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She's petite and light hearted but hopeless.


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I've been married for a year to a woman I've dated for 6 years. She can't cook, doesn't know the meaning of cleaning properly. Puts my stuff in random places and is as thick as two short pkanks. Except she knows how to study, has a good memory, is careful with money and juggles 6-8 bank accounts. And has a university degree.


Any intellectual discussion is beyond her. She has a miss placed loyalty to deceitful family members and is Thai thru and thru.


As a Thai she has odd views on everything a westener takes for granted. She's never read a book for the pleasure. Can't do simple maths. Has no knowledge of world events or natural history. No interest in current events. The only news she watches is a repitition of an award ceremony, graduation ceremony or some men clad in orange chanting an ancient language.


I know it's Thailand, and yes I can leave any time I like. But it baffles me how she can't see through the nonsense of it all. How she has been programmed to accept the daily ambiguity.


If only she could get her head around pie and chips. A nice cooked breakfast now and then. Poached egg with smoked salmon and a bit of dill.


All I get offered is a boiled egg and or toast.


Beutiful, honest but hopeless.

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10 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Begs an obvious question though, doesn't it?




Yes it does.  You would think the OP would have figured this out before he married her.  Another example of why some farang men in Thailand are such bizarre creatures.

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Could be mines twin sister, mine does not cook, gets her sis to do the cleaning and ironing and i have no idea how much is in her 5 bank books. Conversation gets uncomfortable if it goes beyond food, family, music and if it's raining or not. has a terrible temper, argumentative and nags. Pretty sure it was not like this 14 years ago when we met, seems like another person. :wub:

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We've been together over 6 years, she's thrifty, a great cook, you could eat off the floors the house is so clean, the garden is a picture, all thanks to her. OK, conversation can be a bit limited, but she's not stupid and has a natural curiosity about the world, and she genuinely cares for me, as I do for her, so the good far outweighs the bad.

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Beutiful, honest but hopeless.


In almost all cases farangs get gold-diggers twenty or more years their junior, idle deadbeats, Thai men's rejects, manky old spinsters, divorcees with zillions of kids, and so on.


Look out for posts on this forum from a guy called RichardSmith. He seems to have a normal marriage. He talks a lot of sense, too.


All other marriages are jokes. You're just fooling yourself.



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11 minutes ago, Fabricus said:




In almost all cases farangs get gold-diggers twenty or more years their junior, idle deadbeats, Thai men's rejects, manky old spinsters, divorcees with zillions of kids, and so on.


Look out for posts on this forum from a guy called RichardSmith. He seems to have a normal marriage. He talks a lot of sense, too.


All other marriages are jokes. You're just fooling yourself.



How would you know what someone else's marriage is like unless you know them personally? Another smug, judgemental prat who thinks he knows it all. Alone are we?

Edited by giddyup
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54 minutes ago, giddyup said:

How would you know what someone else's marriage is like unless you know them personally? Another smug, judgemental prat who thinks he knows it all. Alone are we?


No. I'm not alone.


Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


Sorry if the truth hurts.


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



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1 hour ago, Fabricus said:


No. I'm not alone.


Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


Sorry if the truth hurts.


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



As I said, a smug, judgmental prat, who thinks he knows it all.

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Interesting reading the previous comments.

I have had both types of wife here in Thailand.

Last one Lazy very lazy, would not cook clean or anything else for that matter, her only interest in life is how much money can i screw out of people.

Now married to a fantastic cook, not lazy, opposite in fact, great companion, but as previous posters have said, if it is not in Thailand she knows nothing about it.

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I have complained occasionally about the random way my wife puts things away. For example my laundry. I was impressed that she decided a while ago to make a new place for my work clothes; (stuff I don't mind getting dirty) to keep me from ruining newer clothes when doing farm stuff.

It worked initially, but I emptied the drawer today and found that of the 15 items in the drawer, 10 were newish items, 3 were what I call work clothes, and 2 belonged to her. 

So the result is she now was one more place to randomly put laundry.

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6 hours ago, Fabricus said:


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?




