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Trump critics urge RNC to replace Trump in special meeting


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Trump critics urge RNC to replace Trump in special meeting



WASHINGTON (AP) — Desperate conservatives have circulated a petition calling for the Republican National Committee to host a special meeting where Donald Trump could be replaced as the party's presidential nominee.


Organizers — some of the same Republicans who tried to prevent Trump from winning the GOP nomination — acknowledge the effort is a long shot at best. But fearing an Election Day disaster, they have appealed to RNC members across the nation in recent days to intervene.


"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Regina Thomson, executive director of a political action committee known as the GOP Accountability Project, wrote in an e-mail distributed to RNC members over the weekend and obtained by The Associated Press.


"Donald J. Trump is a disaster," Thomson wrote, attaching a copy of the petition in the message. "His post-convention behavior has been deplorable."


Trump has worried many leading Republicans in recent weeks with a string of controversies and fights, notably with the Muslim American parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq and prominent Republicans up for re-election. Trump reversed course and ended up endorsing House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.


Still, Thomson and other anti-Trump Republicans are concerned.


Party rules allow RNC members to replace a presidential nominee in the event of "death, declination, or otherwise" — language Trump critics say allows for his replacement soon after he formally captured his party's presidential nomination at the national convention. To force a meeting to discuss Trump's ouster, however, organizers must submit signatures by at least 16 RNC members from 16 states.


Should they do so, GOP chairman Reince Priebus has 10 to 20 days to convene the full, 168-member Republican National Committee.


"This is the same story over and over again," said RNC spokesman Sean Spicer, dismissing the latest effort. He suggested that the Trump rebels have "a credibility problem" after repeated failed attempts to block Trump's nomination at the convention.


Even after Trump ended his feud by endorsing Ryan last Friday night, a fresh wave of Republican operatives — and even a handful of elected officials — vowed to vote for someone else or even leave the GOP altogether.


"We're concerned he's on a path to destruction and we're trying to avert that," Thomson said in a Monday interview.


The Colorado Republican, the former state chairwoman for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential campaign, said she has received verbal commitments from party officials willing to sign the petition, but declined to say how many or who they are.


Several RNC members, reached by the AP on Monday, acknowledged deep frustration with Trump's candidacy, but said they would not sign the petition. None were willing to give their names for fear they would be associated with the move.


"It is a difficult path but we are supportive of their efforts," said Republican operative Dane Waters, who led an anti-Trump effort at the convention. "It is important that all options be considered and tried. Priebus should never have allowed this to happen."

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-09
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I mentioned this before that it will be difficult for Republicans to replace Trump. As stated above, "Party rules allow RNC members to replace a presidential nominee in the event of "death, declination, or otherwise". It is the "otherwise" part that is quite vague maybe intentional so. It would probably have to be on the grounds of mentally or physically incapable of holding the office. As Trump seems to be in good health, they would have to deem him mentally unfit which is subjective.


Even if they found a way to replace Trump, this would all take up precious time while election day moves closer. Any new nominee would have to be vetted and voted(?) in. Plus this nominee would have to be paraded before the population so they would know who they are voting for. Betting that people would just vote Republican won't be enough as the Independent voters won't have enough time to make up their minds.


I believe the Republicans will not replace Trump and hope instead that Trump will settle down and follow the party line. They will pressure Trump to maintain a narrow focus of attacking Hillary and pushing the Republican agenda. This is their best bet.

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Republican voters created Trumpenstein.  He's like a bad disease, and he ain't going away.

I recall the Republican primary debates.  I was entertainedly aghast by what a rude buffoon Trump proved to be.  Yet, Republicans gave him more votes than the other Reps.  THEY MADE THE CHOICE!    They chose mud cakes over pizza.   The same anti-science people who believe the world was created 3,400 years ago and who don't believe 8 billion tons of CO2 emissions are harmful for the Earth.  Live with it, suckers.   Your ignorant Karma has caught up with your King of Dogma.

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I still think he'll drop out by coming up with a few face-saving reasons: 


the election is rigged

he needs to spend more time with his family

fatal bone spurs/other health issues

manage his 'businesses'


He loves the attention but I don't think he can survive the scrutiny, and he certainly can't stand the thought of losing something, especially to a woman.



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The more one observes the theatrical farce of the US Presidential elections, the more one becomes convinced that it is no race at all, but a charade to ensure the elite's Chosen One ends up running the show on behalf of Wall Street. 


First, we had stalking horse Sanders, calling Hillary all sorts of nasty names before bowing out with the excuse that he had been undermined by the Democrat hierarchy.


Now, after months of masquerading as a radical viable alternative to the crooked Clintons,Trump mysteriously trashes his own chances.


No Hollywood scriptwriter would seriously attempt to pass this off this extraordinary saga as a believable plot for a political drama. There never really was a choice and for all their bluster and blarney, Trump and Sanders knew it. 


Will the penny eventually drop for the dumbed-down American public?

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23 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

I still think he'll drop out by coming up with a few face-saving reasons: 


the election is rigged

he needs to spend more time with his family

fatal bone spurs/other health issues

manage his 'businesses'


He loves the attention but I don't think he can survive the scrutiny, and he certainly can't stand the thought of losing something, especially to a woman.




