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One killed and 20 injured in two bomb blasts in Hua Hin


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I remember a few months ago intelligence reported up to about 20 middle eastern/Turkish etc had entered Thailand and this was promptly denied by Thai authorities. Seems like they have got themselves organised and are setting off all these bombs. Makes one wonder how many more before they get rounded up.

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24 minutes ago, Nicolas32 said:

i would not be to surprised if this is related to the gang who beat up that family a few months ago .. and all got a lengthy jail term for the attacking the couple and son .. 

Really? I would be ******* astonished if the two events are related. 


Edit: For some reason two posts quoted.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I see some anti-junta worthies are getting flak, that's not right.


Please lay off the personal insults people, if this is a problem, it won't depend on what colour you are or whether you think Mr Prayuth is a saviour or just another Thai nutter, you'll still be vulnerable, especially since Thais will always try to blame foreigners for everything that goes wrong in their country, and saying you love Mr Prayuth won't help you if they do.


Discussion is facilitated by the expression of opinion, and none of the junta-huggers are immune from the odium of their previous posts any more than the anti-junta-ites are. So let's keep it civil, we're all compatriots in a way, and an organised conflict would affect all of our security and well-being.




The fat lady is singing, so don't bicker, don't say 'I told you so nyah nyah', sit back and enjoy the songs...

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6 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:


Of the various possibilities, given the timing and the location, it could be someone trying to say 'We can get at you wherever we choose'.


Could be unrelated to Thaksin, but could easily be related. He isn't the brightest star in the sky but even he must have woken up to find what's happening to Thailand wasn't a nightmare at all, but real. If he still gives a damn that is and I wouldn't, but then I'm not addicted to face or revenge as the Chinese are.


If it is the beginnings of a more widespread campaign, we can all look forward to an extended period of violence. It won't be incidents every day, or in predictable locations - that would just foster predictability. It will be seemingly random days and locations, and will quite quickly spread to military presences, wether camps or lone soldiers in the streets, though that may be an outside bet given the number of Isaan;'s children in the military 'other ranks'. It is also likely to spread quite quickly to Bangkok.


The fat lady is singing, but to be honest, that may be separate, even though all things are related to some extent. If this is the beginnings of a campaign then it is sooner than I expected, mainly because a campaign needs time to plan and prepare resources. If this is indeed such, then the planning must have been going on for some time, and I've been getting nothing but silence on that matter. perhaps that in itself is an indication...


We will all have to wait and see I suppose, but I do know that a considerable effort has been going into preparing the Thai population psychologically for an entry into armed conflict, and that's been ongoing pretty much since the military took over. 


To be clear (and if anyone cares), I don't know if this is related to the South of Thailand, the the reds or to local mafias, however 1 bomb then more in the same locality isn't a good sign.


What I do know is I've been predicting a civil war for 2 years. This may be unrelated, it's all a bit early to tell what it is.




The fat lady *is* singing.


6 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:


Of the various possibilities, given the timing and the location, it could be someone trying to say 'We can get at you wherever we choose'.


Could be unrelated to Thaksin, but could easily be related. He isn't the brightest star in the sky but even he must have woken up to find what's happening to Thailand wasn't a nightmare at all, but real. If he still gives a damn that is and I wouldn't, but then I'm not addicted to face or revenge as the Chinese are.


If it is the beginnings of a more widespread campaign, we can all look forward to an extended period of violence. It won't be incidents every day, or in predictable locations - that would just foster predictability. It will be seemingly random days and locations, and will quite quickly spread to military presences, wether camps or lone soldiers in the streets, though that may be an outside bet given the number of Isaan;'s children in the military 'other ranks'. It is also likely to spread quite quickly to Bangkok.


The fat lady is singing, but to be honest, that may be separate, even though all things are related to some extent. If this is the beginnings of a campaign then it is sooner than I expected, mainly because a campaign needs time to plan and prepare resources. If this is indeed such, then the planning must have been going on for some time, and I've been getting nothing but silence on that matter. perhaps that in itself is an indication...


We will all have to wait and see I suppose, but I do know that a considerable effort has been going into preparing the Thai population psychologically for an entry into armed conflict, and that's been ongoing pretty much since the military took over. 


To be clear (and if anyone cares), I don't know if this is related to the South of Thailand, the the reds or to local mafias, however 1 bomb then more in the same locality isn't a good sign.


What I do know is I've been predicting a civil war for 2 years. This may be unrelated, it's all a bit early to tell what it is.




The fat lady *is* singing.

I realise the Psychology of civil war disturbs many.

But we can only observe and not be too dismissive.


The idea it's alarmist is perhaps in contrast to junta dismissing now 6 blasts in a short time frame.


Yes I envisioned Civil war perhaps by 2020 ...this might be an early warning sign .( nothing more) 

Or a prelude .?


lets hope it's not the Fat lady singing and our fears realised .

