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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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50 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows


"President-elect Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has admitted to the IRS that it violated a legal prohibition against “self-dealing,” which bars nonprofit leaders from using their charity’s money to help themselves, their businesses or their families."


"In one section of the form, the IRS asked if the Trump Foundation had transferred “income or assets to a disqualified person.” A disqualified person, in this context, might be Trump — the foundation’s president — or a member of his family, or a Trump-owned business.The foundation checked “yes.”


"Another line on the form asked if the Trump Foundation had engaged in any acts of self-dealing in prior years. The Trump Foundation checked “yes” again."







You sure you want to go there? Seriously?

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3 hours ago, Opl said:

Someone has to explain  D. Trump that the diplomatic game is not about choosing for each country an ambassador in line with the government in site ( a communist for Beijin, a muslim for Cairo, a fool for Pyong Yang... )

The Ambassador's position requires he represents his country, defends its national interests and point of view with the government of the country where he is appointed.


Why do you think this explanation is necessary?

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'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect


“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”


"Spencer has popularized the term “alt-right” to describe the movement he leads. Spencer has said his dream is “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans,” and has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”


“America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity,” Spencer said.

“It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.”  The audience offered cheers, applause, and enthusiastic Nazi salutes."




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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well despite the thread being about all things Trump and nothing to do with Bill Clinton, you mean as opposed to the President Elect allegedly being witnessed by an adult whilst he was being given head by a 12 and 13 year old. Yeah right. Role on the court case and lets see how much he settles for to keep that one out of the court room. How much will he pay for that "in the interests of the American people' ?    :giggle::giggle::giggle::shock1:


The lawsuit was thrown out of court once. The plaintiff filed again, and has withdrawn. This doesn't sound like a case that needs any kind of settlement.




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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect


“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”


"Spencer has popularized the term “alt-right” to describe the movement he leads. Spencer has said his dream is “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans,” and has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”


“America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity,” Spencer said.

“It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.”  The audience offered cheers, applause, and enthusiastic Nazi salutes."





What's wrong with being a white nationalist?


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13 minutes ago, iReason said:

'Hail Trump!': White Nationalists Salute the President Elect


“Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” That’s how Richard B. Spencer saluted more than 200 attendees on Saturday, gathered at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., for the annual conference of the National Policy Institute, which describes itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of  people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.”


"Spencer has popularized the term “alt-right” to describe the movement he leads. Spencer has said his dream is “a new society, an ethno-state that would be a gathering point for all Europeans,” and has called for “peaceful ethnic cleansing.”


“America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity,” Spencer said.

“It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.”  The audience offered cheers, applause, and enthusiastic Nazi salutes."






Spit that hook out of your mouth.



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21 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Yes of course Obama won in electoral landslides. Why did you think it would be difficult for me to say so? I'm not sure why you are harping on about the popular vote.


Now, let's get to the funniest part of your post: where you said " a fraud who only won by an undemocratic feature of the election process."


Ummm.... we're not a democracy, we're a republic. The sooner you understand that, the better. Your crying about the popular vote only points out that you don't understand how our national electoral system works.


And finally, there is no pain in Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton. Frankly, I'm surprised he pulled it off. Why would anyone who wins be in pain? That makes no sense whatsoever.


Going with a straight popular vote is unfair and is a non-starter. The current electoral system could become unfair if more and more of the population migrates to cities in densely populated states. I think the apportionment of electors mentioned in this article might become a more popular option, on a state by state basis, in the future.



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Uh oh, it appears the trump has premature electile (sic) dysfunction! 

What kind of president elect says this? --


EIGHT years?!?



Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the people who will run our government for the next 8 years.



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Uh oh, it appears the trump has premature electile (sic) dysfunction! 

What kind of president elect says this? --


EIGHT years?!?



Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the people who will run our government for the next 8 years.




Let's see if he clears the 8 month hurdle first.

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Confirmed. The Lemmings have been conned. :laugh:


Kellyanne Conway Confirms Trump ‘Doesn’t Wish to Pursue’ Hillary Charges


"Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway confirmed the show’s earlier report that the incoming Trump administration will not pursue charges against his general election opponent Hillary Clinton for her use of an unauthorized email server while secretary of state and on any of the alleged wrongdoing involving her and her family’s charitable organization the Clinton Foundation."


"Look, I think he’s thinking of many different things as he is preparing to become president of the United States,

and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.”  :clap2: :whistling:




Says it all doesn't it? 

