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Belgium machete attack: two policewomen wounded, assailant killed


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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Your faux-outrage would be more convincing and appropriate had my comments been directed at you. If you choose not to align yourself with any particular group of people, that is up to you.


I am nether outraged nor 'faux' (silly word for my post). I live in a community of majority muslim on Phuket. However, have never had any of them shrieking alluha akbloobyba and launching themselves at their non muslim neighbours same as we are now seeing in Europe. Why's that do you think? 

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3 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Vast majority?????How do you know that? I never see them apologize.I never see a tv spot paid by muslims what condemns IS.Reality is those muslim hate us all.Maybe some don't want violence but deep inside they think it's ok to do so.If there is really a vast majority of muslims against killing of non muslims then why states like Indonesia,Saudi,UAE,etc not rise up against IS  or Alqaeda,etc????There are over 200million muslims alone in Indonesia,would be easy for them to form a group of anti IS,where is a will there is a way,but there is no will at all.We should close our borders for muslims.They can kill each other and live in there stone age caliphate.Anyway IS has still a long way to go,after the slave trader columbus reached america the christians killed over 40million natives because they didn't believe in god.Nice religion


As a British (ex) Christian, I have yet to apologise for the Brits' zealous spreading of Christianity around the world. While most of it was before my time, we were pretty active in keeping the Catholics down in Ireland during much of my formative years. Again, I have yet to apologise for that. Why should any despairing Muslim apologise for the actions of others?

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7 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:


I am nether outraged nor 'faux' (silly word for my post). I live in a community of majority muslim on Phuket. However, have never had any of them shrieking alluha akbloobyba and launching themselves at their non muslim neighbours same as we are now seeing in Europe. Why's that do you think? 


You think silly, I think entirely appropriate - best we leave it at that.

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11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


As a British (ex) Christian, I have yet to apologise for the Brits' zealous spreading of Christianity around the world. While most of it was before my time, we were pretty active in keeping the Catholics down in Ireland during much of my formative years. Again, I have yet to apologise for that. Why should any despairing Muslim apologise for the actions of others?

Because now is 2016 and not 1616 and they have a chance to do so,and it would be good for them before every non muslim will hate them

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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I don't want to generalize and maybe denigrate all Muslims but on many occasions I've heard from family and friends all over Britain that when incidents like this happen the Muslim representative bodies are often very slow to respond and condemn.     

There's a wrap around excuse that  ' these people aren't Muslims  '  as if that explains everything away but the problem is  '  these people  '  really believe they are.   People supposedly acting in the name of Islam attack non-Muslims for being exactly that and attack other Muslims for not believing as they do and therefore not proper Muslims.

There's something of a comparison with LoS when monks get up to all sorts of things,   as they do quite regularly,    and the comments are that they're fake,  not real monks but they are having been ordained and not defrocked.


Heads in sand doesn't excuse or make problems go away.

I agree NKK.  Whilst the majority of the Muslim community are quick to point out that these asswipes are "extremists" they nonetheless seem happy enough to let them live within the Muslim community (until they go nuts) and there is no way that their extremism can always go unnoticed.


Guiltily complicit in my book.

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16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


You think silly, I think entirely appropriate - best we leave it at that.

Well nice of them they don't chop your head of,but thats not enough for me.I want them to show they are really against violence and killing of non muslims.How do you know what they think?The majority of muslims in Thailand are sunnis same as IS,so just wait

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2 hours ago, Goanna said:

It's not moderates, only extremist muslim. Whoops, another mod become extremist, whoops another mod become extremist. Etc, etc. After they, murder, they are called extremist, but up to that point they are called moderate muslim. This is the problem, and why muslim immigration leads to these terrorist type attacks. It will not stop.



Maybe Trump has something and this ïncompatible"religion should be barred from the West if they can't stand to allow the ""infidel" to live.


It's akin to someone knocking on your door saying "please help me, feed me, clothe me, give me and my family a job, look after our welfare and health and, whilst being a devout Muslim, simply accept the fact that my entrenched beliefs compel me to kill you and your family when you are least expecting it".


