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Plan to track all foreigners - NOT JUST TOURISTS - by SIM cards moves forward


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1 hour ago, Dario said:


I doubt it. If your claim was correct there would be no need for the new sim cards. 

They don't need a new sim card....just the money for the new simcard....lol


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1 minute ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


To be fair he was removed from office by a military coup in 2006. 


He didn't see that coming either... 


So you spoke to Thaksin in 2003 and he told you that.I bet you're also ex secret service

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7 minutes ago, Berty100 said:


You seem to miss the point that a terrorist with a foreign sim card has to use the local phone ( 3G/4G) network to use his Line, Whatsapp.




Really. I prefer to use wifi instead. You know, Starbucks, hotels, restaurants etc etc

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Because all crime in Thailand can be traced to the evil foreigner. Thailand would be Utopia if not for outsiders injecting their nasty old money into the economy. At what point does the U.S. State Department and similar agencies in  other countries inform the Thai government that they need to stand down? They seem to think they are Donald Trump.

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:


You think a would be terrorist would bother to save on a couple of thousand baht?


Also, how old are you that you actually still make calls on your phone instead of using apps like Line, Whatsapp etc? And do you realise that even on a foreign sim card, 3G internet access a day is only about 300-400 baht?


So, once again, how would you compel a tourist to purchase a sim card? How would you implement such a poorly thought out plan?

I do not intend to educate the unedited about communication technology. Its quite obvious it can be done as other countries do it and this country would not have the discussion unless they could actually do it. So get over it!

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3 hours ago, Merylhighground said:


Thailand has hedged it's future economic bets already with China pal!  


As I said earlier, it's going to get far, far worse...if you aren't rich enough or have the skills to meet future government criteria the best you're going to have in Thailand is a two week/one month annual holiday/'come spend all your money here' visa.


Crying that you are wed to a Thai or have 'Thai' children isn't going to help one jot. 

Sadly if you don't have the cash or skills to be a perceived benefit to the nation, time to get wifey a visa/citizenship for your home nation and cut......


We are just starting to see the fruit of the what the Thaksin regime's crackdowns in the mid 2000s aimed at....

To be honest if it gets to that point I would not mind moving, and Thailand would not mind me moving either. Always had an affinity for laid back Laos and it's relaxed way of life. The Thais like to bash the Laos community but for the most part I deem them to be a better quality group of people 

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13 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


The intent was there was my point.


After that I have always treated Thailand, although it has been my home for 20 years, as very much a temporary setting, just in case. 


It's been coming for a long time, only now in these times of an uncertain political future, where any pillock seems to be able to rock up with an idea, no matter how dumb, as long as it enhances his 'Thainess' (elect-ability).

Week by week, day-by-day, there will be fresh new ideas from all manner of half wits stuffed shirts designed at getting shot of the foreigners from Thailand until they just go 'whole hog' and decree all foreigners must leave unless they have multiple degrees, a 7 figure Dollar/Sterling/Euro salary from overseas (which they must spend and bank in Thailand) or a few million dollars in the bank which they must commit to spending in Thailand.....


20 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

No need, my immediate neighbour is the third most senior policeman in Northern Thailand, I bought my house from him, lovely man with a great family.


BTW the thread/subject is a wind up, if only you didn't realize!


I'm delighted for you but if you don't meet the above criteria (or whatever criteria they eventually do set) you'll be packing your bags regardless of who you bought your house from or who your neighbours are...

Edited by Merylhighground
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Just now, AbeSurd said:

Please can you explain what you mean?


The very notion that all foreigners to Thailand, regardless of their country of origin will be tracked via special issue SIM cards is an absolute nonsense, the press invented the idea because it sells copy and makes money from clicks etc.


The term "foreigners" includes: visitors from all countries, read the following link from three years ago and try to work out how all of them will be made to acquire new SIMS for their phones.





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Unfortunately I've been out of Thailand a lot for the last year so I may have missed a few developments. Also I haven't read this entire thread so apologies if this has been asked/answered already....


A year or two ago there was a big government drive to get everyone to register their SIM cards. If I remember correctly there were warnings that your SIM card would be cut off if you didn't register it in time.


Was there any fallout from this? Like thousands and thousands of people losing use of their SIM cards?


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7 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:


It's been coming for a long time, only now in these times of an uncertain political future, where any pillock seems to be able to rock up with an idea, no matter how dumb, as long as it enhances his 'Thainess' (elect-ability).