That would be the smartest thing he could do.  If he actually participates in a live debate, he will get shredded like we've never seen.  (assuming the moderators are prepared and have some balls)  The guy doesn't know anything!  But if he quits--with any excuse he cares to make up--he would be much better off.  And mark my words, there will be a new Trump TV news network after all this.  He may even hire Roger Ailes to run it, so the two of them can harass young female employees together.

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So who would they replace him with that is likely to win an election? Even if they did prop up some stooge, there would be a backlash about being undemocratic that would lose at least some votes. Suspect they are stuck with Trump unless most want to see a guaranteed Hilary win, mind you she is further to the right than most republicans, so could be what they want.

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Whether you believe in Trump, or not, he surely has shaken up the established parties. And they sorely need much more shaking up. I do hope that this may result in the forming of new political parties which is long overdue (naturally they would corrupt themselves in due course, as well, but that's down the road)

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32 minutes ago, pookiki said:

Dump Trump and Clinton both. Trump for being of unsound mind to be President. Clinton for being an accessory to the act of the DNC knowingly interfering in the Democratic primary process.


That's all the negatives you could dig up on Hillary? Go back to sleep!

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As much as the Repubs hate Hillary, having her elected maintains the status quo and keeps everything in the dysfunctional family that is the charade of the 2 party system.  


Really, it's one party with 2 teams.  Kind of like the NFL.  The team owners don't really care who wins as long as the money keeps rolling in.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Republican voters created Trumpenstein.  He's like a bad disease, and he ain't going away.

I recall the Republican primary debates.  I was entertainedly aghast by what a rude buffoon Trump proved to be.  Yet, Republicans gave him more votes than the other Reps.  THEY MADE THE CHOICE!    They chose mud cakes over pizza.   The same anti-science people who believe the world was created 3,400 years ago and who don't believe 8 billion tons of CO2 emissions are harmful for the Earth.  Live with it, suckers.   Your ignorant Karma has caught up with your King of Dogma.


 They chose mud cakes over pizza.

I prefer the term sh_t sandwich.  When all this is over we'll have to remember the ones who bit the sandwich, we'll be able to think of them as sh_t sandwich Republicans.  SSR #1 would be Chris Christie.  Susan Collins declared "not me!" today.


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5 hours ago, Dustdevil said:

From the NY Times yesterday: 


Trump kept asking a foreign policy expert about nuclear weapons. Three times he said "if we have them, why can't we use them?"


Every leader of every nuclear power has to maintain this facade.


It is not a deterrent if you say you would not use them.


Just that Trump says it straight, doesn't mean he's differing from those that use diplo-speak to say the same thing.

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6 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

These established crooks will go to any length to keep their noses in the trough.

Pigs in the trough.jpg

We do not like Trump but we will not reveal who we are in case we are ostracized. Sound familiar???? Everybody wants to cozy up to the leader of the pack. Alpha syndrome. 

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I will not vote in this election, as I think both candidates are unworthy of the position they seek (This is an option I wish more people would exercise).  However, Trump is the legitimate candidate of the Republican voters, unlike Clinton who is the predetermined candidate of the DNC. Yet, I tend to think Clinton will win, simply because Trump is too inexperienced, egotistical, and stupid to take advantage of her obvious failings. 


Just let him run and see what happens.  Democracy is stupid and messy at times.  This occasion is a pretty good example.

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Who would replace him?  So much damage has been done to the republican party by selecting Trump that you may as well bite the bullet and see this mess through to the bitter end.  Use it to re-invent the party for next time against Michelle Obama.  In the meantime dump all the stupid rhetoric and come up with sensible policies  Without a complete change of direction the republican party is dead in the water

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Gee, the almost total absence of Trump fanatics--come on, defend your boy. Tell how it is all a ploy to destroy the Republican party or even the two-party system and that Trump is the only true patriot because of his self-less pursuit of this ultra patriotic cause. Yeah Trump. 

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24 minutes ago, Berty100 said:


Glad you finally agree, Trump ain't going away, so better learn to live with it.


Ah, now I get it. Trump is like the Republican version of herpes. Once you have it, you can't get rid of it so you just have to live with it the best you can. You know the best bet against getting herpes is barrier protection. Hmm, maybe there is something to Trump's wall after all. It was just containing the wrong thing.

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Trump is a disaster for the Republican brand and if he loses the election in a landslide (hopefully) his personal brand will be mud. Most of his hotels, casinos and golf courses are located in Democratic leaning states which will likely see a big drop in business. In the future if you are a Democrat and have a choice to give your business to a Trump-related hotel or stay in some other hotel I think many will decide against giving their business to a thin-skinned, racist, misogynist, xenophobe bully. I hope he goes bankrupt again....and this time instead of just bankrupting one of his companies I hope it is a personal bankruptcy. He has demonstrated no knowledge of world affairs or any inclination to learn any. He scares American allies with his idiotic statements and would be a danger to the world and American democracy. 

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15 hours ago, smotherb said:

Gee, the almost total absence of Trump fanatics--come on, defend your boy. Tell how it is all a ploy to destroy the Republican party or even the two-party system and that Trump is the only true patriot because of his self-less pursuit of this ultra patriotic cause. Yeah Trump. 


Nobody likes the guy, especially for president.  But we despise what's become of the political process in America even more than we dislike Trump.  Hillary is a big part of that process.  Trump isn't.

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