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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is exactly my point. I know some very intelligent people who really like Trump. Personally, I do not understand it, but I do not understand clever people who do not see Hillary's deficiences either.


Yes, I was citing a few extraordinary examples. Most intelligent people usually have the opportunity and interest to further their education if circumstances allow. Certainly most clever people I know who support Clinton do so reluctantly, because the alternative is a scammer opportunist. On the other hand, party loyalists on both side will always eventually put the blinders on for their party, regardless of the candidate.

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Succinct summary in the Tampa Bay Times - 6 reasons this tax return revelation could devastate Trump:


1.  1. Clinton appears to have been right, Trump was trying to hide something "terrible."

2.  What business acumen?

3.  He's just another big shot taking advantage of a system that screws the little guy.

4.  He refused to donate money to charity. 

5.  The issue won't be going away.

6.  It comes after Trump's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.





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" 2.  What business acumen? "


America & Trump first.


- " Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them."

-> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/


- " How can a man that claims to be putting "America first" outsource jobs in his own company? It's simple; money. It's cheaper to hire foreign workers, and Trump knows that. If he won't hire Americans in his own companies, why would anyone believe he would be inclined to "bring jobs back"?

-> http://www.redstate.com/kylefoley/2016/07/28/trump-puts-americans-first-hiring-foreign-workers/


- " Trump,  is proposing tax changes that would greatly benefit the commercial real estate business, which is his primary field, and would greatly benefit his own family. And when I asked his campaign last week whether he was proposing any tax changes that would cost him and/or his family any money, I got no reply."



- " Donald J. Trump, already under scrutiny for how he uses his foundation, directed more than a quarter of a million dollars from the charity to settle legal disputes stemming from his personal businesses, according to a report on Tuesday in The Washington Post.

" Legal experts said the foundation’s donations in connection with litigation involving Mr. Trump’s personal businesses may have violated tax regulations that prohibit using nonprofit charities for private interests."

-< http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/21/us/politics/donald-trump-foundation-charity.html



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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 I do not understand clever people who do not see Hillary's deficiences either.


Who are these people you mention?  I can't think of too many posters who regularly post on this forum who do not see Secretary Clinton's deficiencies.  Everyone sees them because they are obvious.  Very few American voters actually like her.


But despite these deficiencies she is still competent to do the job.  Trump is not even remotely competent. 


That is the difference.  What you and the other Trump fanboys needs to realize is that this is not "The Apprentice".  Real domestic and international policy decisions will need to be made after thoughtful deliberation.  Trump doesn't have the intellect or the interest to take on this responsibility.

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If that's your "reason", then I do think it's rationalizing.  Too many people who vote a straight party ticket have probably not taken the time to read or understand what their candidates are truly capable of doing because this takes a lot of work (not saying that you're one of those people).  So in the end they throw caution to the wind and vote for the guy on their team.  Kind of like the way sports fans go absolutely nuts over their local team.  Find a popular sports team, say, the Cincinnati Monkeys.  Replace every single player on the team with new players and there will still be tens of thousands of fans shouting that the Cincinnati Monkeys is the best team EVER.  The people running for office don't matter any more - only that D or R in front of the name matters.  Even though Trump said:



"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. ...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."


But people are still willing to vote for him because in 2012 he changed his party affiliation to get that all important R next to his name.


Some have told me that they're in favor of Trump's tax plan, when in reality there isn't much a president can do to affect tax policy.  Presidents can make budget requests on how to appropriate that revenue, but ultimately the tax code is born on Capitol Hill.  Likewise with regards to abortion, economic recovery, gas prices and a dozen other things that politicians like to talk about on the campaign trail.


I am a registered democrat because I'm socially progressive but I'm fiscally somewhat conservative.  I recognize that local elections have far more influence over my life than do national ones, so I have a slight tendency (~60%) to vote republicans for my local leaders and democratic for my national leaders.  If you look at four of the most liberal/progressive states like New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts and Maryland, all have republican governors.  And while Christie is having some problems right now (which we now know were mostly self-inflicted), Baker (R: MA) and Hogan (R: MD) have popularity ratings hovering around 70%, the last time I checked.


So believe it or not, many people will cross the partisan line and vote for a candidate based on their actual positions rather than their party affiliation.

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41 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

But despite these deficiencies she is still competent to do the job.  Trump is not even remotely competent. 


This is important.  Her position as Secretary of State gives her crucial experience that is absolutely mandatory for anyone who wants to be the leader of a country.  I don't want an inexperienced person being the leader of the most powerful and influential nation in the world.  How hard is it to understand that experience matters?

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9 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Find a popular sports team, say, the Cincinnati Monkeys.


I didn't know you were a fan of inline hockey (BTW, it is the Cincinnati Flying Monkeys).


Anyway, I also find it interesting that people will vote party line when they should be looking at the individuals running. Instead of voting for Trump even though you know he is the worst nominee ever just because he is running Republican,  you should vote for another nominee and then vote Republican for the rest of the ticket. And then vote Republican on the next ticket. It will all balance out. There is no need to toss the baby out with the bathwater here. Let's not make America a joke with an sociopath like Trump in the White House. 