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12 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:


Of the various possibilities, given the timing and the location, it could be someone trying to say 'We can get at you wherever we choose'.


Could be unrelated to Thaksin, but could easily be related. He isn't the brightest star in the sky but even he must have woken up to find what's happening to Thailand wasn't a nightmare at all, but real. If he still gives a damn that is and I wouldn't, but then I'm not addicted to face or revenge as the Chinese are.


If it is the beginnings of a more widespread campaign, we can all look forward to an extended period of violence. It won't be incidents every day, or in predictable locations - that would just foster predictability. It will be seemingly random days and locations, and will quite quickly spread to military presences, wether camps or lone soldiers in the streets, though that may be an outside bet given the number of Isaan;'s children in the military 'other ranks'. It is also likely to spread quite quickly to Bangkok.


The fat lady is singing, but to be honest, that may be separate, even though all things are related to some extent. If this is the beginnings of a campaign then it is sooner than I expected, mainly because a campaign needs time to plan and prepare resources. If this is indeed such, then the planning must have been going on for some time, and I've been getting nothing but silence on that matter. perhaps that in itself is an indication...


We will all have to wait and see I suppose, but I do know that a considerable effort has been going into preparing the Thai population psychologically for an entry into armed conflict, and that's been ongoing pretty much since the military took over. 


To be clear (and if anyone cares), I don't know if this is related to the South of Thailand, the the reds or to local mafias, however 1 bomb then more in the same locality isn't a good sign.


What I do know is I've been predicting a civil war for 2 years. This may be unrelated, it's all a bit early to tell what it is.




The fat lady *is* singing.

well thanks for letting us all know what is going on, everything is much clearer now, we have all been enlightened









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7 minutes ago, Plutojames88 said:

Up to 8 now....clearly ...significant stuff beyond reproach as alarmist ....


Time to take care folks 

Beyond reproach? You are saying a civil war has begun. That is as ******* alarmist as it gets.

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

What puzzles me is...why was the area not cordoned off after first bomb went off?


According to one source there were a lot of noise in the street so they did not hear the first bomb , maybe the police were not alarmed by it until the 2nd bomb went off. 

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...these actions must be deep-rooted and personal....


...internal or external in origin...


...you can make your own guess.....


...but to write it off as....'terrorist'.....


.....or to abuse hapless tourist that feed this economy....and to further impinge on their almost non-existent rights...


.....and pretend that they are somehow to blame....(for all the problems in this country..... in fact)...


....is inept and irresponsible....





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5 minutes ago, sabaii69 said:


Actually it does as Thai people revere their King and Queen unlike British who make fun of their queen and Americans and their king-obama.

Sorry but you're wrong about us Brits and the Queen. The vast majority like them.

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Now i would think the Embassies, will issue warnings to stay away form Thailand. Sorry for those who got hurt . I do hate it when the British are refereed to as Brits   . i cant say someone from  Pakistan is a ******  oh no ! 

Bad news again  only good thing to come out of it is May be the exchange rate will improve ??  

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1 hour ago, Plutojames88 said:

Up to 8 now....clearly ...significant stuff beyond reproach as alarmist ....


Time to take care folks 

In my mind you seem like some 16 year old kid coupled up in their room, frantically typing away and searching out all of the news with an eager crazed look on your face, waiting for the end of the world to come. 

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7 hours ago, shirtless said:

You would think the military could stop or prevent this Thailand you can forget high season.

This type of attack is the hardest to stop. No frontal assault just leave explosives and trigger when a crowd is close. Even CCTV is not much good as they have no doubt covered their faces if they are smart. I figure its a backlash against the referendum. Sneak in sneak out. Easier to than any form of outright guerrilla action. These hit and run attacks can last forever unless they get out the silver tray and pile it high with 1,000 baht notes. 

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2 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

I suggest you go back to the drawing board,  you're not very good at trolling or baiting but stupidity perhaps.


No need to troll you, dude.  This is your original post within minutes of the story going live.  



Will the truth come out or does the spin start to protect the tourist industry   ?


Right off the bat you went to cynicism rather than displaying any sort of empathy.  


And then when I pointed out the knee-jerk Thai bashing and lack of empathy that was already starting you said



I agree it's tragic and compassion for the deceased and injured is necessary and most appropriate but that must come from the authorities too without a cover up to protect vested interests.   The victims deserve the truth.


At that point they were still dealing with the aftermath but you jumped right to pre-accusing the cops of a cover up.  


Listen, we all know how things work in Thailand.  Corruption and ineptitude are seemingly everywhere.  But is it asking too much to hope that people's first reaction is, "That's horrible, my thoughts go out to the victims" rather than, "Cops will probably try to cover things up to protect the tourism industry"?  



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