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A cut above?????


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It really isn't that hard to figure out!


Don't just say 'good morning' to any Westerner (edit - and come to that Thai!) - as some of them have no interest in being friendly.


If you notice a smile or 'good morning' - respond similarly.


Why are everyday things sometimes made so difficult by posters!

Edited by dick dasterdly
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43 minutes ago, The manic said:

You can not force people to respond to your overtures or people to like you. I often greet people and respond to greetings but I am from London where it is not unusual.  Perhaps your problem is lumping all white people together as farangs. It's Thai ignorance to do so. We all come from different countries and cultures and have different greeting rituals and customs. Regarding your view that foreigners may feel superior to you- that is probably a reflection of your own insecurities.

Read my post 

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23 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

If you read my op it says they only put there head down after you say good morning.

You're somehow missing the body language,  and for that I feel sorry for you.


Have you never met Thais that also kept their head down, avoided eye-contact - telling you they had no interest in being friendly?

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On 8/11/2016 at 1:59 PM, Deepinthailand said:

Having read the replies I can see the answer to my question is yes a cut above. If anyone said good morning to me I would reply with a good morning but hey I was brought up with that. Yes I do belive Farangs here belive they are a cut above  not just Thai but all other Farangs. 

Why the hell should I say hello to some old farang who is still on his pink cloud after being here 2 year, with a wife who looks like she used to work in  Khon Kaen fish market?

Just because he has the same skin colour as I? he could be a Yank or German for all I know.

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1 minute ago, Johnniey said:

Why the hell should I say hello to some old farang who is still on his pink cloud after being here 2 year, with a wife who looks like she used to work in  Khon Kaen fish market?

Just because he has the same skin colour as I? he could be a Yank or German for all I know.


You seem to have someone particular in mind. 


Remember what it is we all hate the most. 

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

Yes, I met a guy with three legs then, and along with the facial hair it has haunted me ever since.


I wrote to Jim'll Fix It once, he never replied ... so I had a lucky escape ... I avoid old farangs with long blonde hair, wearing track suits, and smoking cigars ... better to be safe ... etc.

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

The poster was being sarcastic....


I value your insight, so if this is true, then, a thousand pardons are in order. I am forced to assume you know the poster well, as there is not even a subtle indication of sarcasm in the text, from my perspective. I had an uncle who could not detect sarcasm. However, I am not him.


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I met an English guy in the Gym the other week. I asked if he went there often. He replied, "I am an oldtimer, been in Thailand 8 years". He didn't want to talk.  Good practice of humility for me to say nothing.  Usually I would have spoken to him in Thai but this time not.

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2 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I wrote to Jim'll Fix It once, he never replied ... so I had a lucky escape ... I avoid old farangs with long blonde hair, wearing track suits, and smoking cigars ... better to be safe ... etc.

Well you won't be avoiding me, though a guy I played with during my band days was introduced by this guy on Top of the Pops.

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On 11/08/2016 at 2:04 PM, Minnie the Minx said:

It's not uncommon to not wish to engage in conversation with a perfect stranger.


Each to their own.

I don't say g'day to every farang in Melbourne so why say it to every farang I see in Thailand????

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15 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

I met an English guy in the Gym the other week. I asked if he went there often. He replied, "I am an oldtimer, been in Thailand 8 years". He didn't want to talk.  Good practice of humility for me to say nothing.  Usually I would have spoken to him in Thai but this time not.


What you describe is a "captive audience" scenario. In which case, the correct thing to do is end the attempted conversation, if the greeting is not reciprocated. This is part of the 'social dance,' and should be both understood and respected. One of my greatest wishes is that men who otherwise realize this, would extend the same awareness and humility to women in similar situations. 

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In some small towns in America it's traditional to greet everyone you meet with a smile and a cheery good morning or good afternoon, depending on the time of day, whether you recognize them or not. When I was young I had a girl friend who went to a college in such a town in Ohio -- the students were all warned when they arrived that this was the custom and they would be punished if they failed to return greetings. In larger cities it's usually advised not to even make eye contact because you don't know how dangerous the stranger might by.

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23 hours ago, GuestHouse said:

I, and I am sure many others, have come across the same miserable faces from expats in response to a civil greeting  (in Thailand).


I think its worth making a comparison. I've often met westerners in other non-western parts of the world, by example the middle east, where similar civil greetings are very seldom met with the miserable face so often seen in Thailand.


I put it down to the fact that a lot of misfits wash up in Thailand, but don't regard their grumpy response in an entirely negative light - they are at least giving the rest of use clear notice that they are not likely to be good company. 



And as a friend of mine who lives in a part of Thailand with very few foreigners remarks, he sees no reason to lower the standards of the company he keeps just because there's not a lot of company about. 



If you say hullo to me because i have a white face you are a racist.

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12 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Well well the  farangs have spoken or not as the case maybe. I can't really understand why the majority of you see it as normal that you ignore other people but each to there own. Me I will continue as I have all my life to greet people with a good morning. And a smile you never know one day I might get a worthwhile response. Remember not everyone wants to rob you or have an in depth conversation with you. It's called being friendly to others. So if your in KK and a farang says good morning it may well be me. 

You are making it a them and us issue,that's what i don't like.If he is a farang and i presume white face you say hullo.If a random brown face comes along i bet you say nothing.What about other visitors to Thailand such as Nigerians,Chinese and Indians,do you have a natter with them.

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1 minute ago, SiSePuede419 said:

C'mon.  You're not in your cold, grey country full of stuck-up losers anymore....


I always though it was us 'expats' that were generally considered the losers, having to leave our home countries for whatever reasons.

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7 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

Some Thais can be just as bad. I have always noticed that Westerners seem to have no sense of community, unlike Indians or Filipinos who all seem to know each other. Westerners tend to have an "I'm alright Jack and sod the rest" approach to living in Thailand. Shame really.

You really don't understand,do you.Let me spell it out for you.I will use your example.Indians are from India,Filipinos  are from the Phillippines.Westerners are from everywhere and only have one main thing in common,the colour of their skin.I am Australian and have nothing in common with a Dutchman or Germans.We may meet at a party or bar and we will speak,same as Indians and Filipinos,but to randomly speak to strangers in the street based on the colour of their skin is racist.

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7 hours ago, georgemandm said:

I have seen it as well but lots of them are afraid of there thai partners .

my ex thai would not like it if I talk to a man from the west and that is because thai woman don't want us to know the truth about how the game is played her in thailand by thai women.

but yes some of them think you want to root there thai partner.

and some just think they are better then you .

I gave you a like george just for using the word root.Haven't heard it for decades.Thanks for the reminder.

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5 hours ago, aussie11950 said:

I see this all the time too. 

What a miserable bunch most farangs are. 

I usually give a friendly and polite hello, but rarely get one back. 

Thai's will always give a smile and reply, but usually in Thai lol. 


But not on the telephone where it mostly is hullo.

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