It's all been empty BS rhetoric aimed at the waterheads.

Saps! :cheesy:



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34 minutes ago, iReason said:

Confirmed. The Lemmings have been conned. :laugh:


Kellyanne Conway Confirms Trump ‘Doesn’t Wish to Pursue’ Hillary Charges


"Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway confirmed the show’s earlier report that the incoming Trump administration will not pursue charges against his general election opponent Hillary Clinton for her use of an unauthorized email server while secretary of state and on any of the alleged wrongdoing involving her and her family’s charitable organization the Clinton Foundation."


"Look, I think he’s thinking of many different things as he is preparing to become president of the United States,

and things that sound like the campaign aren’t among them.”  :clap2: :whistling:




Says it all doesn't it? 

It's all been empty BS rhetoric aimed at the waterheads.

Saps! :cheesy:




The man is a disgrace and I cannot fathom why those that want change to the corrupt political system can even give this criminal the time of day.

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The ignorant Flip-Flopper ceases to amaze. Continuing to eat his words right out of the gate. Even before he gets into office.

Lovin' it. :thumbsup:


Trump backs away from campaign promises on Clinton investigation, climate change


"Two weeks after his election victory, President-elect Donald Trump began backing off campaign promises Tuesday, including his hard line on climate change and his vow to jail "Crooked Hillary" Clinton that had brought thunderous "Lock her up" chants at his rallies."


"I don't want to hurt the Clintons, I really don't," Trump said in the interview. Sympathetically, he said, "She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."


"As for global warming, Trump has repeatedly questioned the idea, suggesting at times that it is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese to hurt U.S. manufacturers with environmental regulations. But on Tuesday, he said he would "keep an open mind" about pulling the United States out of the landmark, multi-national Paris Agreement on climate change — he'd said in the campaign he would yank the U.S. out — and he allowed, "I think there is some connectivity" between human activity and climate changes."



An open mind? More like a hole in the head...


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I think you are being too generous to Trump.


To refer to him as "the ignorant Flip-Flopper" might suggest to some readers that at a certain point in time he held certain policy positions.


I would suggest that he simply says whatever suits his purpose at a particular point in time, irrespective of facts. He has no policies except to make himself and his family as wealthy as possible preferably using other people's money  while his followers unthinkingly hang on his every word. This is all exacerbated by the very short news cycle, a weakness he exploits time and time again.

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" It is “desirable,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 68, “that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of” president. But is “equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station.” These “men”—the electors––would be “most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations.” And because of their discernment—because they possessed wisdom that the people as a whole might not—“the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”



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Whew, it seems that the sour grapes club are becoming more desperate by the day, with increasingly shrill accusations of irrelevant misdeeds being thrown into an hysterical mish mash of straws to clutch at.

The latest appears to be some "alt right" group with only a few hundred members, that Trump has already disavowed. 

Even Obama has heard the fat lady singing and is appealing for all to rally behind Trump to help America succeed. After all, do the anti Trumpers actually want America to fail? If Trump succeeds everyone is better off. If he fails all are worse off. OTY.


BTW, if anyone wants to know why Trump won, look at a picture of HRC. She was so unappealing and dishonest that it was almost a forgone conclusion that anyone else would win, including probably the most inappropriate candidate ever to stand. That the DNC resorted to an active campaign to promote her against an actually popular candidate goes to show how corrupt they are.

Let's remember who was against Trump- the DNC, the GOP, many GOP politicians, the mainstream media, minorities, Bernie, Obama, Romney and the Bushes.

Who was for him- a basketful of irredeemable deplorables.

Who won?


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Just now, Opl said:

" It is “desirable,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 68, “that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of” president. But is “equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station.” These “men”—the electors––would be “most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations.” And because of their discernment—because they possessed wisdom that the people as a whole might not—“the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”



I'm puzzled. If the EC vote against Trump, who is better that they could replace him with? Clinton is clearly no better than him, so what would be the point of causing a constitutional crisis? No other politician has a mandate to be president, so it's just bad or bad.


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“I would love to be the one who made peace with Israel and the Palestinians, that would be such a great achievement,” Trump said in a meeting with staffers from The New York Times. "

Trump suggests son-in-law Kushner could help broker peace




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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

“I would love to be the one who made peace with Israel and the Palestinians, that would be such a great achievement,” Trump said in a meeting with staffers from The New York Times. "

Trump suggests son-in-law Kushner could help broker peace




Seems like an admirable intent. That would be a win win for everyone. Is anyone going to put him down for wanting peace in Palestine?

