge Trump fan.

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And now that Trump will soon be President he has changed his ways and no longer will be peddling egregious falsehoods. Nah, just kidding. Here's the latest about his claim that he saved a Ford Factory. Not only didn't he save the factory, he didn't even save any jobs. Yet some people are so much in the bag for Trump that they still believe whatever he claims. The link is to that notoriously left wing outfit called Fox News. Well, I guess by comparison to Breitbart.com, that's true.


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13 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


I love the "protocol" argument. In other words, you're just throwing a hissy fit that he doesn't do things the way you want him to- nor is he obligated to if it's just "protocol". "Protocol" has gotten us nearly $20 trillion in debt.


Screw protocol.


The protocol is not there for mere politeness. Trump said his sons and his daughter will manage his business while he runs the country.

That's not quite what "blind trust" is, but having his daughter seat on a diplomatic meeting, does not conform with his idiosyncratic version.


"Protocol" has gotten us nearly $20 trillion in debt.


Yet another oddball comment....especially considering the apparent lack of knowledge regarding protocol.

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14 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


What, you've never paid losers to get out of your life? I've done it more than a handful of times. So what?



A landslide?  That's the first time I ever heard that used for a candidate who came in second place in the popular vote. Don't you get it? More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump. By the time all the results are tabulated, it will be about 2 million more.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

Trump helped save Ford MKC Compact production from moving to Mexico, not the whole auto plant. He exaggerated it's importance, but not sure it is a lie.


Trump's "exaggerations" are pretty much becoming the norm. This can be observed with regard to the first part of your post. Trump tweeting something happened, does not actually mean it did.

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Donald Trump’s finances could be investigated after hundreds of calls to government

Callers around the country are demanding a bipartisan review of the President-elect’s finances and alleged conflicts of interest







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14 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

What do you bet there will be more US companies seeing the light and moving their manufacturing plants back to the USA.We see now that Apple is going to be making the Iphone in the US now so the ball is rolling.

Man!  A breath of fresh air in Washington or what? :smile:


Ford is actually going ahead with moving one SUV production line to Mexico, while keeping the production capacity in the US plant as before. Another production line (the Ford Fiesta, I believe) will be shut down in the US and moved to Mexico. But don't let that stop you from celebrating Trump's "success".

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17 minutes ago, Morch said:



Guess we all know how the upcoming spins - "he's actually showing flexibility of opinion and adjusting his position", "he just wanted to put it out the way in order to deal with the important issues", "this money is peanuts for a guy like Trump", "Trump won the elections".


All that "spin" is pretty accurate. It was the sensible move to settle this before he became president.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Ford is actually going ahead with moving one SUV production line to Mexico, while keeping the production capacity in the US plant as before. Another production line (the Ford Fiesta, I believe) will be shut down in the US and moved to Mexico. But don't let that stop you from celebrating Trump's "success".


It is a success, although not as big of one as he claimed. 

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


All that "spin" is pretty accurate. It was the sensible move to settle this before he became president.

I guess you didn't follow those links to factcheck and politifact. Trump blatantly lied in furtherance of fraud.


Just now, Ulysses G. said:


It is a success, although not as big of one as he claimed. 

And I guess you didn't follow the links to those communists at Foxnews who exposed the complete and utter like that constitutes Trump's claim. 

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14 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


And now even Apple is talking about making the iPhone in the US:




Meanwhile, leftists are still whining, sniveling, rioting and assaulting. These are the very things that helped elect Trump in the first place and these savages are too stupid to see that.




Only this is not "and now...", even the article makes mention of this being months old. Foxconn looking into expanding to the US is nothing new as well, been reports about it for a few years now.


Here's is a link to the original report - http://asia.nikkei.com/Business/AC/Apple-could-make-iPhones-in-US-in-future-source. Note Foxconn chairman's view and comments on future costs.

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Whether Trump lied, ot not, still sensible to settle the Trump U law suit.


Ford seemed to confirm that Trump's policies are influencing them to keep jobs in America. That is a success.



12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I guess you didn't follow those links to factcheck and politifact. Trump blatantly lied in furtherance of fraud.


And I guess you didn't follow the links to those communists at Foxnews who exposed the complete and utter like that constitutes Trump's claim. 



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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

Whether Trump lied, ot not, still sensible to settle the Trump U law suit.


Ford seemed to confirm that Trump's policies are influencing them to keep jobs in America. That is a success.





If you call some PR by Ford a success, you subscribe to a very low standard indeed.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Whether Trump lied, ot not, still sensible to settle the Trump U law suit.


Ford seemed to confirm that Trump's policies are influencing them to keep jobs in America. That is a success.






Sensible would be not to engage in fraud, and not be placed in such a position to begin with. Sensible would be not publicly claiming he'll never settle, only to settle a few months later.


Ford did not actually confirm Trump's role.  Trump claimed a role. That difference.

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