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Naked "Gik" ejected from Bangkok condo goes after wife for filming her distress


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12 minutes ago, mikeoxwelling said:

And you're a saint! Don't be so quick to lay judgement, it's a way of life here and they deserve the protection of their reputations just as much as anyone else.


If someone has a good reputation, they will protect it. Likewise, someone with a bad reputation will try and get rid of it.


I apologise if my beliefs are not like yours, but people like her, in my eyes, do not have a good reputation.



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12 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:

According to my GF, the girl who took the video and kicked the sideline girl out of the apartment is NOT the man's wife - she is his gf.


The man bought that apartment for her, and he actually does have a wife but she is not involved in this.






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If someone has a good reputation, they will protect it. Likewise, someone with a bad reputation will try and get rid of it.


I apologise if my beliefs are not like yours, but people like her, in my eyes, do not have a good reputation.



Who else makes your people with bad reputation list?
Politicians, policemen, taxi drivers, car salesmen, Indian suit salesmen. bar security staff...?

Are they all unintitled to a good reputation because of their profession?
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1 minute ago, JJGreen said:


Who else makes your people with bad reputation list?
Politicians, policemen, taxi drivers, car salesmen, Indian suit salesmen. bar security staff...?

Are they all unintitled to a good reputation because of their profession?



No. They all have proper jobs.

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1 minute ago, Chapelroad said:
20 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Soooo... let me get that straight: because she is a ">deleted< prostitute for God's sake", people should be allowed to throw her out of a room, naked, film that and post it online?

Is that what you are saying?

So, a >deleted< prostitute, should not have the citizens or human right, to defend herself against an attacker of that kind?

By the way: when she is a ">deleted< prostitute", why is she the one to be blamed and not the guy rented her out?

You have very questionable >deleted<  morals...to say the least!


I suppose had it been your wife, she would have made her a cup of tea, and phoned her a taxi ?

Get Real.  


Her rage and anger makes it okay to humiliate that girl?

Just because she is a prostitute?

There are many things, people do in rage- that doesn't make them "okay"!

Get real yourself!

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4 hours ago, Chapelroad said:

'Suffered loss of face and reputation'


She is a <deleted> prostitute for God's sake !


That just makes her a less fortunate person getting <deleted> doing all she can to survive doesn't it! Sounds like the wife's doing it more.

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No. They all have proper jobs.


Her rage and anger makes it okay to humiliate that girl?

Just because she is a prostitute?

There are many things, people do in rage- that doesn't make them "okay"!

Get real yourself!

Proper jobs... hahahaha

You have a list for that too?
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2 hours ago, digibum said:

Well, first off, the Thai legal system should learn the definition of the word "defame" which is damage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.


The girl is a prostitute.  Nobody damaged her good name.  She got caught being a prostitute.  


This is why this country is so backwards.  Only in Thailand can you get video of someone doing something wrong or illegal and have them sue you for defamation.  


How many politicians, police, etc pull this stunt whenever they got caught red handed and called out for their actions.  It is less of a crime to be a corrupt politician than it is to cause a corrupt politician to lose face.  Oh, the horror.  



So she is a kind of social worker.

Because she got caught this must be shared?

And you think that must be?


Man, you are a very sick person indeed.

You have no idea why she does this kind of work.

And who are you to call someone a prostitute and think it is a good thing to publish this.


Me, I hope the nagging wife get hit so hard by the law, for defamation, for publishing nudeness on the internet, for whatever else they may find in the books, that she looses everything she owes.


She should have put the blame on her husband, nowhere else.

Nor should she put anything of her marital problems on the internet.

It is a personal thing, not public.


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6 minutes ago, DM07 said:


Her rage and anger makes it okay to humiliate that girl?

Just because she is a prostitute?

There are many things, people do in rage- that doesn't make them "okay"!

Get real yourself!


# i wonder if the video was staged


# rage.


would it be right for someone with a very high education to humiliate the gf because she has a lower status-education ??


imo the incident and video is uninteresting, period.

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3am she was in his bedroom?where was the wife who obviously gave him plenty of reasons to bring another woman in for a screw..had the wife been good and fulfilling then husband had no readon whatsoever to go for another woman.

That was a good vdo clip.plz kerp'm rolling....from Bath wiz Luv?

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Well done the girl.  Can't understand how anyone living in Thailand has a problem with prostitutes.  It's like living in a fish tank and not liking fish!  Sex for sale is a huge part of Thai culture and If you cannot accept that then you are living in the wrong place.

