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Non-B to 30 Day Waiver

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I have run into a few problems with my workplace. I am on a non-B which has been renewed annually over the last seven years that I have worked here. It's all a bit of a mess. Anyhow I am expecting to make a permanent move in the next two months to a neighbouring country as I have a job offer and paperwork on that is currently being processed. My wife and kids are here though, again the missus is a Non-B and children dependents. Can I just get on a flight, head to Singapore or somewhere else and then turn round again and re-enter Thailand on a 30 day tourist waiver on arrival?  Will I need to have an onward flight out of Thailand? Will I need to produce evidence of funds? Will I get quizzed exiting on a non-B which runs until next year without a re-entry permit? I can resolve all these issues but don't know what I might have to show to secure re-entry. So would be grateful for any help and information. Many thanks

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You could fly out and back and get a 30 day visa exempt entry. Whether you will be asked for a ticket out within 30 days will depend upon the airline you are using.

You should not be asked to show proof of funds since it will be your first exempt entry in many years I assume. They will more than likely not even notice your previous extension ends when you enter the country.

There would be though a problem with you families extensions since they will technically end when your extension ends.

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Thanks Joe that is very reassuring. What airline would you recommend that I use? With regard to the wife and kids, she has her own Non-B completely independent of me and the kids are her dependents. Our non-B's are totally separate and independent of each other. In any event the medium term the plan is for the missus and the kids to follow me - I'll go ahead and get set up and then bring them in once I've established myself.

Edited by gerryBScot
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It does not always depend upon the airline you are traveling on it can get down to the agent checking you in. An easy way to eliminate a potential problem is to bu a low cost one way ticket out of the country to anywhere and/or from any airport here. Check Air Asia for flights.

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