Maybe the bleeding heart, politically correct crowd should consider this when advocating these crazy open border policies?

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I tried to edit the above post for punctuation and grammatical clarity but I just timed out so........




Maybe Trump has something and this ïncompatible"religion" should be barred from the West if they can't stand to allow (or instructed not to allow)  the ""infidel" to live.


It's akin to someone knocking on your door saying "please help me, feed me, clothe me, give me and my family a job"and/or social security, look after our welfare,health and security and then, whilst having to accept that I am a devout Muslim and being forced by society to tolerate respect and tolerate our differences, simply accept the fact that my entrenched beliefs compel me to kill you and your family when you are least expecting it".


Maybe the bleeding heart, politically correct crowd should consider this when advocating these crazy open border policies?




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2 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


I am nether outraged nor 'faux' (silly word for my post). I live in a community of majority muslim on Phuket. However, have never had any of them shrieking alluha akbloobyba and launching themselves at their non muslim neighbours same as we are now seeing in Europe. Why's that do you think? 


 Probably because they aren't really Muslim, same as all the other Thais aren't really Buddhist.

And for that matter, I'm not really a Christian either.

Edited by MissAndry
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Clearly anyone going out there with a machete to attack people is completely sane....  Anyway these "terrorists" are really dangerous because they are total loose cannons.  Taking them out immediately is exactly the right thing to do.  I have no problem with that whatsoever.


 There was no doubt this man was following the Islamist terrorist agenda to attack and kill. I do have a problem though when people immediately jump to the conclusion that all attacks are related to ISIS or their followers, as in the case of the Russell Square stabbings.  That is just plain stupid.

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The scariest thing about reading on TVF is the number of posters that can't tell the difference between these 2 statements:


  • The vast majority of the violent crime in Thailand is committed by the Thais.
  • The vast majority of Thais are violent criminals.


Can't seem to do it when it comes to any group that isn't them.  Muslims included.  Over 99.99% of the Muslims in Europe didn't attack anyone that day.

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14 minutes ago, thai3 said:

The problem not about Muslims or 99.9% not actually doing the killing, the problem is the twisted ideology that they all believe in and which is responsible for all the violence 


You mean like stoning adulteresses and putting homosexuals to death like all Christians and Jews are taught to believe from the Bible?  


As if we all go around looking for adulteresses with a pocket full of rocks.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

The scariest thing about reading on TVF is the number of posters that can't tell the difference between these 2 statements:


  • The vast majority of the violent crime in Thailand is committed by the Thais.
  • The vast majority of Thais are violent criminals.


Can't seem to do it when it comes to any group that isn't them.  Muslims included.  Over 99.99% of the Muslims in Europe didn't attack anyone that day.

Yeah 99% maybe didn't attack anybody,but also 99% didn't try to prevent them from doing so,and that's the point.

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7 hours ago, manarak said:


Muslims against violence: good.   Muslims against Islamism: better.


The problem is the large number of Muslims who aren't violent themselves but who either support, tolerate or do nothing against the violent Muslims, as well as those who would cast their vote in favor of forming an islamic republic.
The violent Muslims are indeed a relatively small minority, but if you count in all of the above "sympathizers" of political Islam, the problem is much bigger, I would estimate "moderate Muslims" could well be in the minority, in many countries they definitely are.

Excellently said:  that is exactly the thrust of the problem.  Many secretly agree with the violence or might say "A woman should not be a police person or should be home with the kids, reading the Koran.  Serves her right.  Not that I condone violence, but she brought it on herself."   It is these spineless silent Muslims who know who many (but not all) of the nutters are and do nothing about it, that sickens me.

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4 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Excellently said:  that is exactly the thrust of the problem.  Many secretly agree with the violence or might say "A woman should not be a police person or should be home with the kids, reading the Koran.  Serves her right.  Not that I condone violence, but she brought it on herself."   It is these spineless silent Muslims who know who many (but not all) of the nutters are and do nothing about it, that sickens me.


