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Thailand sex tourism crackdown targets brothels and underage prostitutes


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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:



   No, I mean it's far below that figure. I do believe the actual figure for the tourist trade as a whole is less than this number. Why do some farangs think that we are so important to the Thai economy. Check out the % of GDP for Rice,Electronics, Cars etc.


Hmm I wonder where they got that figure from?

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This thread reminds me of a story a couple of years ago, about a westerner running an orphanage in Cambodia. The guy was running a small christian orphanage, costing a couple of thousand US a month to run. Getting donations from a website, churches etc.

Turns out the guy was getting 10s of thousands a month in donations, living in a 6 bedroom house, range rover driver etc.

And it turned out half the kids actually had parents.

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4 hours ago, Chapelroad said:

A bit like clearing a major oil spill at sea.


Clean up a small area, to let the masses know something is being done, but, in truth, to eradicate it is an impossibility. 

Its the flavor of the month. They hope that their "cleanup" will reach the social media and thus go international and tourists will be impressed and bring their families here. Its the same as the slavery cleanup it still exists but on a smaller scale. 

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Just now, AdamRich said:

So they are saying that they want to cut 10% of Thailand's GDP?  By they way, I live in Pattaya but must have missed the city's red lights that chicks wait under.  Where are they?


i thing better you have to ask

where there not existing this red lights :cheesy::cheesy:

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The figure could be correct it probably is for the whole industry, farang, and Thai. The farang side will actually be much lower than the Thai side. Years ago there was a very good article in the Bangkok Post saying there was 60,000 working women and men 40,000 in the Thai market and 20,000 in the farang side

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10% of GDP? Sounds very high seeing as agriculture which employs almost half the population is only 11 or 12%. Stuff like drugs and prostitution cannot be eradicated by crackdowns. There is demand from farangs and Thais willing to pay on one hand and there is rural poverty on the other. How are the girls going to survive, how are their families going to survive? There are no decent jobs paying what they make in Pattaya. The answer is less inequality, better distribution of income and lots and lots of decent jobs….an economic impossibility.


This crackpot saying she wanted rich tourists to come to Thailand for the culture is an idiot. Didn't Thaksin say the same thing? But at least he offered the Elite Card. How many rich tourists are actually available, and how many want to come and experience the incredibly poor service in restaurants, hotels, taxis and the like. I was in Pattaya last week and it was dead as a doornail. Very few customers in the deeply discounted hotels or the bars advertising cheap beer, and not too many girls making money, I would suspect. Tourism now is relying on Chinese and they spend their money on things other than booze and girls. I don't know how Chinese compare to farangs in per capita spending, but I strongly suspect that it is significantly  less.

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Waste of breath probably, but...

There's only 2 things they need to do to have an impact.


1) Create millions of jobs which pay a living wage in areas where subsistence farming still dominates.

2) Deal with the real scandal in Thailand, which is the millions of absentee fathers failing to support their offspring.


Neither gonna happen. Too hard.

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10 minutes ago, retarius said:

10% of GDP? Sounds very high seeing as agriculture which employs almost half the population is only 11 or 12%. Stuff like drugs and prostitution cannot be eradicated by crackdowns. There is demand from farangs and Thais willing to pay on one hand and there is rural poverty on the other. How are the girls going to survive, how are their families going to survive? There are no decent jobs paying what they make in Pattaya. The answer is less inequality, better distribution of income and lots and lots of decent jobs….an economic impossibility.


This crackpot saying she wanted rich tourists to come to Thailand for the culture is an idiot. Didn't Thaksin say the same thing? But at least he offered the Elite Card. How many rich tourists are actually available, and how many want to come and experience the incredibly poor service in restaurants, hotels, taxis and the like. I was in Pattaya last week and it was dead as a doornail. Very few customers in the deeply discounted hotels or the bars advertising cheap beer, and not too many girls making money, I would suspect. Tourism now is relying on Chinese and they spend their money on things other than booze and girls. I don't know how Chinese compare to farangs in per capita spending, but I strongly suspect that it is significantly  less.


the chinese are rather fond of gambling  just witness the ugly great casinos being built in every national park in the totally corrupt cambodia .... and other countries ... beware the pacific islands ... they are buying up land on many islands in paradise ....

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Gosh! Dark underbelly. Sordid desires. Meat! All a bit purple prose-ish! 

Moral morons who don't realise prohibition feeds the really dark side of the never going away need for mostly vanilla adult companionship.

Not to mention the unintended consequences of rampant unchecked disease. No support for workers as legitimate workers. And, if they succeeed, which they wont, actually damaging the economy. 

Legalize. Tax. Police (ethically, with women officers only) and just throw the worn out moral 'my brothers keeper' control tactics in the used condom bin.

Youre flogging a dead whore.

