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Expats could be exempt from SIM card tracking


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7 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The BBC is doing a simple piece on this saying the plan is for foreign tourists and is claimed as a crime prevention measure,  no mention of national security as in the original blurb here or resident expats.   It's also denied by LoS as being an invasion of privacy.


Is this consultation period a way of getting out of this without losing face,  the authors of the plan have had their 15 mins of infamy but if the whole thing is impossible,  unworkable etc it will have to be spun as being cancelled for reasons that don't provide for even more ridicule.


Personally I would never take part in any public discussion on this or any other govt issue so perhaps we have to hope our respective embassies will present the case for us.

Can't see them getting out of this latest display of spasticity without losing face, unless they sack him for this silly little wet dream being unworkable. Somchai fails again.

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anyone thats wants to be tracked for their own safety by their friends or family or anyone they choose can already do so with todays smartphones, i think a lot of TV members are forgetting foreigners mean anyone not thai, like burmese etc.


just a way to find a scapegoat quickly IMHO

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a sim only show your general position in relation to the nearest radio mast? It doesn't pin-point your exact location.

As for GPS, correct me again if I'm wrong - doesn't GPS work by software operating a  receiver within the phone? What has that got to do with the sim? How is it possible to tap remotely into someone's GPS?

People seem to be assuming that the plan is to pin-point their location 24/7 down to the precise bar-seat - but surely that's impossible.


Anyway, remember the rule that periodically comes up saying all foreigners have to report to the nearest immigration office/police station if they spend more than 24 hours away from home? I'm thinking that a vague degree of sim trackability could prevent the necessity of that sort of nonsense so maybe it has some advantages.

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A government regulator Wednesday played down the certainty of tracking all foreigners by phone SIM cards after the plan was met with concern and ridicule.


They must read Thai Visa comments.  :D

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7 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I am definitely not in favor of this being done on a mandatory basis for either expats or tourists. It's just way too intrusive into personal privacy.


However, on a voluntary basis, I can envision some scenarios where a tracking device on a cell phone could be beneficial, i.e., someone who was at risk for dementia or other health problems which might incapacitate them, someone concerned that their life safety, or someone who lived or traveled in remote areas. 



You're right of course but the motives are not as honourable as that I'm afraid. 


Tracking people without a court order is the name of the game as suggested, I can see no other logical reason for it at all. I mean if the Government had access to where people are without the need for a court order input from the Telecommunication companies what are the chances that this would be abused? I am sure I do not need to answer that.


It is a terrible invasion of privacy for the vast majority or people who do not do anything wrong and are of no concern to the Police.


I suggest they do what other countries do, if they have the mobile number of a criminal, get a court order and wring with the Telecommunication companies triangulate the position of the phone using the mobile phone towers. 


For everyone else, leave then alone.

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8 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

"would not move forward without input from the public – including foreign residents. "  :cheesy:

Nice to see they are considering what we think WOW what a big no giant step for expats like the statement made when man first stepped onto the moon. This government hates to retrace their comments they may yet proceed to save face which is what they base their actions on. Its all trial balloons here floated like the military spending and subs. No we will not yes we will its like picking petals off of a daisy. Yes I will no I will not etc. The government actions here daily always provide a daily "fix" for my humor gland. 

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33 minutes ago, LazySlipper said:

Simple question but surely no simple answer.



Please don't parade your ignorance. There are a number of countries where anonymous SIM cards are simply not allowed. Having a tourist SIM merely extends that principle - not that that makes it a good idea, or even a practical one. I understood the original announcement referenced a similar scheme for tourists in Malaysia

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8 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I am definitely not in favor of this being done on a mandatory basis for either expats or tourists. It's just way too intrusive into personal privacy.


However, on a voluntary basis, I can envision some scenarios where a tracking device on a cell phone could be beneficial, i.e., someone who was at risk for dementia or other health problems which might incapacitate them, someone concerned that their life safety, or someone who lived or traveled in remote areas. 




Dementia would pretty much be a prerequisite for anybody who is loony enough to volunteer to be tracked. 

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27 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Please don't parade your ignorance. There are a number of countries where anonymous SIM cards are simply not allowed. Having a tourist SIM merely extends that principle - not that that makes it a good idea, or even a practical one. I understood the original announcement referenced a similar scheme for tourists in Malaysia


I agree with you, what is the NSA doing in the USA & GCHQ in the UK as well as listening to the rest of the worlds phone calls plus reading their emails. They were the one's to first announce the Egypt Air crash was terrorism because they had phone intercepts.

Edited by sandrabbit
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I would do my part if the ladyboy gold snatchers on Pattaya Beach road, and the peuing pick-pocket gangs riding the baht buses were also tracked.

And while we are at it, the on-duty police need tracking, so we know they are on the job, and not in their mia noi's noodle shop and/or bar.

No idea what the statistics are but I am pretty confident that there are far more crimes committed by Thai nationals in Thailand than farangs in Thailand.

Geeze, I sound as silly as this unrealistic SIM tracking idea huh?

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46 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Please don't parade your ignorance. There are a number of countries where anonymous SIM cards are simply not allowed. Having a tourist SIM merely extends that principle - not that that makes it a good idea, or even a practical one. I understood the original announcement referenced a similar scheme for tourists in Malaysia


There is a similar scheme for tourists in Malaysia??? Since when?

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I agree that, if this ridiculous plan goes forward,  long term expats with B and O visa's (not the education visa because it is being abused) should be exempt. Anyhow, any criminal with half a grain of brains would not be registering a phone in his own name anyhow. Kind of a pointless exercise, if the real plan is to make things harder for the shady people.

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Isn't that nice of them?


So us expats, who support this country to no end aren't going to be spied on like some common criminal?