Have you actually heared these disgusting remarks being made about the victims of the vile attack, or did you make them up?

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1 hour ago, thai3 said:

The problem not about Muslims or 99.9% not actually doing the killing, the problem is the twisted ideology that they all believe in and which is responsible for all the violence 

Such is the denial of the problem amongst the western left that true progressive voices in the Middle East are more honest about the problem than those who are in effect apologists for political Islam. Here is but one article of many showing hope may come from the least likely of places.




as as with alcoholism, admitting the problem is an essential first step, which I'm glad to say some are starting to take.

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14 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Yeah 99% maybe didn't attack anybody,but also 99% didn't try to prevent them from doing so,and that's the point.

Whenever you come across references to 99%, in reference to other people, you should ask the question 'is that true or is it a sweeping generalization?'.



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19 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


Have you actually heared these disgusting remarks being made about the victims of the vile attack, or did you make them up?

I was not expecting that..... Yes.  I do know Muslims and have heard similar things said.    Also many stupid Muslim apologists say the exact same stupid things. Fortunately there are less Muslims around here than where I come from.  My suburb "back home" has a high percentage of Indian and middle-eastern folk.  Glad to not be there in so many ways although I liked the house and general area.  I can also read the signs held up in dozens of Youtube clips with Muslims (including rabid women) protesting for sharia law, threatening to kill unbelievers and kill apostates who are Muslims that they consider not "not Muslim enough."  


And read this. It loudly argues against your point by explaining that the clerics themselves are to blame because they do not condemn the ongoing violence.)  (Sorry, I pinched it from another poster's comment)


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16 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

Yeah 99% maybe didn't attack anybody,but also 99% didn't try to prevent them from doing so,and that's the point.


When was the last time you prevented a crazed lunatic from doing anything?


I am 100% against the distribution of crystal meth to kids in primary school.  But I ain't gonna be the one to take down a meth lab.  Just like you won't see me crashing and upsetting a KKK meeting, as abhorrent as I believe they are.  


I like breathing.

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8 hours ago, manarak said:


Muslims against violence: good.   Muslims against Islamism: better.


The problem is the large number of Muslims who aren't violent themselves but who either support, tolerate or do nothing against the violent Muslims, as well as those who would cast their vote in favor of forming an islamic republic.
The violent Muslims are indeed a relatively small minority, but if you count in all of the above "sympathizers" of political Islam, the problem is much bigger, I would estimate "moderate Muslims" could well be in the minority, in many countries they definitely are.

The same can be said of Westerners from countries like USA (in particular), France and Britain...since WW2 the citizens of these countries have quietly allowed their governments to slaughter people from every corner of the Earth, sometimes to maintain former colonial possessions or support a dictator of choice, sometimes to "spread democracy," sometimes just for oil and profit, or perhaps hegemony. Ordinary citizens may have supported many of these "actions" that turned out to be quite wrong and mistaken in hindsight, while others may have quietly opposed these wars...either way, these citizens were certainly not violent people themselves, but the government sanctioned killing continued(s) all the same. We all know that we are quite powerless when a meglomanical government espouses a particular ideology that results in wholesale murder...the same probably applies to religion as well. We are complicit in the crimes of the few when the many do nothing to stop it. It's the same for everyone.

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8 minutes ago, mpyre said:

The same can be said of Westerners from countries like USA (in particular), France and Britain...since WW2 the citizens of these countries have quietly allowed their governments to slaughter people from every corner of the Earth, sometimes to maintain former colonial possessions or support a dictator of choice, sometimes to "spread democracy," sometimes just for oil and profit, or perhaps hegemony. Ordinary citizens may have supported many of these "actions" that turned out to be quite wrong and mistaken in hindsight, while others may have quietly opposed these wars...either way, they we're certainly not violent themselves, but the killing continued(s) just the same. So the many are complicit in the crimes of the few when the many do nothing to stop it. Same same.