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Just now, attrayant said:


This is important.  Her position as Secretary of State gives her crucial experience that is absolutely mandatory for anyone who wants to be the leader of a country.  I don't want an inexperienced person being the leader of the most powerful and influential nation in the world.  How hard is it to understand that experience matters?

LOL. By your own reasoning, Obama was not qualified to be president.

He had no experience other than being a community organizer, a lawyer and as a politician that did nothing of significance.


Clinton has no experience beyond being a politician that did a very poor job as a senator, and made a big mess as Sec State.

Since then she has done nothing other than make a lot of money without creating anything, so why that makes her suitable to be president, I just don't know.


Trump, on the other hand, has experience as a businessman running a billion $ company, and even better has actually created jobs and built things.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Succinct summary in the Tampa Bay Times - 6 reasons this tax return revelation could devastate Trump:


1.  1. Clinton appears to have been right, Trump was trying to hide something "terrible."

2.  What business acumen?

3.  He's just another big shot taking advantage of a system that screws the little guy.

4.  He refused to donate money to charity. 

5.  The issue won't be going away.

6.  It comes after Trump's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.





According to the leaked tax return, Trump did nothing illegal, and does pay taxes. He did nothing offsetting a loss one year against future earnings that any other businessman doesn't do. If one doesn't like it, change the tax code.


Hillary has to come up with better than that non issue if she wants to change votes.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. By your own reasoning, Obama was not qualified to be president.


Whether I said that or not, how is that relevant to the topic?  Is Obama a candidate in 2016?



Clinton has no experience beyond being a politician that did a very poor job as a senator, and made a big mess as Sec State.


It's pretty clear that a lot of people disagree with you.  The list of conservatives who have endorsed Hillary (based at least partly on her SoS experience and other qualifications) is long and getting longer.



Trump, on the other hand, has experience as a businessman running a billion $ company


You might want to have a look at this thread: 


The New York Times has published tax documents which suggest Donald Trump filed a massive 916 million dollar loss in 1995


And he managed to do it during Bill Clinton's 90s economic boom.

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7 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Of course there has never been enough evidence to ever bring any indictment, information or any other sort of criminal charge in spite of endless investigations by many bodies. Those who understand the great American legal process, and who are not conspiracy nuts, know the implication of this.


I think many of us who don't like or trust her will sleep better knowing that the really important matters of state will be decided not in the Oval Office, but in the Executive Residence. :thumbsup:

will sleep better knowing that the really important matters of state will be decided not in the Oval Office, but in the Executive Residence. 

Do tell. There is very little a president can do without having support in Congress. The only decision of any importance a president can make on their own is to nominate candidates for SCOTUS. Even that will be a push for HRC if the Congress still has a GOP majority.

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

According to the leaked tax return, Trump did nothing illegal, and does pay taxes.


I agree, he's an incompetent businessman. And one who hides behind that incompetence to stiff hard working Americans. 

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16 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Clinton has no experience beyond being a politician that did a very poor job as a senator, and made a big mess as Sec State.


It's pretty clear that a lot of people disagree with you.




Above quote messed up due to TV software malfunction. Part not in bold was mine.


Actually a majority of polled Americans don't trust her- 67 % in July.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump, on the other hand, has experience as a businessman running a billion $ company, and even better has actually created jobs and built things.



Listen to yourself! You are regurgitating everything the surrogates do.


What Jobs EXACTLY has he created? He created the need for many jobs in China, Bangladesh and India. He created jobs in the US  for illegal immigrants who worked for him. Where was your American hero then? Where was this saviour? Or is that just another reason to say 'well putting jobs overseas is the sign of a good businessman. Why is he going to be any different now? If he is going to continue as a 'good businessman', he will continue to allow HIS business and others to avoid paying taxes and he will push expensive jobs overseas.


What things has he 'built'? He has taken over buildings already 'built', and anything he did build was 'built' by honest hardworking small companies who Trump then refused to pay. Is that also being a good businessman? This guy will LAY WASTE to the USA.


It turns out now HIS foundation is illegal as it does not have the required licences to collect money! More good business practice?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

According to the leaked tax return, Trump did nothing illegal, and does pay taxes. He did nothing offsetting a loss one year against future earnings that any other businessman doesn't do. If one doesn't like it, change the tax code.


Hillary has to come up with better than that non issue if she wants to change votes.


Here's the analysis of a prominent tax lawyer, law professor and chair of the USC law school. Doubt this will sway any Trumpsters though, that's how they roll.


• A $916 million tax loss is a big deal. It means that Trump could have earned income of almost a billion dollars over a period of up to 15 years after 1995 without paying any federal income tax. Nice work if you can get it. Trump got it.

...It is certainly fair to assume that the loss came largely from other people's money, and fair for us to expect Trump to rebut such a claim .... by showing us his tax records.

•  There is no evidence whatsoever that Trump, himself, understands the tax laws benefiting him.

• Trump's own tax proposals would actually close down none of the remaining tax "loopholes" benefiting debt.


The article goes on and on with well-reasoned facts on why Trump is a scum bucket.  Trumpsters will just grin and adore their lovable hero.