Edited by dhream
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5 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

I just love this farang bashing... I am not Australian... but were I, I would be jumping up and down.


Minister of tourism should become minister of education and maybe try to educate these girls not to go down this road. However, it is obviously the farang's fault that these people resort to this kind of work.

Certainly is. With stats recently released on "reported rapes", it's obvious that the average indigenous male usually doesn't bother paying at all and the farangs are undesirable. It must be the men that are making all the reported rape complaints. 

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123,000 registered sex workers in Thailand in Bangkok alone. Try 5,000,000 unregistered sex workers across Thailand working massage parlors, karaoke and Thai cat houses. They still in denial that prostitution was here before 1973. I didn't see where any Thai man was labeled a sex tourist. You don't have to be from Australia to be a sex tourist. Domestic sex tourism is. 80 percent of the tourism pie in Thailand. 

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42 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:


the chinese are rather fond of gambling  just witness the ugly great casinos being built in every national park in the totally corrupt cambodia .... and other countries ... beware the pacific islands ... they are buying up land on many islands in paradise ....

You seem to imply LoS is less than totally corrupt. The national highway network is not the safety nightmare it is because the engineers didn't actually care. It's likely because the money allocated never found its way to the roads in the first place. So they work with what leftovers they get. Just a thought. This country is not poor; just mugged by the minute.

Edited by dhream
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Help me Damien May I never used to frequent brothels, but having lived in Thailand and for over a decade I've begun picking up nasty habits. Once a month me and my Thai friends go out for a drink. A lads night out. They took me to a karaoke bar this one time. I mentioned to my friend that I fancied one of the bar maids. Next thing knew I was being pushed into the carpark and into a concrete structure that looked like seaside shallay's. Once inside I saw it was a bedroom. On the bed lay the bar maid I fancied. I was tempted Damien. I couldn't control my lust and after 15 minutes had performed intercourse. I returned to the karaoke bar and a big cheer went up from my table. They all bought me around of drinks to celebrate. What has happened to me Damien May? I feel so guilty. Maybe I shouldn't hang about with Thai men. They think I'm too serious and keep saying calm down, its nothing, you had a good time. I did but I don't think mum would approve. What could stop me being so Thai. Maybe I need to go back home for a while and get to grips with my own culture. Damein May save me, I'm using women for pleasure, my groin is taking over my decision making.

Edited by tukkytuktuk
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5 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

Destiny Rescue Facebook page has the image below of Baptism -

On its website it suggests $1500 will sponsor a rescue and also says 26 rescues last month.


The article says its hard to find underage girls in bars in Pattaya these days.

So , in reality their targets they admit are elsewhere.


Which leads us back to the closing of sex industry making them happier?


Not that this will happen.

However, the agenda is clearly influenced by dogma .


All we need now is their sponsored mouth pieces to turn up here again with the shame tactics.


Whilst they may have a role , ( Destiny Rescue) clearly a Christian fundamentalism is at work.


More than likely a division of Destiny Church a fundamentalist christian Church based in New Zealand but with branches in Australia and possibly elsewhere.  Google them if you are interested enough and see if it is them.  I don't have time or interest at the moment. They also are a political party so are very aggressive in expansion of their areas of interest.

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Is Destiny Rescue a "non-profit" organization?

How much does Destiny Rescue receive in annual contributions?

What percent of Destiny Rescue's collections pay for salaries and operating expenses?

There are "No Free Lunches"!

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31 minutes ago, dhream said:

You seem to imply LoS is less than totally corrupt. The national highway network is not the safety nightmare it is because the engineers didn't actually care. It's likely because the money allocated never found its way to the roads in the first place. So they work with what leftovers they get. Just a thought. This country is not poor; just mugged by the minute.


where do you draw that conclusion from .... all of south east asia is corrupt !!

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I think the heading to this story is misleading,,   it reads like they want to crackdown on two things,

1/  brothels

2/ underage prostitutes

It should have read,   crackdown on brothels WITH underage prostitutes..  would have saved a lot of confusion ..

Still who decides what is underage ??  why under 18 ?   As many have babies at 13, 14 ,15,  so their bodies are developed and mature enough to have babies, so obviously to have  sex as well...  

If they just changed the age to under 15,  it would solve most of the problem in one hit !!! 

and many of them are way past being girls,   at 15 and 16... 

Not that I like them that young, I like girls in late 20's or in their 30's, and the odd nice one even up to near 40, :)    

but it appears Thai guys like them at that young age,  from the posts I read....    

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And Christians need to go home and leave Thais alone,,  they have killed more people than they ever hope to help with their relision and  unbelievable mumbo jumbo..   world was made in 7 days,  woman is a rib of a man,  virgins having babies..  HA!  

If I wanted to become religious, I would choose Buddhist any day over Christianity...   

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