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Five Monks in a Pickup


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Five Monks in a Pickup

Orlando Barton




In keeping with our theme this month of “things you’ve never seen before”, I present to you five monks in a pick-up truck. What story is it they are telling? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


After nearly 20 years in Thailand, I’m still surprised when I see monks just walking around in public. We don’t have saffron-robed clergymen wandering around in my home country, but I have lived here a long time. You’d think I’d be used to it.


I’ve got a whole folder full of monk pictures. I’ve got monks playing video games in an internet shop in Laos. I’ve got monks playing soccer on the beach in Phuket. Last month I took a picture of three young monks just crossing the street in Chiang Mai. What’s the big deal? They’re just regular dudes right? Ahhh, that’s the point … they are just ordinary people doing an extraordinary thing.


When you see a young guy with a shaved head clad in the saffron attire of the Buddhist monk, they are usually not a lifelong dedicated clergyman. They are regular people experiencing a rite of passage for Thai men. It may last six weeks … it may last six months. It depends on the man. Even the King of Thailand did his turn in the temple.


Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/five-monks-pickup/

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I see it and comment "Monks in the trunk", usually loosens up a laugh...


Amazing how often you see these penniless monks out buying something expensive....+..... Including snacks in the afternoon.....

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