Week by week, day-by-day, there will be fresh new ideas from all manner of half wits stuffed shirts designed at getting shot of the foreigners from Thailand until they just go 'whole hog' and decree all foreigners must leave unless they have multiple degrees, a 7 figure Dollar/Sterling/Euro salary from overseas (which they must spend and bank in Thailand) or a few million dollars in the bank which they must commit to spending in Thailand.....



I'm delighted for you but if you don't meet the above criteria (or whatever criteria they eventually do set) you'll be packing your bags regardless of who you bought your house from or who your neighbours are...

"but if you don't meet the above criteria ... you'll be packing your bags regardless".


Conspiracy theories gone berserk, there must be cost effective treatment available for such things in Thailand, no!

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11 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


The very notion that all foreigners to Thailand, regardless of their country of origin will be tracked via special issue SIM cards is an absolute nonsense, the press invented the idea because it sells copy and makes money from clicks etc.


The term "foreigners" includes: visitors from all countries, read the following link from three years ago and try to work out how all of them will be made to acquire new SIMS for their phones.






It is nonsensical, but it isn't an invention of the press, it's an invention of some muppet who went on a jolly to an overseas conference and didn't have a clue what they were discussing.



NBTC secretary-general Thakorn Tanthasit said Wednesday that special SIM cards for mobile phones used by foreign tourists was put on trial use in Malaysia and the result is satisfactory in a way that the foreign visitors can be easily traced.


Added: The only mention I can see of foreigners in all the SIM cards available to foreigners in Malaysia are these, so he's either lying or simply clueless (I'd hazard a guess it's the latter).




AirAsia Traveller Plan Edit

On all inbound flights of AirAsia to Malaysia their Traveller Plan SIM card is offered. For 35 RM it includes 5 RM credit and 1 GB of data. It is only available to foreigners.



Tourist SIM Edit

Only at KLIA2, the budget terminal of Kuala Lumpur airport, they sell their tourist SIM called 'Traveller SIM'. Their shop is located at Level 2 - 145 (location). This SIM is only given to foreign passengers with a passport, not to Malaysians.




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Just now, Chicog said:


It is nonsensical, but it isn't an invention of the press, it's an invention of some muppet who went on a jolly to an overseas conference and didn't have a clue what they were discussing.




It's a stupid, non starter of an idea that has been extended and capitalised on by the press, ENOUGH.

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i know quite a bit about this subject having been hacking cellphones from the very early days of the first networks.

And non cellular "mobile phones" before that.


Remember "cloned" cellphones?


As stated by other comments here, the entire way a cellphone works is to constantly make contact with the closest tower so the network knows where to relay your incoming data and voice comms. So your "position" is "reported" to the nearest tower and then passed on to the network for patching. But this position is not as precise as a GPS fix.


I can hack what is called the "control channel" and display all the info of every phone on the nearest tower. All the SIM card numbers and unique info for all the phones using that tower is displayed. Then a software filter will match the SIM you are looking for. 


At a higher level, the entire network can be viewed and searched.


I do that on a PC with a $10.00 worth of hardware and a $500 worth of receiver.


This is all VERY OLD information, the Feds have been tracking the mafia in the USA since the 80' and can remotely turn on the phones mic to listen to a conversation in a room. No phone call needed.


The newer digital phones require more software to decode the codecs used today. Not as easy but ANYONE who has the cash and know who can do it. This includes decoding the voice channel to listen to conversations. 


Nothing new. nothing hard to do.







Edited by NCC1701A
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Why don't they make us wear yellow armbands and hats with flags on the top stating that we are foreigners please persecute. When will the foreigners say up yours we are fed up with these racist comments and go spend our money in a neighbouring country instead. 

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I am sitting here,

and getting distracted by the photos to the Right of the screen, well actually just the photo of the Underboob selfies.............


be good to be a pawn in that SIM game


I didnt think that thread would still be active :D

The Popular Now is handy after all

Edited by tifino
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Did anyone read the article before venting there splean. 

Quote "Foreign tourists would be able to continue to use SIM cards brought in from other countries under roaming service and would not be required to turn their location on. They would only receive a location-tracking SIM card once they showed their passport to purchase one from a Thai service provider."