I feel so special, I really do.


These government officials are so stupid I can't believe it.


If they think this SIM card rule will catch even one criminal they are out of their minds.

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I told you already a couple of days ago that this was just another silly idea, it will never happen. Besides most of us expats already on a postpaid subscription, they know everything they need to know about most users with Thai sim cards already. 

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9 hours ago, tuanku said:

Its not practical, it won't happen, and its what you get if you let a load of ignorant, poorly educated, out of touch, old men run your country. These Generals and their friends have never before found the need to engage brain before speaking as their untouchable position in the military exempts them from the scrutiny and the reaction that daft ideas receive in normal society.



Actually, that's probably not far off.  Military culture (not just Thai) tends to reward the "can do" types and stigmatize those who voice objections.  It's for the subordinates to just figure out how to make it work, whatever it takes, rather than question the concept. The wise & seasoned senior officer knows this and actively solicits informed input and open discussion of options BEFORE declaring intent and foreclosing further objective assessment.  What's going on here is a textbook case (of how NOT to do it...).


And the higher up the food chain the subordinates and their superiors, the more pronounced and more politically driven the dynamic described above gets.

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5 hours ago, Gweiloman said:


There is a similar scheme for tourists in Malaysia??? Since when?

I believe that was a claim made by the original official according to the op of the first post that came up about this matter.  It has been refuted by people who say they live/ have lived in Malaysia here on TV, though I'm not sure on which thread.

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Well I don’t have a problem being  tracked.  Home … shopping …food shop … short holiday … golf course … friends house... cinema …bank …car garage … Impact … perm as required …post box for 90Day Report .. once a year at immigration.

Wow didn’t realise life was so boring............

Edited by JAS21
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The whole thing is already being played down in the last article of 19:05 (today) in the BKK post. It now only includes tourists not expats and is not set in stone. It just says now that tourist can only buy traceable sims. 

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1 hour ago, Slip said:

I believe that was a claim made by the original official according to the op of the first post that came up about this matter.  It has been refuted by people who say they live/ have lived in Malaysia here on TV, though I'm not sure on which thread.

No such thing in Malaysia that I seen & I in & out of Malaysia monthly & purchased a sim in Malaysia 3 weeks ago.

Same procedure as Singapore & thailand in only requirement being ID or passport & simple registration form . Can roam on international sims too, I use my Singapore sim mainly as people have that number & malaysia sim mainly for cheap 24/7 internet .

Whole plan from start to finish is full of incorrect information & poor technical understanding, the reason for registration & reason no other country wants use special tracker sim is absolutely no need as current system is good enough & any serious criminal will easily avoid using it in a way to disadvantage himself any way .

Only thing they done by highlighting it in media is make themselves look as clueless as we already assumed & given those with ill intent a heads up on mobile & sim usage ...

Mobile phone records of all potential suspects in Koh Tao would be interesting to see, even when not doing advanced tracking the system records what towers you used so could validate or invalidate statements quite easily :-) Guess we never see those records lol ...

Edited by BuckBee
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10 hours ago, WhizBang said:




IF that is true, then might as well bin the idea now, as I think the expat community is overwhelmingly AGAINST it.


And you think the government will take a blind bit of notice what expats say?


Dream on.



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20 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The BBC is doing a simple piece on this saying the plan is for foreign tourists and is claimed as a crime prevention measure,  no mention of national security as in the original blurb here or resident expats.   It's also denied by LoS as being an invasion of privacy.


Is this consultation period a way of getting out of this without losing face,  the authors of the plan have had their 15 mins of infamy but if the whole thing is impossible,  unworkable etc it will have to be spun as being cancelled for reasons that don't provide for even more ridicule.


Personally I would never take part in any public discussion on this or any other govt issue so perhaps we have to hope our respective embassies will present the case for us.



Expecting our Embassies to present our case for us - Really?

Are folk from the home country employed there or are the Embassy staff mostly locals doing administrative work who have never been to the home country?

I suggest that you don't hold your breath.

Just sayin LOL

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20 hours ago, Toknarok said:

        I'm somewhat confused. they state that this exercise is to be able to trace all foreigners living in Thailand. We automatically tend to equate that with farangs and other expats living here  whether they be retirees or working. What about the millions of Burmese and Cambodians living and working here? I have no idea what the percentage of mobile phone ownership is by them but I should imagine that it's quite high. Would the Thai authorities have the technology to be able to track millions of mobiles, not just a few hundred thousand owned by farangs and the like.

Near to my wife's family hame in Chiangmai is a big barracklike block housing approx 50 Burmese. The all share about 5 phones. So how could they track any individual ?

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2 hours ago, laislica said:



Expecting our Embassies to present our case for us - Really?

Are folk from the home country employed there or are the Embassy staff mostly locals doing administrative work who have never been to the home country?

I suggest that you don't hold your breath.

Just sayin LOL

Embassies do employ local staff for obvious communication reasons but there has to be personnel from the   '  home  '   country as you put it.

Do you think locally employed staff are allowed to handle classified material such as diplomatic cables etc.  ?

Making representations about issues like the SIM  cards should be part of their duties but that doesn't mean it will be.    If the SIM requirements for tourists is actually put in place i would expect various Foreign ministries would include this in their travel advisories.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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On 8/10/2016 at 3:35 PM, Gecko123 said:

I am definitely not in favor of this being done on a mandatory basis for either expats or tourists. It's just way too intrusive into personal privacy.


However, on a voluntary basis, I can envision some scenarios where a tracking device on a cell phone could be beneficial, i.e., someone who was at risk for dementia or other health problems which might incapacitate them, someone concerned that their life safety, or someone who lived or traveled in remote areas. 





There's an APP for that.


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