You are throwing off topic red herrings.  Tantamount to apologizing for Islamic violence by saying "we do it too."   They try to rationalize and justify their violence themselves by saying the same thing often enough; without you helping them!!!  Much western foreign policy stinks but that is a different topic and not part of this subject.  You certainly do not help the subject by using the same flawed excuses they use to justify it.  Like the guy who killed 49 people because he was offended by seeing two guys kiss.  Such a view would not improve my day but would I kill for it?  No way!  Peaceful resolution to all disputes personal and international, please

Edited by The Deerhunter
punctuation & addition.
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34 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Tel est le déni du problème parmi les gauche occidentale que les véritables voix progressistes du Moyen-Orient sont plus honnêtes au sujet du problème que ceux qui sont dans les apologistes d'effet pour l'islam politique. Voici donc un article de beaucoup d'espoir montrant peut provenir du moins probable des lieux.




comme comme l'alcoolisme, en admettant que le problème est une première étape essentielle, que je suis heureux de dire certains commencent à prendre.

Too bad your overall just message is tempered by a simplistic view of people: Left / Right.


Yes, Muslims must reject the crimes committed in the name of Islam, they will have no choice. The only alternative would be a sectarian withdrawal into their country but people want more. Young Muslims aspire like others to share, travel and meetings.


The only question is how long it will take.


In Southern Europe, where many live with Christians for a long time the question no longer arises. Ostentatious signs are left at home and listen to the sermon of the priest or Imam with a selective distance. Everyone is aware of the ideological gaps of his faith and secularism is advancing rapidly.


Remember, intelligence, knowledge and culture are they enemies of sectarian religions and ultimately will prevail.

Edited by happy Joe
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9 hours ago, thai3 said:

Nothing to do with the Koran anyway that tells it's followers to kill unbelievers where ever they find them, just another mental case of course :whistling: and there will be another one in a couple of days. 

don't you think that lot of muslims are mentally ill and psychotics criminals nowadays, do you ???

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2 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

I was not expecting that..... Yes.  I do know Muslims and have heard similar things said.    Also many stupid Muslim apologists say the exact same stupid things. Fortunately there are less Muslims around here than where I come from.  My suburb "back home" has a high percentage of Indian and middle-eastern folk.  Glad to not be there in so many ways although I liked the house and general area.  I can also read the signs held up in dozens of Youtube clips with Muslims (including rabid women) protesting for sharia law, threatening to kill unbelievers and kill apostates who are Muslims that they consider not "not Muslim enough."  


And read this. It loudly argues against your point by explaining that the clerics themselves are to blame because they do not condemn the ongoing violence.)  (Sorry, I pinched it from another poster's comment)



So you did not hear anyone making the disgusting comments about the victims of this attack that YOU made up and YOU posted on this forum. 


We need to keep that in mind when you claim to have heard Muslims saying 'similar things' or when you report any views you claim to be expressed by other people, regardless of their faith. 


I say again. The comments you posted about the victims of these vile attacks are disgusting - YOU made them up, YOU posted them.



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2 hours ago, GuestHouse said:

Whenever you come across references to 99%, in reference to other people, you should ask the question 'is that true or is it a sweeping generalization?'.



I'm not generalize anybody,it's just the way it is,like I said before,the majority of muslims are probably not terrorists but deep inside they agree with the doing of IS and others.Just by the way as long you can read in the Quran over 100 verses to go to war or kill non believers,as long they will kill us.In how many states are they teaching from the Quran?Time to separate from them

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7 hours ago, billd766 said:


Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists?


Pick any one and they are all more or less the same and still doing it.




Malarkey. Only one of these religions is targeting and murdering innocent people, all over the world, on a frequent basis: ISLAM.

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8 hours ago, dageurreotype said:


Exactly. Name one other religion whose followers are imported into European countries and then blindly lash out screaming their idiot 'god/prophet's' name on all and sundry. Off you go. Name. One.




Didn't most of the Christians went on a crusade against the Muslims?
Screaming their 'god/prophet's' name all and sundry?

Pot calling the Kettle black?


"The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land. Traditionally, they took place between 1095 and 1291 "

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