Thai men intelligent but broke, foreign men stupid but rich.

Is it only me that sees the disconnect with that theory?

I have the same things said to me ..... why are foreigners so stupid ....... usually by little old ladies selling somtam by the side of the road. I think to myself "Oh yes, your life is clearly a brilliant success story"

Edited by MissAndry
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2 minutes ago, MissAndry said:



Thai men intelligent but broke, foreign men stupid but rich.

Is it only me that sees the disconnect with that theory?

I have the same things said to me ..... why are foreigners so stupid ....... usually by little old ladies selling somtam by the side of the road. I think to myself "Oh yes, your life is clearly a brilliant success story"

I wonder if it's the same "Thai men" that get the village girls pregnant, refuse to accept any responsibility, or help in any way, which causes the girls to resort to selling their bodies to help raise the child? I'm not sure that I'm bothered in any way as to what "Thai men" might think of me and my relationship.

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12 minutes ago, justaphase said:

Sounds about right to me. I've had 2 as well in 16 years and never had a chat about anything.

Shallow, narrow minded, simple, brain washed...



I can't understand why you are with her then (no offence) but the thing I cherish most about my wife is our conversations. I couldn't be with someone I couldn't communicate with.


i guess everyone's different but what a lot of people are stating here can happen with relationships anywhere in the world.


its important to get 'certain' stuff right at the beginning, I guess.

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I am swithering between this being a thread to get members attacking each other for their life choices (yet again) or is it one to encourage them to attack their wives safely out of the wife's sight.     Either way.....:coffee1:


As long as each person is happy with their own wife, who cares what anyone else thinks? If one is so dissatisfied with one's wife that one has to post about her in an online forum, maybe the writing is on the wall, figuratively speaking, for that marriage.


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50 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Interesting reading the previous comments.

I have had both types of wife here in Thailand.

Last one Lazy very lazy, would not cook clean or anything else for that matter, her only interest in life is how much money can i screw out of people.

Now married to a fantastic cook, not lazy, opposite in fact, great companion, but as previous posters have said, if it is not in Thailand she knows nothing about it.

You hit the nail on the Head. Sounds like you have a lovely wife but "she knows nothing  other than Thailand". THis is the very reason Thailand is having problems politically and financially. A successful nation must have a bar in which to gauge its success or lack of success . That bar is is other nations and its history and culture. With Thais they are only exposed to their culture and any other culture has no merit to it . This is the root to most of Thailand problems. Ask a Thai if they know Galileo, or who invented the Telephone  or what civilization  was the first democracy  in the world . Most will not know . Its proper education and as of now its no were in Thailand

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3 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

You hit the nail on the Head. Sounds like you have a lovely wife but "she knows nothing  other than Thailand". THis is the very reason Thailand is having problems politically and financially. A successful nation must have a bar in which to gauge its success or lack of success . That bar is is other nations and its history and culture. With Thais they are only exposed to their culture and any other culture has no merit to it . This is the root to most of Thailand problems. Ask a Thai if they know Galileo, or who invented the Telephone  or what civilization  was the first democracy  in the world . Most will not know . Its proper education and as of now its no were in Thailand

You could ask a lot of my countrymen the same questions you posed and they wouldn't know either.

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With few exceptions, a Thai university degree = 5th Grade in Western Society

The piece of papper only proves she put in her time

Suggest you take up cooking.  That's what I have done.

You said it perfectly.  Thais are programed from birth.  It's all about Thailand.

Until recent years, the rest of the world was not even available for them to see or study.  Therefore, no instilled interest or curiosity outside their own environment.

Money is the only attractant that would cause them to look beyond their knowledge.  

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7 hours ago, Fabricus said:


No. I'm not alone.


Unlike the majority of western fools (most of whom can't speak, read or write Thai) I know what goes goes on here.


Sorry if the truth hurts.


Thai men also know the truth, btw. They laugh at farangs. Do you ever wonder why?



I used to "wonder why" but as I began to pick up more of what's being said, the more I realized the goings on aren't terribly complex or interesting. 

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