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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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1 minute ago, SimpleChap said:


47.3% voted for Trump while 47.8% voted for Hilary.


You call that most of the Americans are for the other side. Talking with you doesn't get boring, it gets laughable.

I was talking about issues not the recent election. You, like so many trumpists aren't really interested in an honest discussion. Another black hole of no value. You earn ignore list status. Congrats. 

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump Just Announced He Will Not Cancel Obama’s Iran Peace Deal.



Donald Trump Says He May Keep Parts of Obama Health Care Act



Oh I almost forgot!

Here are 4 policies that Trump is already back-pedaling on



-I didn´t see that one coming! :clap2:

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Obama must have had some really STRONG MEDICINE about reality to tell the donald in that hour long meeting! Poor donald. The man baby is being forced to grow up. This isn't turning out to be so much fun! WINNING was the fun part. That's over. 


BTW, I'm knowledgeable about this and allowing preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate within the current system, that is really IMPOSSIBLE to finance. 


And without SUBSIDIES most people in the private market won't be able to afford policies anyway.


They could go old school and have high risk pools but the premiums would need to be monstrous.


Really the only non horrible answer is nationalized health care. Still can't grasp how Americans are so resistant to the ONLY decent answer. Actually I remember when Obama was elected polling showed a small majority of Americans were in favor of nationalized health care. Gone backwards from that as we're not even talking about it anymore and now trump got elected. 

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39 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He earned Lie of the Year from Politifact and Hillary conspired against Bernie with the DNC. Hillary cheated in the debates. The list goes on and on.


Do you really want to use Politifact to defend Trump?  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/lists/people/comparing-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-truth-o-met/ 


Hillary and the DNC conspired to get the life-long Democrat elected instead of the life-long independent just converted to Democrat.  What a shock.


Hillary cheated on the debates?  Oh yeah, she prepared, that's cheating.

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17 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Announced He Will Not Cancel Obama’s Iran Peace Deal.



Donald Trump Says He May Keep Parts of Obama Health Care Act



Oh I almost forgot!

Here are 4 policies that Trump is already back-pedaling on



-I didn´t see that one coming! :clap2:


I did.

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Obama must have had some really STRONG MEDICINE about reality to tell the donald in that hour long meeting! Poor donald. The man baby is being forced to grow up. This isn't turning out to be so much fun! WINNING was the fun part. That's over. 


BTW, I'm knowledgeable about this and allowing preexisting conditions without an insurance mandate within the current system, that is really IMPOSSIBLE to finance. 


And without SUBSIDIES most people in the private market won't be able to afford policies anyway.


They could go old school and have high risk pools but the premiums would need to be monstrous.

 The US spends 17.1% of GDP on health care, the highest percentage in the world.  http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.TOTL.ZS  For this we get the 37th best health care in the world. http://www.who.int/whr/2000/media_centre/press_release/en/   With a $16.77 trillion GDP, that means the US spends $2.85 trillion dollars per year, or about $9000 per person (most of it hidden from the consumers).


The EU spends 10.1% of its GDP on health and most (all?) countries are ranked higher than the US.


Here's a fun fact:  If the US could get its healthcare spending to the same level as the EU, we would save $1.2 trillion a year, or about $3700 dollars per person.


Maybe we should reconsider the "horrors" of socialized medicine.  Of course the healthcare industry in the US is not going to give up that $1.2 trillion without a fight.

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24 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Announced He Will Not Cancel Obama’s Iran Peace Deal.




More nonsense from a ridiculous source. Trump never said he was going to cancel the deal. He said tbat he was going to renegotiate it. Obama has already given them all the goodies, so have to take a different strategy.


On Obamacare, more hype. Trump always said he wanted to use those two provisions - nothing new there. 


I do not bother reading further.Too obvious no there there. 



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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


More nonsense from a ridiculous source. Trump never said he was going to cancel the deal. He said tbat he was going to renegotiate it. Obama has already given them all the goodies, so have to take a different strategy.


On Obamacare, more hype. Trump always said he wanted to use those two provisions - nothing new there. 


I do not bother reading further.Too obvious no there there. 



" “My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran,” Trump said in a speech to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC during the campaign. He later said he would try to renegotiate the agreement and increase U.S. sanctions against Iran."   https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/iran-nuclear-deal-could-collapse-under-trump/2016/11/09/f2d2bd02-a68c-11e6-ba59-a7d93165c6d4_story.html


So he said it, then sort of unsaid it.  However he didn't say how he will renegotiate an agreed upon deal.

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14 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Thanks for proving my point. He said he will renegotiate it so that it works for the USA instead of Iran. Dismantle has a number of meanings.

