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Excellent security at Central Festival Mall

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April Fools?


We went to Central yesterday for the food festival, and was shocked at the lack of security there, given the recent bombings. 


Of course, there was a security guard standing at the door next to the scanner, but it was going off every other person and not a single person was stopped, nor a single bag opened. I sat at Starbucks having a cup for about 20 minutes, which is right next to the main door, and couldn't believe how people with backpacks, sacks, and large purses were setting off the scanner and walking right on through. 


Outside at the festival, it was packed. Not a security guard or policeman to be seen, other than a traffic policeman blowing a whistle at passing traffic. Zero security walking into the food fest area, and an uncaring security team at the mall doors as people set off the scanner.


Similar experience at Maya the day after the bombings, with the police sitting under a tent allowing bikes to park next to the front of the mall for the market, and Thais loading boxes and containers into the market directly in front of the main mall entrance, as well as unattended boxes and containers everywhere. Very dangerous.


I wish I could say I felt safe, but the lack of security made me feel the opposite at those locations. Someone with I'll intentions could waltz right in, drop their bag and waltz right out, virtual unnoticed.


My only guess is the police and military have no idea what to actually do or how to *try* to prevent such future attacks, which is no easy task even for those proactively doing something. I'm not sure if it's poor training or their mai pen rai attitude, or a little of both. Perhaps, that is why the south is still a disaster with almost daily attacks. 


What I took away from this is, regardless of what the PM or anyone else says, nothing is even slightly secure, and no one is even remotely safe. Though, to be fair, we all have a much higher chance of getting killed on the roads than we do a bomb at the mall or a market.


This place amazes me still after all these years. :-).  


Enjoy your Sunday, everyone. It's a beautiful day.

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So what do you suggest ,not leave home ? Its a fear campaign.For you to feel insecure is exactly the aim and motivation behind their actions.


OP is upset that he didn't get the full body x-ray, strip search and rubber glove treatment before going shopping at the Mall in Chiang Mai.


Oh well, can't please all the people all the time.

44 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

So what do you suggest ,not leave home ?


Its a fear campaign.For you to feel insecure is exactly the aim and motivation behind their actions.


44 minutes ago, Sparkles said:


I have been out of my home every day, hence my observation.


What I expect is just a little effort on behalf of the police, military, and in-house security. Nothing major, just perhaps a step above the usual day of ticketing motobike riders and holding doors open. If officials are going to run their lip service about stepped up security, well, let's see it. 


I dunno, searching someone's large bag when it sets off the scanner would be a good start. Not allowing motobikes to park directly in front of a mall entrance would at least show they are aware of potential dangers, as motobikes are often used in bombings down south. 


None of this stops me from going about my day to day, nor should it any of you, but it would be nice to see just a little effort on their end so maybe, just maybe, more people won't be harmed or killed. Because as it stands, every possible target is wide open. 

46 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

OP is upset that he didn't get the full body x-ray, strip search and rubber glove treatment before going shopping at the Mall in Chiang Mai.


Oh well, can't please all the people all the time.


I admit, I pay extra for security to "touch my junk" at the airport. ;-)


The security is obviously mostly a formality


If someone really wants to set off a bomb they will find a way regardless of security measures. If you feel the need to live with an illusion of safety then perhaps dig a bunker and live off home delivered pizza?

13 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:

The security is obviously mostly a formality


If someone really wants to set off a bomb they will find a way regardless of security measures. If you feel the need to live with an illusion of safety then perhaps dig a bunker and live off home delivered pizza?


Of course a determined person would find a way regardless, however, if you have ever been to war torn or dangerous countries and see real security, even at malls, you would see that they actually make an effort to REDUCE risk. I saw them reduce bombings in Colombia to zero, so I know it can be done. When there is risk, security shouldn't be a formality. It should be an actual coordinated effort to reduce the risk. I'm sure the 20 something insured and the 4 dead down south would agree.


It's become almost impossible to find a waste basket in any mall, what more can you expect in the way of security. Obviously they have pulled out all the stops and are attacking the problem head on.

18 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:

The security is obviously mostly a formality


If someone really wants to set off a bomb they will find a way regardless of security measures. If you feel the need to live with an illusion of safety then perhaps dig a bunker and live off home delivered pizza?



To add, why bother with door scanners when you don't do anything when it is set off by a person(s) carrying bags? That seems more like incompetence to me, not a formality.


Central Festival in Pattaya is worse. You can simply walk through Starbucks on the street side and straight into the mall via the mall exit, thereby by-passing the security scanner at the entrances to the mall. If someone is determined enough they will get round most security. 

3 hours ago, dcnx said:


Of course a determined person would find a way regardless, however, if you have ever been to war torn or dangerous countries and see real security, even at malls, you would see that they actually make an effort to REDUCE risk. I saw them reduce bombings in Colombia to zero, so I know it can be done. When there is risk, security shouldn't be a formality. It should be an actual coordinated effort to reduce the risk. I'm sure the 20 something insured and the 4 dead down south would agree.

i was in Madrid just before and just after the 2004 bombing. i even exited at Atocha a few days before. when i returned, almost nothing had changed in Spain. For a while they had dogs sniffing the luggage sitting out on the platforms, but that was the only change. their attitude was that someone really determined would find a way anyhow...