So if you already have a sim you won't be getting  a new one. If your really paranoid go out tomorow and buy another sim put a bit of money on it and use it every month or so so it stays active. Then I'd for any reason you lose or break you now sim card you have a spare so therefore will never need to buy one if the silly law comes in which I personaly doubt it ever will

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Well I have been living in Thailand for 7 years now and starting to get that biblical feeling. The bible says there shall be 7 fat years and 7 lean years. I think I know what is around the corner. I guess it will not be long before we get a 666 stamped on our foreheads. One thing about Thailand they like to spread the misery around to one and all. Its a equality effort the government wishes us to share with the locals. 

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Thailand would deserve a complete, worldwide boycott for a year - no foreign tourists, no expats, no foreign investment (not only 90% down, but a 100%) all foreign investors pulling out, closing the companies, pulling all possible money out and laying off staff for a year, married to Thai foreigners moving their families out of Thailand, cutting all money supply routes to old grannies in Northeast, all family ties cut. No export into Thailand, and no import from either. 

We'd then see what happens to the "Country of the Free"... Oh - forgot - all Thais abroad would be sent home and kicked out of their businesses, houses, land, not allowed to enter or apply for a foreign visa also, for a full year. Wouldn't that be something? Having those pricks gulp down a good bucket of their own medicine might change their mindset... perhaps...

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3 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

"but if you don't meet the above criteria ... you'll be packing your bags regardless".


Conspiracy theories gone berserk, there must be cost effective treatment available for such things in Thailand, no!


Conspiracy theory/theories? Do you really think so?

Have a look at the ever increasing difficulties in visa applications over the last ten years or so in all demographics of 'expats' before making silly statements. 

It seems the only few demographic 'expat' sectors which seem to have been 'left alone' are those on an overseas multi-national placements, the mega-rich or the diplomats. Even the previously (long time) 'untouchables' in the NGOs have been getting it rough of late.....

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28 minutes ago, JustNo said:

To be honest if it gets to that point I would not mind moving, and Thailand would not mind me moving either. Always had an affinity for laid back Laos and it's relaxed way of life. The Thais like to bash the Laos community but for the most part I deem them to be a better quality group of people 


That Thailand's neighbours would/could benefit hugely from an exodus of foreigners from Thailand is a given. According the the few 'expats' I have met over the years in Cambodia, Laos and Burma all gave me the impression that we (Thailand based expats) were a daft bunch for putting up with such a restrictive lifestyle.

Sadly, I have just signed a new deal with my employers for the next five years in Thailand (mainly because that is where we are settled) but will certainly have an eye on elsewhere in the Mainland part of the region for the next contract after this one.

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2 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:


Conspiracy theory/theories? Do you really think so?

Have a look at the ever increasing difficulties in visa applications over the last ten years or so in all demographics of 'expats' before making silly statements. 

It seems the only few demographic 'expat' sectors which seem to have been 'left alone' are those on an overseas multi-national placements, the mega-rich or the diplomats. Even the previously (long time) 'untouchables' in the NGOs have been getting it rough of late.....


And quite right too! Why should Thailand open up it's borders to anyone who  simply wants to live here, if you don't meet the criteria to be able to remain then you can't stay, just like any other country. Part of the problem is that every penniless (and often scurrilous) Westerner seems to think they should be allowed to live here unhindered and the government is now making it clear they cannot.


Foreigners have abused the tourist visa run system for many many years, they then went on more recently to abuse the Ed-visa and doubtless thousands are still abusing the marriage visa for business and land ownership purposes. It's high time there was a crackdown on these things otherwise, legitimate visa holders get tarred with he same brush as the casualists and the scroungers.

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8 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:


That Thailand's neighbours would/could benefit hugely from an exodus of foreigners from Thailand is a given. According the the few 'expats' I have met over the years in Cambodia, Laos and Burma all gave me the impression that we (Thailand based expats) were a daft bunch for putting up with such a restrictive lifestyle.

Sadly, I have just signed a new deal with my employers for the next five years in Thailand (mainly because that is where we are settled) but will certainly have an eye on elsewhere in the Mainland part of the region for the next contract after this one.

Harsh, I guess those countries will be there when the contract is over anyway..

I have been to Laos 7 times in the past 6 years and have loved it every single time. However there is always something linking me here to this country. And of course the beaches, Land-locked Laos doesn't have any. Even my Thai gf agrees with me about Laos and it's people, she loves it there just as much as I do. I made the leap moving here back in 2010 and have yet to return back to my country, this much smaller leap across the border is looking more promising by the week  

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