“My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran,”


Dismantle has a number of meanings, but in this context it certainly seems like he intends to completely undo (cancel) the deal.  There is also the issue of renegotiating a deal that has been agreed upon.  Why would Iran accommodate him on this?  What leverage can he bring that hasn't already been applied, other than military force?

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24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

“My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran,”


Dismantle has a number of meanings, but in this context it certainly seems like he intends to completely undo (cancel) the deal.  There is also the issue of renegotiating a deal that has been agreed upon.  Why would Iran accommodate him on this?  What leverage can he bring that hasn't already been applied, other than military force?


Simply your bias clouding your interpretation. 


Trump has already made his position and intention clear...you are simply nitpicking.


Trump will clarify in greater detail in his first 100 days so its a senseless effort to try and pigeon-hole now.

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27 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Simply your bias clouding your interpretation. 


Trump has already made his position and intention clear...you are simply nitpicking.


Trump will clarify in greater detail in his first 100 days so its a senseless effort to try and pigeon-hole now.

I asked legitimate questions that no one has answered, probably because there are no answers.  Trump has made nothing clear, he simply claims he will renegotiate the agreed upon deal and make it better in some unspecified manner.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, if Trump botches the nuclear deal with Iran the way Bush botched the nuclear deal with North Korea, the world will be a much more dangerous place.

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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


Here are 4 policies that Trump is already back-pedaling on




I like this one :whistling:



Trump’s core promise, and a familiar refrain by the president-elect. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall,” Trump said repeatedly. “Mark my words.”

Thursday, Newt Gingrich—who’s reportedly being considered for Trump’s Secretary of State—admitted the president-elect’s promise to get Mexico to pay for it may have been a “campaign device.”

“He may not spend much time trying to get Mexico to pay for it,” Gingrich said. “But it was a great campaign device.”


:cheesy: I knew there may be violence after this election, certainly if Hillary won, but if everything pan's out like it is currently looking the violence on the street will be from Trumps supporters against Trump.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:


I knew there may be violence after this election, certainly if Hillary won, but if everything pan's out like it is currently looking the violence on the street will be from Trumps supporters against Trump.


As long as Trump cuts illegal immigration, no one will care

 about how he phrased it.

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54 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:



Throughout the entire public part of their meeting Trumps body language was totally submissive. He was under confident and appeared way out of his depth. Clearly after talking with Obama in private he came out wanting to modify or change his campaign promises. Perhaps he got his first real honest briefing on the truth of the way things are, and Trump had a Presidential epiphany. See, Presidents do as they are told by the men with no faces and extremely large bank balances.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


As long as Trump cuts illegal immigration, no one will care

 about how he phrased it.

But he won't! He will not build a wall, he will not cut illegal immigration from Mexico and the 'legal immigration' from people from the Middle East for example has a perfectly sound and arduous vetting process.


Furthermore he has now stated he is not going to deport all the illegals from Mexico, just 'the criminals', which is exactly the policy Obama has.


Trump went in Obama's office full of his own ideas and came out a changed man! Maybe there was someone else in there who told Trump what he was going to do!  

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Throughout the entire public part of their meeting Trumps body language was totally submissive. He was under confident and appeared way out of his depth. Clearly after talking with Obama in private he came out wanting to modify or change his campaign promises. Perhaps he got his first real honest briefing on the truth of the way things are, and Trump had a Presidential epiphany. See, Presidents do as they are told by the men with no faces and extremely large bank balances.


Thanks for a great example of factless, wishful thinking. Trump was cordial and polite. He should be lauded for being so thoughtful.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Thanks for a great example of factless, wishful thinking. Trump was cordial and polite. He should be lauded for being so thoughtful.

I love how you keep quoting a few lines from people and providing one line answers in a bid to get your post count up.


You think whatever you like Ulysses G, because in the entire history of your participation on this forum nobody has EVER said anything that has made you even remotely change your mind. The only truly right person on here is you! I wish I had your encyclopedic knowledge about everything there is to know about life and the universe. I am sure Einstein really missed being able to hook up with you. Keep up the sterling work. :thumbsup:

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Haven't you lot learned anything? The Obama haters swore for months that he would never be president and they were proven wrong in a big way. Please keep the foolish fortune telling off the forum.

The Obama haters eh! I would doubt you on that but you are always right.


Trump himself has eluded to the fact that 'he won't', keep up with your hero and his words for goodness sake.

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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Thanks for a great example of factless, wishful thinking. Trump was cordial and polite. He should be lauded for being so thoughtful.


Trump was cordial and polite.

:cheesy: There is a lot of videos of Trump on the internet that prove´s you´r wrong.

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