7 hours ago, Sparkles said:

So what do you suggest ,not leave home ? Its a fear campaign.For you to feel insecure is exactly the aim and motivation behind their actions.

Your tune would change if it were you or family caught up in a bomb blast at one of these malls.

dnnx is right, we are now living in turbulent times and considering what has been going on in the world including Thailand over the last few years, high profile security in all these large public centres should be a priority. What about the people in the cinema complexes, how would they escape in the event of a fire or terrorist attack?


This is Thailand, nothing will change until something bad happens and all we can do is hope that none of us are in the wrong places at the wrong times when the next terrorist happens and it will, just a case of where and when.


I'm not sure just how effective an untrained, unaware teenager who's been hired by the Mall to be a security guard is going to be.


Let's imagine the scenario... someone sets of the metal detectors... or rather, everyone sets off the metal detectors... Is there a Semtex or RDX detector too? Gunpowder? There are 100's of different explosives... Is this kid going to recognize any of them? Would we?  We've been exposed to the TSA at airports for the past 15 years. According to reports, these 'trained' TSA agents have been less than 5% effective.... So the metal detector goes off and the kid stops people to check their bags... Is he going to be allowed to pat them down? Would you let him pat down your daughter? Because sure as hell there aren't going to be TWO security guards standing there, one male and one female. And all the people waiting outside the door while he's looking through the bags and doing a body search... Of course we don't mind standing in line for an hour or so at Airport security, with several agents on each line to speed things up, so we won't mind doing so to get into the food court...


Security is up to us. If we keep our eyes open... If we pay attention to who and what is going on around us... If we ALL work together for OUR security, we'll stand a lot better chance than if we ask some kid to look inside our bags. Just what is he looking for?  Does HE know? Do We?


In fact, is there really such a thing as 'security?'

8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Your tune would change if it were you or family caught up in a bomb blast at one of these malls.

dnnx is right, we are now living in turbulent times and considering what has been going on in the world including Thailand over the last few years, high profile security in all these large public centres should be a priority. What about the people in the cinema complexes, how would they escape in the event of a fire or terrorist attack?


This is Thailand, nothing will change until something bad happens and all we can do is hope that none of us are in the wrong places at the wrong times when the next terrorist happens and it will, just a case of where and when.

"One of these malls" No CF my tune would not change and i dont live in fear.Use some imagination .Worrawot Market,Walking Street during the Saturday and Sunday markets,any fresh market etc ,etc. My point ,which has obviously escaped you,is that there are many places a a bomb could be placed.You can't secure a huge area like CM.How many backpacks do you see around town ? 100's.


As Folk Guitar questioned there is no such think as security,you can be vigilant but paranoia is alive and wellamongst some.


"Turbelent times" much safer in Thailand than a lot of other countries we could mention.

15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Central Festival in Pattaya is worse. You can simply walk through Starbucks on the street side and straight into the mall via the mall exit, thereby by-passing the security scanner at the entrances to the mall. If someone is determined enough they will get round most security. 


Similar thing in Chiang mai CF, there are multiple resturants and coffee shops that have outside access as they open before the mall does

Today i marched through the walkthrough detector and set it off, didnt even look at the security guy and kept walking as if the whole setup wasnt there lol


The OP is probably more likely to be hit by lightning or eaten by a shark. IMHO Chiang Mai is not high on the terrorist hit list.



My wife and I went to Centro...don't know if that's the same place you went to, on Sunday morning and the place was full of Arm personnel, who did a bag search on all of us as we entered. So much so that some shoppers were asking why.

Different time and place ? Or just different attitude ?


We once reported what appeared to be an "abandoned" Gym Bag near the food court there. It had been placed by a Pillar and was un attended for at least 20 minutes. NO ONE at the Food Court Front Counter, was in the least interested when my wife (who is Thai) reported the matter.

She was simply given a stupid smile and a giggle for her trouble. Okay as it turned out, there was No Problem....that time but it is a pretty fair indication as to the slack attitude they have towards safety of their customers and other staff.


I don't get all the people ridiculing the OP. All he's done is make an observation, and a good one at that. It seems like there is a team of sad, angry geriatrics, poised at the keyboard, ready to relkease the hate at a moments notice. 


Security - what a joke. How many people have been caught for all the stepped-up security at airports around the World ?  Nowhere near enuf to make up for all the passenger harrasment caused by these 'security' measures. Want to be safe 100% of the time ?  Good luck with that.

On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 9:14 AM, AlexRich said:

Central Festival in Pattaya is worse. You can simply walk through Starbucks on the street side and straight into the mall via the mall exit, thereby by-passing the security scanner at the entrances to the mall. If someone is determined enough they will get round most security. 


Most Thais, despite the clearly marked arrows on the floor, not to mention the signage and the presence of the scanner, simply walk around it as if it doesn't apply to them, even if it's manned (in which the case that person does absolutely nothing to even motion them through it!).  Foreigners are the only ones I see ever walking through it!  So I guess somebody got money to set it up, and that was pretty much the end of it.   Yeap.  TIT.


Thailand simply doesn't take itself very seriously as a target.  Maybe that's actually a fairly accurate assessment.  The blasts that have taken place in Thailand over the years, compared to other countries around the world where victims die by the dozen, if not by the hundred or more, haven't produced comparable casualty rates. Maybe someday that'll all change, and if it does, I'd expect more public safety awareness.



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