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20 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

Defamation is the statement of false things about a person. I think the video eliminates that.


No, it isn't, this is Thailand, read the Thai law if you want to know what it means, she clearly has been defamed as according to Thai law, and the comments on here prove it.

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This is not defamation, as this is a raw camera feed which only depicts a real situation actually taking place, only facts.

On the other hand it may be a crime against the computer act as the posting of the video on social media can cause what the claimant has charged. Crimes against the computer act can be more severely punished than defamation, up to 10 years I believe. 

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

O.K.... Fortunately the rest of the world aren't as keen to see bankruptcy inflicted on those that only tell the truth.


Edit - But I congratulate you on embracing the culture so thoroughly.

It's nothing to do with the truth. It's all about humiliating someone in as public a manner as possible. It's about revenge. 


I have nothing but contempt for those who act in this manner or take pleasure from watching it. 


What on earth are you on about with that edit? 

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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:


no it's not, please get your facts STRAIGHT!  there is a recognised 'system' here:


Bar girl is generally a prostitute if it's full time

Sideline is girl who is studying OR has normal job and occasionally will agree to P4P as a........... drum roll................. you guessed........... as a sideline

Gik is a regular GF who is adjacent to a full time wife or GF

Mia Noi is a 'second wife' who is, more or less, treated like a wife adjacent to a 'main wife'

Wife is a full time and who is supported in the normal way



Listen to yourself.  You've gone native.  She sells sex for money.  Prostitute.  It's the definition of the word.  Doesn't matter if you do it full time or part time.  Just because Thailand decides to classify their prostitutes so that they can have a much needed hierarchy doesn't change the definition of the word in English. 

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42 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

Defamation is the statement of false things about a person. I think the video eliminates that.

Actually, it's anything that can harm another.  True or not.  Crazy law here in Thailand.  Research the journalists who've gotten in trouble here for reporting the truth.  All sued for defamation.

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21 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

This is not defamation, as this is a raw camera feed which only depicts a real situation actually taking place, only facts.

On the other hand it may be a crime against the computer act as the posting of the video on social media can cause what the claimant has charged. Crimes against the computer act can be more severely punished than defamation, up to 10 years I believe. 


As I have explained above, twice already, this is Thailand and Thailand has Thai law, defamation is defined by Thai law not some other countries definition and this does come under the Thai definition of defamation as she has been exposed to be hated and scorned.

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2 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


The Thai legal system does not need to learn how other countries systems define a crime, they can define them themselves like all countries can, there are large differences in definition for this type of crime the world over, and in Thailand the definition includes exposing someone to be hated or scorned.  Judging by comments above this has clearly happened to her, it would seem some posters on here think it fine to punish a prostitute and that it is her fault that her customer was married, it has made for a shamefull read.


Actually it's a word with a dictionary definition.  If Thailand wants to create a new crime that involves causing embarrassment then use a new word.  


And I think you have it wrong.  I don't think it's right to punish a prostitute.  I think it's normal for people to blow a fuse when they catch a spouse cheating on them.  People still get killed for that kind of stuff.  But posting a video of you tossing a prostitute out of your home?   Come on. Utter Thai BS.  Oh, she lost face.  You think the wife didn't lose face?   


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1 minute ago, digibum said:


Actually it's a word with a dictionary definition.  If Thailand wants to create a new crime that involves causing embarrassment then use a new word.  


And I think you have it wrong.  I don't think it's right to punish a prostitute.  I think it's normal for people to blow a fuse when they catch a spouse cheating on them.  People still get killed for that kind of stuff.  But posting a video of you tossing a prostitute out of your home?   Come on. Utter Thai BS.  Oh, she lost face.  You think the wife didn't lose face?   



not about that it's about PUBLIC humiliation of a private matter

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4 hours ago, Chapelroad said:

'Suffered loss of face and reputation'


She is a <deleted> prostitute for God's sake !

Prostitution is legal in Oz as it is in many countries, the are employed as "sex workers", they have unions and industrial rights, I think it's time you took a look at yourself and your values eh!


It's the second oldest profession on earth and most of them are bringing up a family, are you??  :whistling::thumbsup::wai:

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It seems that most of the posts are totally irrelevant!  If the woman causing the humiliation was the man's girlfriend, and was even a former sideline girl herself, that paints a completely different story. Meanwhile the actual wife was nowhere near and was not involved.  She might be now?!!  Maybe she won't want him anymore either?!!

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