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems like an admirable intent. That would be a win win for everyone. Is anyone going to put him down for wanting peace in Palestine?


And D. Trump already  started peace talks during the campaign saying  he would recognize Jérusalem as capital of Israel ...  that's a good sign for the Palestinians ...




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17 minutes ago, Opl said:


And D. Trump already  started peace talks during the campaign saying  he would recognize Jérusalem as capital of Israel ...  that's a good sign for the Palestinians ...





He also said he would pursue Clinton after he became president. He has backed off that. He may back of the Jerusalem thing too.

I never said he would succeed, though I hope he can. I just said it would be a win win for everyone. If he can't do it a new generation is growing up in Palestine and the problem may never be solved peacefully.

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11 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Yes of course Obama won in electoral landslides. Why did you think it would be difficult for me to say so? I'm not sure why you are harping on about the popular vote.


Now, let's get to the funniest part of your post: where you said " a fraud who only won by an undemocratic feature of the election process."


Ummm.... we're not a democracy, we're a republic. The sooner you understand that, the better. Your crying about the popular vote only points out that you don't understand how our national electoral system works.


And finally, there is no pain in Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton. Frankly, I'm surprised he pulled it off. Why would anyone who wins be in pain? That makes no sense whatsoever.

"Ummm.... we're not a democracy, we're a republic."


What makes you think our republic is not be a democracy?  The sooner you understand that two are not exclusive, the better.


I assumed that a US citizen would be a supporter of democracy, but apparently I was wrong.  Winning in spite of losing the vote doesn't bother anti-democrats at all.  Not surprising, you did support the candidate who claimed big trouble if he lost the election.

noun: republic; plural noun: republics
  1. a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
    • archaic
      a group with a certain equality between its members.
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11 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Going with a straight popular vote is unfair and is a non-starter. The current electoral system could become unfair if more and more of the population migrates to cities in densely populated states. I think the apportionment of electors mentioned in this article might become a more popular option, on a state by state basis, in the future.



"Going with a straight popular vote is unfair and is a non-starter."


Interesting opinion, stated as fact.  Why do you think a minority should be allowed to choose the President?

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13 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


What, then? If we don't see them they do not exist? If we ignore them they'll go away? Don't feed the trolls? Doesn't work all that well even in the relatively controlled environment of TVF.

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Americans, you voted for this.

Now it's Thanksgiving.

More ironic than ever.



Welcome to Trump’s world, a never-ending drama in which the star lives in the moment and careens from controversy to controversy with a dizzying flood of tweets and seemingly off-the-cuff remarks to the media.



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9 hours ago, beechguy said:

One word for you, Hillary.


Here's another word, hilarious. 

Trump supporters go on about Trump about to "drain the swamp", and "lock her up".

Now it seems he ain't too keen on either, so the obvious(?) retort is but...but..but Hillary.


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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems like an admirable intent. That would be a win win for everyone. Is anyone going to put him down for wanting peace in Palestine?


I think that other than his previous statements suggesting an existing bias, involving his SIL is yet another example of the blurred lines between official and personal, which seem to be a mystery for Trump.


Also, what specific qualifications as a diplomatic negotiator does Kushner posses? What specific reason to believe that his involvement would be helpful in promoting peace?

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It seems Trump has no plans on leaving the swamp, much less draining it.

Donald Trump Raises Prospect of Keeping Ties to His Firms

Donald Trump indicated Tuesday he was unlikely to disentangle himself from his business empire as fully as he previously suggested, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest while president.

Mr. Trump and his representatives said during the campaign he would have nothing to do with his businesses if he became president, promising a “total and complete separation.”


On Tuesday, Mr. Trump told the New York Times that “the law’s totally on my side” and that “the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”


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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He also said he would pursue Clinton after he became president. He has backed off that. He may back of the Jerusalem thing too.

I never said he would succeed, though I hope he can. I just said it would be a win win for everyone. If he can't do it a new generation is growing up in Palestine and the problem may never be solved peacefully.


Indeed, he does say an awful lot which turns out to be not that much in reality. Hence no call to celebrate his statements as admirable, worthy or connected in any way to anything but whatever thought comes to his mind at a given moment. This statement is no different.

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