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D. Trump is an heir, so his success story did not start from scratch, and if people think he could be as successful for America as POTUS, then they better think twice.

R. Giuliani says D. Trump is a genius, because he lost a lot and managed to come back , and that's what Americans love .. and that's why D. Trump will make America great again ..  maybe , but D. Trump is not another Steve Jobs - Real estate business does not require "tremendous" skills, but money and relations, and if you manage to pay as little taxes as possible, that's it.

Ok, D. Trump is a negociator ... at his partners's risks.

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

^With this clown's delusions of grandeur, he will likely consider the entire US treasury his personal piggy bank.


You have just described every politician in America and probably the World.


Where did the Social Security funds go? 


Do you know what pork barrel projects are?



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11 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


You have just described every politician in America and probably the World.


Where did the Social Security funds go? 


Do you know what pork barrel projects are?




I hear ya. But we've never seen anyone as brazen as Trump. Other at least try to conceal their pork barrels. Trump would just slaughter the pig and tell us how great he was to get away with it.

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23 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Of course he's unfit to be President of the United States.  He's an egomaniacal ignoramus.   And as we all expected, he doesn't pay taxes.


The real tragedy (from a genuine, Republican perspective) is that this was a winnable cycle.  If Trump hadn't bullied all of the other candidates out of the race with outright lies and school yard taunts, we could have taken back the White House and stop President Obama's third term.  All these slurping Trump fanboys have done is guarantee that Democrats hold the White House and most likely take the Senate.




Ain't it the truth.


There were some half-way decent candidates in the primaries. 



But look at how disgusted everyone on this thread is about the fact the mega-rich (the 1%) get out of paying taxes. Well it was not Trump who created these tax laws and got them passed--it was our previous politicians. 


This is what some Americans wanted to change when they voted for Trump. They wanted to speak out about the corruption in our career politicians--the kind of corruption that favors the wealthy who can & do buy politicians.


So as much as I dislike Trump, the fact our politicians on both sides of the aisle created this opportunity for him and his "ilk" to avoid paying taxes is an example of what Trump supporters were hoping to fix. 


And red or blue, hopefully all Americans can see we cannot allow "business as usual" to continue in Congress or the WH. 



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Job Killer: Trump Bought $350 Million In Aluminum From China While US Industry Collapsed.


Newsweek has discovered that the Republican nominee went overseas to China to buy $350 million worth of aluminum just on his Chicago tower alone instead of using a US supplier like Alcoa.  More than half of all American aluminum smelting plants have shut down in just the last two years while billionaires like Trump buy cheap Chinese aluminum to save money. Newsweek reports:



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Is this really what Americans want? It certainly isn't what our closest allies want. 




In sum, the election of Mr. Trump would likely bring about the end of the era of American global leadership that began in 1945. The U.S. alliances built after World War II, which have been the foundation of that strength, would be disregarded. A new, cynical, self-interested America would emerge, ready to use walls, boycotts, assassination and torture to achieve its aims, and to partner with like-minded regimes such as Russia. For those who believe in traditional American liberal values, the world would become a much colder — and more dangerous — place.



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More evidence may be emerging soon about Trump's contempt for other people's money and how he treats donations or cash he has access to as his personal piggy bank. The New York Attorney General has sent a cease and desist order to Trump Foundation and that Trump, under penalty of perjury, will have to open the books on his "foundation" piggy bank. Jail time and fines are possibly in the cards depending on what they find. 



A series of investigative reports that followed from The Washington Post revealed that Trump had used foundation money to settle personal legal disputes, buy portraits of himself and in one instance, funnel money to a political action committee supporting Florida’s Republican attorney general, Pam Bondi.


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12 hours ago, keemapoot said:


The article goes on and on with well-reasoned facts on why Trump is a scum bucket.  Trumpsters will just grin and adore their lovable hero.



I do not even like the guy, but almost no one pays any more taxes than they have to - can't blame him for that.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


I do not even like the guy, but almost no one pays any more taxes than they have to - can't blame him for that.


Absolutely agree. However, Romney got destroyed in 2012 when he resisted disclosing his taxes, and finally relinquished and the public was calling for his head that hey only paid 14% on all his private equity earnings. And Romney was a much more respected businessman than Trump is. Trump is a sleaze ball and always has been. Politicians are held to a different standard.  The everyday man standard. That is why smart pols put their fortune into blind trusts, and do other advance planning.


This issue, plus the latest NY Attorney General ruling on the probable abuse of his foundation funds might just be the last nails in the coffin, though I still refrain from making an predictions of the outcome on election day.



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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I do not even like the guy, but almost no one pays any more taxes than they have to - can't blame him for that.


Has anyone here ever said, "Gee whiz, my taxes look awfully low this year so I think I will kick in a bit extra" ?


The travesty is that our politicians have created these tax havens for themselves and their lobbyist cronies and Trump isn't the only one fleecing America. The travesty is alot of the 1% are and its condoned by our current whores in Congress....our career politicians like the Clintons who will turn any trick that turns you on for the right size donation to the Clinton Foundation.

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